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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2024 in all areas

  1. This is Cynique. As previously announced, my new user name is "aka Contrarian" so "A" is now me. I don't know why I'm still alive. But I am. Since I have nothing better to do, unless I sudndenly croak, I'll be hanging around here, injecting my contrary opinions from time to time. zzzzz
    3 points
  2. It's funny that I was actually watching this video from this Nigerian dude and decided to check in on AALBC in the middle of it and happened to come across this thread. He has a bit of a heavy accent but if you can make out what he's saying, he's smart and is dropping a lot of wisdom about how your family treats you as you age......
    1 point
  3. ProfD Real talk....... As I get older the more I've learned to appreciate and enjoy FEMININE ENERGY. Just being around women who know how to ACT and TALK like women and carry themselves in a soft and feminine manner sooths me and makes me feel good and relaxed. It doesn't even have to involve physical contact yet....lol. If I make it to over 80, I'd probably be PAYING feminine women to just lay in the bed next to me and talk....lol. Snuggle up next to me. "Now.....I want my money's worth...ok??? Don't disappoint an old man!"
    1 point
  4. @aka Contrarian, always glad to read whenever you decide to pop back in to chop it up with us. I'm still sitting in this proverbial easy chair here serving up source material ripe for your contrarianism. On the technical side, I'm wondering if it's possible to restore access to your Cynique profile and merge it with this new one. just a thought. Nonetheless, this place isn't the same without your input. I look forward to reading it as time permits.
    1 point
  5. Freedom is just an abstract idea. Everybody is captivated by something. As ProfD implied, people gravitate toward what inspires the most approval and admiration of their group, and - imagine that they are making independent choices - Yes. there are mavericks and non conformists but they are controlled by the gratification and attention they get from being different. Old age has liberated me to a limited degree, however, I don't confotm to the dictates of pace setters any more, I now have s little wiggle room within the constraints of the eccentricity that dictates my behavior. Freedom can be a burden. Because it's not free Hi Delano. I underwent some weird experiences after I inadvertently created some portals for the spirit world. Fooling around with mirrors and crystals !
    1 point
  6. A lot has been written about white entitlement and none of it good. Yet, do black Americans realize how steeped they, themselves, are in a sense of entitlement? There is nothing they don't want or think they deserve. What they want most of all is perfection in whites along with sentencing them to a lifetime of guilt and regret and sacrifice and an acknowledgement of black supremacy thrown in for good measure. (Blacks didn't get the memo explaining that life is not fair, especially in a capitalistic country. ) Face it. America is where a hybrid of people who are descended from slaves live, but it ain't really our country. Yes, this group has done as much as whites have to build it; but not more. And in case y'all haven't noticed, when it comes to the population, black people are in the minority. Those are the breaks! So take the advice of a 90 year old cynic, and start treading water in the mainstream. As an individual, a black person can do fairly well for themself with a little effort and focus. Just keep on truckin' and bear in mind that the Universe don't give a shit about you and your blubbering grievances. Blaze your path and hope you catch a few breaks. BTW, Troy, this is Cynque. I finally figured out to sign in from my smart phone with the new password you provided me.
    1 point
  7. Right. Most people aren't free because they have been indoctrinated into one or more groups whether it's ideological, social, religious, political, etc. A mental soup of that sh8t is a gumbo resulting in sheep and lemmings. Granted, there's nothing inherently wrong with belonging to a group(s) as long as one maintains the ability to think independently.
    1 point
  8. Depends on what criteria you are using. Whether it be cultural, aesthetics, body type , facial structure. It some matrix of the above. If you are more likely to get shot by the cops are are followed around a store I say you appear Black I once had a ghetto woman tell me I didn't seem Black more like a cool Italian I once had a ghetto woman tell me I didn't seem Black more like a cool Italian Yet street cats were cool with me because we could conversate. It's the old blacker than thou. I just prefer to deal with people not categories. Although there are exceptions. I avoid a$$h0l¢$
    1 point
  9. The reason the Black population in most of those nations you mentioned have Carnivals is because most of those nations are Catholic or Anglican and many of the African indigenous religious rituals their enslaved Ancestors were strategically chosen to be practiced along side the Catholic rituals in order to mask them. Kind of like how elements of Haitian Voodoo incorporated or paralleled certain Catholic rituals in order to mask it from Whites. I mentioned several times on this site that in our ancient world before White people colonized and imposed their religions on the darker original people of the planet....we actually had PUBLIC SEX rituals and orgies where every adult in the community would come out and have sex with eachother. People didn't see it as wrong or evil. Caucasians made sex an "evil" to them but it was not evil to us. The various Carnival rituals you see where women are walking around nearly naked is a tribute to that.
    1 point
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