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Everything posted by Delano

  1. This echoes the Viola Davis conversation @Mel Hopkins
  2. You could go broke with military spending
  3. @Pioneer1 of China is a colony of England. Why did the English give back Hong Kong?
  4. Are hustlers more Black than nerds?
  5. O agree. Promotion is more akin to support than defensive. So promoting Black Female writers is support. whole saying feminist issues are subordinate to racial issues is problematic for me.
  6. Troy before you tell me the question i should ask maybe speak to some Black Women, and everyone else. Maybe reread your post about Viola Davis and tell me the difference between defense and support. @Troy
  7. China's currency may become the de facto currency replacing the US dollar. Your gut maybe wrong about this @Pioneer1
  8. This article made me think of a past discussion. To name a Black Man that helped Black Women. I also came across an article that said Trump was derogatory to Black Women because they could see through him.
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/where-are-black-men-in-the-fight-for-black-women/2018/11/13/63030e0c-e771-11e8-a939-9469f1166f9d_story.html?fbclid=IwAR1Urib33NRKDDZU-84OzCX_aXTBIcvFOnkcYHnUDJECzzSOFhbMChuJvEI&utm_term=.e31f0b86ca33
  10. , @Cynique what do you mean when you say you don't assume anything with me. Black working class and white working class are played against each other. We are going to see true equality. White Working Class are going to receive the same treatment.
  11. Donald Trump is in a lawsuit with the press. Just when i think it cant get more bizarre it does.
  12. Pioneer, Goldie. Things are back to normal. I am having trouble following Pioneer's thinking
  13. Pioneer how do White Folks own China?
  14. Disagreement with you does not make her clueless. She has articulated her point. Yiu could substitute the Black and White Working Class and her statement is still valid.
  15. A fellow astrologer on Facebook posted this article. https://www.theguardian.com/global/2018/oct/08/the-white-southerners-who-changed-their-views-on-racism?fbclid=IwAR37Q2KR0A74YaU7IHMTeley9hwfc9X8W_C4F126HWQ-r8UBh0HYTUQKKqU
  16. Perhaps but there are more women in Congress now. And two Muslims. They senate is Republican but ybe house is not. So it's not that cut and dry.
  17. Yes hus wealth came frin his father. Then he and his siblings overcharged their own father. Then he undervalued his parent's assets by $300 million. Yeah that's the art of the deal..
  18. Not seeing something is not the same as it not existing. Just because yiu can't see or imagine someone or something bigger than Trump...
  19. You don't think firing Sessions us a problem for Trump?
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