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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Mel Well I did have my fingers crossed. So… it would be interesting to learn who we should be checking out next. The thing is.... They won't produce a list of candidates because they know every Republican on that list will be WORSE than Joe Biden...lol I've been going back and forth with Black Republicans all over the internet for the past 11 months or so. The White Republicans are USING them to harass and troll other Black folks...Democrat or not....to vex the Biden Administration and whip up support for 2024 They have 2 strategies. -Either get Black folks to vote Republican. -Or tell Black folks to stop voting at all....knowing that will make the Republicans more likely to win But they know most Black folks can see the Republican party as the OPENLY racist party and they know better than to tell Black folks to vote for Trump. That would backfire. So they just go around waiting on anything bad to happen to Black folks and then blame Joe Biden for it. A Black man is shot in St.Louis....blame Joe Biden. A Black child is killed in a tornado in Texas....blame Joe Biden. A Black woman dies in California during child birth.... "See...bet yall wish ya hadn't voted for Joe Biden NOW, don't ya!" Anything negative that happens to Black folks, these fools are grabbing it and running around harassing and ridiculing other Black folks over it as an excuse to blame the Democrats and get them to either vote Republican or don't vote at all.
  2. nels You're steady trashing Joe Biden and telling us how much of a racist he is, and most of us (I know I do) AGREE with that. But I've repeatedly asked you WHO should Black folks have voted for? WHO should Black folks support and vote for now? ...and you duck and dodge and ignore the question. You've made your point about who Black folks should NOT vote for, but the question still remains....WHO should Black folks be voting for? WHOOO WHOOO ????
  3. ProfD As I said earlier, I feel the same way as YOU do about religion. I'd really like a NON-RELIGIOUS organization to be in charge of keeping law and order and peace in our communities. Religion and morality is often a touchy and confusing subject for our people because there is already so much confusion and division. You say Muslim to some of our people and they feel a certain way. You say Jesus to them and they they start feeling another way. If it were up to me I'd have ecumenical institutions that weren't tied to any particular type of religious philosphy. One of the thing I like about Marcus Garvey and the UNIA movement was that it wasn't religiously based. Garvey was a Christian (I believe) but he had followers and supporters from all walks of life. If Garvey was around right now, I'd be all up in his churchs keeping it 100 with my non-religious support of his political and social agendas!
  4. Mzuri But you're right, you aren't going anywhere. And she SHO' ain't going anywhere with that black neclace on her neck. That's STAYING...lol
  5. China (Donald Trump said "Gina" ....lol) ain't gonna do ANYTHING without the expressed approval of the United States. The Western corporations are using China as one big SLAVE PLANTATION to do all of their cheap and high-tech labor. They have 1.5 Billion educated workers who are grinding for Western companies like Am*zon and IBM under the whip of the Chinese government. They claim China is Communist, but in actuality it's ULTRA-CAPITALIST. And the Communist Party of China are the capitalists who own the entire country and are reaping the profits off of the labor of the masses. They aren't gonna ruin that.
  6. ProfD You ain't LYING bro. It's one thing to see women running around in pajamas, but I've seen so many YOUNG DUDES bopping up and down the street in their pajamas and sandals. To me, a man should be ready for BATTLE when he walks out the house. You should be dressed in some hard shoes that allow you to fight (or run if you must...lol) and tussle if it comes to it. How in the hell are you gonna protect yourself let alone your lady when you're walking around with some soft ass pajamas on with little kangaroos on them? They don't even have to hit him, all they have to do is just snatch down his pajama bottoms and he'll be embrassed and tripping all over the damn place. As for women in pajamas............... For some reason I do NOT find that sexy at all. Even if the woman was ordinarily sexy....if she's wearing fruity pajama with her butt bouncing and wobbling all over the place, it doesn't seem right. "Yeah....is this Kentucky Fried? Ok then. Small fries and BIG MAC." If she's been wearing them all day in public...you KNOW they stank.
  7. Well before you walk away..........Can you leave us that black necklace and pendant you got around your neck?YOU might be invisible...but IT ain't....lol
  8. What's up with so many sistaz running around in bonnets and shower caps lately? You can't go into a gas station or a Popeyes Chicken joint without seeing some young sista toddling around with a cell phone stuck to her hear and a shower cap on her head, lol. If she ain't got a shower cap on, she's got one of those hand-kerchiefs wrapped around her head and tied in the front calling it a bonnet.
  9. Mzuri Yes but WHO though? You're telling me who NOT to vote for, but I'm asking WHO is out there that we SHOULD vote for? Like the fuzz told R.Kelly....start dropping some NAMES...lol
  10. ProfD Self-preservation and self-interest of the COLLECTIVE Nation of Islam, not necessarily individual members. I used to go to the temple a lot when I lived in Detroit and they taught their members to "look out" for your brother. They do believe in collectivism and group economics with EACHOTHER and they also partner up with other Black organizations from time to time. But like I said earlier, like most intelligent people the Nation of Islam is very particular and careful about who they align themselves with. You can just run off and start doing business with dope dealers, gangsters, wife-beaters, drug addicts and other ratchets and counter-productive people in community because they'll ruin themselves and take you along with them. After an attack, sometimes you just gotta let some ships sink and focus on the ones that can be salvaged. Chicago has a Black mayor and a lot of Black people on the police force but hell, even Al Jolson and other racist entertainers wore a Black face too. But their Black face didn't make them any less racist. Mayor Lightfoot's allegiance isn't to the Black community who voted for her; it's to the LGBT community who embraced her, paid her and continues to call the tune she dances to. These negroes are little more than puppets for the White folks who REALLY run the show and control things in city hall and the state capital. "Now wait a minute now! Now HOLD ON now! I thought I told ya befo' You go GIT yo' money! I juss gotta talk to da GUBNA' first...." If Black people expect to change things, it has to start from the grassroots. From the ground up. Like we said, LOCAL POLITICS. That means putting OUR OWN hand picked politicians in.
  11. Cynique Well..... Sorry but you're in this until the END....whether you like it or not. You're STUCK with the people you came to the party with. So put on your big-girl pants, come back to the huddle, and ride this thing through like the rest of us...LOL
  12. Mel Hopkins Lol....if I were you I wouldn't hold my breath for his list. Mzuri In 2020 Black America had a choice between BEEL-ZEBUB (the prince of demons) or SATAN himself...lol. Now which one would YOU have chosen? The chief demon or Satan HIMSELF? I personally didn't vote for EITHER Trump or Biden, because I didn't trust either one.
  13. Nels Separation will get us nowhere. Separation would have gotten us away from covid and the other diseases, along with the people it came from. One of the reasons the people in Africa have one of the lowest rates of covid is because so many of them are largely SEPARATE from the White and Asian populations.
  14. Which politician(s) do you suggest Black Americans get behind and support?
  15. Nels From my perspective, it's pure insanity. As an American, I support freedom of expression per the Constitution. They do them....I do me. Would you make a law against it and make it ILLEGAL for men to dress like women and women to dress like men? BTW, you STILL didn't answer my question as to what you meant by "solid conservative". That could mean next to ANYTHING. Could you be so kind as to provide a brief list of the values you support by calling yourself a "solid conservative"?
  16. Mark Hatburg The ORIGINAL Black people are the natives of the entire planet. But those aren't the same type of Black people are most of us who call ourselves AfroAmericans. Those ORIGINAL Black people are closer to those who are called Dravidians in India today. Having said that.......... There is a lot of confusion and mis-information going around on social media today where a handful of confused negroes are running around sticking feathers in their heads and calling THEMSLEVES the "real Natives" and "real Indians"....pissing off the traditional Native Americans. If it's not enough that these racist White folks have been trying to steal the identity of the Native Americans for centuries by being $5 Indians...now you got some confused Black folks adding insult to injury and trying to do the same. They use the fact that SOME Africans were already in the Americas before Columbus and had bee here for thousands of years already and dwelt peaceably with the Native Americans....they use THAT fact to now make the claim that ALL of the Native Americans were really African Black folks. Some even go as far as to say that slavery never happened and that we Africans were always here and not brought from Africa. The truth is in between the extremes.
  17. You took the words right out of my mouth! I don't know if I could have been more detailed. A good LOCAL political base also helps you if you want to go state-wide and nationally anyway. AfroAmericans need to secure a serious of strong LOCAL powerbases around the nation....especially in predominately Black cities like Atlanta, Detroit, St Louis, ect....and other places with large Black populations like Houston and Philly. We need to secure ourselves locally first...so that we will be a proper shape to have a strong national influence.
  18. ProfD As you may have gathered from my posts, I personally have no use for religion. However, I do no begrudge those who have to believe in something in order to manage their existence on the prison yard of white supremacy. If religion keeps foks from being self-destructive and makes them more productive, I think that's great. Brother we have the EXACT same position on religion. I used to go out to disprove and argue against people's religions when I was younger but since have learned that although religion may be a "crutch"...it's the only thing some people have for support. Unless I have something better to offer them that can show them tangible benefits, I feel it's best to leave them to their religions as long as it's not counter-productive to my agenda. I don't believe in "White Jesus"; but if it's gonna keep my sister from jumping off a building or selling her children out of complete hopelessness...then I'd rather her just stay in the church until I can offer her a solution to her problems. I remember the NOI/FOI (Fruit of Islam) providing security in situations that mainly benefitted them. Those brothas were on it when the NOI collected millions of dollars at the Million Man Marches. I was there. I was at the Million Man March too! It was a beautiful event. We had a million people before 8am...and 2 million actually showed up although the media lied about the numbers. But ofcourse the NOI provides security for functions that mainly benefit them. That's what they are supposed to do as a group. They are not the government, they are a private well trained organization that must use their resources wisely. Which they have shown the capability of doing. This particular Nation of Islam has been around since the 1970s, and Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam was around for over 40 years before that since the early 30s. You don't last that long as a Black organization by being stupid and wasting time and energy on thugs, fools, and ratchets who won't appreciate the help you give them anyway. If the city of Chicago is serious about protecting it's citizens then they'd PAY the FOI to secure the projects like they did in the past. They have the money to do so. But it's not the obligation of the FOI or any other private organization to do the work of the police, even if they can...and they can....do a better job. The NOI is headquartered in Chicago which right now I believe it is the deadliest city for black folks in America. I've asked myself why the NOI/FOI hasn't established a presence on the South side dnd West side to stop the violence. Rest assured the NOI compound is heavily secured. I read about how well trained the FOI force is in martial arts and weapons. Brotha James Brown wrote a song called "Talkin Loud and Sayin Nothin". Those dudes seem all dressed up with nohwere to go. Most of the dudes having street crediblity themselves, I would think the FOI could clean up the streets of Chicago. Unless they're getting kickbacks from the dysunction that is plauging the city. Cue up that Jodeci track again... Very interesting observation, that not only you and myself have made over the years but MANY people have made. This actually touches on one of the differences brother Malcolm had with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm wanted to be more involved in the "struggle" and take on more Black causes like the Black Power movements that were taking shape at that time. Elijah wanted the Nation to focus LESS on politics and MORE on financial independence and moral discipline. He understood that the MAIN problem Black America suffered from was a MORAL problem. Problems like eating the wrong food, using dope and alcohol, being lazy, too dependent on White people, fighting and killing eachother, improper sexual relationships, ect.... Like the FERTILE SOIL for dysfunction analogy that I talk about....those things WEAKEN you and make you more vulnerable for the "devil" to mistreat you as an individual and a community. Elijah was wise enough to know this. There is no sense in fighting to free a DYSFUNCTIONAL Black community who will only end up destroying itself or ending up back on another plantation. He wanted us to get righteous first and with that improved morality....success would naturally come. And the same applies today! The Nation of Islam doesn't have the man power or resources and quite frankly doesn't have the DUTY to save self-destructive thugs, dope addicts, and gangsters from slaughtering eachother if that what they CHOOSE to do after "knowledge of self" has come to them. Why waste pearl on swine? Why waste time walking thorough the hood pleading with young gangsters to put their gats down when they want to kill eachother so badly that a week later they're gonna pick them right back up again? Now again..... If the city, state, of feds want to PAY the NOI to coming in and secure certain areas with the manpower they have...that should be fine. I think they should do it and teach others how to do it. But in MY opinion (and I could be wrong) but as long as the Nation of Islam is keeping THEMSELVES safe and guarding THEIR property and can eat and own businesses and be successful. Then they're doing the right thing. If you as a gangter or drug addict or thug want to clean yourself up...you're welcomed to walk through their doors at any time, no one is stopping the thug or gangster from doing that. Even if they're in PRISON they can still accept that discipline. But as far as standing on every street corner in Chicago begging these crazy asss niccaz to stop doing something that a 12 year old with good sense would know better than to do and put themselves in harms way from a stray bullet...not the best strategy. If the people of Chicago and other urban areas WANT a life of dope dealing, gangsterism, and ratchetness...the NOI has no right to FORCE them into desiring other wise. Jodeci said: "Treat 'em like they WANNA be treated....."
  19. Mzuri This is a great idea if it could work, something like the Guardian Angels would be fantastic! The Nation of Islam used to do this in various neighborhoods and housing projects around the country. So I KNOW it can be done. Problem is, too many Black folks have a LAZY mentality where they sit around waiting on racist White cops to "clean up" the crime or wait on gentrification to "clean up" the neighborhood. If THEY clean it up, they're gonna clean it up for THEMSELVES. Remember back in the day when the gangs supposedly took care of their blocks. Whatever happened to that? I'm not sure. I don't remember when street gangs took care of and protected the neighborhood, but I DO remember parts of the 70s and early 80s where if a crime was committed in the neighborhood like a car theft or somebody was robbed...SOMEBODY in the hood knew who did it. And you could go to certain gangsters in that neighborhood and pay them to get your stuff back or find out who did it. That was BEFORE the Crack Era though. I heard from older dudes that gangs protected the neighborhood, but I guess that was before I got old enough to remember it. Most Black gangs around the nation started off as either a break away from the Black Panthers or as protection from racists White gangs who were harassing Black residents. I am so glad that I am not in the inner city, and if I were, I would get away from there. I couldn’t even sleep in a place like that. I don't live in the hood either. Because I wouldn't want to do what I HAD to do to live their. And I'd probably organize with some other brothers to "clean it up"...and I'm not sure how many intelligent strong Black men would be around to help me. A neighborhood is only as bad as the strong men ALLOW it to be. Strong men can either be good or bad. And if they are bad, then the neighborhood will be bad.
  20. Mzuri It amazes me that some of you guys believe in all sorts of conspiracy theories but you refuse to consider that the presidential elections may have been rigged. Not me. I believe EVERY Presidential Election since Roosevelt has been rigged. And probably most of them before him. I also believe there was MASSIVE vote fraud and voter suppression in both the 2000 and 2016 Presidential elections. Hundreds of thousands of Black votes were either ignored or discarded and this was done in plain sight down in Florida back in 2000. This is why I say Black folks should be focusing on LOCAL politics, because national politics right now is pretty much sewn up. Most women don't want a pretty boy. Who wants to be with someone who asks to borrow your eyeliner. It's funny you said that because after I got out of school and met some of my old classmates..... I noticed that most of the girls who were chasing after the "pretty boys" actually turned out to be LESBIANS. They didn't like boys anyway, and I guess their lust for the "pretty" and "feminine" type boys with a big head of greasy hair was actually the closest thing they could get to being with another female without being exposed as lesbian at that time. Now that things are more open, you see tend to see more people with who they actually want.
  21. It didn't bother me much because I'm not a fan of Facebook or Twitter anyway. I'm more of a YOUTUBE type of fellow...lol. I signed up for Facebook many years ago and put in a fake name and they kicked my registration back telling me something like they don't accept false names and you must use your REAL name. I said WTF???? How can they tell who's using a fake name or a real name unless they have some sort of database somewhere keeping track of people??? So Ieft facebook alone. If the internet was down, I'd be out in the public doing community organizing and reading physical books in my spare time. At this point if the internet went down there would be MASSIVE CHAOS in the streets....so having a strong and safe community would be priority.
  22. ProfD Man, your post pretty much summed it up! I'm not sure what else to add to it except to comment on a few things. I too believe that Eazy E was targeted. Did you see when Suge Knight went on some talk show and BRAGGED about injecting Eazy E with AIDS? I forgot who's show it was, but it was disgusting how he made fun of that man's death. So, it's no surprise that what we're seeing today regarding a lack of sociopolitical consciousness among AfroAmericans are seeds that were planted and germinated several decades ago. You're right. But look at the fertile SOIL of ignorance and immorality that those seeds could be dropped in! Wonder I've taken such a PRAGMATIC instead of overly optimistic view towards the collective progress of the AfroAmerican community? Most of the damage being done to the AfroAmerican community isn't being done directly from outside aggression...but from those INSIDE the community who are mentally and/or morally weak and are easily used as weapons against their own BY the racists. Drugs, Gangsta Rap, and the Gangstaz themselves wouldn't be so prevelant among a people who were collectively intelligent and morally upright. They only thrive in communities where those weaknesses already exist and all you need is a seed dropped in that soil. Look at people like Russel Westbrook and Lil Nas X who come on wearing dresses. Could you even PAY Arab men enough money to go out in public with dresses and high-heels on? We know many of them do it behind closed doors, but they INSTINCTIVELY know to keep it hush-hush even in America. The question we must ask is why is it so easy to PAY and TRICK a negro into doing something like that to begin with??? Mzuri AIDS started in the Caucasoid community with the gay flight attendant. It probably entered our community through some downlow brother that was getting down with fruity whitey. That's the official version of how it happened. However like most diseases that disproportionally impact Black people, it doesn't explain WHY it disproportionally affects Black people. The majority of HIV-AIDS cases are in Sub-Saharan African, where most of the people are neither drug users or homosexuals...but they still have the highest rates which doesn't make any sense if we follow the official story. I've heard different theories but the one I believe the most is that it HIV was a bio-weapon (chemically engineered) that was INJECTED into Black people both on the continent as well as in the U.S. I believe other diseases are being given to our people to. Do I have absolute PROOF of this? No. But it's almost DEFACTO proof because there is no other explanation for how such strange diseases that didn't exist BEFORE contact with Caucasians all of a sudden exist AFTER contact with them. We also have evidence based on law enforcement that Covid-19 is being directly given to certain Black populations. If things like this don't make you want to stay on good terms with The SUPREME BEING and stay in tuned with your Spirituality....I don't know what else will. You're dealing with VERY smart racists. I cannot believe you weren’t a ladies man as smooth-talking as you are now. How often did you stroll through those Canadian malls? "Oh stop it....tee hee hee...." Because smooth talk doesn't necessarily come with smooth looks. I wasn't "pretty" like Prince, so I had to work at mines...LOL. When I lived in Detroit I started going to Canada when I was a teenager because you can drink at 19 over there. When I was in my 20s and 30s I would go once or twice a month, depending which friends I was with. Plus I found out it was much safer in Canada than in Detroit.
  23. In the Detroit it was considered more of a biological weapon designed against Black people....and I STILL think it is, btw. To a lesser extent it was considered a "gay disease" right up until 1995 when Easy E got sick and died from it, and then it lost that stigma. Today you hear less conspiratorial talk among most young Black people. They allowed their White "friends" and co-workers to talk them out of believing anything they didn't hear on CNN or Fox News. As far as free sex goes........... I wasn't TOO MUCH of a ladies man to begin with...lol...so I'm not the best one to judge how easy or hard sexual access has changed over time. I go by the stories the older Black men...Baby Boomers...told me about how easy it was to just go to any bar, pool room, or hamburger joint and in a couple hours you could have 2 or 3 women in your bed getting busy with all of them. This was especially the case in White communities in urban areas. I'm not sure about that but what I HAVE witnessed is how easy it is to get sex in places like Canada and Western Europe as compared to the U.S. At a time when you had to have good conversation, get a phone number, and go out on atleast a date or two before having sex with a woman in the United States.....back in the 80s and 90s a simple stroll through a shopping mall in Canada would guarantee you a wet willy...lol } "You want me to come over and sit next to you? Who? Me??? Are you SURE you're talking to me? Naaaah.....stop playing girl! For real???"
  24. ProfD We should have our own private police force to secure most of our neighborhoods RIGHT NOW...with all of the crime and police brutality plaguing so many Black communities around this nation. The Nation of Islam has an excellent reputation for keeping peace and order in Black events and even in some Black communites. They could be instrumental in this. We need to be more bold in taking the initiative for our independence instead of either being FORCED to by circumstance or waiting on some young White man with long hair and glasses to come up with the idea and then negroes start flocking behind him. Too many of our people are caught up in the Jim Jones mentality of waiting for a White man to initiate things and save them.
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