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Everything posted by nels

  1. If a quote can't stand on its own, then that is no one else's problem other that of the person who wrote it.
  2. Some folks live in totally different worlds. The man is devoid of (any) common sense or practical intelligence, whatsoever.
  3. Again, the woman is an irrelevant cackling idiot. She screwed up California in so many ways that there are too many to list. Just look it up and start with her stints as San Francisco DA and California Attorney General. Troy, are you really serious? There doesn't appear to be any gravitas in statement that you made.
  4. From what's been observed, rap and hip-hop are like social pathogens that have metastasized across nearly all of black America, as well as youth (from nearly all races, ethnicities and heritages) across the entire globe. Rap and hip-hop rely less on skill and more on disgruntlement to enrich those who both create, perform, market and promote it.
  5. That is one thing we can agree on. White supremacy is a very convenient 'low-hanging fruit' talking point that has been repeatedly pushed by white liberals to keep black America in line with the Democrat's political agendas, information narratives, social targets, and economic goals.
  6. Reparations are a joke. No one deserves reparations for slavery. It's the most idiotic argument put forth by pocket-lining politicians in modern time.
  7. Stopped watching CNN after the 1991 Gulf War. It's now a non-network, a propaganda mouthpiece targeting unformed blacks, liberal whites, and controlling Jews.
  8. The majority of Black America voted for Joe Biden, so it seems hypocritical for those who likely voted for him to complain. When Trump was in office, you didn't have any of this nonsense and illegals didn't get a premium pass to the front of the line. With Biden, his crooked regime and the unelected administrative state that supports him, have figured out a way to send blacks to the back of the bus without them ever realizing it. As they say, there's a sucker born every minute and an asshole born every second.
  9. Devils? This is known passed-down hate-driven idiocy from many decades ago. ? The world isn't black and white, anymore. Casually injecting race into every argument dilutes that argument's credibility and effectiveness.
  10. Kamala Harris is an incompetent moron. She screwed up the state of California and has nothing to show for it but a long string of failures that make her completely irrelevant in D.C. and just about everywhere else. She is a doormat that catches the dog crap from the bottom's of the shoes of seasoned political power players. She acts like a giddy buffoon when asked almost any question that she should have command of and be able to answer in the most simplest of terms. Characterizing her as a pawn is an understatement and should fake president and regime head Joe Biden kick the bucket, she is the very last person in D.C. that the hapless Democrats would ever want to see in his place. Rather worthless credentials in today's tough-skinned power-centric political, business and military environment. What kind of statement is that?
  11. Looks like your reply may have an uphill climb. https://whats-different.com/difference-between-reason-excuse/ https://lifehacker.com/the-difference-between-a-reason-and-an-excuse-1840032450 https://thecontentauthority.com/blog/excuse-vs-reason https://lifedev.net/reason-and-excuse/ https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/41103/what-is-the-difference-between-an-excuse-and-a-reason Hate is an intense negative emotional response towards certain people, things or ideas. Blacks in America tend hate (each other, let alone any other identifiable group) in addition to almost every other condition of life that any reasonable or rational person could possibly ever imagine. IMO and from observation, black men in America in proportion to their percentage of the population, commit more crime than any other segment of the population, with much of it based on pure hate and by extension, unchecked animosity. By far, though black men are incarcerated at a very high rate (because of hate), the hate emanating from black women is perhaps by measure, something that is far beyond palpable, and perhaps exponential in intensity; their hate alone seems to surpass that of any black American male. Black American people (i.e., not black Africans) as a whole, consistently come across as incapable of seeing anything beyond race. As a result, that prism only allows them to see that which is based upon race, as opposed to that which has surpassed the racial context and the many constructs that are based upon it. Thus, relying on the past to blindly hobble toward the future, is an effort in futility.
  12. Well, they might benefit from knowing that they are a large multiplier times more likely to become a victim of a black criminal than they are from any other race, ethnicity, heritage, affinity or other known classification in the United States. Having a reason for hatred is no excuse. Being judgmental does not make your argument credible in any way. Smart people learn over time to attack the argument and not the person. Perhaps your response might be an ideal candidate for reeducation.
  13. There are far more hate-filled black guys out there than there are white boys, and their lack of education and accountability (i.e., not opportunity) is directly responsible for their disproportionate representation in the incarcerated ranks. Blaming the ills of black America on white folks is akin to a crutch made of ignorance.
  14. Tend to agree. Interestingly enough, "Ladies First: A Story of Women in Hip-Hop" currently out on Netflix doesn't seem to do anything to benefit the image of black American women. Over-the-top sexualization seem to be killing the mission of the black woman.
  15. Some swipers just can't see the forest for the trees.
  16. Smart move. Just take your time. Wouldn't be too trigger happy on this one. Social media is a perpetual rough ride without a saddle. Sometimes, managing it properly requires extreme patience because everything that seems to devolve is usually experienced by those who are easily offended. Troy, you're doing a good job as it is.
  17. Anything that comes out of Al Sharpton's mouth is highly suspect on its face. The man is a complete fool, as in an imbecile who is beyond (political, social, cultural, legal, etc.) rehabilitation of any kind, and nothing short of that.
  18. ??? --- Being judgmental is a sign of shallow thought. Get the truth-based facts straight first, and then make an informed judgement.
  19. Not so sure about that. IMO, only a weak mind would consistently fall for a notion such as that.
  20. The former POTUS called the Georgia Secretary of State looking for 11,780 votes in order to flip the election. The POTUS' surrogates called down to Georgia harassing folks about the election outcome. Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis put a case together based on evidence. But, that recorded phone call from the former POTUS to the GA SOS is a smoking gun. - - - - - Unfortunately, none of the above statements is true in any way, shape or form. however no one is expecting people who actually believe this kind of nonsense to ever look past the Democrat, Liberal, Left, Marxist and Socialist party lines. The mainstream media is the puppet master creating, manipulating and controlling the narrative that has ingratiated this kind of insanity into the minds of an extremely gullible, uneducated and unprepared black America. That said, there is absolutely no need to try and convince those who believe statements like those mentioned above to see things differently because truth-based facts, time and consequences will both show and teach them otherwise. No one is forcing anyone to deviate from their hardened political beliefs, but for anyone who is interested, feel free to visit (for example) https://www.truethevote.org/news/ and take in a different perspective on what is really happening (in Georgia and the U.S. as a whole) that the mainstream media and the Biden regime don't want you to ever know, see, believe or consider. And yes, despite her perceived prowess in the legal field, Fani Willis ('the woman') is indeed an idiot on a scale that cannot even be measured. Atlanta has become more like Flunky Town USA, a place where black politics consistently defies logic.
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