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Posts posted by Mzuri

  1. 40 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Been following the story all morning.

    No words to describe my feelings on this....🤬




    I haven't kept up with the government's policies about Haitians because they usually

    enter through Florida and it never concerned me, but I do know that they have been

    treated differently throughout the years. 


    I just found this article, it is old but still contains useful information:


    U.S. Immigration Policy on Haitian Migrants


    I feel that right now, because of their recent earthquake disaster, sending these people 

    back to Haiti is WRONG!!!







  2. ************************************************************************************


    ICYMI, this is in the news today: 


    U.S. Ramps Up Plan to Expel Haitian Migrants Gathered in Texas


    I live on the U.S./Mexico border so I'm not thrilled about what is going on with unknown

    people coming here from who knows where being shipped all over the nation, with many

    of them remaining in my local area. 


    One of the reasons I don't like it is because of the criminal elements, there's enough crime 

    already going on here without importing more people who are in survival mode, who don't

    have any other option than to resort to illegal activities in order to eat.


    Supposedly, there are migrants coming in from 160 nations, and even though I don't want

    them here, I think it's unfair of the U.S. government to expel/deport one group but not the

    others, especially when it appears that this decision is being made because of skin color.


    If the government is going to expel/deport these people, then they should get rid of them

    all, not just the Black ones.


    Our government is a bunch of RACISTS!!!










    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  3. 38 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    But the way so many negroes kept saying it made it seem as if it was somehow owned and operated by us.




    That's so funny because I thought that as well. 


    I thought that it was an actual thing and if not, maybe they were referring to

    Lipstick Alley or something.  


    We don't have a Black social media platform, but we have Troy's forum,

    and thank God for that.  


    BTW @Troy if you read this, I love this forum software, it works really smooth.


    I always think of that girl on the old forum that said your software was bootleg.


    Remember that?




    • Thanks 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, Troy said:

    Yeah, again Joy Ann beefing with Minaj is just silly and made worse because it is for the entertainment of white folks.


    Joy Ann proclaims she is a fan, which comes across as disingenuous given the other words coming out of her mouth -- a true fan would not slam Minaj in such a fashion particularly without having done even a cursory research of her tweets.  I wish I could have asked Joy Ann name five Minaj songs.  


    What is that on top of Joy Ann's -- Sorry, I'm only human 😉




    Joy Ann Reid looks foolish with her various wigs and when she opens her

    mouth it confirms that she's gone off the rails. 


    Most of the things she says don't even make sense anymore.


    I don't care for Nicki either, but what she is saying needs to be said. 


    Unfortunately, she's spent her entire career exposing her boobs and 

    twerking her behind so most people don't take her seriously, and

    that's too bad because this topic is extremely important.  


    Black people are NOT monolithic so individuals need to decide for 

    themselves whether to take the COVID vaccine or not.   




    • Thanks 1
  5. 35 minutes ago, Troy said:
    • I get email almost everyday about some book I posted that Facebook does not like and is cut from the platform.
    • Authors often complain about book reviews being disallowed on am*zon.
    • Google banned this entire discussion forum when it was on http://thumperscorner.com from serving their ads because of comments they did not like.  They could have easily disallowed ads on the individual pages they had an issue with, but they summarily banned the entire domain!  That was the reason I relocated the discussion forum to AALBC's domain.

    I could go on and on about this subject and how corporate algorithms are designed to maximize revenue period. Any social good is incidental.  Obviously the rich and power who own the platforms control the narrative.


    I think it is noteworthy that the WSJ would report on this.  But, they are largely preaching to the choir.  The people who really need to understand this are stuff are too busy scrolling through TikTok and Instagram videos.


    It irks me to no end when Black people proclaim how our people are somehow advanced by using Facebook or any other social media platform that we have no control over.





    To me, as a common citizen, all of this is frightening.  


    Social media is censoring our speech, search engine results are being manipulated

    to keep us in the dark, certain people are being blacklisted because of their opinions 

    or political beliefs, with some platforms going so far as to shut down the President

    of the United States of America. 


    Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump, if they can shut down the president 

    what chance does a regular person have of expressing their opinions?  What has 

    happened to our Constitutional right to freedom of speech when we can be shut

    down for any minor infraction, and they won't even tell us what we've done.


    And then you hear whispers that foreign agents have infiltrated many of these

    corporations and that they are behind these decisions, that foreign governments

    have wined and dined members of our news media, and that Americans aren't

    really in control anymore.




    It's like being in the Twilight Zone.


    All of this is scary as f*ck. 




  6. **************************************************



    This is an informative article so thanks for posting it.


    I think it is amazing that we can boost our immune 

    systems by eating more healthy foods, and that 

    we can even fend off a severe case of COVID.


    Most plant-based foods are not that expensive so

    there’s no valid reason why people are not eating

    more of them.  I understand that everyone doesn't

    have access to fresh produce but most people do 

    and we can even grow some of our own.


    This is a great motivator for us to eat better.




    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. On 9/10/2021 at 1:55 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Candace Owens was a victim of discrimination in college and enlisted the help of the NAACP to fight for her and win a law suit on her behalf.


    Racist threats case filed by Stamford High student settled for $37,500 (newstimes.com)



    Candace Owens: from Stamford High 'victim' to conservative firebrand


    And how did she repay the NAACP and Black community?

    By selling them out and turning into a Trump supporting Conservative Republican who denies racism (except when it happens to her) and attacks her own people for her right-wing supporters.



    I don’t follow her and didn’t know any of this.


    She’s a typical narcissistic turncoat, got her a little money, 

    wrote a book, married whitey and forgot where she came 





  8. **********************************************************

    7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    But does two wrongs make a right?


    So something "happening to you" isn't necessarily a result of bad behavior.

    This is why I say, cops shouldn't be judge, jury, and EXECUTIONER on the streets.  That's why there's a legal system to protect people.




    Usually, two wrongs don’t make it right but sometimes it can. 

    For example, if someone keeps messing with me and so I kick

    them in their face and then I feel better.  


    It just feels right.


    Have you ever felt something was right when it should have

    felt wrong?


    This was just an illustration, I don’t actually kick people.



    Unfortunately bad things happen to innocent people, and I 

    believe that you increase your chances of something untoward

    happening by engaging in risky behavior.


    A friend of mine was upset because she didn’t like the police

    but she got pulled over while driving.  When I asked her about

    it she admitted she was speeding.  If she didn’t want a police

    encounter, like most people, she would have driven at/under

    the speed limit.



    I love that movie Judge Dredd where the police are all those



    With the way that crime is spiraling out of control right now,

    and the court systems unable to keep up, that may be what

    is needed in our future.





  9. **********************************************************



    You blame Trump for inciting violence but look at how you

    Trump haters are always bullying and beating up Trump

    supporters just for wearing their MAGA hats and t-shirts.

    People should be able to wear Trump gear without fear

    of bodily harm.  


    George Floyd didn't deserve what happened to him, that

    was one of the worst things ever, but if you keep messing

    around, something is eventually going to happen to you.


    Progressives are a branch of the Republican party, so you

    are really just a Republican at your core.


    I agree that arguing on forums has gotten old, so stop

    harassing @daniellegfny with the Uncle Remus pix.




  10. 31 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    These Uncle Toms and Aunt Tammies are something else.





    I know that you are being very serious with your 

    comments, but you keep me in stitches.


    As to Trump being a racist, if you will recall before 

    he became president, Al Sharpton, Russell Simmons, 

    Kanye, Mike Tyson, Oprah Doprah, Don King, Puffy,

    and of course GlossLips, all associated with him.

    And other Blacks were friends with Trump as well.


    As soon as Trump became president, everybody’s 

    calling him the biggest racist in the WORLD!


    But Biden called a Black staffer “BOY” a couple

    of weeks ago and y’all ain’t said nothing!!! 


    Why.  Is.  That?





  11. 46 minutes ago, Troy said:

    I do recall however Harry indicating that the space bar on his key board was busted, but I may be misremembering...



    Oh... Dear,, Should. We. Set. Up: A. Go-Fund-Me?

    So. That, Harry.. Can/ Type,, His• Harry-Type?





    • Haha 1
  12. *****************************************


    'If I were a Democrat they'd be calling it a hate

    crime': Larry Elder slams the left for failing to

    call 'angry, ugly' attack by a woman in a gorilla

    mask racist because he's a Republican






  13. *********************************************



    You must admit that Elder is rather uppity.


    Broadcasting on 300 radio stations and prime

    time television.  


    Making commercials driving a speedboat,

    wind whipping through his hair.  


    (Was he smoking a cigar, I don’t remember.)


    Challenging whitey, running for governor.  


    And it is going to take much more than an angry

    egg cast his way to scare him off or stop him.


    The masked lady that threw the ovum should

    have been arrested.


    BTW current news reports are that Elder is in

    the lead.





  14. 2 hours ago, Troy said:


    Clearly! I wouldn't even know where to buy such a thing. 🙂







    I found it on am*zon.  It's actually a tapestry/throw 

    so it could be used on the bed/couch also. 


    But who would want to squish Obama.


    It doesn't look like they carry it anymore. 


    I'll let you know if I ever see it again. 


    Or something similar.  




  15. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    That’s not fair. 

    I think she may have been a bit hyperbolic...lol.
    Perhaps she just means there are extra laws to protect them from being harassed while nursing their children.

    I personally think women SHOULD have the right to breastfeed just about anywhere they like.
    What's so offensive about seeing a titty?

    This nation has too many sexual hang-ups when they NEED to get the violence and poverty under control.



    @Pioneer1 @daniellegfny



    Everybody doesn't want to see a titty @Pioneer1


    I swear there was a local news article that said if you

    object in any way to a nursing mother you could be

    arrested.  Of course, I can't find that article now.


    I remember after I read it I explained to my husband

    that if we are out and about somewhere and a woman

    pulls her boob out, he needs to be quiet.  Because he

    speaks his mind and tells people where to get off in

    a minute.


    One time, he told a youngster to pull his pants up and 

    I warned him that he's going to mess around and get

    shot if he doesn't mind his business.


    Here's another article about nursing.




    I'm not really bothered by it, I nursed my baby but I

    would never do it in public.  Back then I was young

    and free-spirited but I wouldn't expose my boobs,

    not even to nurse.  


    Now women act like they can't give their baby a 

    bottle.  I don' t know what they are thinking.


    I also feel that babies have the right to privacy,

    just like everybody else.  








    Your link was broken.




    I appreciate your thoughtful replies. 


    You are correct about that woman being able to nurse

    the baby, but I don't think that's why she was dressed 

    that way. 


    Here in Texas, women can nurse their babies openly,

    wherever and whenever they want, and if you look at

    them sideways, you are going to JAIL.


    BTW, I couldn't read a CO book. That sounds like the 

    biggest drag ever.  I'd rather read some Tolstoy.




  17. 3 hours ago, harry brown said:

    A. Black. Man. Wears. A. Condon. Before. ,Having. Sex. !!!!!



    @harry brown


    I.  Agree.  With.  Every. Thing.  You.  Said. 


    But.  People.  Need.  To.  Get.  Back.  To.  


    The.  Old.  Fashioned.  Values.  Of.  


    Getting.  Married!  


    And.  Stop.  Getting.  Pregnant.  Having.  


    Babies.  Out.  Of.  Wedlock.





    • Haha 2




    If your momma is getting ready to go to the supermarket

    in a see-through dress and a thong, I would hope that you

    would tell her to put on some clothes.  I don't care if she's

    grown, senile, blind or anything else.  


    Some of these women (not your momma) don't have 

    sense enough to know what is appropriate or not.  


    I'm not sure what types of pix I can post here as examples

    so I won't.  Checkout the Daily Mail and see what some of

    these trashy women are wearing to the awards shows.  


    My husband and I went to a steakhouse three years ago,

    it was around 2:00 in the afternoon, there was a lady with

    a baby at the salad bar, wearing one of those JLo dresses

    (that green one she wore with Puff) that was slit down to

    the naval and no bra. 


    The woman looked like a complete idiot trying to juggle

    her raggedy baby and keep her boobs covered with the

    all open in the front dress, trying to plate her food.  


    It would have been different at nighttime if she was

    going to the club, but that dress was inappropriate

    for daywear.


    I don't need to worry about who makes the dress code 

    rules at the supermarket, since I am properly attired 

    wherever I go.  It ain't no joke when I show up.  



  19. 16 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I don't like the way so much of the media reported him having a heroin overdose and reported the drugs he allegedly had around him.
    That was very disrespectful in my opinion.
    They don't do this with White celebrities who overdosed.





    I agree and I apologize for including all that but I am

    on my iphone and I just copied and pasted the news.


    I am very upset, this should not have happened.


    Life is so precious and it seems like people don’t care 

    about themselves. 


    Another celebrity, Fuquan Johnson, overdosed this

    weekend as well.


    I am so tired of this!




  20. **************************************************


    'The Wire' star, Michael K. Williams, 54,

    is found dead of suspected heroin overdose

    in living room of his Brooklyn penthouse

    surrounded by drug paraphernalia






    • Sad 1
  21. **************************************************



    That question was rhetorical and I had no reaction 

    other than my comments.


    Women exposing themselves is not about religion. 

    It also is not about porn on television.  


    It is about the real world.


    Do you want your woman, mother, sister, daughter

    going to the grocery store, restaurant, doctors

    office dressed with their boobs all out, because

    that is what women are doing now.  


    I have seen it in person.


    Do you want your children/grandchildren’s school

    teacher coming to the classroom dressed like a



    This should not be a partisan issue.




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