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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Having lived around this nation, I can say without a shadow of doubt that Section 8 hasn't help eliminate poverty but just DISPERSED it around so that the problems that come with poverty has expanded beyond certain inner city districts to more formerly stable areas. Instead of the government doing it's job by building housing directly to shelter the poor..... Section 8 was really a "get rich" scheme hatched to take government money and put it in the hands of greedy slum lords.
  2. Coming from the Midwest, I wouldn't want to live in a place like New York or Philly. As the old saying goes, it's a good place to VISIT but I wouldn't want to live there...lol. However I've been curious since childhood as to how it would feel growing up in a place like New York with such diversity music, food, cultures, and people in general....especially Black people. I'm the type of person who runs up into the faces of almost every Black immigrant I see to welcome them to America and ask them about their culture and how they see the world. I've come down a lot as I've gotten older, but I love Black people so much that it's like a dream seeing them from so many different aspects. The desire to be White is certainly a tiny minority among Black people, however the desire to be "less Black" occupies a much much larger segment and I'd dare say MOST people around the planet who are of African descent probably desire to be less Black and closer to White whether it's because they feel it would be an improvement in their looks or an improvement in career and financial opportunities in such a White dominated society. Ofcourse they won't come out and ADMIT this....but actions speak louder than word. Look at the amount of bleaching cream being old in Africa and the Caribbean.
  3. ProfD As long as AfroAmericans rely on White folks to finance, market and promote their music, rest assured they're going to invest in the trash that sells and makes the most money That part right there. That line pretty much sums it up. The so-called "Black Music" that is dominating much of the media today is the music that White executives who run the entertainment industry is PROMOTING. It's not all there is, but it's what they're promoting as Black culture and trying to influence the Black youth to produce more of....because it's negative and trashy. They KNOW what they're doing and why they're doing it...do we? ProfD and Cynique Beauty and trash are ultimately in the eyes and ears of the beholder. Then, there's the folks who control the purse strings. Could it be that "one man's trash is another one's treasure", and that there is no accounting for taste? It could be. However some things are UNIVERSAL and certain delights in sight, sound, taste, and touch can be found and agreed upon across cultural lines. -Very few if any cultures delight in eating shit. They tend to enjoy foods that are sweet, fatty, and salty. -Curvy women are seen as attractive as well as muscular men....across the board. -No culture likes the smell of farts. I can go on and on but you get the point.... Human nature is wired to find certain similarities attractive and other similarities disgusting regardless of environment or up bringing. When you see young men who are fat with big bellies hanging down, titties like a woman, and tattoos all over their bodies..... ....growling and mumbling and talking about murdering people, raping people, selling drugs....with big grins on their faces while they smoke dope- NOBODY with good sense finds that treasurable or beautiful. It's horrible Filthy Disgusting Vile Wicked Most people across races and cultures...including ours....revile such displays of ignorance and debauchery. But this is what is being honed in on and promoted by White music executives as "Black culture" and this is what a lot of AfroAmerican "artists" are gladly performing for money.
  4. One of the biggest problems Africa is facing today is BRAIN DRAIN. Too often, the brightest young minds find it easier to just leave their countries and go to West, get an education, and live the type of life they WANT to live rather than struggle with old traditions, jealousy, and crushing poverty. If there was a COLLECTIVE movement for the youth to join....there would be more hope for them. But since things are so individualistic and so many are on different pages with religion, politics, tribal affiliation, ect....it's easier to just duck out and leave the entire situation and occasionally send some money back home or visit. Tradition and culture can be a good thing, but often it's oppressive and holds back progress. Lack of ancient traditions or strong culture is one of the strengths of modern Western civilization because it has fewer MENTAL shackles.
  5. Michel Montvert Not sure if you'd admit to this even if you believed it yourself, however I've constantly said on this site that there has been an OBVIOUS decline in AfroAmerican musical talent over the past 50 years or so. When you compare the AfroAmerican musicians TODAY with those of the past...especially the 70s and back....not only have fewer AfroAmericans come up with ORIGINAL musical beats but fewer know how to play actual musical instruments like drums, horns, and pianos. And the LYRICS of the songs have become so outrageously inferior compared to the past. The stupidity, the glorification of criminality and immorality, the "mumbling" of words to the point that you can't even understand most of the lyrics. It's atrocious and embarrassing. It's as if the worse of AfroAmerican sub-culture is being promoted by promoting today's music and today's artists. I expect to hear some push back from @ProfD over my comment.....lol...but an observation is an observation.
  6. Michel Montvert Lol, I personally wouldn't mind if you DID suggest that working class Whites had it harder than working class Blacks. I'm IN the working class and most of the service jobs I've been on, the White employees tend to work harder than the AfroAmericans on average and show more dedication to the job. Whether we're talking about scrubbing floors, flipping burgers, construction, cashiering, ect....I've seen it so many times. However when I study the psychology behind this, I realize that poor and working class Whites often see themselves as the "overseers" or outter-ring "gate keepers" to the White racist system. They feel it's their duty to maintain the system even at THEIR OWN PERSONAL expense. Unlike most AfroAmerican workers, most working class Whites don't mind sacrificing their time, energy, and even health in order to maintain "the system". So in that sense, they often WILL have a harder time in life but that struggle is somewhat voluntary as they see themselves as sacrificial pawns.
  7. Atleast when a White person calls themselves "conservative" they usually know what they're talking about. Whether they are TRULY conservative or just PRETENDING to be and are using that term to actually describe right-wing positions beyond Conservatism. With a few notable exceptions like Thomas Sowell....most Black folks who call themselves "Conservative" have little idea WHAT the hell they're talking about. They just see a bunch of well dressed structured and organized people in suits on television and get mesmerized. Want to be like them....believing that imitating them and supporting them will be THEIR key to success. That's the REAL reason so many AfroAmericans supported Trump. They had this warped idea that in supporting a billionaire, somehow his money would "rub off" on them or "trickle down" to them. Others who are fed up with the crime and violence in their communities feel that heavy handed rhetoric spewed by Republicans and Conservatives are the solutions to the problem they see; so they get on board with that garbage. A lot of Black "Conservatives" are simply confused.
  8. No. You give me too much credit.....lol. I'm very familiar with Nkrumah but not with that particular book. However to me it just seems like common sense to discard the former methods your enemy was using to control you and come up with a new plan. Most Asian countries also adopted or kept similar structures to the ones the Europeans left them but seem to have modified them more to fit their contemporary needs than the African nations did.
  9. Troy Lately I've been exploring alternative search engines and looking for ones with less of a filter and a broader range than Google. Most of them tend to be more filtered and limited than Google itself. I wish I had a "magic" search engine that would simply allow me to dig up all there is on the internet so that I can decide what I want to view instead of having my options limited.
  10. Lol..... Milli Vanilli had some catchy tunes back in the day! I used to walk around singing "Blame it On The Rain" "Blame it on the raaaaiin...yeah...yeaaaaah".....LOL "Girl you know it's true....oooo.....ooo....oooo....I love yooouuuu" Man, come on. I think they gave MV too hard of a time. Just because they caught them lip syncing or something. Most artists do that today. Arsenio Hall used to CLOWN on them all the time, lol.
  11. Actually the Welfare system the way it's designed today not only encourages people to stay in poverty but it encourages people to lie and become criminals. Too many rules are attached to just BASIC forms of welfare like Section 8. They make it so hard for so many people to get in these programs that too often they end up lying on their forms just to get some basic assistance, and THEN they want to prosecute them for it and accuse them of fraud. The more laws you have, the more criminals you make. Many people won't agree with this, but in my opinion they should have kept the PROJECTS. Instead of tearing them down, they should have built more and MAINTAINED them and provided SECURITY in them. So now they call the projects crime infested towers of filth and poverty and tear them down.....so NOW where do the people who were living in them are supposed to go? On the streets and in prisons??? Because that's where many of them when after the projects were torn down. Simply tearing down projects didn't get rid of poverty and it actually helped increase the homeless problem manifold.
  12. I don't know what kind of signal Biden is trying to send, telling these traitorous redneck bastards that they aren't considered a threat. It's actually an unnecessary show of weakness. They DO NOT pose any serious threat to this nation or it's government. Most of them are out of shape and their weapons are stone aged compared with the might of the average major city police department let alone the U.S. military. So when I see them acting weak and timid in the face of these big beer bellied rednecks and let them march around with weapons talking all kinds of cash shit while they sit back and PRETEND to be afraid or them....it further confirms my suspicions that they are in on it too. Like January 6th. Those right-wingers in law enforcement will stand back and LET those rednecks bum rush the place and take over UNTIL some niggas with guns start busting at them and driving the devils back....THEN all of a sudden they'll wake up, step in, and do their jobs to prevent further bloodshed. Back up! Back the fuck up Jethro Bodeen! Your red neck buddies on the force may have let yall asses IN here but I won't let yall out!"
  13. That's alright. We know it takes you a little while to catch on....lol. Anywhoooo........ richardmurray That poem sounds like something you'd find on the inside of a Skin Bleaching Cream box...lol. What's so sad is a lot of our people....especially if they're young...really do think like that and wish they could find a way to turn themselves White.
  14. richardmurray Facts. I've said that what the NIgerian government should do, and infact most African nations should do this is REPLACE most of their current governments which were actually formed and structure by their former and current European colonialists with NEW governments based on a more African and natural system of governing. European governments are based on the European mindset. It works for THEM because it's based on THEIR thinking, how their minds are structured. It doesn't work for our people and leads to a host or problems trying to maintain and live under such a foreign system of rule. -What the hell is WRONG with these niggas???? Same with most of the Caribbean nations. They need to replace their current governments with a more natural form instead of those formed by their European colonialists. Some have made the observation that what's worse than living under a White system of government formed and operated by White folks....is living under a White system of government that Black folks took over and are now trying to run! Atleast when the White folks had control of it...because they invented it they know what they're doing. Now that Black folks are running it, many of them HAVE NO CLUE that to do in those seats of power once they occupy them.
  15. Define or describe? Perhaps one will find it a challenge trying to DESCRIBE something they haven't experienced, but the DEFINITIONS we accept come from those who haven't experienced a fraction of what they're defining.
  16. Michel Montvert Van Sertima provided no references to his "facts", his work was not peer reviewed. and so it is categorized as "pop alternative history/anthropology" and based on no evidence. I've read much of Van Sertima's work and he's provided a wealth of evidence to back up his claims. It's just not accepted by many if not most White scientists. Denial of evidence shouldn't be confused with REFUTING evidence. Simply calling it ridiculous or a joke doesn't automatically negate the evidence that's presented or make it false. But I have listened to such as David Imhotep, Runuoko Rashidi, Clyde Winters, etc., and can easily debunk their "everyone was once really black" claims. Well I actually agree with you that everyone WASN'T once Black. However I haven't heard ANY of those scholars say that. Not that they haven't...I just haven't heard them say it. And we can easily find Native people in Veracruz and Tabasco who look exactly like those Olmec stone heads. That's because if they are in Veracruz they likely are NOT 100% Native American but have African ancestry and in many cases are racially African themselves! "Black communities are mostly found in Veracruz — where the Spanish disembarked enslaved people from Africa — and the coast of Oaxaca and Guerrero, where Afro-Indigenous traditions from colonial times endure," Being Black in Mexico: How this country is changing its views (axios.com) It shouldn't be hard to find people who LOOK LIKE Black people when you go to a community OF Black people....lol. Those stone heads are clearly African in phenotype. There is no getting around this. 100% Native Americans of Beringian origin. You may have heard of Luzia and the Lagoa Santa fossils. They also were analyzed and are 100% Native American. I haven't heard of them and can't deny or affirm this one way or another. Among my own Appalachian people there are a lot of stories about the "Indians" in our ancestry. Very often these are tales without any substantiation. My family's DNA was analyzed and was pure European. That doesn't mean there isn't an Indian in the woodpile, necessarily, but it does mean that family histories are often invented. It may not be true and then again it actually may be true but they were simply unable to prove it. Lack of proof doesn't necessarily mean it isn't so. A similar invention is heard often from African-Americans who deny they're part white, and claim to be part Indian, yet DNA analysis shows them to be mixed of African and European usually with no Native component at all. I understand why people would like to deny white ancestry, ok, but facts are facts. You have a point here. I recently found out that one of the ancestors in my family who was rumored to be Native America turned out to actually be Mulatta but had to conceal this fact for some reason. However it should be noted that many if not most AfroAmericans will proudly give you the run down of their White ancestry as quickly as their Indian ancestry. Many AfroAmericans are proud to have White blood in them, or any other non-Black blood in them to be honest. There are many Youtube videos, notably by a guy named de Montellano, which debunk all of this easily. If you look at the Native people of that area, they look just like those stone heads. Keep in mind the features are exaggerated... nobody actually looks like that. You seem to be contradicting yourself insisting that the Natives of that region (who likely have much African ancestry) look JUST like those stone heads...only to turn around and claim "nobody" really looks like that...lol. But for the record, plenty of Africans actually look like that, lol. This is another case of people seeing Native faces and imagining they see someone else. Like Mayans... they are not much mixed really. In the Highlands they look quite like unmixed Natives. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to guess what race someone is if the statue of them has thick lips and a short broad nose. Infact, it would take a heck of an imagination to IMAGINE them being other than Black. Notice that those claiming African Olmecs mix up the dates of the imaginary visitors. They were Egyptians. they were Mande in Medieval times, and so on. None of it matches, even in the work of the same author. Could it be that BOTH time periods were correct? Along with multiple other time periods for Blacks visiting the Americas from Africa that have yet to be discovered (or admitted to) by mainstream history? A handful of Norse settled briefly in Labrador, and left plenty of remains by which they can easily be identified. WHERE is such evidence for Africans here? Did the Norse leave statues of themselves? I don't recall any pre-Columbian statues of White men being found along the coasts in any part of the Americas. Van Sertima never shows us ONE bit of real evidence of any of those things here in America. What do you mean by "real evidence"? Evidence is evidence. Fact that support an assertion. Either it's real or it's not. And if it's not real...it's not evidence. Nor does anyone else. And would not they have returned to Africa? Most claim that they did, that they were trading back and forth. And so I'd have to ask for some evidence of American crops in Africa, as well! Or American Indians. Almost immediately the Spanish were taking Native Americans to Spain. Would not the Africans have done the same? No. Because unlike the Europeans...the Africans didn't go there to exploit or DISPLACE people. However in response to your question how do we know that some Native Americans DIDN'T make a voyage back with them to Africa? What I find problematic about this is that you seem to think that if you can put the adjective "Caucasian" before "scientist" that invalidates the scientist! No, them being Caucasian doesn't necessarily invalidates them or their work. But it DOES put things in their proper perspective when you realize that those scientists belong to a group who have a long and documented history of deception, fabrication, and suppression of truth and history. If the thread of racism runs through any part of this society that White people collectively can be found in...then one would have to be NAIVE to believe that it wouldn't be found in the sciences of medicine, academia, archeology, astronomy, ect...if they too are controlled and influenced by White people. So you are then rejecting the scientific method altogether? No. Facts, evidence, the hypothetical-deductive method... these things are an expression of logic which is independent of the ancestral identity of the scientist doing the work! ....or atleast they SHOULD be. And if you are going to make statements about peoples' ancestries, you have to have evidence. And you have to use the labels correctly. Dravidian speakers. for example, were NOT the first people in India. I don't mind being corrected, however is this FACT or THEORY? Is there a hieroglyph or timeline found on an ancient document or wall declaring that there were people there before the Dravidians??? The are very likely the creators of the Harappan civilization. But the peoples with Y-DNA C, D and H were there before the Dravidians. who are associated with L. It was not only the Indoeuropeans who pushed other people out of the way when they migrated. We can find the same behavior perpetrated by Bantu speakers moving south in Africa, or Chinese speakers spreading out from the river valleys where they originated. Do we find the Bantu slaughtering people, establishing new religions, demonizing the old religions and claiming that the deities of the old religion were actully "demons", and raping the women to establish mixed race people in positions of authority to help them rule -like the Aryans did to the Dravidians? If not, there can be no comparison. And again, not only did the Caucasians do this to the Dravidians of India but they did it to countless other races and ethnic groups in other parts of the globe they traveled to. As for America... all I can say is I want to see EVIDENCE!!! There is ZERO evidence of any Dravidian speakers coming to America before Columbus. If you wish to treat this as a contest, sorry but the Vikings win. They were the first non-Native Americans to come to America that we know of. Well we don't "know" that they did, you merely BELIEVE that they did because you're willing to accept the little evidence you've seen of this. There's probably far more evidence that Black Africans were coming here but that evidence is not accepted by you. As far as the DNA talk, I'll let you have that conversation with others because I don't know enough about it to qualify having a discussion over it. As for the rest... there is a mountain of evidence confirming that humans evolved in Africa. And we evolved from a species who lived 7 million years ago and was also ancestral to chimps and bonobos. DNA confirms this. It really is not possible to argue with DNA. The analysis of it is today quite sophisticated and can clearly be used to trace ancestry. Evolution is a theory and while there may be "evidence" of humans evolving there is certainly not any PROOF and they're probably won't be any. Infact, I'd say there is more evidence that humanity has DEVOLVED from earlier greatness than EVOLVED, lol..but that's another conversation all together. Evolution is a racist theory espoused BY a racist Caucasian named Charles Darwin. His work should be discredited and discarded by anyone serious about seeking the truth.
  17. I'm proud of the NIgerian government for this. It shows me that they have common sense and respect for it's citizens. I also heard they are banning non-Black models from being used in commercials. Another step towards progress. It's about time African nations started actually being proud to be AFRICAN and show love for themselves and their fellow countrymen instead of worshipping Europe, lightening their skin, and straightening their hair trying to be more like their centuries old oppressor.
  18. Troy They already HAVE the cure for cancer. Infact, there are SEVERAL cures for cancer which have been routinely demonstrated for decades. They are just suppressed and kept in certain circles secret from the public in general. One group keeps it a secret so they can make money off of just treating it instead of actually curing it. Another group keeps it a secret to protect it, so that the first group doesn't come and try to dismantle or destroy it or "out law" it once it has been made public. One of the things I've noticed over the years about people in power whether in government or at a job....they love making rules. They tend to love RESTRICTING and BANNING things that they personally don't agree with even if it doesn't disrupt the operation. On jobs, if I find a way to make it easier for me to do a job while maintaining the same quality of it....I often keep that discovery to myself and be sure NOT to tell any supervisors or managers. Many of them have a tendency to automatically want to tell you "NO...you can't do it that way" Even if it's not against the rules. And if you insist on doing it then they'll try to MAKE A RULE saying you can't do it. But if they don't know about it....they can't make it illegal. "Ok...HOW...is this guy getting so many sales?? He's gotta be doing something wrong. I'm gonna find out what it is that's he's doing because I'm sure he's breaking the rules"
  19. Coggins First Trump convinced his followers to support Russia. NOW he's convinced yall to support the Communist regime of North Korea What next? Will they have booths set up at the next CPAC convention to register people to join the Taliban or Al Qaeda???? "Well..... Remember, our Founding Fathers were considered terrorists by the British crown as well, soooo.......!"
  20. Coggins Oooooh..... So BIDEN is a "White man" who speaks with a forked tongue but Trump isn't?????? When Trump was rallying his crowd to beat up Black people and encouraging cops to smash people's heads agaist the squad car, HE wasn't a "bad White man". Even when he called Black nations "shit hole" countries...that was ok. But when Biden says something contradictory then ALL OF A SUDDEN he's a forked tongued no good so-n-so? First you were calling for the abolishment of the FBI.... NOW you're calling the White man fork tongued, like you're Geronimo resurrected....lol. Man....you right-wing "conservative" Negroes are something else...lol
  21. Michel Montvert But... all humans on earth trace back to Africa! I personally don't believe that all people's came out of Africa. Infact, I believe the opposite. I believe all of the populations who are in Africa today the Black as well as the Arab and White MIGRATED there and settled in those lands for diffent reasons at different times. When you read the ancient as well as modern stories coming from Indigenous peoples all over the planet whether they are Native American, Dravidian, Mongolian, and even Aborigine...none of them claim to have come from Africa even if they gave that continent another name and claimed such. The ONLY people who espouse the "Out of Africa" theory are Caucasian archeologists and historians and those people of color trained by them. And me thinks that even most educated Caucasians know better, lol. Native Americans arrived from Beringia. All of them. NO Native DNA has been found which is other than that. Ok, now do THEY say that of themselves.....or is that more THEORY from Caucasian scientists and archeologists? Although people make up stories and generate legends, it would seem to me that the people themselves would know more about their origins and that of their ancestors than Caucasian scientists and archeologists thousands of years AFTER the fact. I was among the Maya and yes they are generally quite dark, but their features are nothing like those of Africans. Right. But I...and I don't speak for others...am not advocating that ALL or MOST or even a LARGE PORTION of Native Americans were originally Black. I believe that ALONG WITH the original Native Americans who generally are of a solid race of medium-light brown skinned people with coarse straight Black hair....you had various other groups who migrated to this Hemisphere for one reason or another at one time to another and settled among them. One such group were Black Africans. Another such group were Black Dravidians. Another such group were Mongoloid Asians. I'd even accept that some Nordic Caucasians sailed over too. The evidence shows clearly that Europeans weren't the first people of the Eastern Hemisphere to "discover" the Western Hemisphere/Americas. I have a Cambodian friend who is also as dark as the Maya, and she isn't African either. Plenty of Eurasians had and have dark skin. They evolved to have a skin color which suited their environment. I don't believe it's a matter of "evolution" so much as a matter of racial mixing that had been occurring for CENTURIES. When you talk about places like Cambodia and Nepal and even Eurasians...they are close to India. The Indian sub-continent was and still is inhabited by Dravidian peoples who are a Black people divided into various ethnic groups and tribes. They are found all over the Indian sub-continent as well as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and all up into Eurasia as they are the original inhabitants of that region before the Aryans and other Caucasian groups invaded and killed them or drove them further South. Many Cambodians, Thai, Nepalese, and other groups are primarily Mongolian mixed in with these original Dravidian peoples. I would suggest that nobody's family history has much to say going back to Columbus' time. Perhaps a griot in West Africa could recite geneology that old. European records might have it for Europeans. But... there is no history which shows Africans in America! Nor Chinese! We need solid evidence. Western scientists have all of the evidence (and I'm sure proof) that they need to determine this fact. They know the truth, they're just covering it up...as usual. Which is why I said they can't be trusted. They have a well documented history of deception and covering up historical and archeological facts. Sometimes they keep it covered, and other times they PRETEND to discover it recently and release it to the public after hiding it all along. Many if not most White scientists have agreed to IGNORE the evidence and regulate it to speculation and pseudo-science, for racist purposes. For the same reason there is no proof and very little evidence that humans evolved from ape-like species....but it's still pushed and promoted as if it were an absolute fact. Why? It serve a racist purpose. I gotta go and pick somebody up from work, lol. To be continued.........
  22. Michel Montvert Sorry, but some of this history sounds like it came from the NOI and it is NOT supported by any evidence. That's because much of it did. Although I'm not religious and don't agree with all of their doctrine, I give credit where credit is due because studying the teachings of the Nation of Islam was instrumental in breaking the hold Christianity had on me from centuries of racist indoctrination. There was no greater "Caucasian" civilization from which all those named sprang. Any connection between the Y-DNA J2 Semitic speakers and the R1a and R1b Indoeuropeans was very ancient. Lol...you just named it. It's called "INDO-EUROPEAN" Literally the Caucasians from which those Caucasians who migrated to both the Indian sub-continent and Europe is that "greater Caucasians" civilization. The Indoeuropeans did not come from the Caucasus, but from the steppes. Take a look at this map of the Steppes of Central Asia and you tell me if the assertion that their home was indeed the Caucasus mountains is far fetched.... Looks to me like the center-point for all of this migration is the CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS! They were in the Caucasus mountains for centuries BEFORE migrating into the steppes of Central Asia. And those who migrated into those steppes were only a PORTION of the greater Caucasian race who migrated in different directions. After "Out of Africa" 60k years ago, Which is a THEORY....but let's move on....... the people of the Mideast were those who evolved there. The people of the Mideast were those who "evolved there"? Hmmm... I want to understand you clearly... Are you saying that for the most part, Middle Easterners are people descended from those who evolved there INSTEAD OF being a mixture of various groups from different parts of the globe who MIGRATED there from different directions??? They were no longer "Africans", but all qualify as "Caucasoid" regardless of their skin color. How so? The Middle East isn't the Caucasus region, so why would simply being there automatically qualify them as "Caucasoid"???? The designation is not about color. "Caucasoid" does NOT equal "white". I don't know what "Caucasoid" means, which is why I don't use the term. I use the term CAUCASIAN. And although it's not about color, it IS a racial term. The Mideasterners with whom migrants from the Caucasus (Semitic speakers) and later from the steppes (Indoeuropean speakers) mixed were already "Caucasoid". Well, again...not sure about the "Caucasoid" part but yes SOME of them were mixed. But most weren't. Of course if you look at southern Arabia (where Africans had migrated) or Lower Egypt (where Eurasians had migrated), you'll see a lot of mixed people, and good luck putting them into a category. Facts. The "Caucasian" people were no more savage than anyone else, on the whole. Being that Caucasians are a RACE instead of an ethnic group we have to compare Caucasians with other RACES. Which other races have a history of living primarily in mountains? Which other races have a history of eating raw or almost raw meat? Which other races have a history of even a portion of their population crawling on all four limbs? You may be able to say this about a few ethnic groups INSIDE of certain races, but not the majority of the race...as was the case for Caucasians while they were in the Central Asia/Caucasus mountain region. Egypt was not the world's first civilization. I agree. Not by a long shot. There were others millennia before, in Africa, in Europe and elsewhere. The world was not civilized by Egypt. I didn't say that it was. But I DID say that Caucasians were for the most part civilized by Egyptians who constantly sent people to them giving them scientific knowledge to raise them from a savage and barbaric state to a more refined and civilized state. Even ancient Greek historians and philosophers like Herodotus and Aristotle admit to this. Many Caucasian cultures like the Greek and Romans say that their "Gods" came from Egypt and Ethiopia. Moses was the lawgiver to the Israelites! According to the Bible...not necessarily according to history. And according to the Greeks, THEY had a law giver and civilizer named Musaeus Infact, when you read about the allegory of the "Muse" being responsible for musicians and poets Inspiration and creativity....it's a throw back to that ORIGINAL law giver and Inspirational Civilizer Mose/Moshe/Musa/Moses. Civilization: by 6000 bce there was civilization in Europe, in the Balkans, along the Danube and its tributaries, and along the Mediterranean. Civilization with many towns, extensive trading networks, and a system of writing older than any other known, upon which Sumerian writing was obviously based, since it uses many of the same symbols. Ofcourse! Civilization existed in Europe for atleast TENS of THOUSANDS of years if not HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of years!! But it just wasn't CAUCASIAN civilization! Black and Brown people had been occupying Europe and establishing civilizations all over that continent (really a sub-continent) for CENTURIES before the first White person was ever in existence on this planet. The original Europeans were indeed Black and Brown. This "Old European" civilization was destroyed by the incoming Yamnaya from the steppes, the Indoeuropean speakers. Absolutely! Just like the Caucasians migrated to the Americas, killed off the original Native Americans and stole their land and resources...they did the same thing to Europe BEFORE THAT after migrating West from the Caucasus mountains. In Africa there was also an extensive society which I know will be before long declared to be "civilization", in the Sahara, growing out of the "African Aquatic". Ok. I can dig that! Egypt was great, to be sure, but it was not the first civilization. Both "black" and "white" people had created civilized societies prior to Egyptian Unification (Narmer). I agree. Infact, most people don't realize that there is a difference between EGYPTIAN civilization and KEMETIC civilization. When you talk about "Egypt" you're talking about a kingdom t heavily influenced if not developed by Caucasians who migrated down into ancient Kemet and helped destroy or dissolve THAT great Empire and turn it into what we call "Egypt". Kemet being a much greater, longer, and Blacker Empire than the Egyptian one that replaced it.
  23. frankster If the only value you see is Entertainment... We can stop right there, because that's not true. I see more value in it than just entertainment. So to you they are Allegories.....Where as I see Value I see both. The further apart the Languages are linguistically the more the difference becomes pronounced...generally True. But these are two different words all together for two different beings. Translation is trying to convey Meaning....Whilst Transliteration is trying to convey Sound.. Well put. No one is Lying and it's not a contradiction. I differ on that. Whoever inserted the word "Lucifer" in there in place of Helel was definitely practicing deception. Yes....That fact also remains that 3 in Cali is equally true and factual with 12 in NY.....Respective to where the participants are - both are True No. California's time is behind New York's. With birthday lets say one is on the opposite side of the globe as to the other.. Ok? Thank you....so even your trusted and reputable sources may have some propaganda...Why would expect the bible to be different? I don't. Do YOU recognize that the Bible contains propaganda??? In terms of the Scriptures we use most or by most people it's more like 100th 300th or 500th hand information......Find the Value its all not just entertainment..... Can't disagree with this. And a very good second hand source is also available but remote for many or most. And what would (or Who would) that be???
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