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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Hey Cynique, you have mail. Interesting times . Well like I said in 2014 there will be huge geopolitical shifts culminating by 2024. The wheel is turning some may get crushed.
  2. Base on what you wrote it sound like you a water sign, possibly Pisces.
  3. There is opinion and facts. I'll post a few. Chris told a joke Will Smith smacked him The LAPD arrived and were prepared to arrest Will Smith. Chris Rock declined to press charges in addition he advocated that Will Smith be allowed to stay. Will Smith apologised but not to Chris Rock. Chris Rock made no public statement in a year. He addressed it all at the end of his special Will Smith said he was hurt and Chris should just let it go.
  4. I was listening to another podcast, Housequake said Jada doesn't love Smith. On the biggest night of his career she made it about her dignity. However didn't she say that she didn't care what people thought about her hair.
  5. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/17/trump-will-surrender-to-face-charges-if-indicted-defense-lawyer-says.html
  6. Some people favour a capitalistic system with a socialist government. So I personally don't have a problem with cafteria philosophy. For example I am against the death penalty but I am not anti-abortion. At one point I could undertamd how some could be pro death penalty and anti-abortion. Until i realise or differences were exactly the same.
  7. No my bias is pretty conscious for Blacks and Whites. My prejudice is in the aggregate not the individual. How long are the test at Project Implicit.
  8. Apparently Chris Rock also said that Will Smith shouldn't be removed. And he also declined to press charges when LAPD was going to arrey Will Smith for assault. However this isn't the first time Will Smith smacked someone at an awards event.
  9. Will Smith said he was hurt by Chris Rock's comments and that he should just forget what happened and move on. Maybe will Smith is upset because he didn't get the eyeballs when he had Dave Chappelle coach him for his standup debut. If you look at the clip it looked like Chris Rock was about to hit him. So I reckon Chris Rock can fight . He took that slap and didn't drop the envelope. Gay Joe also thinks Rock can fight
  10. Luck is when am outcome occurs that is beneficial to you. However prior to the outcome it was out of your hands. If this happens more than chance would predict then you are lucky.
  11. Why go out of your way to create account to make racist comments.
  12. She may look taller because she is in the foreground.
  13. The Mediterranean sea has receded by about 5 metres, and Venice is dry.
  14. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_jhYENBxRVo
  15. https://www.vedic-astrology.net/articles/Eyes-of-the-Veda.asp All things in the universe operate under the sanction of God's Laws. The deep study of anything, whether it is mathematics, language, music, physics, botany or swordplay, brings about an understanding of God - of God as in active principle in creation. Thus study, when performed out of devotion, serves to spiritualize the consciousness of man. Astrology is known as the "Eyes of the Vedas" due to it being the study that more quickly than any other helps to spiritualize the consciousness of man and help him to see, or realize, the Veda, the supreme truth. No other study develops the intelligence and understanding more so than does the study of astrology. (Only active meditation is more effective in doing so.) Thus for those of intellectual bent, the study of Vedic Astrology has much to offer. In my opinion, it is only for this reason that astrology becomes the most worthwhile pursuit. An individual who understands the principles of astrology, easily grasps the principles of all other things and is truly an individual of knowledge. @Cynique
  16. It has been an interesting few years. During your absence I feared that you had died. Which is really an ego centric fear. It does feel things are winding down. Or perhaps I am becoming a jaded Black Man. I have spent a fair amount of time learning and reading. Although I Have enjoyed it , I wonder if it has a purpose or is its own goal. I have said it before you are unconscious Magus. When you awake it will be another world.
  17. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/ruling-out-aliens-senior-us-general-says-not-ruling-out-anything-yet-2023-02-13/ There have been a few UFO's shot down.
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