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Everything posted by Delano

  1. @Cynique except for him rise flats, the other pairings aren't oxymorons.
  2. I knew a wizard that used to read people's minds. And talk as if the were speaking. As you can imagine a lot of people didn't like it.
  3. Clairesentience would work better than telepathy. Perhaps it should have regulations akin to alcohol. Since it appears to alter the emotional state.
  4. No problem, twin. It is not odd to me. I got into the occult because I was looking for some keys. After a while I realised that was pointless. Or wasn't the purpose of the occult for me. Which radically changed me and my relationship with the occult.
  5. The language you speak constrains your thoughts. So I am in agreement. @zajiI agree with your post now you change it . Such is life. There are differnt types of magicians. Some use words to effect changes: writers. Some use plants: pharmacist. Some use feelings: musicians.
  6. Thaw unthaw (North American usage) awesome awful lesson lessen hi rise flats (England )
  7. You are a Soulunar Magus. You have a dime balance of the archetypical masculine and feminine
  8. I changed my mind in the course of writing my response . I appreciate thoughts especially the ones in which I disagree
  9. @Troy perhaps not to @Cynique satisfaction.
  10. Pioneer there's nothing missing in your post. It can be approached by building a self defining community and or self suffucient. Or learning the ability to amass or control resources. Your goal is about giving Black people pride and reason. Its ambitious and if history is a barometer. Ot is likely to get you killed if you have any margin of success. Power doesn't like sharing but does form.allegiances. That you can levrage. In short its about investing in oneself and not branding self. Let me know if you want more detail. And i will share my observations.
  11. Cynique I think i am having an eargasm.
  12. A grimoire is the french word for Grammar and is a book of spells. Meaning definition and will are key components in spell casting. However when communicating i will sometimes post the standard definition and/or etymology of a word. Not so much as to require adherence to a standard but to demontrate difference of meaning or usage. However in magic being technically correct is less important than feeling or will. Mythology is more important than technology or science. Larger groups are shaping and manipulating the collective mythos. This can be seen in advertising and history (which is mythic advertisement/propaganda ). I also feel everone has a personal mythology. There are possibly familial up to global mythologies. I think i half agree. When it comes to non poetic communication then definitions become more important. But only if i care about clarifying an idea. Since ambiguity can be invocative and/or provocative. When it comes to mythology poetry and Magick i agree with your position. Although I don't know about whether we should or should not get hung up on words. If my goal is straight forward communication then I would agree. So after writing this i agree with your statement... sometimes.
  13. From hangry to mansplain: spend a little ‘me time’ with the latest OED update The latest update of the Oxford English Dictionary includes more than 1,100 new entries, phrases, and senses from around the alphabet, including a selection of new entries relating to the language of modern parenting. Our Head of US Dictionaries, Katherine Connor Martin, takes a closer look at some of the highlights below. Mansplain Just a decade ago, the verb mansplain did not exist, but the word and the concept (a man’s action of explaining something needlessly, overbearingly, or condescendingly, especially to a woman, in a manner thought to reveal a patronizing or chauvinistic attitude) are now an established part of English-language discourse. The first known usages of the verb and of the related noun mansplaining are in a pair of comments on the social networking website LiveJournal in August 2008; an influential essay on the topic of ‘Men who explain things’ was published by Rebecca Solnit a few months earlier, and is often credited with popularizing the concept, but it did not use the term mansplain.
  14. Everyone is right based on the question. Agreement or disagreement is irrelevant. Everyone can see different problems and not see others because of perspectives and experience. I prefer to be Johnny Ideaseed. Talking about whether race is a relevant topic isnt all that important to me. "Indians are red Niggers" - Ghost Dog. Does your concept of race matter to your oppression , your oppressor or even fellow poster more than their own? Is there a solution to the problem. Yes but because of heterogeneity the solution is probably more individualistic than socialistic. It is interesting that Zaji agreeing with Pioneer has a different reaction than when I did the same. Fascinating. Also you (plural) can say and believe whatever you want. It is eaier to side with Cynique Mel Pioneer or Troy in the main since there's a ideological basis that is consistent. Zaji is writer and the group is interesting material. Juat some observations or are some of them conclusions. I am not certain. Sincerely, Doubtful Delano aka not having very strong convictions or pronouncements. And like i have done earlier I will watch from the sidelines.
  15. That is fine for you Troy. doubt NOUN mass noun A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction...
  16. If you doubt everything it sounds more like uncertainty than disbelief.
  17. Is there much difference in believing the words of others and doubting everything?
  18. When Australians asked how I am treated here i say, "Fine I am not aboriginal, I am black guy from the Bronx. " I wasn't getting any love in Italy. But Italian men like black women. Context matters. @Pioneer I would love to do some projects in the states. But I am not so keen on living there. Overall i would agree with your post.
  19. Understanding and giving meaning to my life is important to me.
  20. True the other thing is i am a citizen of the world. I am not saying the elsewhere is this racial utopia. However you can breathe a bit.
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