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Everything posted by Delano

  1. I should say wrong instead of flawed.
  2. A new hypothesis about axial shift. Which is something i had thought about albeit in a different context . Although I still know climate science is flawed.
  3. I have changed my mind on man impacting the change in climate
  4. I have changed my mind on man impacting the change in climate
  5. @Wendy Jones I totally agree with everything you said. My favourite line was the harem. Jesus makes an interesting commentary by what he doesn't say about prostitutes. Adultery is against the Ten Commandments. A prostitute is having sex with many men who are not her husband. Jesus didn't say stop whoring it's against the law. Plus be saved by faith not works indirectly covers a lot
  6. Christmas is about sales. There's very little Christ in it .
  7. I would say less so because the intention is different than minstrel shows.
  8. Capricorn is also about the rules. So your take on it is flawless. However Mueller is going to clean house. Trump hasn't threatened him but the republicans may go after him. However even if he is fired the investigation won't go away. I think that Trump's finances will be the center of the investigation and the impeachment proceedings won't go far. I think he will either be out or on his way out by March 3, 2018. Time will tell.
  9. Happy New Christmas Troy and Harry. And to all the AALBC family.
  10. Is the title of the post also the title of your book
  11. Kalexander2 I am curious as to your impression of who you think I was and who I am now. Since a person seldom sees themselves. Putting it plainly start where you are, create what you see lacking. Why does it have to be a prescription for a nation that isn't monolithic. I am not attempting to dissuade you from being a leader. Unless you have the solution for what ails Black America. Which if you could pull off would help fix white america as well.
  12. I have known wine women and song. Yet I enjoy thinking. It may not be a binary problem. There are a handful of people I can converse with and that is sufficient for me. However I am not trying to make it as a writer. The uside is that you can fill this vacuum. You will find people. Over the last two decades Iwas a member of a couple of book clubs. Two discussions groups. And informal collective of night clubbers. Be the change or maybe write it. Recognition forget it or maybe don't make it a priority. Jane Fonda summed up the Mee too movement. How many people work for the greater good. I don't. Most people wt a few things a person, a place, a mode of transport, clothing, and everything else in the shop.
  13. Bkacks and Native Americans served a function. Neither group is included in the phrase All Men are created equal. ..
  14. I cant say what is common knowledge. When non millionaires defend him. It will be obvious to you that he will be on the way out.
  15. Off by a few months. http://edition.cnn.com/2017/12/07/politics/donald-trump-approval-rating/
  16. O saw one of Yule Brenner. He said hi I am Yule Brenner and I'm dead.
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