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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy Have you seen the film? No. And don't plan on seeing it. Nor have I seen the original "Birth of a Nation". But enough people who HAVE seen it have said that it was racist propaganda and I'll take their word for it and not waste my time. And it's the same with this film. This question is profoundly ridiculous. Did you ever read about African female warriors? Yes. And I didn't need some propaganda movie written by two White women to spark my interest in the subject either. Where do you want to start...with Queen Candace of Ethiopia or Queen Nzinga of West Africa? I've BEEN studying Black/African history for decades. Which is WHY I asked the question I asked....which wasn't ridiculous but was spot on. Most of the women DID go topless in those days, especially non-royalty. So why wasn't it featured in the film? They did it for Shaka Zulu which was a TELEVISION film back in the 80s!! Are you telling me in 2022 they're afraid to show Black titties on the big screen??? Those questions were actually rhetorical because I KNOW why. The movie is PROPAGANDA....not meant for historical accuracy or even entertainment, but to BRAINWASH the public into further seeing Black women as more masculine and Black people in general as more savage and violent than the general population. Why you can't (or refuse to) see this is beyond me. In fact, believing a Black Trump supporter is dumb completely misses, and dismisses, the reasoning for their support. Actually, most of them are. Literally of low intelligence. I didn't say most Black REPUBLICANS are dumb. Most Black REPUBLICANS are business owners and have an interest in supporting Conservative values like low taxes, less regulation, ect...so I can see THEIR reasons for supporting the Republican party. However most Black TRUMP SUPPORTERS are: 1. Not business owners or wealthy 2. Not even traditional Republicans Most are poor or working class men with barely a high school education. And Trump is an OBVIOUS racist who is NOT very Conservative. His claim to fame is inflammatory racist and bigoted rhetoric...not traditional Conservative values. The MAIN reason a lot of Black men who support him do so is because: 1. He's flashy and arrogant in his speech and a lot of stupid Black folks find THAT ALONE attractive even if that cockiness and arrogance is being used to harm them and their community which is why so many rappers found that fool attractive. 2. He's sexist and supports the man's right to bash and mistreat women which a lot of brothers for one reason or another support. Especially men in the "man-o-sphere". They will ignore all of his racist and inflammatory rhetoric simply to support his "protect manhood in America" stance. In short.... Yes...they ARE generally stupid. How many Jews do you know will support an anti-Semite for ANY so-called "legitimate" reason???
  2. When I look at those of the African race, our skin and hair seem to be different than other races even if they are darker than us and I've often wondered could we be "mixed" with those who are extraterrestrial. Perhaps part Reptilian. The skin of most Africans seem to be rougher or "scalier" than that of non-Africans and this is especially apparent when it gets cold and we get ashy. It may also explain our kinky hair and why our pores are shaped in such a way that makes the hair come out like that. I heard Credo Mutwa talk about the tribes with the webbed feet pictured above and it makes me wonder.
  3. Troy Well I'm glad my brother is around safe and sound...lol. You might want to RE-consider your residence in Florida. If the hurricanes don't get you....them damn gators will, lol. "These niggaz think we playin' up in here....lol." Yeah some people are stupid, foolish, lazy, ect.... But I would think the MAJORITY (atleast 60%) of those who don't evacuate their cities because of natural disasters despite government orders is because: 1. They don't have a personal vehicle to just pick up, pack their things in and leave in. 2. They don't have the money to afford to pay for themselves and their families to stay in motels. 3. They have disabilities that limit their ability to physically move. 4. A large portion of the population are HOMELESS and suffer from all 3 of the previous reasons. Remember, you're talking about the REAL America...not the America they show on television and Fox News where everyone has cars, money, and own their own houses. If this nation were governed like many of the nations in Europe and Korea, Florida would be lined with high-speed trains for mass and rapid evacuation to already established shelter areas stocked with food, medicine, and other emergency supplies. I think THIS government is counting on natural disasters to help reduce the population.
  4. ProfD Man, you think folks can become sexually dysfunctional in the same way they catch a cold or flu. That's hilarious Not exactly....lol. What I believe happens is that racists introduce chemicals into the environment like the water supply, food, medicines, etc...that affect the embryo, brains of fetuses and even young children while they are still developing and turns them THAT way rather than turning full grown adults. Check out the work by Dr. Tyrone Hayes out in California who's been documenting the effects of ATRAZINE in the water supply on the testosterone and sexual development of male animals. As far as how easily Black people can be manipulated and influenced to think a certain way by the media. I have two words for you: DONALD TRUMP Did you ever think you'd see so many Black folks go for him???? You don't think his Black support came in large part from media manipulation and propaganda campaigns on television and the internet?
  5. I hadn't even HEARD of "Titty Tuesday" until reading your post....lol. Must be a New York thing....lol. But I LOVES me a pair of old titties...as long as they aren't TOO old!! I grade old women on a "curve". Once you get pass a certain age I EXPECT to see some wrinkles here...some cellulite there....a wound or two (especially if you're from the hood)....some surgery marks....ya know. I'm not going to judge the body of a 60 year old woman as I would a 20 year old. But I have to draw the line somewhere. Don't come at me with a pair of titties so old and wrinkled that they look like they're about to fall off the stems like over-ripe pears.
  6. Hey @Troy are you in Florida now or are you still in Oklahoma or back up in NYC???
  7. richardmurray I know you side others in the black community in the usa like you have come to terms with the usa, have come to love it, want it, nurture it, and alongside yourselves. Actually, I perfer DUAL CITIZENSHIP. Where I can remain a full fledge citizen in the U.S. and take advantage of all the opportunities that come with being a U.S. citizen AND be a full citizen of our own independent thriving nation. The funny thing is, the black populaces the modern black immigrants left in the carribean or africa are becoming disenfranchised to the black immigrants to the usa in increasing and sometimes violent ways. I don't understand this statement. Can you explain it a little more and make it clearer for me??? maybe black people descended from enslaved folk who are not interested or not liking to the usa can not articulate well enough for you pioneer, their position, but I think it is fair one. it is not about laziness, it is about what they want. what they want is a black country. The question is, are most AfroAmericans READY to govern themselves? We may desire our own Black nation but have we shown ourselves politically and socially responsible enough to govern ourselves and keep a modern nation of over 40 million people properly operating? Do we have the construction and agricultural skills as a people to HOUSE over 40 million and FEED over 40 million people? We should practice self sufficience and economic independence here in the United States among ourselves FIRST before venturing off on our own.
  8. Bzzzzzzzzz.................. -I say, does someone hear some sort of insect buzzing around this room? ProfD Overall, I don't believe Hollywood images adversely affect Black folks pysche any more than Rambo inspires White boys to believe they're super-soldiers or John Wick makes them killers or Kill Bill inpires white girls to become assassins. One of the differences between how negative images influence Black people and how they influence Whites is the fact that there is far more VARIETY in how Whites are depicted in Hollywood. Yes you have your White serial killers like Jason and Michael Meyers, psychopaths, monsters, evil villains....but you also have your White cops, heroes, doctors, saviors, ect... In Hollywood, it seems that the Black negative out weighs the Black positive and it carries more of an influence. The media doesn't create effeminate males and masculinized females. Like everybody else, Black folks are going to be and do whatever is already in them usually without any help from external forces. Well let me ask you a question..... How many Black people did YOU know in Washington D.C. who were claiming Bloods and Crips sets and how many "drive by shootings" were occuring there BEFORE the era of West Coast Gangsta rap and the movies like Colors and Boyz N The Hood???? The media may or may not create effeminate males and masculine females....I think chemicals in the environment certainly do. But what the media WILL and HAS done is NORMALIZE it and make it more acceptable in society so that being a masculine "butch" woman no longer carries shame or a stigma attached to it in our community as it once did. Just like the media and music has encouraged a lot of our young men to be open and confident and even BRAG about being a thug and gangsta....it has encouraged a lof of our young women to proudly embrace disgrace and perversion as a "life style". I believe the average Black female can watch a movie or TV program and walk away from it with her femininity intact. Lol....that's assuming the average Black AMERICAN female has her femininity firmly intact in the FIRST PLACE. We are living in a society that has a 500 year history of making all women of color and especially Black women doubt their very HUMANITY much less their femininity...as compared to that White woman whom is considered the "ultimate standard" of beauty and femininity. Many of our sisters have already suffered from low self esteem and self worth and are already tilting towards "giving up" on being a woman period, so when films like THIS come around...it will push some right over the edge. They know they won't get "all" or even "most"....but if they can get a HANDFUL with this movie and a HANDFUL with another movie and a HANDFUL with a television show....that's how propaganda works. It doesn't hit you all at once...but drip drip drip like water wearing down a rock until it's eventually dissolved. The real question is why Black folks continue to to allow white supremacists to write and interpret our stories. For the same reasons their propaganda works on so many of our people....stupidity and laziness. A lot of our people are just plain stupid, gullible, and easily influences and the racists KNOW it. Like I said, if they can get a FEW with this movie...the deed is done. And then they'll get another FEW with the NEXT hit piece. In popular vernacular, I'd rather have a ride or die chick who can be a lady in public but who's not afraid to grab my gun and knows how to shoot if necessary. The problem with women like that is....too often they end up using it on YOU instead of your enemies. One argument...one cheating accusation...and all of a sudden the entire household becomes a scene out of The Color Purple...lol. For many if not most women...of any race...anger and frustration will often OVERRIDE any feelings of loyalty she may have for you. She'll use any means in her power to hurt you....whether it's calling the cops on your or using your own weapons against you.
  9. ProfD No no the comment you quoted wasn't a description of the MOVIES themselves.....it was a description of Neely Fuller's prediction of what the racists have in mind for the future position of Black women. Hollywood is just being used to help achieve that goal through SOCIAL ENGINEERING. They could put out a movie showing 90% positive and only 10% negative scenes; but that 10% is so powerful and potent that it affects the psyche of little Black girls who watch it and grow up desiring to be like the character in the movie. Kind of like how The Mack and Superfly affected the psyche of many Black young men who watched it and wanted to be pimps as they got older. Which leads me to my next point........... This isn't so much about the BLACK MAN'S manhood and whether it emasculates him.....the focus of this film is on the BLACK WOMAN'S FEMININITY and the historical efforts of the racists in this nation to make Black women "less feminine" than the White woman whom they prop up as the "ultimate woman". The Black man will leave the movie with his masculinity intact....but will the average Black girl who watches this movie leave with HER femininity intact and desire to be a woman? Let us remember that the ORIGINAL AMAZONS were not Black women but White women from the Greek/Berber/Amazigh culture. Just like the original Lesbians were White women from the Greek island of Lesbos. Giving women the masculine role and vice versa is part of THEIR tradition, not ours. But if we aren't' careful and if our people don't know how to properly analyze propaganda and protect themselves and their children from it.....these racist devils will put THEIR vices on our people and have them thinking it came from them. Remember that the Woman King was written BY two White women....not Black people.
  10. ProfD Thanks. I've seen a few of these clips but they don't include where he goes much deeper and talks about the Black women warriors. In a few shows he actually gives more detail of the plans of the racists to not only sway the men into going after the White male anus but he says they'll try to encourage Black women to become soldiers and warriors. They won't worry about getting married and having children (the real aim of the racists anyway) but instead their goal in life will be to grow up, join the military, fall in love with other Black women and go off and fight on foreign battle fields. He said that was the long term plan. That's not some VAGUE prophecy...I mean...that's TOO specific and detailed. And when you see that new Black Panther movie and it's nearly all female government and warriors along with the Woman King....you're seeing a CLEAR narrative and agenda being pushed: Black women stop trying to be women and start being the STRONG MEN you were meant to be! "We don't want to be delicate and feminine. That's for White girls. We want to be muscled up strong warriors!" "Ok....thank you our brave women warriors! WE'LL gladly take the feminine role! You can fight for us too while we take bubble baths and get our nails done" *Btw....during that time in history most African women went around topless and their breasts were routinely seen. So if this movie wanted to be historically accurate, why weren't the women allowed to show their breasts??? Because seeing those nice brown African breasts dangling on the screen would make it CLEAR that these were feminine women....which would defeat the real purpose of the movie.
  11. They are playing a strategy right out of the "Art of War" book. When strong....feign weakness. If their numbers were REALLY that low...they wouldn't even admit it publicly. Another thing they're trying to do is chop themselves up into little tribes with their own identity so you can't call them "White" anymore. "Hey, I'm not White.....I'm Italian....and my buddy over here is Polish! If you have a problem, take it up with the White guys bro...we're not White!"
  12. ProfD PBT steady brings it don't he...lol. Man, Neely Fuller Jr. talked about the subject of this movie years ago and how they were trying to masculinize Black women. @Mel Hopkins Lol...glad to see you finally poked your head out of your shell for a bit to interact with the people. Those who don't know their strengths aren't necessarily physical will always fail themselves, the Black community, and ultimately society. Facts Most Black boys in America aren't properly TAUGHT how to use their brains for anything besides sports. This is why we have a lot of successful AfroAmerican FEMALES in the corporate world but most Black MALES who are successful in the sciences like medicine, communications, engineering, etc...are from AFRICA and not the United States. Sankofa. I'm familiar with both the term AND the movie. That movie was so deep, especially the resurrection scenes.
  13. Help me out brutha! You listen to Neely Fuller Jr. also, and I seem to remember him years ago SPECIFICALLY say that they were trying to turn Black women into warriors or soldiers. Do you remember this also???? He said that they they were trying to make the Black woman's vagina obsolete, make the White man's anus the NEW "Black vagina" that Black men should seek out.....and then the plan was to get Black girls to become lesbians, seek the comfort of EACHOTHER and then join the military and go fight in wars with eachother and die in eachother's arms. Do you remember hearing any of this also???? If it had came from anybody else besides Neely Fuller I would have chuckled at it a little but coming from HIM I said Hmmmm..... Now look the movie "Woman King" comes out with no women in any positive sexual roles, encouraging them to hate the Black man and see him as useless and then encourage them to become militant warriors who fight and die in eachothers' arms!!! Neely Fuller Jr. NAILED THIS YEARS AGO!!!! I'm trying to find a few links to him saying this. He said it SEVERAL times but mostly in his hours long presentations.
  14. richardmurray maybe because harlem had a black elected official, a legendary one, long before I was born I grew up seeing black elected officials regularly so I don't value their presence. I value their effectiveness to the community. Thus I don't see obama as you are others. but I do comprehend that other black people needed to see a black president. Similar to your experience, I grew up in Detroit which was a Black city operated by Black politicians from the Mayor down to the city Council and police force. I was used to seeing Black people in charge. However as I got older and traveled through out the nation, I realized how lacking Black leadership is in most of America and how "rare" it was for most places to see Black people in positions of power. I apologize, by black loyalist, I meant the name given to black people in white history books who fought for themselves aside the whites of britain and against the creation of the usa or the whites of the usa or blacks of the usa, I call black statians. I wasn't suggesting anyone in this forum is disloyal or traitorous to the black community in the usa or elsewhere. Said black loyalist, the historic group, would oppose you or the others as they did crispus attucks. Ok, I gotcha....lol. Those are relatively unfamiliar terms for me so I'm glad you're somewhat clarifying them. I think you are the first person I heard the term "black statians" from. But based on what you've said, if they're fighting WITH the Whites of Britain against the Whites of America or against the Blacks of the USA...they don't sound like they're very loyal to the "Black" community, but loyal to themselves and THEIR own cause. Kind of like the Black Muslims in Africa fighting along side the Arabs against the Black Christians and Traditionalists. Or like the Black Conservatives fighting along side the White Republicans against Black people of other political ideologies. They aren't loyal to "Blackness" so much as they are loyal to their own special interests with a Black flavor to it. when I mean black loyalist I am referring to that historic community and later the black people in the USA who enacted and enact their historical position of opposing the usa, opposing whites in the usa, opposing blacks statians, who by default support the usa. Ok....LOYALISTS and STATIANS stand opposite of eachother. Am I understanding that correctly??? And thus my point in this forum post. You say that most enslaved black folks will want black participation/citizenship/striving or thriving in the usa as part of it. I oppose that position. But the point is Black people have key disagreements. When one black person says our enslaved forebears in majority wanted to be of the statian dream, while another says opposite, that is not something a bridge or center position can be made out of. And thus, when either black person makes a point, their is a natural friction. I will not say any black person is wrong in the usa for where they feel the black populace in it needs to go to, cause history gives creedance to all positions I think we can both agree that SOME of our Ancestors wanted total freedom and separation from Whites while SOME of our Ancestors wanted to remain under the control and dependent on Whites. What the exact percentage and combination was or which held the majority...I'm not prepared to say because I don't know of any accurate stats for this. Obviously the FIRST Africans to be enslaved wanted nothing to do with it, but as time went by and generations passed...clearly many of our people became "institutionalized" in the system of slavery having known nothing else except their lives under that system. Taking them out of slavery would be almost like taking a fish out of water. but the entire black community in the usa has to realize its variance internally are unlike whites. Whites in the usa, have variance but it isn't the same. Absolutely! Most of our disagreements in our community are over the best ways to achieve power as a people; while most of their disagreements are about how to USE the power they already have. Also, a lot of so-called "arguments" and "fights" that White folks engage in are for SHOW. They are merely PRETENDING to conflict with eachother to give an illusion to the people of color they are governing that they are somehow "opposing" eachother when in reality behind closed doors they both share the same position. I used to see this in school. Two White boys would wait until they got around some Black kids and then start cussing at and shoving eachother like they were really angry.....but would never throw actual blows. White folks are always PRETENDING to fight and disagree with eachother but actions speak much louder than words. I like that term you used though......Black Statians.
  15. If they have ANY kind of debate no matter how scripted or well planned.....Walker will lose. Period. He's too stupid and inarticulate to stand up against Warnock....who isn't the best speaker himself. The Walker Campaign is making a huge mistake with this one, lol.
  16. I agree that White people as a group are currently winning. However I personally don't BELIEVE (because I don't control or have privy to the demographic data being collected) that the White populations of Europe and the U.S. are declining. I see more White people walking around now than I did 40 years ago. I believe this often pushed narrative that the "white population is declining" is actually REVERSE PSYCHOLOGICAL PROPAGANDA that serves two purposes: 1. Alarms and alerts White people into producing more children 2. Gives people of color and especially Black people a false sense of confidence and puts them at ease when in fact much of their population is being diluted or decimated. Not only do I believe the White population on the planet has actually increased, but many of the people they are calling "Black" are actually mixed with other races and many don't even physically look Black. They are now trying to turn Black into an IDENTITY instead of a racial classification based on genetics. If they can solidly do that and have most people agree with it, soon you'll have blonde haired blue eyed Caucasians running around in dreadlocks demanding Reparations....and getting them! "Ok, first of all bro...chill...I was BORN White but I now IDENTIFY as Black! Secondly, as a Black man like you...I support the fight of MY PEOPLE for Reparations for past injustices! Third, as Black people we should lay the full blame squarely on where it all started! Not on England, France, or Spain....but on those wicked African kings and kingdoms who sold MY PEOPLE into slavery! That's where the Reparations should come from!!"
  17. frankster What link can you provide as a source on any one of the following ideas?? "talk of having come FROM the Egypt/Ethiopia area and moving West and South"?? "arriving in their lands after their ancestors traveled their from the East or North" ?? "people ENTERED Africa through the Kemet/Egypt Africa originally.....not came out of it" ?? The links are out there, as well as links that claim the opposite. As I've said time and time again, it's HISTORY....."his-story" so unless we have a time machine to get into together and go back and witness these events for ourselves....we'll simply be going back and forth with each other over THEORIES. I provide a bunch of links....then you disagree with them and set out to disprove them with your own. Not trying to do that because I see no benefit in it. Not even for entertainment purposes. If you are seeking a global unity.....These are some of the peoples on the globe - they are a part of the globe so one must start where one is. I'm not seeking global unity. I have no desire to unite with a large percentage....perhaps even a majority...of people around the globe. I'm seeking unity with a SELECT GROUP.
  18. @Troy Professor Black Truth has a message for you and others who suggest that we need to "see" a movie or other piece of propaganda for ourselves before being able to intelligently critique it: I'm not wasting my money or time on PROPAGANDA and refuse to allow it into my psyche.
  19. richardmurray Man you get deep....lol As you are the third person to mention black elected officials as a resultant to the betterment of the black community it is clear, that black elected officials , regardless of their quality are deemed a worthy result for the black vote by many black people. This is true, especially in the case of Obama. Because the VISUAL of seeing another Black person in office gives one needed hope and confidence that others can pursue and achieve the same position. Crispus Attucks will concur 100% to you Pioneer or Frankster or Danielle. But will the Black loyalists? no. But I AM a Black loyalist. A true one, who wants to see the improvement and betterment of Black people. Some of these people don't really care about Black people or want to leave the system of the United States; they don't want ANY rules and don't respect ANY government. If they left America and you put them in another land or territory....they'd still go through the same problems they're going through in this one. Will the Black enslaved? no. I'm not so sure most enslaved Black people would NOT have agreed to their descendants rising to the heights of power and law making in the land they were held captive and oppressed. Infact, I'd be willing to be that was a DREAM for many of our enslaved Ancestors. The Black loyalists said the usa, its declarations, its legal code, the white people in it, the not enslaved black people who fight or live side the white people in the usa are enemies. Not necessarily. Some do, but many if not most Black loyalists don't. The fact that most Black loyalists continue to LIVE in the United States without seriously seeking residence and citizenship elsewhere is proof of where they loyalty REALLY resides. And the Black enslaved had one common factor, they all didn't want to be enslaved. Well, you'd be surprised that SOME enslaved Black folks actuallyw wanted to be enslaved because they felt it was their divine destiny to suffer that fate because of some "Curse of Ham" belief. Others didn't think they could make it on their own without the assistance and support of Whites. Your correct, the Black loyalists nor the Black enslaved wanted a job did they? SOME Black loyalists wants jobs....inf act MOST do. I think most....like myself...want their own businesses INDEPENDENT of White institutions. Most Black folks who don't want to work and want to live criminal lives are NOT Black loyalists however. They aren't loyal to Black folks or even their own families and children. They are only loyal to THEMSLEVES and will carry that same selfish mentality where ever they go. They are dead weight to the community and need to be abandoned for the health of the over all community.
  20. I bet you celebrate St. Patrick's day though...lol. "Come on and kiss me girl.....I'm Irish!"
  21. I'd like to give out copies of Neely Fuller Jr's groundbreaking book: Would you like a copy, Coggins???
  22. Now...... How is SOMEONE ELSE gonna sit up there and tell ME what I am????
  23. Lol.... Sounds like another "Contract on America" scheme like the one the right-wingers were pushing and hyping 20 years ago. I remember some of those wing-nuts were walking around with a "Contract on America" pamphlet in their back pocket and whipping it out every time they got into arguments.
  24. I personally believe that homosexuality is a NATURAL deviation to a certain extent. {Not the majority of cases of homosexuality that we see today though. I BELIEVE (have no proof yet) that most of the Bisexuality and Homosexuality we see today....especially among African peoples....is a result of chemical, genetic, and mental manipulation on the part of racists for deviant purposes.} However in a NATURAL environment, I believe homosexuality probably still exists as a deviation to pose as a form of POPULATION REDUCTION/STABILIZATION. I've read from multiple sources that homosexuality seems to occur the highest in denser populations than sparse ones, which further supports that assertion.
  25. richardmurray the question you pose is simple. What will it take to convince the Black populace in the USA, whose heritage is majority anti usa to buy in, believe, be part of the usa system? Well first of all, whether the majority are "anti USA" or absolutely IN LOVE with the USA are ABSOLUTELY part of the USA system anyway. Most Black folks in America...including the children of recent immigrants not to mention the FBA who have CENTURIES of heritage in this nation: -Were born in American hospitals -Went to school in America -Have Social Security numbers -Pay taxes from their employment, owned property -Have businesses here So they ARE part of the USA already. But most are relatively "passive participants" just skirting by and doing enough to keep their heads above water without wanting to take more responsibility for their own well being and future and that is one of the big mistakes our people make. We need to TAKE CHARGE of our environment, society, and governments on a local, state, and national level instead of acting like "outsiders" or little children just going along for a ride in the back seat of the car while the White folks are driving. The one factor that has a chance in my view of changing the black populace into majority statian is the modern black immigrants from carribbean/latin america/africa/asia. Many of them come not as black but attached to countries and usually, with the important point of wanting to be in the usa, which is against the heritage of the majority of black people in the usa. And I thank GOD for them! Not only do they give us another perspective of ourselves to see and enjoy but they come with a different mentality than most of our people born and raised here. They come here hungry and seeking opportunities that many of us take for granted or simply are indifferent to one way or another. They come here with their own cultures which give the men and women CLEARLY DEFINED ROLES to play and eliminates much of the confusion and frustration so many Black Americans find themselves in trying to get along with eachother inside the framework of a White American culture. ProfD Black Americans are powerless in that regard especially without a united front among us. True. However a "united front" doesn't necessarily have to constitute all or even most Black Americans. Just a critical mass...especially at local levels...to effect a change and impact the area. A united front in...say....the city of Indianapolis----- ALONG WITH A SOUND AGENDA----could radically change the entire paradigm of that city in just 3 or 4 years to a fertile spot for Black progress politically, economic, and socially.
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