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Posts posted by Mzuri

  1. 8 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Now honestly young lady, how much REAL hard-currency cash were you able to make off of investing in this stuff?
    You don't have to tell me all your business...but did you make atleast over....say....$200 profit, investing in it?????





    I'm not sure if they lost value, for some reason people lost interest in them, 

    it may have been because Bitcoin kept fluctuating.  


    I created some digital artwork that I was going to put on the galleries but

    it was too involved, I had a bunch of other things going on, and then I

    heard that people lost interest so I didn't pursue it.


    But I still have all my artwork and it doesn't take long to make more. 


    It's just a hassle getting it onto the platforms because you have to

    mint it and go through a bunch of rigmarole.








  2. ************************************************************************************





    I think it's great that you are making money with AdSense.  I have never used 

    it on any of my sites, I typically monetize with affiliate product links.


    Can you tell where the clicks are coming from, because if they aren't coming 

    from the forum section, you might consider disabling it on this part of your site.  

    I am getting ads for stuff I'm not even interested in and I think it might be what

    is hampering more participation.


    I wonder what displays the others are getting.







  3. 42 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:


    What is an "NFT"...another internet scam?






    You don't know what a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is? 


    These were all the rage a few months ago, and then they weren't,

    but now they are again. 


    People call them nifty or nifties.

    Beeple sold an NFT for $69 million








  4. 8 minutes ago, ProfD said:


    It will never case to amaze me how people can comfortably eat off someone else's pain, suffering, misfortune, etc.  





    I agree with you, but those greedy selfish types do 

    not realize they are doing something wrong because 

    they often have no conscience.


    This family should be compensated but I doubt that 

    they will receive billions of dollars.


    I am interested to see how long this will drag on and

    what the end result will be. 







  5. 48 minutes ago, ProfD said:


    Just a public service announcement as we head into the holiday season.  Start buying your gifts yesterday especially if it's an in demand item.😎





    Maybe current culture can cancel Christmas.  


    Or maybe the eco-warriors could re-use all the crap they

    got last Christmas by wrapping it in eco-friendly gift wrap 

    paper and pretending that it’s new. 


    They could even re-gift the things they don’t like to their

    unwitting family and friends.  


    Supply chain shortages, higher prices, unemployment,

    vaccine mandates, tax increases, loss of Constitutional

    rights, border crisis, etc. proves that











    • Haha 1
  6. ************************************************************************************






    I dabbled in nifties a few months ago.


    Coinbase is starting its own NFT platform 

    for buying and selling.


    Check it out.









  7. 5 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:


    You shouldn't have been living so close to the border to BEGIN with...lol





    Why not?  


    How are you, BTW?


    I came here with my Father who was in the U.S. Army.


    After I finished getting my education, I got a job working

    on the Army base.


    I eventually married a soldier and this is where I stayed.


    It's not my fault that we have a demented POTUS who 

    doesn't give a care about U.S. citizens' safety or welfare,

    giving a higher priority to criminal foreigners than he does

    to Americans.  


    Or that we have a bunch of liberal judges who think that 

    violent criminals shouldn't be locked up or executed.


    I, and others like me, am an innocent victim.  And I 

    should be able to live anywhere within the borders of 

    the United States, feel safe in my home or any other 

    place I choose to be.


    I shouldn't have to contemplate what life would be like 

    in Wyoming or somewhere.







    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Cynique said:


    Do 5 year-olds read comic books? 








    I'm pretty sure they do and I'm also pretty sure that you missed my point.  


    How about this:


    I don't understand why GRANDPA cannot look at comic books without 

    being exposed to Superman's sex life.








    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Check it out.

    He stabbed his own mother to death and went to prison for it but got released.

    They are letting violent people with mental problems out ON PURPOSE to cause chaos and instability in the community.

    That man who killed Nipsey Hustle was let out of jail early....killed Nipsey...then they caught him down the street and put him back in.

    They are RELEASING these monsters into the community on purpose and using them as weapons.





    I saw that video where he was stomping on that

    poor defenseless woman and I heard that he had 

    killed his mother.


    People like him makes me scared to go outside,

    and I live in a secluded cul-de-sac.


    They are letting serial killers out of prison now;

    people that should have been executed a long

    time ago.


    And things just keep getting worse and worse.


    Trump said that some people coming across 

    our borders are released prisoners that their

    countries don't want to deal with, and I tend to 

    believe him.


    I reside near the Mexico border and am seriously

    contemplating relocating further inland where

    things might feel safer.







    • Like 2
  10. 18 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    I'm not in a union but I do fall under a collective bargaining agreement.


    Leadership (POTUS PJB) is telling us to follow the CDC guidelines and get vaxxed. 😁


    i saw a news report where the leader of a huge union smiled and laughed when asked whether or not he would encourage members to get the jab.  He said some sh8t that was the equivalent of it's complicated.


    Several healthcare workers have quit or been fired because they refused to get stuck.


    IMO, folks have become complacent for several reasons but two are 1) statiated with the illusion of middle class status and 2)  they are scared to die. 


    The media does a great job in keeping people dazed and confused most of the time. 😎





    Of course you are protected by the union either way.


    I was in NAGE for many years, always paid my dues,

    I know that I got more help with problems by paying

    those dues.


    I have been retired since 2004 so I don't know what's 

    going on with that union right now.  But back in the

    day, we would not have stood for any of what is

    going on today with the forced/mandated vaccines

    or any of the other B.S. 


    I am glad that I'm not in the workforce, but I am

    concerned for others.


    People's rights are being violated all over the place.









    • Like 1





    This might interest you.


    Not sure if they will ask you to subscribe, this was emailed to me.


    Judge Orders United Airlines Not to Put Workers Seeking Vaccine Mandate Exception on Leave


    “United’s actions have left Plaintiffs with the impossible choice of

    either taking the COVID-19 vaccine, at the expense of their religious

    beliefs and their health, or losing their livelihoods. In doing so, United

    has violated Title VII and the ADA by failing to engage in the interactive

    process and provide reasonable accommodations, and also by retaliating

    against employees who engaged in protected activity,” the suit states. 



  12. 36 minutes ago, ProfD said:


    Unions will not buck mask mandates or vax requirements because it would be bad for business i.e. their bottom line.  They are encouraging members to follow the rules.






    It confounds me that this is going on, and that

    membership is allowing it, they should not.  


    Are you in a union? 


    Is that what your leadership is telling you.


    Why has everyone become so complacent?


    It's like we're all just rolling over for the CCP.








  13. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If poor and destitute people stuck together and refused to work unless conditions were safe and paid much more, they would have no choice but to give the people what they demand.  





    That has been done already, it's called unionization. 


    For some reason, we aren't hearing from the labor unions on all of this.


    The mandated vaccinations, the option to work from home, masks in

    the workplace - all of these issues should be addressed by unions.


    I have a feeling that people don't understand the importance of being

    in a union and don't think it's worth paying union dues.  


    Having been a union member throughout my career, I know for a fact

    that the benefits far outweigh the costs.


    If there was more union involvement right now, some of the nonsense 

    that employers are doing wouldn't be happening.








    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. ************************************************************************************


    My favorite song from them is 'Start Me Up' and I never paid much

    attention to this one. 


    Rolling Stones RETIRE 'Brown Sugar' after criticism over slavery lyrics:

    Keith Richards says 50-year-old song is about 'horrors' of the trade

    but he's tired of fighting with people 'trying to bury it' and band will

    not play it anymore

    Rolling Stones RETIRE 'Brown Sugar' after criticism over slavery lyrics









  15. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:


    I didn't think he'd ever put on a dress but he did it for some Two Wong Fu movie for a hot second and I thought it was so disappointing.




    It doesn’t take long to mess up your whole reputation. 

    W.S. shouldn’t have taken that role, plus he made an 

    ooogly ass woman.







    • Haha 2
  16. 25 minutes ago, ProfD said:


    They done added silly putty to the man of steel and normalizing the alphabet soup community to future generations of comic book readers. 🤨😎







    I don’t understand why five-year-olds cannot look at comic books 

    without being exposed to Superman’s sex life.  In addition to that

    concern, the publishers are providing grooming tools to child

    molesters.  I’ll just leave it at that.  For now.







  17. 1 minute ago, Pioneer1 said:

    A blob of mayonnaise and ketchup mixed together with a cherry on top????






    That picture is old news. 


    They are saying Trump lost weight and he's in great shape now that

    he doesn't have the weight of being president on his shoulders.








  18. 7 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Since you DIVORCED yourself from the Black race, you lost your PASS to use the word "nigger".

    You are officially PROHIBITTED from using that word and it's derivatives....until you reconcile your relationship with the Black race.

    Your Nigger/Nigga Pass has been REVOKED.

    Do you hear me????




    I don't know what "we" should do but I use the "N" word all the time

    I use it mostly in reference to white people.



    I hear you calling them "whitey" most of the time, lol.
    Which I don't hear much today.





    @Cynique hasn't divorced herself from anything.  Maybe her cat.


    Yes, I refer to them as whitey on here, but when I'm talking about

    them in the real world, I call them the "N" word.  Honest.



    I thought you would commend me for calling whitey the "N" word, 

    get off my case.






  19. 10 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:


    If we had REAL Black leadership they would had demanded a national moratorium on arrests for non-violent misdemeanor offenses..atleast until the Pandemic is declared over.





    What does Black leadership have to do with anything?


    Non-violent misdemeanors aren't usually arrested, just fined,

    but I'm not positive since I'm not a criminal.  


    It seems to me that even when people are arrested, oftentimes

    they are set free anyway. Especially in places like NYC.


    NYC subway shover was free on assault case thanks to bail reform








  20. ************************************************************************************


    Joe Biden could become embroiled in the FBI's probe into Hunter's finances,

    experts say: Emails reveal they SHARED bank accounts, paid each other's bills

    and president may have funded his son's 2018 drug and prostitution binge


    Emails Reveal Joe Shared Hunter's Bank Account and They Paid Each Other's Bills








  21. On 10/11/2021 at 1:56 PM, Guest JasmineReedTheAuthor said:

    I'm writing a blog about this and need some feedback. 




    I don't know what "we" should do but I use the "N" word all the time.  


    I use it mostly in reference to white people.


    So I guess my answer would be, yes, we should use the "N" word, but 

    not (only) towards each other.


    I also think that this might be a good question to inquire of your blog 

    readers.  Does your blog have a comments section?








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  22. On 10/10/2021 at 9:50 AM, Pioneer1 said:


    Yet nobody has answered my question as to WHY in the hell are so many cops still making routine traffic stops during a Global Pandemic.

    Why hasn't it been halted, suspended, until the Pandemic is declared over?







    I agree with you but police make traffic stops so that they can issue citations.  


    Pulling people over and giving them tickets is their bread and butter.


    And they probably have quotas to meet.











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