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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. frankster What race/races do the above individuals belong to? When you put them next to each other it's hard to tell because they actually look like the SAME girl but fixed to appear either Black or vise versa. If they're not the same, the pale one looks like an albina and I can't tell her actual race. Ethnicity has to do with Culture, Environment and diet....and in most cases Skin color and appearance(phenotype) You mixing apples and oranges. Ethnicity is about CULTURE...that's it's primary concern. The only time skin color comes into play is when you're talking about different ethnicities within the SAME RACE. What percentage of ethnic groups are of the same race vs how many are multi-racial...that's a different argument all together. However ethnicity is about CULTURE...not COLOR. As Humans we all share the same or almost identical genes, the differences occur along the continuum of those that are Dominant and those that are Expressed ALMOST is the key word. Hell, according to most scientists humans and monkeys share over 90% of the same genes too. But we're clearly not the same. Just because human's share similar DNA...there's enough DNA that we DON'T share with each other that makes huge differences between us. The study of Epigenetics has demonstrated how Culture, Environment and Diet influence and change(turn on/off) Gene Expression especially in terms of Phenotype. But not in racial allele/traits. Those remain constant regardless of diet. A Black man won't turn White no matter how much German culture he adopts...and nor will his children or grandchildren if they continue to mate with other Black people. The only time the race of his offspring will change is if they mate with a person of another race. Hence the reason I used the term Hebrew/Jew.....pick your nomenclature. What was Miriam Hebrew or Israelite or Jew? If the story of her in the Bible is true...she was the same as Moses, both a Hebrew and Israelite. However I don't believe the story. If as you say Moses wasn't a Jew...what was Moses ? - Hebrew or Israelite or other? As I said before, I don't believe the Biblical story of Moses. I believe the REAL or historic Moses was a Hebrew from Kemet (ancient Egypt) but not an Israelite. The Hebrews were of what Race in your opinion..? The Hebrews were (and still are) of the African race. What in your Opinion is the difference between White and Caucasian? White is a color that very few people actually have, especially if they're living. It's not a very accurate description. Caucasian is much more accurate because it identities the race of people decended from those of the Caucasus mountains of that same gene. Not every Caucasian is White in color. Some of them are tan and quite swarthy for various reasons, but the majority of their genes and ancestry is of that racial background. Paradigm means pattern...and before Obama the paradigm was only white men were President But see, that's not what you said at first! You changed words. Perhaps the paradigm was that only White men WERE President, but not necessarily that only White men COULD BE President. You said the paradigm before Obama was that only White men CAN be...which was false because he wouldn't have been allowed to run if that were the case. The US President is The Chief Executive Officer of the USA also is Head of State and Head of Government of the USA....That's Real Power - not a figurehead. I said the President has LITTLE POWER to change the course of things in the United States. I didn't say he didn't have ANY power. He has some, but not enough to be considered a "ruler". There are checks and balances to his powers in the form of Congress and the so-called "Supreme" Court. Responsibility Denotes Control or being in Charge of....Congress is in turn limited by the President's Veto Powers... Actually "responsibility" simply means the ABILITY TO RESPOND. IT doesn't mean you're in control or have enough power to be effective; it simple means you are able to give a response.
  2. Michel Montvert But as I've pointed out before..... When it comes to the poverty of rural areas like Kansas or West Virginia and wide swaths of Middle America where half the population is hooked on meth and have no teeth in their mouth and over 90% of them are White.....most of them WANT to be in that condition. Maybe "want" isn't the best word to use but they ACCEPT their position as the "grunts" of the system. They are what are called "White Sacrifices" that are being used as pawns to keep going. Cheap and handy labor to keep the system operating. They also stand as a cushion between the masses of Black and other people of color who are poor, oppressed, and angry and they act as a buffer to keep the wealthier classes protected "just in case". They KNOW they are being exploited and mistreated but unlike most Black people they are WILLING sacrifices. In West Virginia a lot of the poor Whites who worked in those coal mines KNEW that it would fuck up their lungs and that they were being exploited by wealthy mine owners and investor....but they labored on working their asses off with the excuse of "feeding their families".....until they got sick and dropped dead. They were WILLING pawns in the game of what they believed was "White Supremacy".....the System. You find these type all over the country keeping things operating at the expense of their own bodies and health. They'll work hard all day long and sit around at night with no teeth in their mouths smoking and drinking until they drop dead....and do it WILLINGLY to keep the System going strong. "Here's to repealing Obamacare and the rest of that socialist garbage! Real men don't give a FUCK about their health or teeth! Real men don't need helmets when they ride motor cycles! And real men ain't gonna walk around with a damn face diaper on, Pandemic or not!" -If Social Darwinism is real...I say let nature take it's course.
  3. frankster I think those two men are of different ethnicities.. Ethnicity has to do with CULTURE, not looks or skin color. We can have the same Genotype and yet express a different phenotype. But not vise-versa. You CAN'T have a different genotype and express the same phenotype. They are of Different Ethnicities.....Mostly due to environment diet culture and history True. But diet, culture, and environment does NOT affect your hair texture, natural (not tanned by the sun) skin color, eye color, and other racial traits. Those are products of GENETICS. If you are saying that the Hebrew/Jews were white/caucasian....Then how do you explain Moses hands turning white and Miriam turning white 1. Moses wasn't a Jew. According to the Bible he was a Hebrew. Jews weren't invented until around 600 B.C. 2. I didn't say the HEBREWS were White, I said the Jews and Israelites were. Caucasian to be exact, not necessarily "White". There is a difference in all 3: Hebrews, Israelites, Jews. Sometimes they overlap, but they still are different. Yes but Obama being President change the paradigm that Only White Men can be President.....As Men rule would imply First of all there is no rule or paradigm that said "only White men" could be President. It wasn't in the Constitution even during slavery. Secondly, the President of the United States is merely a FIGURE HEAD. He's not a ruler and have very little power to change the course of things in the United States. Most of that power still resides in the hands of White men.
  4. frankster It is either you are Lying or Confused... OR...(don't forget the third option) you can't comprehend, lol. Because I recognize that OTHERS find something valuable that I don't...you think that means I'm lying or confused???? So as a man.... If I tell you that I don't see much value in a tube of red lip stick...but I understand how some women (or some other men...lol) DO find it valuable -you'd think I was lying or confused about that statement???? Man.... Truth and Value is not a matter of preference.... Actually both TRUTH and VALUE are a matter of preference to certain extents. You can prefer to ACCEPT the truth or prefer NOT to accept it. And values are HIGHLY preferential because what one person prefers to value another may disregard. Value is Beneficial....Truth is of Relevance/Righteousness I'm not sure if ALL value is beneficial. Some values are harmful. ..how do you get information from this SUPREME BEING It's not "this" SUPREME BEING but THEE SUPREME BEING. This implies there are Others and you are focused on "This" particular One. There is only ONE SUPREME BEING. But to answer your question, I get information from The SUPREME BEING in numerous ways from Hunches, Dreams, Meditation, ect... In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So says John.....a human being, who lived -said what he had to say- and died like the millions of other people at that time. But how can Something be WITH Someone AND BE that very same Someone at the same time?
  5. LOL...what in the world......... Well, if it seems like I'm coming to the defense of the White person....I am, lol. I think White people are devils (ask me to define "devil" before you get too offended, lol), are inherently racist, and I don't trust them. However, having said that- I haven't read anything Michel has said that comes over as overtly racist or outrageously offensive. Hell..... When it comes to SCIENCE and ARCHEOLOGY....the same things they (btw....what makes yall think Michel is a "he"??? I haven't read everything they said but I don't remember them explicitly identifying their gender. Infact, it seems to me they went out of their way to AVOID revealing it...lol) have said on this site are the same things MOST Caucasian scientists in most universities say and teach! From promoting evolution, claiming Black people are less evolved, calling the work of Black scholars "psuedo-science", and denying everything except the "authorized versions" of history and science is the NORM in typical Western academia. That's just what White people do in general....not sure why some of you are so shocked...lol. Actually, outside of the scientific and historical assetions, most of what Michel has said about politics, economics, and society so far has been RIGHT ON the money. Whether "they" really believe it or not, "they" (until I'm sure they're a male or female....lol) is hitting the nails on the head when it comes to their political and social commentary. Although I believe MOST White people are inherently racist, I don't believe in outright accusing them of such because of disagreements and we have to be careful of that type of emotionalism. If some of yall didn't LOVE White folks so much and seek their approval, you would be so angry and offended when they disagree with you...lol
  6. richardmurray exist for the nature of fiscal capitalism. Black people in the usa haven't figured out how to make the majority have positive business ownership but neither have whites in the usa so.. Another MAJOR reason is that smaller communities tend to be more MONOLITHIC. The smaller and more tight knit the community....the more likely they are to share the same culture, values, thought patterns, ect..and that automatically ensures more unity in action. Whether it's the Nation of Islam or a small Haitian community in Baltimore, if it's smaller and more tight knit they will likely stick together more against outsiders and support each other.
  7. Thanks for telling on yourself and letting us know how you REALLY feel. You only confirmed what I suspected anyway, lol.
  8. frankster For me Humanity is of One ....Race is a social construct - based on political expediency. So, you believe the differences between these two men is a "social construct" and doesn't have a physical and genetic factor? So since you believe race is a "social construct", you're saying eliminate the "race construct" and no one would be able to tell the difference between them?? What Phenotype is exclusive to "The Caucasian"? The phenotypical GROUP traits of nearly white skin, red/blonde hair, blue/green eyes, weaker bones and muscles. Again, individually these traits can be found among all other races. But only among Caucasians are they ALL found in a group. Thus the term "race". Yes they do not show blood through skin"Like" Caucasians do.....They are not Caucasians. Like humans they do show blood when the blush and or bruise from under the skin....like African, Caucasian,Chinese or Indians do - each in their own individual way. Ok? Tell me something I DON'T know. I didn't say they weren't human. I said they were of a different race. Provide the Scriptures of which you speak....They are quite a few Scriptures that uses the terms son of man/God Ok, here's one.... Here, Ezekiel himself is referred to a "son of man"..which in it's original translation would be "Ben Adam" or "Son of Adam" Unlike the New Testament which suggests only Christ is the "Son of Man".....the Old Testament calls multiple people "son of man" because the term simply mean a descendant of Adam. Adam being the allegorical first White man. One woman breaks the Rule of Male rule..... We will have to disagree. One or even several occurrences doesn't necessarily end or change the paradigm of an establishment. Obama being President for 8 years didn't change the fact that White people are the ones primarily running this nation.
  9. frankster In one response you prove my point... You state "another value is ability to mask" and in the very next sentence you state "I personally don't see that ability as valuable"....now that's a contradiction. That's not a contradiction, that's your lack of comprehension of the statement. I'm saying I PERSONALLY don't find it valuable to me....but I recognize that OTHERS find it valuable. Especially those who came up with it. I don't find pickled pig's feet valuable.....but many other people do. Then you try to straddle the fence by stating "it's valuable to the people who design it" So stating the obvious is "straddling the fence" in your book? You must find in these stories what is valuable and relevant to YOU....then follow that trail in Life and Thought. Why "must" I find something in these stories valuable and relevant to me? Why can't I ignore them, move on to something I find valuable for my life, and let someone else who is interested in them "find the value"??? What you're saying is like trying to FORCE someone to watch a movie and find some entertainment in it. It's a matter of PERSONAL choice. The reputable source you posted...you now do not trust completely - you wouldn't even trust the original. You keep saying "now" as if I've said before that I've put complete trust in them. I don't put "complete trust" in ANY man-made document! I trust some more than others, but completely or 100%...none. What are who do you Trust? The SUPREME BEING. The bible wants you and I to live a righteous life - As it is most efficacious. The Bible is an inanimate BOOK. It has no wants or desires. Yes....for you it is a waste of time and energy.... For Many it is the source great Strength and Energy. So is cocaine. Doesn't mean it's good for you.
  10. Michel Montvert To see a more free workforce you'd really have to go to one of the developed nations, e.g. France, Singapore. Israel, Japan, Germany, Canada. I've been to France, Germany, and I used to go to Canada almost every weekend when I was younger so I know their work forces enjoy a better quality of employment from higher wages to safer working conditions to more vacations and breaks in general. Plus, it is my understanding that in Canada and most Western European nations, they can't just fire you for any or no reason like most jobs can do in the United States. They have to have a valid reason and go through all types of processes to fire you on just the menial of jobs. Having been working since the 80s, I know that things USED TO be much better at work in the United States but after the Reagan Era things took a turn for the worse where the jobs became more demanding, safety standards started disappearing, and management became more authoritative. But this goes back to what I was saying in the other thread about the poor people in the United States being the main causes of their own problems. They ALLOWED this to happen without fighting back and demanding more pay, benefits, and respect from these employers A few drug addicts standing on street corners with clipboards trying to get people to sign petitions to raise the minimum wage doesn't exactly count as a "labor movement" if anyone asks me. "Cuze me sir....urr you a rechizzer voter????" (The fool was trying to say "Excuse me sir, are you are registered voter?" but he's high.) ProfD As is often the case with your posts.... I'm not sure there is much I can add on to what you just said. All I can say is I agree 100%...lol.
  11. Uhhh.....that dude would be ME. And it's already been decided...lol. "Girl, you tryna get with me? Take a number....lol"
  12. richardmurray Yes about caterin but remember to say, the caterin isn't a matter of choice. The white community started the usa, controls the USA, it isn't like the black community had lost power , we started in the USA in the same state before it, which was enslaved, circa 90%. While it's not DIRECTLY a matter of choice, most of the caterin' the Black youth are doing today IS by choice because back during Reconstruction right after Emancipation Black Americans owned so much land, had so many job skills, and build towns and cities all over the nation. We can do even greater today but CHOOSE not to out of laziness Our people don't have to cater to White people anymore, but too many CHOOSE to because they don't want to put in the work to advance our community. They would rather put in an application and get a job and be routinely subjected to abuse and mistreatment at their job rather than put in the hard work of owning and operating their own business. Just work for someone else and let them deal with the responsibility of keeping the business running...while they collect a paycheck once a week to buy some weed. 2. going back to the 1st, if a black man wants to kill whites or hates the usa, then they don't want to be a businessman in the usa or Well.... Let them tell it, the Nation of Islam doesn't desire to kill White folks nor do they actually hate them. According to them...they know and see White folks for what they truly are and carry ourselves around them accordingly. Never the less, they were seen as one of the most militant and anti-White groups in the United States. However that didn't stop them from being one of the most successful Black organizations this nation has seen so far when it comes to owning businesses and becoming quite wealthy with them. It is my understanding that back in the Nation of Islam under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad....once you joined the Temple you have 6 months to either get your own business or work for another brother or sister in the NOI who DID have their own business. No more working for "the devil"...no excuses. Not only did they make it, but became successful while calling White folks "devils" during the time of Segregation. But back then they didn't have to many more choices BUT to do for themselves. Michel Montvert and I have suspicions about the death of Ron Brown... Me too! The reports are that he was shot in the back of the head before his plane crashed. where half the population is on opioids, many do not want to work at all, And the other half of the population is probably addicted to Redbull and Monster drinks and work their asses off on 2 or 3 jobs. No more balance in society. Either one extreme or the other.
  13. ProfD As much stability as a homogeneous society would provide...I'm still not sure if I'd like to live in one. I personally like diversity. I like eating different types of food, meeting and engaging with women from different nations and cultures, dealing with people who think differently and see things from a different perspective . I believe some people are just "wired" to love it while others are "wired" to hate it and seek to make everyone look, think, and act the same. Michel Montvert All of that behavior by the poor which you decry is engineered. The system saw very well what happened when people stood up for themselves: labor movement. civil rights movement, womens' movement... They have extensively manipulated people to create all this cynicism and anomie. It's all by design. At the risk of sounding like a Conservative...lol...although I totally agree with you that it's by designed and the powers that be manipulate the media and society in general to produce that type of thinking....at what point do THE PEOPLE take responsibility for demanding and fighting for a better life for themselves? If you're living in poverty with several young children, one of which has autism, you don't have health care, and your job pays you only 50 cents more than the minimum wage.... Should you really be smoking weed EVERY day? Should you really be engaging in behaviors that could get you arrested, locked up, and if you get out...further ruins your chances of having a good career? Too many poor people have given up on themselves and decided to "go along" with the program the rich have designed for them. What the rich are doing makes sense. I don't agree with much of it and think it's exploitative....but it does make sense. What most poor people are doing doesn't seem to make sense.
  14. frankster Ok then state the Value you see....as you keep going back forth I'm not going back and forth. I'm saying the same things, at different intervals...and you keep forgetting what I've said already, lol. One of the values of this story is it's ability to spark dialog. Another value is it's ability to mask the actual facts behind allegory and keep them secret save for a select few. Now mind you...I PERSONALLY don't see that ability as valuable to me, because it's a bunch of lies. But it's valuable to the people who DESIGNED it to be deceptive...so it's has value. The Link you provided - Bible hub.com also used the word "Lucifer" in its translation and "helel in in it's Transliteration....are you now calling into question the source you provided ? No, I've BEEN called it into question as I never completely trusted it in the first place. I just trust it MORE THAN I trust the current English translations. It's CLOSER to the original.....but still not the original....which I probably wouldn't trust THAT too much either, lol. Again, it was written by the hands of men so I don't expect it to be perfect....like so many expect the Bible to be. Lucifer means Light bringer/bearer - in Latin the Star the rises in the morning is called Lucifer/Venus rising - morning star That was Roman. But in Greece, there was a deity named Prometheus who was also called a "Light Bearer" and was said to have brought fire from the "gods" to "humanity". Those are myths/allegories most likely based on the same individual bringing the same "light" to the same group of people but as those who founded the Roman lands split from those who founded the Greek lands....the story got modified between the two. I have maintain throughout our exchange that inspired men wrote the Bible....and that Men are frail vain and do err. The question was, do you believe that the Bible contains propaganda? After so many interpretations, translations and intentional or unintentional mistranslation/misinterpretations..... it's a miracle that we can understand it at all. I don't consider that a miracle. I consider it in many cases a waste of valuable time and energy. What and Where...is the question. What is the "second hand source" that you speak of?
  15. frankster Do you believe in more than one Human Race? I believe there is more than one human race. I believe there are multiple races. I know of a Black man and has Black wife having a Blond haired blue eyed Child.....is that child a different Race - Albino Albinos aren't a RACE but a mutation WITH IN a race. Their different phenotype is caused by an UNINTENDED occurrence in their genes. White people aren't a MUTATION, they are a BREED . Their different phenotype was designed on purpose through selection in the mating process. All humans have Blood and that Blood is red. But all humans don't SHOW blood through their skin, like Caucasians do. Which is another meaning of the Hebrew word "Adam" or "the blusher" As I said in the other thread, Adam has two meanings in Hebrew: 1. One of blood 2. One who shows blood (blushes) Son of Man, meaning son of Adam is true as Adam is seen as the first Man. First White/Caucasian man....not the first man period. Even the Old Testament scriptures supports the fact that Adam was NOT the first man. Besides the Jews who were the central characters of it...other Caucasians who are mentioned in the Old Testament are often identified as "Son of Man" to distinguish them from the people of color who also resided in the land. Read the books of Daniel and Ezekiel and you see scriptures where a person is described as looking like a "son of man" (son of Adam) coming or doing something. In other words...looking like a Caucasian as opposed to the other people of the land who were Black or Brown. ....Son of God is just as good as Adam the first Man is seen also as the son of God. No. That's a later on twisted NEW TESTAMENT interpretation of the term. The Romans and Greeks screwed it all the way up as well as LIED on it while trying to interpret the original Hebrew words and terms. Infact, if you read the Bible and pay attention......in the Old Testament there were MULTIPLE "sons of man" (sons of Adam); but by the time you get to the New Testament you find only ONE and this is usually referring to Christ or the Messiah. So its not "Male Rule" but Patriarchy....in which women can and do hold and control the Highest levers of Power ONE woman sitting at the top will not change it from being a Patriarchy, but if TOO MANY women start sitting at the highest levels of power (and how many is "too many" varies from system to system) then it's no longer a Patriarchy but either Egalitarian or a Matriarchy. So the word "PATRIARCHY" actual means Father Rule.....Not "Male Rule" It means male rule because the males are the "fathers" of the nation. That's why the men who founded the United States are called the "Founding Fathers" whether they were actual fathers or not. They are "fathers" or male authority figures of this nation. Patri may LITERALLY mean father but it's PRACTICAL use in language is for any dominant male authority. It's also the root of the word PATRI-otism. Support for the land of your fathers.
  16. ProfD I'm of the belief...and I could be wrong....that most White people don't want fairness and justice when it comes to people of color and especially Black people. They want freedom and justice for THEMSELVES, but as soon as you or I step into the room....rules, laws, restrictions, limits. It's so funny that on most of the jobs I've been on that were all or almost all White (which were few)...I noticed that at the beginning when there are few Black employees...the rules were almost non-existent. You just punch in on time, show up to work, do your job, and you were fine. -1 hour lunch break and you can take it in the building, in your car, even leave and come back with your food. -smoke breaks -No dress code. -Talk to whoever you want for however long you want as long as you're doing your job Few restrictions as long as you coming to work and producing. "FREEDOM...YAAAAY!!!" But as soon as you see a critical mass of niggaz bouncing in through the door grinning, then the RULES start coming down........ -You can't leave the property for lunch. -You can't work overtime without permission. -Breaks will now be down to a half hour instead of an hour. -You can't talk to anyone while working. -You can't wear this...you can only wear that. -You can't talk religion -You can't talk politics -You have to meet the deadlines -Sorry, no more pensions....only 401K -Sorry, dental is no longer included. -Not allowed to argue with the managers, that's insubordination -If we catch you smoking too close to the door....that's grounds for termination "Those are the rules! If you don't like them...TOUGH Leave!" Rule after rule after law after law...for OTHER PEOPLE. Most White people don't seem to want for people of color the same benefits they want for themselves, so we can't expect to live in a fair and balanced society with them. Laws would HAVE to be enacted and heavily enforced just to make them do right. Infact, the Nation of Islam teaches that many of these scripture based religions were invented for White folks....to keep THEM in check. Because they need an outside source or script to follow to keep them on the right path and give them a sense of correctness and morality. Most African and Native American based religions DON'T have scriptures...because in our natural state we don't need them. Like you said, we know right from wrong. But obviously a lot of OUR people need a script to go by too, now a days.
  17. ProfD As of late, I've been maintaining that there really is NO SUCH THING as a "free society" and what we typically call "freedom" is just more "liberation". I don't know if most people would really want to live in a truly FREE society anyway. Free means NO RESTRICTIONS. You're free to do whatever you can whenever you can.....no limitations except for your own personal desires and abilities. The moment you add ONE rule or law written or unwritten....there goes your "freedom". Do we REALLY want to live in that type of society? NO laws or rules? I suppose most Trump supporters would CLAIM to want this type of society, until they run out of bullets and realize human beings are smarter than the animals they were used to hunting when we had law and order....lol "Wait..you got me all wrong brother! This isn't MY Trump flag. I took it off of some racist I came across on my way up here to show support for YOU people! Let's all live together in peace and harmony brother!!"
  18. Another powerful subject complimentary to the other one for me to cut into over a prolong period of time. We're gonna have to go DEEP with this one....lol. I should start by defining what the Manosphere is. The Manosphere is a collection of pro-male rhetoric ranging from MRAs (Mens Right Advocates), MGTOW (Men Going Thers Own Way) and PUA (Pick Up Artist). Men's Rights Advocates believe that men are disadvantaged in the court system when it comes to child support, custody, and community property during a divorce. Because of these bitter experiences, this has led to form MGTOW or Men Going Their Own Way. This is where men abandon the idea of marriage altogether and focus on self-improvement. Pick Up Artists (PUAs) are also included among this category. These are basically pump and dumpers of women . Sometimes these people are referred to as incels (especially MGTOWS) which is short for Involuntary Celibacy. For some reasons I never saw what is being called PUA as being in the same category as the MGTOW. For me, it seems that the two are on the opposite ends of the spectrum of how a man relate to women. MGTOW also aren't necessarily the same as Incels...although most incels eventually turn into MGTOW. What's even funnier, I also saw these as primarily Caucasian male movements until of recent. I guess this is another by-product of so-called Integration or living around Caucasians too much. Historically....unless a Black man was deformed or gay, he didn't have problems getting women. He may not have always gotten THEE woman he wanted, but he was always able to get A woman and usually SEVERAL of them. I'm not the best looking guy in the world AND I'm on the lower half of the economic spectrum but can still get about over 75% of the women I make an attempt to date (eventually....lol) by a proper combination of confidence, wit, charm, and persistence. I think most Black men have learned this over the years. So as to all of these young Black men who've been popping up all over the internet lately crying about how much they hate women and how women don't want them....are coming from, I don't know. Most of them SEEM normal looking and hormonally balanced, yet seem to have so many problems attracting women....so they claim. Perhaps a lot of women can smell the "crazy" on them. I also suspect a lot of Incels are actually gay but don't want to admit it...even to themselves. They'll claim women don't want them, but in reality a lot of the times THEY DON'T WANT WOMEN; and if you notice they will make every excuse not to be with one when the opportunities present themselves. Another factor could be hormonal disruption. A lot of young people because of the chemicals in the environment are hormonally unstable and in some cases (a growing number of cases) don't even fall neatly into the male or female category....and thus don't have a lot of attracting power for the opposite sex. Most straight women are attracted to men.....not necessarily "almost men". It's hard for a woman to be attracted to a person if she can't figure out if the fool she's talking to is even a man or woman.
  19. Let's start here: Examples of anti-colorist content creators are Chrissie, Paris Milan, I Am Eloho, and the more feminist For Harriet. They explain how colorism negatively affect the black community, especially black women. Light skinned women fair better (no pun intended) than dark skinned women when it comes to finding a potential mate (especially a higher quality one). People who are lighter are more likely to be hired on a job than darker skinned individuals. What I have noticed over the decades is that while colorism had all but diminished in the AfroAmerican community since the 70s....the IMMIGRANTS to the United States began to revive it. Thanks to the Black Power and Black Beauty movements of the 60s and 70s, dark skinned Blackness took it's rightful place as pinnacle of AfroAmeran representation. And I say this as a relatively light skinned man. For the past 150 years or so, White Americans as a whole have pretty much been irrelevant in the "colorist" issue because they tended to see ANYONE of African descent regardless of skin pigmentation or hair texture as "Black" or "Negro" or "Colored" or whatever contemporary term that was/is used for our people. So because of those two major factors, colorism was suppressed to the point of being almost totally diminished in our community UNTIL immigrants from Latin America, Asia, and now Africa began flooding into the country and reviving it. Latin Americans are color struck even among themselves. So are Asians. The biggest surprise was how color struck so many Africans are...especially African men. I've had a lot of success with dark skinned African women because so many African men have been rejecting them as soon as they get to the United States for lighter skinned AfroAmerican and White women. I don't know what I'm more attracted to....the slick dark skin and delicate bone structure so many African women still have from not being bred to be slaves; or the light voice and feminine mannerism so many still have for the same reason and their cultures that encourages femininity for them. Darker skinned blacks are treated more harshly in the criminal justice system in the form longer prison sentences and police brutality. Kids who are dark skinned are expelled from school more often than light skinned or mixed kids. This is true. More dark skinned AfroAmericans tend to be poor compared to their lighter skinned counterparts. We have to decide how much of this disparity has to do with TREATMENT from other people and how much of it has to do with LOW SELF ESTEEM due to being dark skinned and especially dark skinned with strong African features such as broad noses, thick lips, kinky hair, ect... When you grow up in a society that constantly calls you "ugly" and undesirable, it has to affect your psyche and motivation in general. I suspect this is one of the reasons jet Black Africans who come to the United States typically do so much better than AfroAmericans....especially dark skinned AfroAmericans who's self esteem and drive for success have often been ruined by their treatment from others including own family members growing up.
  20. Man...this is a pretty big cake to cut into.....lol Been looking for a way to cut into this for a couple days now. Not sure where to start. We should expect for this particular post I'm making to CONSTANTLY be modified over the next few days as I address one issue at a time in it.....or write a series of posts addressing the various issues being made in the OP. In the mean time......... Cynique Back in the 1950s big fine legs and nice "racks" and naturally long hair, not weaves or extensions) were regarded as premium assets. I have dimples, and you also got points for that, back then. Lol....what about the "other stuff" you mentioned! Ya got those too????
  21. frankster I believe there is only one Race....The human Race. Believe what you will. Looks like you and Troy have a lot in common...lol. The Story of Adam and Eve is the Story of the of The Human Race.....much is hidden within the story. As I've stated before, there were stories MUCH older already circulating that the Adam and Eve story of the Old Testament was actually based on whether we're talking about Enkidu of original Sumeria, or Adapa of the Akkadians. The Adam and Eve story is just a forgery of earlier stories that the compilers of the Old Testament took from earlier sources. And just like Adam and Eve, those earlier stories were basically allegories talking about the bringing of the White race into existence in a world of people who were already here. True its like, John and Johnson, one is a derivative of the other. I don't know enough about Hebrew to say that "Adam" was derived from "Adamah", however I DO KNOW that they are TWO SEPARATE WORDS with TWO SEPARATE MEANINGS. Adam DOES NOT mean dirt or clay....again it means "Of Blood" and is the older Hebrew way of describing Caucacasian/White people. Another bit of knowledge to drop on you........ When you read in the Old Testament the term "son of man" it's really an identification. The correct translation of the Old Testament's term "son of man" is actually "son of Adam". And it means a fellow White person. The Hebrew word for a man is "Is" or "Ish"....so when they identify one as "son of man" they are being specific of the TYPE of man they're speaking of. I know you are not trying to say all the QUEENS that ever sit on the Throne of England were ceremonial ? No, not necessarily. But in the case of England today....yes. Isn't that what I said father to son and google No. Because your definition LIMITS a Patriarchy to simply lineage, while the actual definition makes it clear that it's more than simply lineage but about power in the community as well as in many cases nationally. As I said earlier, if it's just about lineage from father to son and nothing more...then it's called simply PATRILINEAL instead of Patriarchal.
  22. richardmurray Visiting New York is the next closest thing to visiting a foreign country and in some cases it seems MORE like a foreign country than some of the Canadian cities I used to frequent...lol. What you say about Black people feeling the need to accommodate or what the older Black folks used to call CATERIN' TO White people is true. This desire affects the way we talk, dress, carry ourselves, and even eat. I know a lot of Black folks who usually didn't use napkins but would rather lick their fingers and wipe them on their clothes instead...but when we went somewhere that was predominately White, THEN all of a sudden they became "proper" and started using napkins, lol. NYC is the proof. NYC has black multi millionaires, mayors, police chiefs, teachers, small business owners. Individually you can find a black person has achieved anything individually possible. But, the black community in NYC has next to nothing. Well there are many reasons for this but one of the MAIN reasons is lack of unity. As FBA as I am (for those who don't know FBA stands for Foundational Black American and has become a bit of a nationalist movement lately) I have to admit that compared to most Black immigrants, most AfroAmericans have dropped the ball over the past 50 years, particularly when it comes to community unity and financial industriousness. While the AfroAmerican community has collectively slid down into a pool of laziness, criminality, and routine dope smoking that has halted much of the progress we were making in the 70s....Black immigrant communities....of which New York is FULL OF....have been fueling much of what we are calling "Black success" in this nation and especially in places like New York, D.C. and other major cities with a large Black immigrant population. Whether we're talking about doctors, professors, military officers, ect....if it requires a lot of education and delayed gratification to achieve success.....if you see a Black person in it chances are they are an African or West Indian Black person and much less an AfroAmerican because many of our people no longer have that drive to achieve success through THOSE channels but would rather take an easier route requiring less work and dedication. So while New York has a lot of Black wealth and success, I would attributed much of it (certainly not all) to it's large Black immigrant population who either are the one's ACHIEVING it....or have created an environment of such intense competition that it's forced even Black Americans to put the blunts down and get to work grinding before they end up sleeping on the streets.
  23. Trump is a treasonous traitor but his behavior just CONFIRMS what I've been trying to tell Black people for over a decade now....that racism has no loyalty to nationality or religion. ProfD Once Lil Kim is out of the way, North Korea could either align themselves with South Korea or allow the US to set up their government, er, show them how to conduct free and fair elections and build a democracy. Once Lil Kim is out of the way.....they'll find ANOTHER ONE to take his place and keep going, lol. Just like they found HIM after his father...they'll find ANOTHER after him. What's going on in North Korea may seem harsh and insane to us, but it obviously works for them. The nation appears to be strong, stable, and united...and contrary to Western propaganda it doesn't look like too many people are starving or homeless over there compared to the average major city in United States. Michel Montvert I don't feel that we can blame the people. Living under such a system, one is terrorized into submission. I've lived in such a country, where people are viciously abused yet the system grinds on decade after decade... When speaking out means a torture-death by machete, one keeps quiet. Isn't this the way MOST societies were governed for the past 5 thousand years? Who's to say so-called "Democracy" is the correct way and a Dictatorship isn't? I'm not saying I'D rather live under a Dictatorship; just putting it out there as food for thought but which one makes more sense: Letting the inmates run the asylum or having a warden with a dedicated staff keeping things firmly under control? Believe it or not some societies NEED dictators to keep them under control. So-called "freedom" (and I put it in quotes because there is no such thing as a free society) often leads to chaos, crime, and confusion for most people because most aren't mentally mature enough to handle it. A strong-man knows how to keep the masses under control and working towards a goal. This natural instinct among the masses was one of the appeals of Trump.
  24. Unless it's coming from ME....lol....then those jokers will find a way to dismiss it as irrelevant. But you make a good point that I felt was rather obvious. We can both describe AND define that which we haven't experience through studying the response of others to certain stimuli. You don't have to get YOUR hand smashed by a hammer to know that it hurts. You've known or heard of enough people who have to have a pretty accurate description of the feeling without having to experience it.
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