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Posts posted by Mzuri

  1. 3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    And don't forget the recent stunt L.A. Laker's  Russel Westbrook pulled a few weeks a go walking down the street in a skirt:




    That outfit is horrible, it's not even matching.  He needs a better wardrobe consultant or 

    personal stylist, that's for sure.  


    As to RuPaul, I cannot believe that this one-trick pony is still around after all these years. 

    He used to be interesting, but now he just seems washed up, lapping up any attention

    that comes his way. 


    And I'm sick of Billy Porter with his garish outfits, prancing around like a peacock when 

    he's really a jive turkey. If he weren't a celebrity he'd probably be in jail somewhere.


    All three of them could have set such a positive example for Black men but instead

    they chose to be embarrassing clowns.








    • Haha 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, ProfD said:


    Pioneer, along similar lines my thoughts on U.S. reparations to AfroAmericans would be the following:


    1) free healthcare and education

    2) free housing

    3) zero income tax

    4) zero interest guaranteed loans

    5) lifetime monthly stipend starting at age 18


    Additionally, the government would provide land and infrastructure funding to build schools, hospitals and banks to be run by AfroAmericans. 





    Are you sure you work for the government?


    You know that none of those things are going to happen, right?


    If we ever get any reparations, it's going to be a one-time payment and that is all.




  3. 56 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    It's funny that you use the term "whitey" but identify as a Conservative.

    When a Black child is missing or murdered you might get ONE or a couple of family members...usually a mother or sister...who stand up before a microphone crying and slurring her words and speaking all kinds of slang because they often grew up in the inner city and went to a poorly performing public school.



    Lol..I don't need White scientists to tell me that Souls live forever though, I INSTINCTIVELY know that and have had numerous other sources and documents to support that belief.

    Black folks who lived back down in the woods of the rural South and practiced Hoodoo had a much more wealth of knowledge on spiritual matters than many of these White scientist today who are contsantly "discovering" things that we already knew existed.





    @Pioneer1 Good Morning!!!


    I can’t call people whitey?  Well then, how about Caucasoid?  

    Do you like that better?


    I agree with your assessment of Blacks showing up at their press

    conference ill-prepared, not dressed appropriately, can’t speak

    properly, and all the rest of it.  It is embarrassing. 


    Then we get to hear attorney Crump, with his silly little speech 

    impediment or whatever he has going on.  


    Negroes get on my nerves!


    Having attended under-performing schools is not a valid excuse

    though, since there is such a thing as self-education, where you

    learn by reading books.  But reading books is not considered as

    cool in the Black community, so there’s all of that holding people



    And then we have a highly educated Black first lady who slurs and

    mispronounces her “s” and says words like “shtruggle” and “shtrong”

    while she’s wearing $12,397 worth of clothing and accessories, not

    to mention her priceless jewels. But people think the way she talks

    is really cute, so they emulate it, and it further perpetuates the cycle

    of stupidity, since other people copy that speech habit, and so that

    is how we have an entire segment of the population that cannot 

    string a proper sentence together.


    I never heard about the Hoodoo people, only the ones in the islands.


    How do you know all of this???





  4. ************************************************************************************


    I think the disparity lies in the fact that whitey tends to exaggerate things and

    other people like their privacy.


    Scientists say that the soul lives forever.


    Afterlife: Why scientist claimed 'soul DOES live on after death' 


    I really hope that this is true.









  5. 1 hour ago, ProfD said:


    I torture myself in that CNN is still the main news channel I watch. It's a guilty indulgence since I don’t watch reality crap like Love & Hip-Hop (pick a city). 


    I can count on CNN to continue talking about Agent Orange, January 6th, pandemic, vax, dysfunctional politicians and the missing now dead white woman and still missing boyfriend dude. 






    I think it’s fine to watch CNN if it’s entertaining and as long as people are aware

    that they aren’t getting real news from there.


    I get my news from various sources as well.  I like aggregates like Drudge and

    GoogleNews, and online sources such as Daily Mail, Sky, Reuters, AP, and others. 

    On TV I like KTLA, NewsMax, RAV (War Room), Fox, C-SPAN, etc.


    I love the Diamond and Silk Show, Smackdown with Darryl Scott, Ringside Politics, 

    and if any of them start droning on about anything, I change the channel or delete

    the recording.  


    I find it ironic that one has to go to foreign news sources in order to find out what 

    is really going on in the U.S.A.






  6. 7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Who they're calling "White" and "Black" and "Asian" in the data is often so convoluted....


    I've come to realize that if we as AfroAmericans want to know the TRUE ACUAL population figures.....we're going to have to find and verify them for OURSELVES.





    We are going to find out who all identifies as Black whenever

    the government starts doling out some slavery reparations. 









    • Haha 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    A lot of Black men choose to be "transgender women" because the pressures of being a Black man are often so harsh in this society that they feel their lives would be easier if they were a woman.


    Especially if you grew up in a rough neighborhood where you were forced to join gangs or are harassed by the police....if you're a male.
    ...just become a female and avoid the hassle.



    I'm a solid conservative.


    Can you flesh that out a little more and go into detail as to EXACTLY what you mean by a "solid conservative"?


    What one person considers "conservative" the other person might consider just plain common sense with no political attachment to it.


    Caucasian Conservatives have traditionally been the ones who defined Conservatism and what the movement stood for.





    Is there anything that you DON’T know about?


    I have wondered why a Black man would want to become a woman, and what you

    say makes sense, but I don’t see how their lives are made easier by trying to live

    as a woman.  


    This would mean that they aren’t really transexual at all, they are just looking for a 

    way out of a miserable existence and entering into another miserable existence by 

    disguising themselves as something they are not, when people don’t fall for their

    new identity anyway.


    Besides that, being a Black woman isn’t easy either.  Why do men think that life is 

    any easier us, that’s a big misconception.


    If there are any Black women who have had some charmed life, please let me know.


    About being a Black Conservative, as I have previously expressed, all the various

    political labels need to be defined.  What if it has a particular meaning to one 

    person/group and a different meaning to others?








    • Like 1
  8. 55 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:



    To be honest with you I've been disappointed with CNN since 2016...especially with all of the coverage they gave Trump during his run for the Presidency and during it.

    I'm convinced that CNN is the main reason he got in office, with all of the coverage they gave him.

    And even when he was IN office, although most of the coverage of Trump was negative....it still was coverage.  And all CNN did with so much negative coverage of Trump was energize and strengthen his base.


    Now that Trump is out of office (I guess...lol) CNN has turned to a NEW boogie-man to focus on...the un-vaxxed.  They have been pushing so much propaganda concerning this Pandemic that they are no more credible than Fox News at this point.  I can't believe half of what they say.


    As I told ProfD.....
    It's getting to the point that so many lies and mind-games are being played to manipulate people that the ONLY way for Black people to find out the truth is for us to actually go and find out the truth for ourselves and report it accurately.
    We can't trust Fox, CNN, CBS, or any other mainstream source.






    I used to keep my television on CNN just about 24/7 because I like to stay informed

    about the news but I lost interest when the fairies announced that they were gay.  

    It didn’t make me any difference, and I don’t care about people’s private lives, it 

    just seemed odd that they felt the need to tell people what they already knew.


    I’m not sure if I posted these links before, I have so much going on lately my mind

    is gone sometimes.  BTW The NP is a reliable news source.


    China’s Bot Army Incited ‘Racial Injustice’ Protests In America, CNN Admits


    REVEALED: Chinese Communists Subsidized Trips For Western Journalists for Over 25 Years – CNN, NPR, WaPo, NYT, Reuters, ABC, NBC & More


    REVEALED: China’s State Propaganda Group Boasts Control Over Western Think Tanks, ‘Election Integrity’ Groups, And Even Joe Biden’s National Security Team


    There’s more.








  9. 3 hours ago, ProfD said:

    Man, I've always wanted to know who in the h8ll cuts Lil Kim's (pictured above) hair.😁😎




    That fool looks like he cuts his own hair, doesn’t he? That silly style looks like a 

    chili-bowl haircut soldiers used to give each other back in the day.  He probably 

    cannot get a barber since they all know he would execute them if they mess up.  

    Or he killed them all, already. And he probably can’t trust anybody with a razor. 

    Being a dictator isn’t easy.







  10. 1 hour ago, Troy said:


    Imagine if @Cynique never saw @Pioneer1’s posts and @Delano only saw @Mel Hopkins and cyniques’s posts, and no one ever saw mine, and we all saw everything Trump and his detractors posted. That is not ideal, but that is social media today.





    People don’t even need to be on social media for that to happen.


    I was talking to a friend a couple of weeks ago and he said he only

    watches CNN.  When I told him he needs to change the channel 

    every once in awhile the first thing he said was he’s not watching 

    Fox.  It was like talking to your grandmother who only watches

    CBS on the antenna television. 


    You can actually get news from Fox and the other channels that I

    watch, but every time I check CNN they’re still covering Trump or

    some other propaganda, like that is all people are interested in.


    I don’t know about other people but I am interested in getting some

    actual news like the train wreck or the economy and maybe a little 

    weather.  Not what the China controlled media wants me to know.


    It’s like the people have been brainwashed and this should not be 

    happening with all the access to information we have now.






  11. 1 hour ago, nels said:

    Sometimes people don't want to engage because they feel they'll be censored or attacked for thinking independent of the pack.




    Troy/mods rarely censor and most of us are independent thinkers so that should not be 

    an issue here.



  12. 42 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:


    A lot of young people are inter-sexed, or HERMAPHRODITES because of hormonal disruption.

    Many boys think like girls...many girls think like boys.

    Many young men aren't fully developed and have breasts or wide hips....and many girls are growing facial hair and large clitorises.


    The foods and even water supply have been so polluted that it's literally changing and disrupting the body processes of so many young people.  So now many of them don't know WHAT the hell they are.  They don't know what category they fit in.


    Scientists saw this early on decades ago when the frogs and fish were growing male parts on the female animal and vice versa.
    They knew it would only be a matter of time before we saw the same among humans.

    So many young people are so confused, that instead of demanding that the foods and water and environment be CLEANED UP of these toxins that are disrupting them and turning them into freaks...their solution is to just GO ALONG with the changes.





    That’s so interesting because I always thought of Hermaphrodites in the traditional 

    sense of someone having deformed genitalia as a birth defect.  Because we all start

    off as female and then we either stay female or develop into a male, but with the  

    Hermaphrodite, something went wrong during that process. 


    I had no idea that our environment was so messed up that it was causing this much 

    damage and that is awful.  But I am certain that the ones I have encountered were

    not victims of the toxic environment, they were either off or just seeking attention.


    I saw an old soldier at the Veterans medical facility wearing a denim mini skirt and

    pigtails and I thought that it must be Halloween.  That was the ugliest “woman”

    I ever saw, he had 5:00 o’clock shadow and he was a hot mess prancing around 

    like he thought he was cute.


    If this is what the world has become, we are doomed.











  13. 3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    However when you try to MAKE ME call a man a "woman" when I don't believe it...now we have a problem, because you're infringing on MY rights.

    Also when you give a grown man the right to walk around naked with his goober swinging from side to side in a room full of females (including young girls) at the gymn or spa...as long as he IDENTIFIES as a woman....you're codifying PERVRSION.

    A lot of men who aren't even trans will take advantage of this and do it under the guise of being "trans" just to get a cheap thrill.


    I don't know why "trans rights" became part of the Progressive Agenda.  It wasn't always that way but I think enough of them PAID the Democrat Party and certain Progressive circles enough to influence them to let them through the gates and sit down at the Progressive table.  Now they play a prominent role.





    I could be wrong but I believe that all this trans rights business gained traction

    when President Obama appointed the lesbians to the Supreme Court.


    And I don’t mind them having their rights either, but it should be equal rights,

    not their rights supersede everybody else’s.


    I’ve had a couple of encounters with these fruit loops and I don’t understand

    why they think they fit in.  


    I could see it if an effeminate petite type wants to play dress-up and pretend

    that he’s a girl, but if he’s built like a lumberjack, then no, stay in your closet

    and wear your lady thongs underneath your Duluth clothing or whatever it is

    that lumberjacks wear.


    Don’t expect me to have a conversation with you about beauty products and 

    gumbo recipes, and treat you like you’re a real girl.







    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, ProfD said:

    Hello all.  I just discovered this forum a couple weeks ago. Very cool space brotha Troy has created👍


    In that time, I've read through some of the topics to get a "lay of the land" especially among the most active participants. 😁


    I'm glad to see the exchange of dialog; opinions and ideas shared here.   Hopefully, I can add my 2 cents as well. 😎






    @ProfD I am glad that you are here!!!




  15. 4 minutes ago, ProfD said:



    Black folks have to codify our goals and objectives in the area of politics before we can begin to peel back the layers of the proverbial onion.  Rest assured, there will be plenty tears.😁 😎






    The first thing that Black folks need to do is reject people that say this type of nonsense.





    • Haha 1
  16. ************************************************************************************


    @Pioneer1  Great comments, as usual.


    I agree with everything you wrote and always learn so much from you.


    I also believe in “To each his own” and “Live and let live.”


    I do not care what other people do, I just wish they would keep it to themselves.


    And I don’t want to encounter any weirdos in the ladies room.


    Is that too much to ask?







    • Like 1
  17. ************************************************************************************


    Most Black people don’t even know whether they are

    Conservative, Progressive, Liberal, etc. so this needs

    to be defined.


    I am Conservative because I believe in old-fashioned

    family values, marriage should be a man and woman

    as written in the Bible, pro-life, less government, right

    to bear arms, America, and Capitalism. 


    Those are some of my values that come to mind.








    • Like 1
  18. 14 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    MAYBE he meant it as a compliment.

    If someone told ME I was like "crack on their brain" I'd be insulted, lol.


    Now WAIT a minute....
    I said I was OLDER...but I don't recall calling myself "old"...lol

    I consider myself a well SEASONED man.





    To me, crack on the brain means you give them a jolt, make people think, enlighten 

    people. Kind of like what happened when you smoked some crack, back in the day

    when it was more coke than crap.


    So how old are you anyway?  Enquiring minds want to know.




    1 hour ago, Troy said:



    I’m actually surprised you saw it that way; you have been around long enough.  





    Cynique only pretends to be hard, when somebody here insults her, she probably sits

    around hugging on her cat and crying in her spilt milk.






    • Like 1
  19. 11 hours ago, Cynique said:

    My feelings weren't hurt. My juices were salivating for a good exchange of insults because it doesn't matter whether folks make malicious remarks to me or about me. So i yanked your favorite blow hard's chain; much to your distress.poor baby. 


    Plus, i notice you don't bite your tongue when you get impatient with some of the other posters on here.  Awkward, be damned.


    So, if you're lookin for everybody to clasp hands and sing a chorus of Kombaye, count me out. (You should know me better than that!) BTW, those volatile exchanges with Kola were actually fun to me. 


    Also this site is no longer known as "Cynique's Corner".  It is an public forum and as a lurker, i feel no obligation to be the house mother here. I'll leave that role to you.   




    You are nothing but a gooey marshmallow so stop trying to act like you're 

    so tough.


    I have hardly argued with anyone and haven't called anyone a name,

    growing old has mellowed me out.


    It was so much fun picking on Kola, she was always getting caught telling

    her silly little tales trying to make herself seem important.


    If you want your corner again, I'm sure Troy will give it to you.    





  20. 14 minutes ago, Cynique said:


    I think my response to this was appropriate whether you, as peeonear's  caregiver, do or not.





    I read what he said, but it was @Delano who first said that you were like crack for

    the mind, which is a compliment.  


    And @Pioneer1 is just yanking your chain trying to be funny.  He says he’s old but 

    I doubt he needs a caregiver yet.


    It just makes things awkward when people argue, like that time we were all up all night

    for the Mzuri vs. Kola battle of insults.  I have grown and mellowed since then.  


    I am sorry your feelings were hurt but you know that everybody respects you here.






  21. 29 minutes ago, Cynique said:

    @peeonear: Just a sample of the MANY things you don't know or should even care to know -- if you had a life.  You don't even have the gumption to scroll past my posts like you said you were going to do. 




    Come on Cynique, as senior member these types of insults are beneath you.






  22. On 9/25/2021 at 1:04 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    I'm glad to see that our brother is up on his feet and seems to be recovering.

    However I wonder does he feel like living, and going on?
    Or is he doing it for his children?

    A lot of people when they are severely injured don't want to keep on living and would rather just die than live in that condition.
    It's often the loved ones around them that keep them holding on.




    I swear you must be the most compassionate person I have ever seen on a forum 

    and maybe even in life, but if this dude gave a care about his children he would

    have gotten a job and taken care of them instead of beating on his babymamas

    and instigating mess with the police.


    I’m not saying he deserved to get shot but the way some of these guys carry on 

    it’s like they want something bad to happen.  It’s as if they have a death wish.








  23. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Who is holding us back from petitioning the government for a "piece" of the internet to secure for ourselves?





    Our government doesn’t even control the internet since your 

    boy Obama gave it away, probably to the Chinese.  


    Besides that, we have Black women walking around with 

    Chinese people’s hair on their heads.  


    WTF are we going to do with the internet when we can’t even 

    do something rudimentary like producing our own hair!



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