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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. I'm not sure if Dave was trying to show how hard and brave he was by making fun of Kanye's alleged antisemitism and adding a few shots of his own that no doubt could be considered antisemitic. I personally don't have a problem with anything Dave did and think it was a good routine, but I question the wisdom of it. Personally I would have touched on Kanye a little bit and then left it the hell alone and focused on Trump and politics or something else. Dave's skit also reminded me of something Kanye said that REALLY made him such a big target and in my opinion WAS antisemitic....straight up. Tweeting you're gonna go "death con 3" on the Jews???? Come on man, what kind of dumb ass shit is that to say? First of all, YOU'RE NOT. You're just tweeting and running your damn mouth.....like the typical nigga often does. Ain't planning to actually DO a damn thing. Second, it's DEF-COM (not Death-Con), which is a military term. Again, Kanye just expressing more of his ignorance saying shit he has little understanding of. Third, if a White man would have said he was gonna go "death con" on Black folks we'd rightly be angry over the shit. So why wouldn't Jews get offended at that silly shit? What do you mean? Are you planning to kill people or something???? If you're gonna call out Jews for what they did to Black people then DO THAT. Like the Nation of Islam or Wesley Muhammad, do your research and do a report or book about it....intelligently. Don't tweet out stupid shit that is obviously offensive and doesn't serve any purpose except to inflame. Kanye brought that shit on himself. Don't get behind that fool. Whatever "the Jews" are doing, they got enough sense to do it behind closed doors and not tweet it all over the damn place like a red-hat wearing idiot.
  2. Lol....someone "put" the demon in her??? She IS the demon. The damn devil itself. If she's like most White folks, she probably has to try hard as hell every day to keep FROM acting out like that. Most do a better job of keeping their mask on.
  3. Well..... Take that dude Andrew Gillum who was going to be Governor of Florida a few years ago. He had a pretty stellar career but after he "loss" the election (which I think he was cheated out of but he refused to fight for it) some months later he ends up being found passed out and naked on a yacht with some gay White man grinning next to him taking a picture. He was politically ruined. I'm not sure the entire truth behind the incident. I think the brother was set up, but perhaps he WAS on the downlow and got caught slipping. I'm not sure one way or the other. But I don't think all of that education, hard work, and years of building his brand should have been flushed down the toilet because of that one incident.
  4. I hope Trump decides to run again to further expose the sell-outs in our community like he did the last time. I didn't realize there were SO MANY sell-outs and people....like Kanye....willing to put Trump's racism and bigotry to the side just to slide up next to him for a few butter-biscuits or just the PROMISE of some biscuits until he ran. I thank him for exposing those critters like roaches.
  5. ProfD The BEST thing Black Los Angelios can do to better themselves is LEAVE Los Angeles and go further East. Don't stop until you're east of Las Vegas. But no, I don't think her being mayor will necessarily make things worse DIRECTLY. It could though. You know, like Obama being President gave a lot of racists cover to practice their dirt all while claiming this nation can't be racist because there's a "Black guy" in office. Now the LAPD and really run rampant and if you utter a word of complaint they can just say they were working under the orders of a Black female mayor.
  6. Sometimes I'm glad I didn't go to college because I'm not sure I could tolerate the extremely strict rules this society has set for so-called professional at a corporate and national level. When I look at those in the media and national spotlight whether they are professionals in entertainment, politics, religion, etc.....it seems you have to be near PERFECT in your thinking, looks, performance, social relationships, and have a near spotless record going back to Kindergarten . "Mr Perfect" ????? When you look at the news, it's full of entertainers and politicians who were otherwise smart and attractive but made ONE mistake or said the wrong thing and now they are being ran through the wringer and asked to resign and in many cases even prosecuted. -A Principal who served a school for over 30 years, told one off-color joke, and is now forced to resign in disgrace. -A Mayor who has all types of degrees from Harvard and other institutions who served his city will but was caught mis-appropriating several hundred thousand dollars and is now being forced to resign and possibly prosecuted. -Not to mention a famous scholar or actor who has a bad cold or flu and ends up sneezing during an interview with snot flying all over or they happen to have a bad stomach and bust out a fart....lol....seriously....now THEIR career is ruined. Damn. Does it even PAY to do all of that hard work only to end up in some abyss, abandoned, and ostracized because of one fuck up?
  7. Typical spoiled drunk ass White woman. Half of the White women in the U.S. are just like her, all you have to do is catch them on a Friday or Saturday night in the right location.
  8. I don't care too much for his comedy or entertainment, but I have to say......that Byron Allen is a pretty interesting character His record is impressive. He flew under the radar for decades making all types of moves and before people knew what happened he emerged a few years ago as a Black billionaire.
  9. Troy So in all your conversations, you did not pick up on this trait and the resulting behavior? Yes. But like you said, I didn't actually believe he'd go so far as to openly and directly go against other Black people like that. Most sell-outs will atleast PRETEND not to be such.....or justify their actions. When you hear somebody say "fuck these niggas"......you generally understand it to be an emotional response quick expression of frustration because of a particular incident. You wouldn't want to believe they LITERALLY mean "fuck the Black people here" as if they don't care about them and have turned against them. But based on several sources, he actually meant that. I only gave you guys a FRACTION of the problems he made and went through during his time on that job. He had many many more negative interactions with people both Black and White there. The only people I hadn't heard of him having problems with were the Latinos.
  10. Another problem is New York has a very large percentage of "ethnic" Whites like Italians, Jews, and Irish who are less apologetic about their racism than the typical WASPS who make up the majority of Whites in other parts of the nation. They were less willing to compromise and concede to Black power. Some say that Latinos, Asians, and "ethnic" Whites don't feel as guilty about racism and the plight of Black Americans as do the average WASPs of America, so they are often more likely openly express their racism and do so unapologetically.
  11. Chev and now, Minister Farrakhan has weighed in on this attack on Kanye-- Ye, and Kyrie. Yes I see. I recently saw the video where he spoke on the issue. Stefan Hate Speech, which is what these two are accused of promoting, is legally permissible. But there are consequences. True And both of them should have known and understood that already. Although as learn more and more about the Kyrie situation, I stand by him more. I don't think HE said anything wrong. I still don't stand with Kanye and think he's confused as hell.
  12. Really? Isn't that interesting.....................
  13. I have nothing against Congresswoman Bass. She's an intelligent and professional sister and I'm sure she would make an excellent mayor for any U.S. city. However...... I was hoping she DIDN'T win that election. I was actually hoping that Republican White dude had won it. Why? Because like most elections in the United States today, I think it is/was rigged and I don't trust them. I think it's a ruse and a trick to further confuse AfroAmericans and give our people....especially in California and elsewhere...a FALSE sense of power. California....including the Los Angeles area....is racist as hell against AfroAmericans. Black people make up only a TINY percentage of the population in Los Angeles and even much tinier percentage in California as a state. There are FAR more Black people in the state of Texas both in terms of numbers and percentage wise. Yet Texas is considered a "red" and "Conservative" state while Cali is supposed to be the cool "blue" "liberal" one with all of this Black Power bubbling up inside of it???? ...so how do Black people end up getting so much political power and media coverage there? I believe it's a trick....a trap. The media intentionally paints California as some sort of Liberal bastion of Black progress in order to suck Black people into the state and entrap them and send them to prison. Can't speak for other people but when I was in California nearly half of the Black men there had been locked up. Most were living a hardened street life from drugs, to gangs, to homelessness. Nothing like the pool parties and champagne popping I saw on the music videos and movies. I quickly realized that there was some sort of concerted effort on the part of Hollywood and the media in general to give people...especially Black people...a FALSE idea of what life would be like for them in Cali. For what reason....I wasn't sure and still am not sure. But it's clear that a lot of energy has and is being put into making California "appealing" to Black people more so than any other place in the U.S. and electing our sister as mayor is just one more piece in that puzzle.
  14. Facts. We were kind of spoiled growing up in Detroit in the mid-late 70s and 80s. Coleman Young shielded us from a lot of the racism and police brutality that so many Black people were facing in most other parts of the nation. Detroit, Atlanta, D.C. St. Louis, and even Chicago to a certain extent has such large Black middle classes with a huge Black presence in every sector of city government so if you grew up in those cities, you most likely didn't feel the cold clutches of racism that say a person who grew up in New York, Cincinnati, or Denver did. Pushed into slums and ghettoes, being locked out of good paying jobs and being forced to rely on hustling, illegal activities, and talents just to survive. I didn't understand that anger and vitriol against the police that rappers like NWA were rapping about because most of the cops in Detroit were Black. It wasn't until I got older and started traveling to L.A., New York, etc.....that I started seeing how a lot of other Black communities lived and how oppressed they were.
  15. As an addendum to this story......... I recently found out that one of the reasons he was fired was for.....RACIAL DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINTS!!! Several employees launched racial discrimination complaints against him and one even threatened a racial action LAW SUIT. And guess what? These were BLACK EMPLOYEES!!!! Say what????? That's right. Black workers were complaining about this young nigga practicing racism against them, trying to get them fired, and limiting their opportutnities! Apparently it was the threat of a lawsuit that made the White folks are HR jump up and get rid of their tool before more serious heat came down on them. I almost can't believe it! But I heard this from one of the women who worked in Human Resources as well as one of the Black workers! One of ladies who hated him and is a pretty good friend of mine told me MONTHS ago that she was trying to go for some position in another Department and he actively tried to prevent them from transferring her. I thought she was being a little paranoid when she was telling me this. But now....... And speaking of paranoia........ Another Black dude who was kind of close to him said he often complained about "niggaz trying to take his spot". Maaaaaaan, man, man...... I wonder what goes on in the minds of these sell-outs and gate-keepers. Do they try to RATIONALIZE their behavior in their own mind to justify betraying their own people, or do they just freely admit and enjoy it?
  16. richardmurray Yes, in atleast one instance. The former mayor of Detroit, Coleman A. Young. He was elected to be the city's first Black mayor back in 1974 and made several promises DIRECTLY to the Black community and delivered on many of them, including integrating the police department and making it less racist. When Coleman got into office he refused to allow 2 White police officers patrol any Black neighborhood together. If the neighborhood was Black it had to be either 2 Black officers or a White officer with a Black officer....but absolutely not two White cops.
  17. More bad news for our sister........... Now they're saying she been shipped off to some sort of Penal Colony! U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner has been moved to a penal colony in Russia : NPR Damn. Sounds like something out of a Prisoner of War movie.
  18. Chev STOP right there. West Africans??? All West Africans come from where!? Come on. I'm not 100% sure but based on my research the various ethnic groups of West Africa migrated there originally from the Kemetic Empire (Ancient Egypt) in North Eastern Africa. The Dogon, Wolof, Yoruba, and others certainly have a lot of linguistic, religious, and cultural traits that are known to be ancient Egyptian in origin. But yes, I absolutely agre in that Igbo people are definitelc connected to being Hebrew Israelites. I also agree that not all are Hebrews but, All African people are intermixed with each other and this is by design from God Almighty. Hmmm...... Not sure "all" African people are intermixed with each other and definitively not sure that God designed it this way. But certainly most of us here in the Americas are mixed. Not only with White and Native American but mixed between the various African tribes who were forced to live and work together despite cultural differences. "our people" meaning Blacks, Negroes, Hebrews, whatever, is not a problem because we are trying to sift through a lot of miseducation, however, the problem is foreign people who INSERT themselves into ancient African script is more of the problem. True. Infact, there is actually a group of zealot White people who claim to believe they can HASTEN the return of Jesus by reading the book of Revelations like a script and actually plan and plot ways to play out the various scenarios in the book. Like sending comets to Earth and poisoning 1/3 of the water. They believe if THEY make those scenarios happen then the prophecies will be fulfilled and Christ will come down. But until the ancient scriptures are dealt with properly, confusion will continue. Maybe it's time for NEW scriptures.
  19. I've said for years that whether they are Republican, Democrat, or Independent.....Black people should vote THEIR interests. Vote for the person who promises the most and has a history of delivering on those promises, even if they're a Republican. I've said numerous times that as much as I don't like Trump and think he's a racist clown, I can't deny I made more money under him than I did under Obama. Infact, I ended up HOMELESS for several months under Obama.
  20. ProfD I agree. Just start your own platform. No need to play musical chairs. I think Kanye's PROPOSED purchase of Parler was some sort of ruse that him and his White right-winger friends may have hatched to try to change hands Whatever the case, if you notice we haven't heard anything else about the deal. It was all over the internet a few weeks ago before the other shit came down on Kanye, then there was no more talk about it.
  21. ProfD i believe that would force America to talk about and deal with it especially when their kids start asking questions. The only people who will FORCE America to deal with Slavery and Reparations are US...AfroAmericans. When we make up our minds to stand up as citizens of this nation and WRITE OUR OWN CHECK, we'll get our Reparations AND SOME. The power is in our hands already. Kanye West and Kyrie Irving are free to say whatever pops into their heads and comes out of their mouths. But that doesn't mean they should. Like Tariq Nasheed said on one of his broadcasts the other night, Kanye has to learn some DECORUM. When you reach BILLIONAIRE status, you can't be running your mouth blurting out any silly ass idea that pops into your brain. You have to learn discipline and responsibility. That comes with the territory of nobility and high class. Too many LOW CLASS people end up falling into money and don't know how to act or speak and often end up LOSING their wealth and status. It's one thing to be out there running your mouth jiving and clowing when you ain't got shit to lose....lol. But when you got a Billion dollars snuggled down in the bank, you can't be talking or acting reckless giving your enemies and opportunists any excuse to snatch it away from you! "I done asked the bitch about a dozen times to sit on my lap. I bet if I was one of them White boys, she'd be all OVER my ass. Ahhh girl, you know I'm just fuckin' with you" When you reach a certain status, you need to ACT like it and leave the street shit behind. Too many of our people wanna just do what THEY wanna do with no responsibility or consequence. It doesn't work that way.
  22. HELL NO There IS no damn "free speech" in this nation. Since when? Since when have rich Black folks been allowed to sit up and say WHATEVER the hell they wanted to a national audience with absolutely no consequences period???? If there's no history of it, then why in the HELL would people expect for things to be different for Kanye? Now think about this........seriously....let's think this through together...... You run around claiming Jews run the world and control the media. THEN you start bad mouthing them. Now you wonder why your money is being snatched, you're being demonized in the media, contracts being cancelled???? DUHHHH..... Did you NOT believe your own words??? Everything you say has consequences to it and COMMON SENSE should have told them that already. And another thing...... What's up with all this "exposing"? Ok...so now you've "exposed" who runs the world. Good.....now what? Since you "exposed" the plot and plan, has that freed Black folks in jail? Has that helped homeless Black folks on the streets? Is that feeding Black children? Our people are being played like fiddles with this Kanye business. That dude is the biggest distraction. Too much silliness is going on and it's keeping too many of our people running around in circles. Instead of focusing on the SERIOUS issues like Reparations, acquiring land, etc....now niggas running run around lifting up garbage can lids and shining lights down man-holes looking for the Illuminati or some other mysterious group who "really" runs the world. "Ok, so it says it right here! I says here that while the world BELIEVED there was only 12 tribes of Israel....there were actually 15 tribes!!!! 3 of them got lost. See....secret knowledge! Now what had happened was, they sailed across the Atlantic and became nomads until they hit the West Coast and founded South Central Los Angeles. Heh hehhhh......Watts in the house."
  23. Troy We are not lacking agenda's we are lacking unity. Bingo! All of the plans in the world will be futile unless you get behind them and make them work. Unity was more achievable prior to "Integration" because most of our people were in the same socio-economic condition. Today, as you said....we are so diverse; going to a Black American event is almost akin to going to a U.N. Assembly. We have no problem eviscerating and writing off a Kayne West or Hershel Walker simply because the white-run media tells us to do so. Wasn't it the same White run media who BROUGHT us Kanye and Herschel???? Both men are beloved and supported by Trump worshipping right-wing White people.
  24. Black folks need to establish OUR OWN social media platforms instead of occupying spaces in White owned establishments hoping for fair and equal treatment. You'd think we'd learn better by now. I thought Kanye was supposed to be buying Parler. I wonder how that's going.
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