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Everything posted by Delano

  1. That's fine. What i was trying to say. I don't approach the occult or science like a follower. Since both are akin to religion. Both have their priest which are the gatekeepers of knowledge. As an aside i often write in the passive voice. You have only offered constructive criticisms. I haven't been the recipient of any bitchiness. hee hee hee.
  2. Science is a belief system until the belief is disproved. Some conjectures in mathematics are unproven yet mathematicians have an opinion which aligns with these beliefs. I think I am more open to opinions that don't match my own. This is what I wrote. . I am not interested in exchanging occult or for the science as my religion. I don't approach science or the occult as sacrosanct.
  3. I was at the shop and had a really strong feeling. That I should make a prediction about the storm. There's an astrologer on Facebook whi us very opinionated and says it can't be done. So i thought let me try. And predict both the direction and wind speed. Since both are hard to forecast. My sister is in Tampa. What county are you residing? Do you have a comment about the prediction.
  4. This is my first weather prediction. Hurricane Irma will head towards Mobile Alabama and the wind will drop by about 60%. or from 148 kph/91mph to about 90kph/55mph. @Pioneer1 please post your prediction. Concerning Hurricane Irma.
  5. Yes but she has to not expect the system is going to do the right thing. did you know that traffic lights were instituted after the invention of the car. So in new areas you need to be forearmed.
  6. Yes my martian Brother, even though I am open I test theories. I am not interested in exchanging occult or for the science as my religion.
  7. I took it that youare wondering if rhe things you are doing have value.
  8. http://www.businessinsider.com/deadliest-hurricanes-storm-in-american-history-2016-9/?r=AU&IR=T/#hurricane-hugo-1989-21-deaths-1
  9. @Cynique what mansplaining are you referring to. @Pioneer1 how many casino do Black people own? how about pencil companies. Let's see Johnson Publishing, Essence and BET were sold what do we own?
  10. You are missing the point. It isn't that they don't believe in what I do. It is that they aren't serious. There are a few Black Astrologers I would work with, and that few of they also agree that a lot of folks aren't serious about the craft. Troy and Mel have their own thing going on. You may have forgotten that I asked a friend about some legal advice on behalf of Troy. Some of what you post sounds illogical to me. Like Mel Troy and myself fixing Black America. That's not a strategy or a plan, it is actually a wish. What your talking about requires a plan, money, time location et cetera. And while in theory it is a good idea it is not practical. Although it is a nice compliment. Perhaps I am being to harsh and personal in my criticism of your ideas.
  11. You eluded to it when you mentioned black leaders should be more street. Or is that stretching the point to much.
  12. He may be good at physics but his argument is illogical. Nothing he says shows a link between temperature and weather. Notice he doesn't mention any data or models.
  13. A model that shows the link between production and increase temperature. I will even accept Production to CO2, then Co2 to temperature. You can choose any measure of production or temperature. Although you will mostly like be constrained to regional averages. you will only see data modelling from mid 1980 onwards as well. No model scores high or low in all performance metrics, but some models perform substantially better than others for specific climate variables or phenomena. For a few climate characteristics, the assessment has shown that some classes of models, for example, those with higher horizontal resolution, higher model top or a more complete representation of the carbon cycle, aerosols or chemistry, agree better with observations, although this is not universally true.
  14. So here's a link for IPCC. And here is what they say about their own models page 826 https://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/wg1/WG1AR5_Chapter09_FINAL.pdf Inevitably, some models perform better than others for certain climate variables, but no individual model clearly emerges as ‘the best’ overall. On the other hand, many studies have failed to find strong relationships between observables and projections. Whetton et al. (2007) and Knutti et al. (2010a) found that correlations between local to regional climatological values and projected changes are small except for a few regions. Scherrer (2011) finds no robust relationship between the ability of the CMIP3 models to represent interannual variability of near-surface air temperature and the amplitude of future warming.Raisanen et al. (2010) report only small (10–20%) reductions in cross-validation error of simulated 21st century temperature changes when weighting the CMIP3 models based on their simulation of the present-day climatology.
  15. No you don't. Post One Predictive Model. That supports your claim. And I will concede the point. Can you post a statiscal instead of opinionated argument. I keep saying this. I looked at statistical data show me a model that proves your case. You are an IT person it shouldn't be that hard. Should.
  16. @Troy Why not ask me if I think Santa Claus had an impact on the storm. Yeah my fingers and your mind are resting. Man made Climate Change is a fiction. You can not find one predictive model to prove the link. Because your scientist need twenty models and 15 of them don't work. That is also in the info that I have posted which you refused to read. Stubborness is not the cure for ignorance.
  17. Have you increased your knowledge of statics or weather so we can discuss it rationally?
  18. Yeah I am working with a palmist, who was able to remove an unfavourable line from a hand. We are going to trial it with ten people. And track their progress.
  19. since Slavery there have been Black people that have done well and most have not. But they same can be said of white people. Maybe that is just the system. However if Black dollars circulated in the community. Hair choices would be relegated to the minor issue that it is? Although theCJ Walker may not agree with this. Actually neither do I. As a kid the barber and beauty shop was a salon of the hair and the mind. The topics I remember were in the barbershop was local gossip, sports and politics. The simplest and most effective solution is to build on what you have . The only thing we need is to change our mindset .
  20. I am not certain what you are saying. What is your counter argument or where is the disagreement. I am not clearly on what you are saying.
  21. I have generally spent more time on my mind than my hair. Hey if geeks and nerds make enough money they may influence black cultural norms. Would that be of use to the community.
  22. So what in your opinion would be the cures that Black folk need. Ie money Religion language emotional maturity?
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