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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Mzuri Them negroes ain't focused on rebuilding down in Louisiana and Houston. I know them. They're busy with their minds on the same bullshit that was occupying it BEFORE the floods. Smoking dope and engaging eachother in a bunch of drama and juvenile foolishness. Maybe the White folks down there are focused on sawing logs and clearing the damage. Most of the Black folks in that area are "busy" sitting around waiting on the White folks to clear the damage and rebuild so THEY can get back to....whatever they were doing. ....which probably didn't amount to TOO much. "I sho' wish deez White folks would hurry up and turn dem lights own! ...'cuz we don't know how to do it. And it's dark up in dis mug! Shit!" This is the things to understand Mzuri.... A FOOL constantly has problems to deal with..because they MAKE the problems for themselves. And they'll make some for YOU if you let them. As soon as you SOLVE a fool's problem, he'll make two more worse than the first! ....and be busily occupied with it. Too "busy" and occupied with it to help anyone else. In truth..... Black Americans should be in a MUCH better position in this nation than we are. We have had so much liberty and made so much money these past 50 years since the end of the Civil Rights Era that we should have our own schools, medical centers, grocery stores, and food distribution centers to not only sustain OURSELVES but to send down there to the border to help fellow Black folks need need as well as to send to other Black nations.
  2. Mzuri Lol... If Cynique woke up, hopped on the computer, and typed up 3 paragraphs on something she didn't give a damn about....imagine all the love she showers on things she actually CARES for!!!!
  3. tipsyturv Hello and welcome to the site! Got a few points to make about your post: 1. If you're great great grandmother was Jewish and she's the ONLY Jewish ancestor you have, that's not much Jewish lineage to put on your resume...lol Most AfroAmericans have more White or Native American ancestry than that. 2. Most Askenazi Jews are NOT of Middle Eastern origin but of Germanic or European origin. Middle Eastern Jews are known as Sephardim. 3. Saying you're part Middle Eastern/North African would be a mistake and add to the confusion because those are GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS...not races. So you can have no "part" of them in you. Either you're from there or your not. You can be part Arab, part African, part Caucasian, ect.....but not part "Middle Eastern". I'm from Michigan....doesn't mean any children I have will be "part Michigander".
  4. Not just wrong but outrageously inhumane. But do you know who I blame the MOST for how the Ayitian people are being treated down there? AfroAmericans. Because AfroAmericans from Texas and Louisanna should be the first ones down there to offer food, water, and medical assistance to our brothers and sisters down there. It's enough Black churches in Houston alone to show some love to the 14,000 people stranded down there. AOC went down to the border to visit fellow Latinos and show them some love and care. What's up with the Black congress people? Where are they? Where are the Black celebrities? Ofcourse what the plans of the Administration are racist...as was the Administration before it...but where is the Black political RESISTENCE to it? Are they speaking up on it or is CNN the only ones addressing the issue? Some people say that life isn't fair. However as I've gotten older I realized how FAIR life is. Most people just don't know the rules And as injust as this society is....there's a certain amount of fairness even in it too! Wheels that don't squeak...don't get oiled. Too often AfroAmericans IGNORE problems, especially when it's happening to someone else and not themselves personally...and then when they end up in the same trouble..want to complain. No one is stopping atleast SOME of the MILLIONS of Black folks who live in Texas from going down there and helping those people out and maybe...MAYBE...the show of support will make the government change it's too. Even when it comes to Ayiti itself....who's stopping Black politicians from demanding that assistance to that nation and Ayitian Nation building doesn't become a national priority? They just aren't focused on it. I was on social media today and there was barely a WORD about this from other Black content creators in this issue. This is one of the reasons so many don't respect the slogan "Black Lives Matter".....they see the hypocrisy in many of those chanting it.
  5. Been following the story all morning. No words to describe my feelings on this....
  6. I agree, Troy runs an excellent forum. It's one of the things that has kept me on here for years. I've said over and over again that I'm surprised it doesn't do more traffic since social media is so restrictive and is so quick to ban people. With all of the forums on this one site.... What's stopping people from signing up, starting a thread and then posting back and forth on it like a chat room? Only difference is it may be a little slower to submit comments. I haven't seen any limits on the pages of a thread...people could potentially have a thread full of a thousand posts. I don't have to worry and say "Blk" instead of "Black" or "Wht" instead of "White" or avoid saying the word "vaccine" for fear of it getting caught up in some algorithm Plus, unlike Twitter or Youtube...where some unknown figure is sending you warnings and stikes....you can easily just e-mail Troy about a problem. But many of our people love to follow the crowd. They love to go where the "action" is and follow their friends around.
  7. Mzuri Yeah....or they might be LYING...lol. With so much pressure coming from society to get the shot...a lot of Black folks would rather just lie and claim they had it to keep the hounds off their back and avoid hassles. It also appears that RANDY JACKSON has come to Nicki's defense: Randy Jackson defends Nicki Minaj’s vaccine tweets, praises her ‘intelligent advice’ (yahoo.com)
  8. What about people using the term "Black Twitter" as if it's a separate and Black owned social media platform? That's what I thought when I first heard the term. I kept hearing Black people say "Black Twitter is doing this" and "Guess who's trending on Black Twitter". I was looking for a way to SIGN UP for Black Twitter and a friend told me, that's just the name for the Black community OF Twitter....lol But the way so many negroes kept saying it made it seem as if it was somehow owned and operated by us.
  9. Mzuri Joy Ann Reid looks foolish with her various wigs and when she opens her mouth it confirms that she's gone off the rails. Lol... I actually find Joy attractive and think she looks like a giant tootsie roll I really liked her when she was in her braids. But all of that blonde hair and highlights are a turn off for a woman of her complexion. Like you I don't care for Nicki Minaj either. I don't like to see two AfroAmerican women going back and forth fighting with eachother over information NEITHER ONE of them know to be correct. I have to admit that Joy shouldn't have came at Nicki like that. She should have contacted her PRIVATELY first atleast.
  10. I agree. I also agree with Nicki Minaj about the now acceptable culture of people being BULLIED into taking the vaccine. Much of it coming from so called Progressives & Democrats. I think the problem is Black folks arguing and fighting eachother over SECOND and THIRD HAND information they're getting from Caucasians...instead of arguing over KNOWLEDGE. Troy I believe people should go with the science as well. Problem is there's a difference between SCIENCE and what the CNN or Fox News or even the CDC Reports. Science is TRUTH...EXPERIMENTATION.....RESULTS. But what you're hearing on the television screen or getting on a news website is an alleged REPORT of the science....not the science itself. So it's not so much accepting science as it's accepting THAT REPORT on a scientific finding you read on a website you trust. It's not so much rejecting science...it's rejecting THAT REPORT on a scientific finding you saw on the news. It's basically Black folks who believe one group of White folks...versus....Black folks who believe another group. Because for the most part NEITHER owns their own hospitals and laboratories to do their own research and discover the truth for themselves about the virus and it's proper treatments. That's REAL SCIENCE in my opinion. Not just choosing which "smart" White person to trust in. And that's a shame........... Black folks at war with eachother over what could be LIES on both sides.
  11. Chev Those verses you provided doesn't support your statement that the Bible isn't up for private intepretation. The 2nd Peter scripture refers to PROPHECIES. He's saying the PROPHECIES were inspired and not up to interpretation, not the Bible itself. The Bible itself isn't even printed in it's own original languages..but it's translated and interpreted in English So clearly that statement is wrong. However, the High Priesthood such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, had root name endings 'AH' ['Ah' meaning 'of the LORD' as you also wrote]... That's not what I wrote though. I say that the word "Yah" which is an abbreviated word for "Yahuah" is the name of the Diety that is translated as "Lord" and "Lord God" in the Bible. I didn't say "Yah" MEANS Lord. I think the word for "Lord" in Hebrew may be Adon but I'm not sure. However I don't think "Yah" means Lord. I think it was just MISTRANSLATED into "Lord" by the English translators. All the prophets wrote about certain aspects of THE REDEMPTION PLAN OF GOD for the world. And the major Nebiim prophets wrote that end times and beyond. It seems to me that SOME prophets of the OLD TESTAMENT predicted a DESTRUCTION of this world....not a "redemption plan" for it. It seems that for them the ONLY people they were focused on redeeming were the Israelites...not the entire world. Later on in the NEW TESTAMENT Paul and some others were talking about a Redemption plan. you left religion and now then what do you believe in!? The question is WHO and What do I believe in? First and foremost I believe in The SUPREME BEING. And a distant second I believe in the Truth. I can't believe in the Bible because it contradicts itself too much no matter how much you read and study it. What does 'end times' mean to you? The end of the Caucasian world and his rulership on this planet. Not sure when it will end though. The Nebiim prophets [Apocalyptic prophets] Nebiim prophets don't mean "apocalyptic prophets" sis. It's actually a REDUNDANT term. The word "Nebi/Nabi" itself means "prophet". It's the Hebrew word for prophet Nebiim literally means "prophets" plural. The proper word would not be 'worlds' in this context. Perhaps it would be 'governments'. But there's a difference between a "world" and a "government". A world is much greater. A world is a major system with many governments inside of it. The Canadian government is just one GOVERNMENT OF the Caucasian WORLD. A world is a global SYSTEM....sort of like an operating system on your computer. I think this is what @daniellegfny might be addressing when he said that Jesus will come into His kingdom. Lol...there's no telling WHAT Daniel meant when he said what he said. He may have meant anything, or nothing at all.
  12. Ofcourse there's an elite groups of wealthy Caucasians of whom the rules don't apply...lol. That's what people mean when they talk about the System of White Supremacy. It's not just in facebook, but through out social media and through out the government and other establishments in this society. Some go as far as to say that social media was DESIGNED by these elite group of Caucasians...so ofcourse they're going to exempt themselves from the rules they impose on their "subjects". Another thing I don't like about most social media platforms is the fact that there is no CLEAR LIST of rules and rights. What's acceptable and unacceptable tends to depend on who's doing the moderating and changes with the times and what is currently socially acceptable. Racism thrives in environments where the rules aren't clear. People on social media are now SELF-CENSORING their own words so as to avoid the "algorithm" picking up on certain words and alerting the censorers who monitor what's being said. I got into a bit of a heated discussion the other day over the use of the word "retarded" They were trying to call it the "r word" and pretty much equate it to the word "nigger". I objected, but some thought it was just as bad....back and forth..back and forth. Ofcourse those who thought it was just as bad were Caucasians, lol. If you notice, all of these platforms START OFF the same... Just sign up and you can post and say what ever you want, no censorship what so over. But as time goes by and the memberships increase THEN the rules come and you can't say "this" or post "that". Most of them follow the same predictable pattern.
  13. I thought this was just common sense.... Ofcourse eating a proper diet full of nutrients will make you healthier, strengthen your immune system, and make you more resistant against diseases of all sorts. This one of the reasons the racists try to keep "food deserts" in most Black communities and even in some Black nations. They promote a diet of junk foods and "plastic" foods with no nutritional value to heal you so that you are more likely to get sick and buy THEIR medicines. If you noticed.... Most of the oldest people in the country happen to be AFROAMERICANS. Most of those over 100 are AfroAmericans more so than any other race or group. Black folks who grew up down South and ate off of what THEY grew and raised themselves lived a lot longer and were much healthier than a lot of Black folks who grew up in the city eating what the Caucasians put out today like Doritos, chili cheese fries, nachobell grandes and shit. Black folks down South even had their own medicines called HOODOO where they would prepare roots and herbs to heal themselves. Even delivered their own babies by midwives without the aid of a Caucasian doctor or nurse pumping the mother and the baby full of toxins. Now they CLAIM (if we can believe them) that the infant mortality rate for Black babies was higher then than today....but even if we were to BELIEVE that.....the children who lived were much stronger and healthier than a lot of these slop-pots running around in the streets today. You didn't hear about as many Black children being obese, having autism, asthma, and other problems. They may have been buck-toothed but they could run 10 miles straight and never got sick.
  14. Daniel The end of the world and Jesus coming into his Kingdom are two different things. 2 things: 1. The scripture said Jesus the Son of Man will be coming IN his kingdom....not "into" his Kingdom. 2.Matthew Ch.24 v.3 says: "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" This scripture suggests that the coming of Jesus and the end of the world occur at or very near the SAME TIME.
  15. Really..... What would Jesus coming to establish his Kingdom mean...if NOT the end to this world? Can two opposing worlds dwell together at the same time on the same planet?
  16. According to the Bible in Matthew Chapter 16 Jesus said: "27For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. 28Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." Unless those people are STILL ALIVE....then clearly whoever wrote this was expecting the world to have ended already. And this was written HUNDREDS and probably well over a THOUSAND year ago.
  17. Daniel Wrong they don’t let racism define them. Who does? Give me an example of a person who lets racism "define" them. She doesn’t attack her own people. Also if you read her book she addresses this issue She attacks other AfroAmericans at the behest of her racist Caucasian supporters. Like Larry Elders, she's an attack dog for the right-wing. She's being used to say terrible things against Black people that her White supporters can't say without being labeled racist.
  18. When it comes to people like Larry and Candy O....racism doesn't exist...unless it happens to HER. Let her tell it, all of the other Black people who make claims of racism are delusional; but HER claims of discrimination are legitimate and has merit to it. For DECADES AfroAmerican and Latino activists on the Left have been saying that race, politics, and economic status plays a huge and unfair role in healthcare and we need to make healthcare more universally accessed and less privatized. But none of that mattered to Candace. it was all one big excuse for people not taking responsibility for themselves and looking after themselves. .....until a PRIVATE health care provider apparently discriminated against HER based on her race or political beliefs. Now all of a sudden there's a problem and private practices shouldn't be allowed to do that.
  19. Chev The Bible expounds upon this idea in many ways as well. Moses wrote that the Creator speaks to us in many formats such as parables, visions, etc. and many more ways, however, he specifically said to the people at tht time of the Exodus, that Moses was the only human being that he spoke with face to face. Did it say Moses spoke with The CREATOR face to face, or did he speak with Yahweh (Yahuah translated as "The Lord" in the Bible) face to face? Some would argue that the Being referred to as Yahweh is not the same as The CREATOR No Way!!! Not today. The scriptures say that THERE IS NO PRIVATE INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE TODAY. TODAY, all of the SEALS of God have been opened!!! Really? Show me the scriptures where it says that. Book, chapters, and verses........... However, the Holy Spirit [which was actually Jesus Christ at this time] , ????? This is the first time I've EVER heard that before. I don't think you got this out of the Bible, who told you this? the time of the Crucifixion MARKS the BEGINNING OF THE END TIMES. Many people are not aware of this. Many think that today is the end times, but no. The End Times actually began 2000 years ago. This is more CONJECTURE on your part. If the "end times" really began 2000 years ago then the world would have ended already. This is what is called an "open ended" prophecy where you make predictions so broad and vague that they can be intepreted a thousand different ways to avoid being called "wrong". Instead of giving a definite date for the return of the savior or end of the world such as 1993.....they'll say when the Earth trembles and there is an increase of war in the Middle East...WATCH OUT...because the end is "near". And some people'll be sitting on a tree stump looking up in the sky for the next 50 years waiting on what's "near" This is one of the reasons I left religion. I saw the game...the word games they play. The open ended prophecies and the hypocrisy of people who CLAIMED the world was endeding and that they beleived Jesus was coming back....but they were taking out mortgages on homes and sending their children to college preparing for a world to last much much longer that what they were preaching. It's a CON GAME. It's designed to trick people into doing absolutely nothing but WAITING on salvation while rich and evil people who know better exploit them and steal the resources.
  20. Daniel If he had passed that bill to his dealer it could have been worse. What could have been worse than being choked to death on the hot pavement?
  21. Mzuri Usually, two wrongs don’t make it right but sometimes it can. For example, if someone keeps messing with me and so I kick them in their face and then I feel better. Kicking someone who messes with you may feel better and feels like justice because you did it to someone who was picking on YOU at first. That's understandable. But the people that Trump points out at his rallies and tellsthe crowd to beat up or drag off aren't necessarily the ones who are harrassing and attacking people in MAGA hats. These are people...usually women...who are holding up signs or counter protesting at his rallies but haven't lain a hand on anyone at the event but he's inciting mob attacks against them. That's not justice or revenge...that's displaced aggression at best. This was just an illustration, I don’t actually kick people. No, you just out-dress them...lol. Unfortunately bad things happen to innocent people, and I believe that you increase your chances of something untoward happening by engaging in risky behavior. And George Floyd was one of those innocent people. He didn't have his day in court. Infact, we don't even KNOW if the $20 he was using was actually fake or not, that wasn't even determined. We're just going off of what's reported in the media. But under this legal system as person is PRESUMED innocent until PROVEN guilty....not assumed guilty and punished first. The problem isn't the police, but the racists ON the police force. Racists have infiltrated most of the institutions of this nation from the various police departments, to the schools, to financial institutions, to the grocery stores....spreading their hatred and venom and using their authority in their different positions to harm Black people and make mass confusion and chaos. While modifying one's behavior to prevent contact with law enforcement and racist cops will be a good TEMPORARY solution, the lasting solution will be for Black people to form our own private police departments and police our own communities like the Nation of Islam used to. Because as I said racists will MAKE negative conditons that make you act negatively. One of the reasons crime is out of control in this nation is because many violent criminals were LET OUT of jail a year ago and sent back to different neighborhoods in the name of "covid relief". They didn't let people who were writing bad checks or selling drugs go....they let the VIOLENT ones go because they KNEW what would happen. So that they could go back into the community and commit more violence. So the same racists who POINT THE FINGER at the crime and violence going on were the ones RESPONSIBLE for making it. Just like the same people who POINT THE FINGER at how covid rising in the population are the same ones RESONSIBLE for it because they opened things back up too soon and told people to walk around Walmart without masks on. The same racists who point out the problems in society are the ones MAKING the problems under the table and setting up conditions for the problems to occur. One racist devil is trying to force you take a shot full of unknowns substances. Another racist devil is telling you to take off your mask so he can cough in your face. BOTH of them have the same aim. The solution is for Black folks to build our own communities and secure them ourselves and build our own hospitals to come up with our own cures. Sitting around arguing over which White man treats us better isn't a viable option.
  22. Mzuri You blame Trump for inciting violence but look at how you Trump haters are always bullying and beating up Trump supporters just for wearing their MAGA hats and t-shirts. People should be able to wear Trump gear without fear of bodily harm. But does two wrongs make a right? Do people wearing MAGA hats being assaulted give Trump the right to call for the attack of OTHER people who didn't attack him or anyone at his rallies or at the Capitol? If Trump or his followers have a problem with those with MAGA hats on being harassed then maybe he should spend some of his billions to provide personal security for his followers, not go out and beat up INNOCENT people. George Floyd didn't deserve what happened to him, that was one of the worst things ever, but if you keep messing around, something is eventually going to happen to you. Well there are people who never drank or did drugs and ended up getting killed in car accidents and other catastrophies at 19 years old or even as young children. So something "happening to you" isn't necessarily a result of bad behavior. Further...... There are plenty of people in Mosques, Churches, and in life in general who spent many decades as drug addicts and criminals but became Muslim or found Jesus or found other methods to turn their lives around and reform themselves and are no longer in that life. What if THEY had gotten killed by a racist cop before they did so? What if they were forced to "pay up" for their crimes and sins and end up losing their lives BEFORE they turned their lives around? This is why I say, cops shouldn't be judge, jury, and EXECUTIONER on the streets. That's why there's a legal system to protect people. I agree that arguing on forums has gotten old, so stop harassing @daniellegfny with the Uncle Remus pix.
  23. Daniel Jails, Institutions or Death. If the drugs don’t kill you the lifestyle will. Is THAT what the autopsy said? That his "lifestyle" killed him? Have you ever seen a death certificate with "lifestyle" listed under the cause of death? You know Daniel....... Something tells me that YOU don't think Derek Chauvin even deserves to be in jail. You really believe the nonsense. "See YO problem is..... You don't know good White folks when ya see 'em!"
  24. Mzuri I know that you are being very serious with your comments, but you keep me in stitches. I'm not being TOO serious, lol. I've learned NOT to take my discussion online too serious. When I was younger I did and it would have me driving around angry and snapping on people because of some crap somebody said to me on a message board during a heated discussion. Much of the violence and craziness you see in this society started from people exchanging cross words over the internet. Somebody say the wrong thing about your baby's pictures and the next thing you know you're kicking their door down with some timberland boots. As to Trump being a racist, if you will recall before he became president, Al Sharpton, Russell Simmons, Kanye, Mike Tyson, Oprah Doprah, Don King, Puffy, and of course GlossLips, all associated with him. And other Blacks were friends with Trump as well. As soon as Trump became president, everybody’s calling him the biggest racist in the WORLD! True. But also remember he was a DEMOCRAT for most of his life and didn't preach the right-wing rhetoric he NOW preaches. So he didn't DISPLAY his racism as much in the past as he does now. In the 80s and 90s he was just known as a flamboyantly rich white dude. Now he's known as the father of the modern right-wing movement and encourages people to fight and beat up people at his rallies. But Biden called a Black staffer “BOY” a couple of weeks ago and y’all ain’t said nothing!!! Why. Is. That? Because while Biden may be a SENILE racist..Trump is a DANGEROUS racist. Biden will call a Black man "boy". Trump will tell the Proud Boys and 3 Percenters to "stand down and stand by" until further orders to attack folks! Like I said before, Trump ENCOURAGES people to beat up other folks in his rallies. One 90 year old fool ended up breaking his bony hand hitting a Black man upside his hard head at a Trump rally. Daniel No need the Drugs and the Lifestyle killed George Floyd. So it wasn't Chauvin's knee crushing his neck that killed him? It was his LIFE-style that killed him? So his LIFE-style happened to catch up with him right about the time Chauvin yanked him out of a car, tossed him on the ground, and kept his knee on his neck for 9 minutes while the man was calling on his mother in agony? Let us not forget he was engaged in passing counterfeit money. .....and the punishment for that is the DEATH PENANTLY, according to you? Addiction was the end of Mr Floyd. ....oh, so THAT deserves the DEATH PENALTY according to you also??? You're a driver and I'm sure you get cash from time to time. Some of it may even be counterfeit without your knowing. Are you saying YOU deserved to be snatched out of a car and jacked up because YOU may have passed on a counterfeit bill? It’s because they stuck on Democrats. I'm not a Republican NOR a Democrat. I'm a Progressive and I'm loyal to IDEOLOGY, not party. Neither Party has been very good to our people lately and I believe both are controlled by racists at the top. So leaving the Democrat party only to run into the arms of the Republicans is like Uncle Remus running bare foot from one plantation straight to another. "Yeeeeees, yes! It's MUCH better on the TRUMP plantation Den over yonder on the BIDEN plantation Massa Trump gives us cone-bread EBBYDAY. Ain't dat right little Daniel??"
  25. Daniel He is focusing on our humanity and not skin color. He doesn’t deny Racism, he puts it in its proper perspective that it doesn’t prevent us from Advancing in life. Maybe he should channel George Floyd and asking whether or not racism kept HIM from advancing in this life. Elder made a FORTUNE off of racism...downplaying it and telling Caucasians that Black folks were making it up and using it as an excuse. So ofcourse it didn't keep HIM from advancing in life. It made him RICH. They through an egg at the nigga and missed. He didn't get hurt, so I can't say I feel sorry for him. Troy There were seemingly more people with cameras that there were participants, viewers or protestors. Exactly. They have that "attack" filmed at nearly every conceivable angle. I wouldn't be surprised if this entire thing was orchestrated. A staged event. 20 years ago I would have been heated and say: "How dare these racists attack our brother Larry Elder. I may disagree with him politically, but he's still our brother." But today with so much shenanigans going on and people like Elder and Candace Owens openly selling out and participating in buffoonery and supporting racists like Trump..... Unless they get seriously injured, I say let them sleep in the bed they made for themselves. Candace Owens was a victim of discrimination in college and enlisted the help of the NAACP to fight for her and win a law suit on her behalf. Racist threats case filed by Stamford High student settled for $37,500 (newstimes.com) And how did she repay the NAACP and Black community? By selling them out and turning into a Trump supporting Conservative Republican who denies racism (except when it happens to her) and attacks her own people for her right-wing supporters. These Uncle Toms and Aunt Tammies are something else.
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