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Everything posted by Delano

  1. @frankster In my system letters and numbers have concepts that are connected to them. I take those concepts pick one meaning and apply it to a word or numbers. So patterns had the following meaning: Within chaos there is a there is a nursing that is obscure. Using active thinking and intuition will be revelatory. Thank You
  2. Does this imply that I a creating the pattern based on the form? If this is not what you mean can you elaborate?
  3. Perhaps but it doesn't change that I can see the pattern. I have been am Astrologer since 1999. I have developed a system to qualify moments in time and read a person unconscious mind using words and numbers. I highly recommend reading Flatland.
  4. Yes this resonates for me. It would account for people inventing the same thing at the same time without interacting with each other. Yes that's is where I am at as well. Power is conferred from those with less power to those with more. However a revolution can upend that relationship. No matter what your level of knowledge it is informed by your belief system. Einstein had a mental conflict with one of his theories, since he felt God does not play dice. There has to be an order. My feeling is that nothing is random. However the level of complexity may be so involved that no pattern is discernable. Not finding or seeing a pattern doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just may mean that your frame of reference or perspective is too limited. My favourite example of that is the book Flatland by Edwin A Abbot I have in the last few years seen patterns that are mind blowing.
  5. I would say the conscious subconscious and unconscious are part of the mind. Although I am trying to see it from your point of view. If it's infinitely long is that different from it being everlasting? I would say the mind exists in non local space and time. Hence part of you isn't constrained to living in the Now. I don't have a firm answer or position on this question. Nor the one about power belief and knowledge.
  6. I would say the same of the mind. The measurement of time is not the e same as time. The only moment that exists is now. And it is infinitely short and infinitely short. That's isn't my idea.
  7. Ai requires inputs to learn. So when you type a question into ChatGPT you are adding to AI's knowledge base. In addition text prompting may also be utilising AI. I have noticed that if a type a word or a few words text prompting can accurately finish my statement. What this may imply is that text prompting is learning how you thinkor at least mirro=ring it. When this reaches critical mass AI may be said to understand humanity even if it can not think. However if it does gain consciousness, what will be it's objectives and goals. The goal of any organism is self preservation. What do you suppose will happen when AI is not only embedded in most sysytes but is in effect the system. What will happen if it perceives humanity as a threat to it's existence.
  8. No but you made me think. A leader has little to no power if his audience doesn't believe in him/her. Also if they have knowledge of the mess savoury elements of a leaders personality. The leader may again lose power. The evimougies into a recession not because people make less money. But when they believe that things are slowing down. All prices in the stock market are an aggregate of the beliefs of the buyers and sellers. Crowd behaviour and psychology are part of economics.
  9. So knowledge is lower than power. Which is better to have knowledge with no hope of getting power. Or having power with no hope of getting knowledge. I would have past belief below knowledge but based on this conversation. I place belief over power, and power of knowledge. A belief system can make you immune to power plays at least on the mental and emotional levels. Power can be used to restrict access to knowledge Plus it could also be that power is a perception. The powerful can reward you or punish you. Which is only effective if you value what they can give or remove more than what you have inside. Power beliefs and knowledge all have levels. George Foreman has more power than Muhammad Ali. But Ali had more knowledge about boxing. In a fight technique and speed beat power. Bruce Lee Vs Chuck Norris.
  10. Not all powers are rpoweful. Omnipotence is all powerful. So power need not be fully potent it can be partial or weak. Instead of powerful you can substitute forceful. It is was and is a difficult question for me to phrase.
  11. Isn't this more akin to belief. The base that most people have including scientist is a set of beliefs about the world. If this were not true there would be no argument since it is self evident. However I don't think\believe that there are no objective facts. If a fact changes over time then it is not objective. At least in my mind Can you acquire this knowledge without first believing in God/
  12. What about introspection. And the stillness of meditation?
  13. If knowledge gives you more power than power. Then power rates higher. Using your example knowledge is the interim step to the goal of getting power. So knowledge is lower than power. Which is better to have knowledge with no hope of getting power. Or having power with no hope of getting knowledge. I would have past belief below knowledge but based on this conversation. I place belief over power, and power of knowledge. A belief system can make you immune to power plays at least on the mental and emotional levels. Power can be used to restrict access to knowledge Plus it could also be that power is a perception. The powerful can reward you or punish you. Which is only effective if you value what they can give or remove more than what you have inside.
  14. I played with it a bit last year. Astrologers also feel that it will revolutionise the field. Once again I am in opposition to the popular opinion. @Troy you're video was the best click bait I've come across.
  15. Does it change with scope: personally, familialy, associatively, communally, regionally, nationally, internationally and globally?
  16. I celebrated it having drinks with a group of Astrologers. We talked about free will. I was the lone voice saying it doesn't exist. Believing in the efficacy of Astrology is incompatible with the belief in free will. One Astrologer was somewhat swayed by my argument.
  17. Western science calls this non local space and nonlocal time.
  18. There is no agenda to the conversation, the conversation isn't a means of extraction. It is the ends. I think we have exhausted this particular...
  19. Thanks it means we are approaching the conjunction of two great ages. Thanks again, I thoroughly enjoyed the clip.
  20. I am interested in conversation that is my agenda. Which is obvious to most people.
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