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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Chev I don't believe I do that. Trust me..lol...you do, from time to time. But I don't believe that drugs have altered the brain to a great degree 'alone'. I feel that there are so many other factors as well, that have been a negative affect on Black people, and some of it has been brought about by our own actions as well. I actually agree with this statement 100%. See.... Like I said; you don't ALWAYS deny reality, just SOMETIMES when it comes to religious discussions.
  2. Ok, I watched nearly all of the video. I'm not a mathematician so I'm not sure how correct he is in most of his statements. Many of the more simple calculations exercises he asked the audience to do seemed to be correct but I'm not sure about the more complex statements he made. There are 3 things in his presentation I found problematic: 1. He didn't come very prepared. No power point or projector period. He holds up some big bulky pattern for a few minutes then goes to a trunk rambling through items that he gets but doesn't pass around or even mention much. This make him look a bit confused and unsure of what direction he's trying to take the presentation. 2. When asked direct questions that challenged his theories he seemed evasive trying to change the subject several times instead of giving definite answers. In one case he acted like he couldn't hear the question the young man presented to challenge one of his theories and kept asking him to talk into the microphone which looked like a bit suspicious. I've seen people do that before to evade questions. 3. Like Troy eluded to, when you talk about being able to cure AIDS and Cancer, those are serious claims that shouldn't be made lightly. It's cruel to give people false hope when it comes to things that cause so much suffering and death. Either you definitely can cure them or you can't. His examples of currency and the mathematics involved in it were also problematic for me. At first glance what he said about a dime and .10 times .10 of a pound and it's contradictions in applied math made sense, but upon 5 minutes of thinking about it...it didn't. It looked like the White dude on stage and many of the White people in the audience were WINKING and SMILING at eachother as if they were "taking the piss" (as they say in England) at his expense. As if they brought him there for entertainment purposes in the first place. But perhaps that may have just been the way I was reading their reactions.
  3. I haven't watched the video yet because of timing..... However I do remember Terrence Howard going on a few talk shows talking about he invented a new form of mathematics. Again, I haven't seen the video YET....but I wouldn't be surprised at his findings. AfroAmericans and Blk people in general are creative by nature and we're constantly coming up with new facts, theories, and ways of doing things in general. AfroAmericans don't often appreciate the genius in our own ranks UNTIL a Caucasian validates them first. Infact, I suspect that's one of the reasons Caucasians...even the racist ones...like to keep us NEAR them in their societies, lol. Most Caucasians just know how to do and follow the directions they were GIVEN. But take away the directions and instructions and they're a blob of confusion and frustration. They need us for our creativity. You can see this on many jobs where the ones who come up with the ideas are usually Blk folks in the boardroom or lunch room.
  4. R.Kelly was one who was caught. Who else is out there preying on Blk girls who has yet to be caught? This is why WE as a community need to organize our own communities to protect ourselves, instead of relying on Caucasians to do it.
  5. Pioneer1


    Well... The fact is MOST AfroAmericans actually DO have Native American ancestry. Probably not as much as many claim, but we do have a significant amount and can usually trace it back to which Ancestor. Many Blk folks today are claiming to be THE ORIGINAL Native Americans...which I find to be problematic because it's generating more enemies.
  6. Jean Watson Powerful post! It's gonna take me a while to digest that content...lol I didn't even know about his allegedly earlier desire for a Chinese wife.
  7. Jean Watson Excellent observation. One of the things that contributes to the weakness of African people is their DISUNITY. Not just in the U.S. or Caribbean but even in Africa itself in so many cases. Your example of Castro having to send HIS troops from Cuba even though nations like Nigeria and Ethiopia ALONE had far more troops in actual numbers than Cuba that could have been sent to help protect Angola is a great example of that. But because of selfishness and not carrying about their fellow Africans of a different ethnic group, as well as general distrust and disunity among themselves...they couldn't organize to save their fellow Africans in Angola and a non-Black man from the OUTSIDE had to take the initiative to step up and do it. The pettiness and jealousy must come to an end. You see this same pettiness and jealousy occurring among members of the Diaspora community as well. Can't put minor differences and disagreements to the side to focus on a BIGGER cause. Some can't let any kind of perceived slight go without a retaliation against their fellow brother or sister, but racists can kick their ass up and down the boulevard day in and day out and they'll smoke a pound of weed a day TRYING to forget about it and move on. Self-hatred is a huge factor in this distrust and disunity. You mentioned Nkrumah, and as powerful and intelligent and visionary as he was...it was a bit disappointing to learn that he actually chose an ARAB woman to be his wife and mother his children instead of a Black woman from his native Ghana.
  8. In my old neighborhood too. I remember watching boys climb up on top of garages and do flips off of them...and adults would watch them do it, laid back with a bottle of malt liquor in their laps,
  9. People victimize many of our people not because the hate them....but because they CAN. Black people are too often in a weak position militarily and economically.
  10. It appears that many of our people have decided to make a living off of being permanent complainers. As oppressive and destitute conditions increase in society; instead of organizing to actually SOLVE problems in the community....they've decided to grab a bullhorn and march up and down the streets crying and complaining about them day in and day out. "Listen to me yall. I might not do too much....but I got a lot to say!!!"
  11. Keep in mind that some of these rappers are the BIGGEST sell-outs of the community. They literally "sell" out by taking money from Caucasians to promote racist and other negative stereotypes. They were rapping about killing other Black folks and selling dope....and they begin to make movies about it. Ice Cube Mc Eiht Master P ....to name a few.
  12. Troy Again allowing negroes to catch measles, mumps, or rubella would be more effective Maybe according to YOUR thinking, but not necessarily to the racists who MAY have designed these different programs. Measles and mumps make people physically sick. Perhaps they don't want a PHYSICALLY SICK population who they have to take care of and can't do any work for them. Maybe they just want to screw up their MINDS so that they can physically work but but don't pose a threat. again, spoken like a true eugenist. Lol..well how many eugenists do you know to make that comparison?? The root of the word "eugenics" is EU....as in EUropean. Eugenics is promoting EUROPEAN genes.
  13. Troy The Hebrew Israelites STRONGLY believe in the Bible. And another thing.....many of them teach that King James was a BLACK man, lol. I guess some of them got tired of being hemmed up over their Bible being authorized by a White man named King James and it got to be so embarassing that some of them decided to figure out a way to make King James "Black". They are the only ones I hear saying this. I haven't seen any other literature anywhere else calling King James a Black man.
  14. Yeah...women's water polo is one of the few sports of the Olympics I spent a considerable amount of time watching. Much of it was just boring. Water polo was boring also but seeing all of those women bounding around in g-strings offset the boringness...lol. Congradulations to our beautiful sister Ashleigh Johnson!
  15. When I was a kid there still were a few neighborhoods around the city that was nearly all White...but just a few. One was called WARRENDALE. Right on the edge of the city. It was notoriously racist. I had an uncle who for some reason choose to move there and we would go visit him and saw Confederate flags flying on people's porches and dummies of people with nooses around their necks. We all knew to be out of that neighborhood before it got dark as no telling what might happen. His house eventually got burned down. Eventually some of the old die-hards died off and more Black folks forced themselves into the neighborhood and there was a lot of back and forth. Between the fighting...Arabs started sneaking into the neighborhood, and now guess who dominates it?? Arab Americans...lol.
  16. Troy I don't think the MMR was a conspiracy to kill Black people. Frankly, I'm not sure what the MMR was designed to do, however as I said before that maybe it was designed to NEUTRALIZE Black progress by producing more Autistic Black boys as well as a host of disabling mental and physical defects. Yes infant mortality is WAY down thanks, in part, to the MMR vaccine, but Black people are also living longer (save last year because of the pandemic). You're conflating two issues: 1. Black infant mortality ....with 2. Black people life span First of all, including a low infant mortality rate into the average to make the claim that Black people are living longer is a bit deceptive. For one thing, maybe nature INTENDS for some weaker babies to die so as not to contaminate the gene pool with weak or defective genetics. So artificially LOWERING what would normal Black infant mortality rate may actually cause more harm than good in the long term by allowing very weak genetically defective babies to not only grow up but even reproduce their defective and weak genes in their offspring Also, if we remove the infant mortality rate factor....how do we KNOW the lifespan of Black people has actually increased since the introduction of the MMR? The MMR was introduced sometime around the late 60s and early 70s. With the level of violence, drug addiction, incarceration, ect...that has affected the the generations of Black people born since...how do we KNOW for sure that it has increased the lifespan of Black people? We're Black people born in 1970 healthier than their parents and grand parents??? Many older people would say no. And besides the high homicide rates.... There are Black people who are getting cancer and diabetes in their 20s and 30s....something totally unheard of a few generations ago. Lets be clear more people will continue die, needlessly, suffering on ventilators, struggling to breathe... simply because they were not vaccinated or infected by someone else who would not get vaccinated to wear a stupid mask. It seems to me that BIGGEST reason people are dying from the virus has less to do with who was and wasn't vaccinated and more to do with the federal and various state and local governments ENDING the mask and social distancing mandates too early when they knew the Delta variant was rampaging through out some communities. Don't tell the public that the coast is clear and that it's alright to walk around Wal-mart without a mask on and without social distancing because you've been vaccinated (and we'll take your word for it that you were) and then sit up and point fingers at OTHER people for the surge.
  17. Troy Man just a few minutes ago some Black Israelites, here on Black Wall Street were debating a Brother over who wrote the bible. Is that a website you're refering to or the actual street overthere in Tulsa? Hebrew Israelites have a reputation for preaching on the streets and confronting people who disagree with their theology. The Black Israelites position was the same as Pioneer's @Pioneer1 you a Black Israelite? What????? I think you're exaggerating....lol I'm not a Hebrew Israelite and I don't even talk like them. I've studied their theology, what about what I just said even REMOTELY reminds you of what they teach????
  18. Chev It's about nation building and yes, during the 19th century, 'the countries' in Africa were actually divided up into 'nations'! So, Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya are ancient countries with a lot of history, but during the 19th century the continent of Africa was carved up into nations. I'm not asking about "the continent of Africa" but about THREE SPECIFIC NATIONS. Where the nations of Egypt, Ethiopia, and Libya "invented" in the 19th century????? Since Troy REFUSES to answer the question....lol...will you answer it for him? That's not true! The Bible is a compilation of many, many separate books written by different authors over the course of thousands of years Two things can be right at the same time. The Bible IS a book..and the Bible is COMPOSED of many different books. Again, 'The Bible' is a compilation of many books written by different authors over the course of thousands of years. The book of REVELATIONS was written by John, the Revelator during the time period of abt A.D. 90 during the Roman Empire times. So, whatever John was educated in script form was the language that he scripted to write his revelations. He definitely would not have written his book in any form of ancient Egyptian script at the time of the Roman Empire! He would not have written his book in any ancient Kemetic script form either. Finally....a question answered! So the Book of Revelations was NOT written in Egyptian ancient Kemetic script. Now we're getting somewhere. So are you suggesting that John wrote the book of Revelations in Greek or Roman? WHAT!??? LOL! Yes. The Bible contains about 27 books of the New Testament. If was dated back to the Exodus as you claim...that means that the New Testament books would have had to have been written atleast that far back too. Oh! That is the problem with using only one reference source! Well right now I'm using YOU as a reference....what is YOUR definition of "Bible"??? And can you please show me or give me a link to what YOU are calling "The Bible". however, the Bible is a compilation of many, many separate books written by different authors over the course of thousands of years. For example Solomon wrote the Book of Eccleisiates [sp?] and he lived during the 900s bc. It is a separate book. Then Jeremiah wrote his books over a hundred years later after Solomon; I think he wrote his book abt 700s BC. Then Nehemiah wrote his book over a hundred years later after Jeremiah, I think abt 400s BC during the Persian Empire times, etc. ???? Well how do you reconcile THAT statement you just made with the one you made on Posted July 23: Again, the Bible was dated at the time of the EXODUS abt 1400s BC; it was written in the Egyptian script and language of that time period NOT European. Which is it? Was the Bible written over thousands of years including up to and past 400 BC? Or was it dated at the time of the Exodus of around 1400s BC? Those are 2 different sets of times you're claiming the Bible was dated as being written at. Also, you just said that the book of Revelations was NOT written in Egyptian...yet it's part of the Bible. But you said the Bible was written in Egyptian. So how can a book be said written in a language that an entire section of it was not?
  19. Chev Oh Man! I hope that you remember this when we debate in other forums! LOL! Not only will I remember it...I'm likely gonna SAY IT AGAIN TO YOU, lol. Got a lot a few people around here who like to deny reality and dwell in abstract/theoretical worlds. I don't know anything about the MMR being a conspiracy or not, however, I do believe that this system has conspired against African Americans to some degree. Check out the works of Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Umar Johnson, and Rizza Islam. I know quite a few people who said their children got sick or changed in personality right after they were given the shot. Whether we believe this or not, it's clear to anyone over 50 that there is definately a difference in personality and intellect between the various generations of AfroAmericans and SOMETHING has caused it. When Black folks were having our own babies at home with midwives the infant mortality rate may have been a little higher but the babies who grew up didn't have NEARLY the problems so many Black children have today.
  20. America could definitely exists WITHOUT racism. It just wouldn't keep this same structure. Without racism, much of the excessive laws and regulations and structures that exist in the U.S. today may as well be dissolved because they were set up for racist purposes in the first place. Originally, the ONLY laws the founders of the U.S. intended for their nation was the Constitution and a few state/local laws. But because of racism they started adding more and more laws and regulations designed to be enforced SELECTIVELY to limit the success of AfroAmericans. For example....... If racism no longer existed in the U.S. you would have UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE within a year. So there would be no need for a Medicare, Medicaid, and VA system and many of the insurance companies would go out of business too.
  21. Come on now Spinderella.....lol....you can do better than that!
  22. Cynique AKA SPINderella OK, hell. A typical example of how you frame your rebuttals by putting your spin on what has transpired, supplying motives for what you say someone has done as if you can read their minds. Which you can't. Who needs a mind reader for you when you're an OPEN BOOK of spins and contradictions...lol I never said there were no such thing as conspiracies. What I contended was that theories about the nature of a possible conspiracy were what i was skeptical about LOL..SPINDERELLA I see how you spun that position around when you were challenged on it. "I..I..I...never..nev...nev...never....saaaaid I didn't belieeeeeve"...lol And, believe me, the stigma of your respect is something i can do very well without! I guess that means I don't have to worry about you tarnishing my brand by having wearing my respect then....lol For somebody who thinks he's so smart you obviously cannot make a distinction between "conspiracy" as a noun and "conspiracy" as an adjective. ...and for someone who thinks I'm so dumb and discombobulated, you sure are investing a good amount of time and energy TRYING to counter what I'm saying...lol especially since none of the theories had ever been officially declared to be indisputably true - the reality of which your brain can't seem to process. That's because it's NOT reality. The reality is...MANY Conspiracy THEORIES have been turned into Conspiracy FACTS...or just plain old "conspiracies" as you prefer Most criminal investigations involving multiple suspect are Conspiracy THEORIES in their early stages until enough evidence and proof is gathered to make them ESTABLISHED FACTS. Can you cite a theory that has ever been officially declared to be true? Yes. It was theorized that the Russians were helping Trump to win the election in 2016...and after an investigation it turned out that indeed they were. What was once a THEORY of Conspiracy turned out to be a Conspiracy FACT. I can picture you over there in the corner, Try picturing me standing in front of a chalk board with you sitting in front of me as I try to educate you on certain matters, lol.
  23. Troy A FAR more effective way of killing Black people would be to keep the vaccines from us. Who said their ONLY objective was to KILL Black people? Perhaps the objective of the racists are to LIMIT the Black population and NEUTRALIZE Black progress by producing a generation of autistic and intellectually compromised youth. Do you think that the Black youth born after 1970 are smarter than the Black youth born BEFORE 1970s, collectively speaking? "Bad" people can raise good or even great people, and great people can rear bad people. There's a difference between CAN, DO, and LIKELY. Ofcourse bad people CAN raise good children, but what is the LIKELIHOOD of them doing so? You COULD have had just as good of an education and career going to your local highschool instead of a specialized highschool...but what was the LIKELIHOOD of you doing so? A person CAN fall from the Empire State building and survive....but what is the LIKELIHOOD of them doing so? Let us focus on REALITY and PROBABILITIES...instead of basing arguments on THEORY and POSSIBILITY. This sounds like what a eugenicist would say. What me and the Eugenicist have in common is that neither of us want to be in a community with people we find undesirable. The Eugenist doesn't want to be in a community with Black people. I don't want to be in a community with violent criminals, thugs, racists, sexual deviants, ect... So I admit we do have THAT in common. What about you? BTW.....I find it interesting that you don't believe in "conspiracy theories" but obviously believe in EUGENICISTS.
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