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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. If shit like THAT ever hits the fan....strong brothers might have to sit some of these "big mommas" down and let them know what time it is. When our community is in crisis mode, the women will have to learn to let the men BE men and protect the community. Which means THEY can't be getting in the way, all up in their feelings, and defending the enemies from without or within. Not only would they be letting sell-outs in, but they'd be letting the devil himself up in the house and calling him her "blue eyed Jesus".....if we let them. Black men need to learn to stop asking to be men and just BE men and take charge whether others like it or not. Assume power and protect the community.
  2. When I look at that right-wing fool Herschel Walker the Republicans are pushing down in Georgia. And then you have another right-wing Black dude up here in Michigan that the Republican Conservatives are trying to get in Congress. Now you got Kanye West steady pushing right-wing garbage and wearing "White Lives Matter" t-shirts. I'm beginning to put some things together I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that White racists are trying to pull a "slick" move by using foolish Black people to be the MASK of their diabolical agenda. So when the shit hits the fan and they're called into account for what they've done.....they can point the finger at these Black minions and say that THEY are just as guilty. "Can't blame White people." "Don't say it's a race thing." "There were just as many if not more Blacks involved in it." That's gonna be their excuse. And they're gonna point to THESE knuckle heads as examples of how "just as many Blacks" were involved in the promotion of right-wing fascism in this nation as Whites.
  3. @Chevdove To be honest with you, I didn't really read down that far yet....nor did I read his words too closely. I kind of skimmed through them the other morning while having a coffee and listening to some other dudes on Youtube....lol. So many characters come through here with their own philosophies..... I don't have the time to examine them and their material too closely. Maybe I should though. But I'm glad Sani found a spot where he can express himself.
  4. Who wants to bet Kanye's next move will be to seek Reparations....FOR WHITE PEOPLE. ProfD If/when white folks decide it's open season on killing Black folks, I'd be slightly curious to see where Kanye, Candace, Clarence, Larry, Herschel and Diamond and Silk to name a few are going to hide when the bullets start flying They won't be allowed to hide among US...that's for sure! ((said in that strong rhythmic Khalid Muhammad voice)) "You half-baked, half-fried, punkified, sissified, homogenized, pasteurized, boot lickin, White butt lickin, sell out Niggas and Niggettes have MADE UP your goddamn BED with these murderous bastids, now SLEEP in it, because you WON'T be able to run back to the Black man and Black woman after dancing with the devil! BACK...BACK....BACK! GIT BACK into the bosom of Satan and accept your dose of death!"
  5. Troy and black people started running around acting like this was actual black history giving the Wakanda salute even going so far as to bitch, if it was done incorrectly (right arm over left). Actually that wasn't made up but an ancient Kemetic sign. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/codex_magica/images/ccodex_69_small.jpg Not sure what it means, but it's based in reality. Also taking certain potions to go to the Ancestral Realm and communicate with deceased loved ones is UNIVERALLY practiced in ancient African culture and Indigenous culture across the globe. So the movie touches on a lot of truths....all the while claiming to be fictional. The Woman King is the very opposite. No we have a film actually based on historical fact — however loosely and people want to raise a hissy fit. And THAT'S the problem, and probably why so many people are having a fit over it. It's NOT actual history but LOOSELY based on the facts...with much of it being fabricated. Satan is good for mixing up truth with falsehood to CONFUSE the masses. They should have just went all the way and said it was a fictional tale of women warriors. Atleast they wouldn't give the impression of it being historically true. But their intention was to influence and CONDITION the people into believing that this is true "African History" so they make the claim that it's "based" on actual history in order to justify the lies they tell in it. What makes the Women Kling so much worse than Black Panther? For one thing Black Panther showed BLACK LOVE. You had a Black man who fights to save his love which is another beautiful Black woman. Does The Woman King show Black men and women loving and embracing eachother? Or does it show Black men and women at odds, fighting eachother, and killing eachother? I suspect the answer already without watching it...lol.
  6. Troy Joy Rose Johnson! She sounds famous already...lol. Beautiful little girl. Look at those doe eyes. we incur this as a consequence of living here. I’m not really aware of a place you can go to fully escape it. We can escape it RIGHT HERE if we would bother to build our own institutions and send our children to them instead of relying on Caucasians. I disagree because, and this should be obvious, not every white personal is trying to demasculate me or anyone else. You’ll make yourself crazy finding boogie men everywhere. You don't need every White person or even MOST White people to do this in order for it to be effective. All you need is a core group in strategic places of power and influence like the entertainment industry and academic institutions. They can do so much damage spreading their psychological poisons through their movies, television shows, and the classes they teach.
  7. "D D D Don't take this ass whooping personally!" Lol....that was my movie. My man told Richard Pryor: "You fixin' to be a rich nigga....ya see...cuz come Friday I'm knocking somebody the fuck out!" ProfD Yet, the GOP is still riding with that dude. I'm sure they could have found a stronger candidate/clown WHAT?????? Man, is that mumble mouth nigga STILL in the race? I thought he might have gotten bored and dropped out by now....lol They're just making a clown out of his silly ass. Just clowning the brother showing the world how stupid some Black men have become.
  8. Sani Nassif First though before I reply I really really want to say I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I can't honestly express in words how much I LOVED these replies and this discussion oh my Love having you here bro! bc sometimes I face alot of times depression/suicidal thoughts because I just feel I have no place in this world Well, just remember bro....unless you have something PHYSICALLY wrong with you that's causing you so much pain and discomfort that you can't stand it.....don't consider suicide. I'm not saying you should consider suicide even if you DO have those issues, but if not....certainly don't consider it. You drug, gamble, screw a lot of women (unless that's the problem)....anything to give you pleasure in life UNTIL you can find a way to work through your problems. but I fully do remember this as a past life, and as proof I can say You remember your past lives??? I actually am born with sand/tan skin/middle eastern genetics Oh, are you Arab or some other Middle Eastern ethnicity???? then later after a massive cataclysm and over 100,000 plus years all the other skin traits/features devolved. It is my understanding that after every 25,000 years or so a MASSIVE cataclysm takes place to cleanse the planet and start civilizations all over again. When you talk about Neanderthals....remember you're just talking about White people who continued to DE-VOLVE while they were locked up in Europe and the Caucasus Mountains. As most of them went savage, their bodies changed and adapted to thier debased lifestyle. So they grew thick hair, thicker skin, broader bones in their head, thick hard nails, ect...so fight off and capture and eat animals. It's not EVOLUTION...it's DEVOLUTION (or Devil-ution....lol)
  9. Yeah, I've been hearing a LOT about the The Turkey Leg Hut in Houston for the past couple years! I've heard about the great food and long lines in that Texas heat.
  10. Troy Again, I don’t buy it. I think you give white people, Jews, in particular, too much credit. Lol...I didn't give it to them, they TOOK it. Still if I believed everything, the brother said, what are we gonna do about it? Surely this film is the least of our worries, wouldn’t you argue? Perhaps. However it's a start. Why subject yourself and your children to brainwashing and mental manipulation by your historic enemy? If you KNOW there is a history of White people trying to demasculinize Black men and to a lesser extent masculinize Black women....you should look for it in passing with every encounter you have with White people. Whether this is in business, entertianment, education, ect... You should automatically assume they are trying to "pull a fast one" over on you. Why do Black people KEEP giving these racists the benefit of the doubt UNTIL they do something harmful? Why not just keep your guard up period? Yes, I have 7 month old Congratulations Boy or girl? Did you get married too?
  11. Chevdove Do you know this as fact? No. It's history. Very few of us can actually "know" history unless we travel back in time to witness events for ourselves. The only thing most can do is gather as much research on an event as we can and come to a sound conclusion based on the information we find. I just listened to the video you posted, and would like to know more about the speaker. Oh yes, Professor Black Truth comes with the facts and hits hard all the way through his presentations. Check out more of his videos on his Youtube site. I do NOT trust this movie at all. It wasn't even written by Black people, but by two White women. Dana Stevens and Maria Bello. I don't trust it and I refuse to even watch it, less I DO like it and find it entertaining and then subject myself to it's influence. Nope...not even gonna watch it.
  12. Chev Because she found out the TRUTH about that tribe and how they were one of the ones responsible for hunting down Black people and making slaves out of them instead of saving them which the movie would have you believe. Hollywood is good at making EVIL look acceptable and even commendable. Infact, the name "Hollywood" takes it's name from the wood of the Holly Tree that magicians used to make magic wands out of. "… Deck the halls with boughs of holly .....Fa la la la la, la la la la"
  13. Sani Hello! Welcome to the site. You dropped a lot of knowledge and information in your posts. I'm still going through them...lol. However I don't believe that Caucasians came from Africa. I believe the Yakub Theory that they were MADE on an island through a form of selective breeding. Infact, I believe the collective consciousness of an "Atlantis" is evidence of them having past memories of being developed on this island.
  14. ProfD It seems to be keeping all h8ll from breaking loose in this country with a population of 345 million people. Perhaps that might be part of the problem! The system is keeping things together that SHOULDN'T be together. Perhaps this society of racism and injustice should have collapsed a long time ago but a system is put in place to keep it on life support and keep it sputtering along....as it ruins more lives. During the Pandemic.....so many were in a hurry for things to get back "to normal"....but I wasn't. I even saw a homeless dude on television talking about "we need to get back to normal in this society". "Boy I wish things would open back up so we can hurry up and get back to normal" For that man, "normal" is being broke and homeless! Now why in the HELL would a fool be in a hurry to get back to that??????
  15. Man....the DROP SQUAD. I haven't seen that flick in a GOOD minute. It's been probably 20 years! Now I gotta dig it up and watch that tonight with some fish and fried rice....lol.
  16. ProfD Most Black folks.....including myself....enjoy the movie "The Color Purple"...lol. But it was still a HIT on Black men. It wouldn't be very effective propaganda if they didn't make it so that people enjoyed it and would easily accept it and take it in. Gangsta Rap is enjoyable for most young people. The "best" lies are those that are mixed with the truth. ....and @Troy, what's this about you having a 7 MONTH OLD????? Did you recently get married and have a kid and didn't mention any of this to us??????
  17. Troy I'm gonna let Dr.Wesley Muhammad EXPLAIN to you the dangers of this movie. It's only about 30 minutes long so you can listen to it while you're driving or doing something else....it won't take too long.
  18. frankster Your theory echoes that of Herodotus who seemed to think the Colchians(Black Sea) were originally Egyptians now known as Georgians - Caucasians. He was actually close to being correct. He thought they were Egyptians who got lost up there on some expedition long ago and decided to just settle in the area. Actually..... Most of the Black people who dwelt in that region that he was referring to were the descendants of the Black troops SENT to that area to guard the perimeter and keep the Caucasians roped in the Caucasus after they were banished up there. These guards were sent all over the southern and western borders. Your Theory on the Flood story not being Global is incorrect. I didn't say it wasn't a global story. You should read my EXACT words. Troy yeah the food story predates the Bible. In fact wasn’t it in Gilgamesh? Because they all got it from the same original source. Gilgamesh is just the Aryan/Indian version of the same flood myth that the Jews and Greeks believed in. And just like the Aryan-Indians were Caucasian, so were the Jews and Greeks. Which is why I said all CAUCASIAN cultures share those same myths. You don't hear about ANCIENT (key word) Black, Brown, or even Yellow cultures embracing that flood myth.
  19. ProfD I like it but democracy doesn't work that way. I'm inclined to say that democracy doesn't work AT ALL....lol.....but......
  20. frankster When Musa/Moses went up into the caves and mountains to civilize the savage Caucasian, he didn't go alone. He went with a GROUP of people. Being from ancient Kemet clearly had ships and likely had advanced technology and probably even scuba-diving gear that allowed them to reach some parts of the Caucasus areas by sea or river. So it could be that some of Musa's men were dressed as a scuba/fish outfit to navigate water on to the land to teach and civilize a particular group. When the savages saw this they probably figured the people were part fish, looking at them being able to swim and come in and out of the water like that. Same thing with Jonah. Here was a man who to a group of savages standing on the shore looking at him.....looks like a fish is coughing him up on the beach. So they tell a story about or make a legend. When in REAL life he was probably just squirming out of his scuba-diving gear so he can get ready to teach the people. Over the years this story probably got split up as the various groups of Caucasians began to split up and go in different directions. Like most allegories and legends, these stories are based on historical facts. Now mind you..... They CLAIM that all of the ancient cultures believed in "Great Flood" stories. That's not true. The CAUCASIAN cultures found in different parts of the ancient world did....not the INDIGENOUS cultures. You don't find Africans or Native Americans talking about a Flood myth or a Noah. Only European, Middle Eastern, and India....places where Caucasians originally traveled to and settled.
  21. ProfD I think we'd be wasting our time trying to convince White people of any socio-economic class to do the right thing and allow fellow Americans to receive help using their tax dollars. I think when a Black man/woman gets in office and is in a position to do so....they should just USE the money to build the necessary infrastructure and help those who need help and let the consequences come. Racists are our enemies. You'll never convince them to use their money to help Black and Brown people. They hate you because you're Black but the mistreat you because they CAN. In other words, the goal shouldn't be to appeal to the conscience and morality of White people anymore. Those days dies with Martin Luther King. Today it's about grabbing power and then EXERTING that power once you've acquired it. "I'm in charge now sucka. We're gonna use the money the way I see fit."
  22. ProfD Unfortunately, the real America is motivated by money: Although it's a rare occasion....lol....I don't like disagreeing with you. Especially after you've just agreed with me concerning the same subject. However I have to step in and say. WE (you, I, and the other tens of millions of AfroAmericans) are the REAL America and REAL Americans. Rather I'd say the White racists IN America are motivated by money....just like the ones in every other nation they are found in are motivated by money. Makes no difference where you find these racist devils or what nation they claim or reside in....they all think and behave similarly. If WE (as Black Americans) decide we want to shift the federal funds from going to Ukraine or some redneck corn kicker in Iowa and redirect them towards building solid and sound infrastructures in Louisiana, Florida, and all along the Gulf Coast in the communities OUR people are living..who's gonna stop us? There's no way on this green Earth they would be able to stop and stand in our way if we as AfroAmericans MADE UP OUR MINDS to take advantage of the wealth and resources of this nation to better ourselves and condition. Maybe a little resistance from some dumb ones, but the smartest White folks would just stand to the side the hell out of the way and shrug their shoulders while we're building and hope and wait for the bickering and infighting among our people to start.
  23. Based on my research, there is strong evidence that Moses, Oannes, Dagon, and Jonah are all related to the same story.....based on facts. The Biblical story of Jonah seems to have been taken BY the Jews in Babylon from earlier sources. Most likely from the Akkadians who had a similar story but the main character's name was Oannes. Akkadians were among the first Caucasians to found a civilization in the Middle East after displacing the original Black Sumerians. As you pointed out, the Philistines are another group of Caucasians who landed on the shores of Canaan and THEY TOO have that same story of being "civilized" by Dagon who was supposedly "half-fish". I have a theory behind these stories that tie them together......
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