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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Another issue with Ayiti I think, is that the nation is suffering from Spiritual CONFUSION. It started off as a nation of enslaved Africans who were Catholic under the French. Then they REJECTED Catholicism as the slave religion that it was, embraced Vodou and the Spirits of their Ancestors, and this LIBERATED them and made them so powerful that they were able to defeat the world's most powerful militaries at that time. But when they got free and comfortable....many of them went BACK to worshipping the White Jesus and practicing Catholicism. Many if not most even MIX Vodou and veneration of the Ancestors with Catholicism....causing spiritual confusion. You can't serve two Masters. You must accept one and reject the other. Perhaps trying to serve two Masters is worse than just serving the WRONG one whole heartedly. I'm very curious as to what would happen to Ayiti if all of a sudden the entire nation had a Spiritual Revival where they once again rejected ALL forms of Catholicism and White Jesus and went back to their pure Vodou and Ancestral roots! I wonder how fast we'd see a change in her fortune.
  2. ProfD Had the entire restaurant lobby smelling like rotten cheese and burnt rubber with a whiff of dank indo smoke.
  3. ProfD If this nation were over 90% Caucasian like it was 200 years ago...they'd have NO PROBLEM providing all citizens with Universal Healthcare just like they do in Sweden, Norway, Canada, and other mostly White nations people like to brag about so much. But when you have a policy of KILLING OFF people of color instead of saving them.....free quality healthcare kind of gets in the way of that, lol. This is why they have so many "health care programs" that make it extra complicated and confusing for so many to get the treatment and care they need. So they can play games with it. Like Neely Fuller Jr. said: EFF ENVIRONMENTAL ERROR FACTORS. They make things extra complicated and put things up there they don't need to be ON PURPOSE...just to cause problems and more confusion. They even legalize aspects of Medicare and Medicaid so they can have and excuse to lock people up for Medicare fraud and other "crimes" Things you NEVER hear about in other nations. Looking up a person who lies on an application just to get a treatment for their cancer????? I used to think it was all about the money, and for many it is. But in Wht Supremacist ideology...money isn't the end all be all...it's just a TOOL used to maintain power and control. They'll spend EXTRA money to maintain power and control. That's why the federal government's FUNDING of Medicare, Medicaid, and VA as well as Obamacare costs 10 times more than if they'd just simply give everyone free quality healthcare access. Racists will pay extra and go out of their way....just to keep things in chaos so that they can maintain control.
  4. Mel Hopkins Problem is.....when you agree with me too much....you make @Cynique angry, lol. All of a sudden she stops liking your posts. Then the conversations get short and cold. ...leaving you scratching your head as to WTH???? LOL
  5. PREACH!!!!!!! Well enlighten me then. What EXACTLY do I need to learn about the Confederate Flag so that I won't find it offensive? That question was half-way rhetorical...lol. Because if I've learned anything from your responses to my OTHER questions for you....it wouldn't be wise for me to stop my whole day and sit by my computer waiting on a detailed answer, lol.
  6. I can't get behind all of that kneeling. Kneeling before the U.S. flag is showing more respect for it than standing, in my opinion. Look at it! This looks like MORE of a show of respect...even reverence...than standing! I think it's a backwards tactic. I heard some White dude convinced Colin to start taking a knee instead of walking off the field. He was gaslighted, and ended up falling for the Ole Okey-Doke. And now a lot of other Black athletes have been duped into doing the same thing. You got a whole row of Negroes on their knees bowing to the flag now....following in behind Colin. Personally, I'd just stand still and have my mind elsewhere. No need to make a spectacle of myself. Kneeling, standing , squatting, jogging in place.....NONE of it will stop police brutality anyway.
  7. Rev Not sure what to tell you, chief. If you were "called" to do a mission and bring a message (the truth?) , then my words and our reaction to what you say should be of no consequence. Like Minister Farrakhan used to teach: If YOU'RE the one who's supposed to do something...then nobody has to TELL you to do it, you're gonna get on up and do it! If you have a determined mind and are CALLED to accomplish a mission. You're gonna roll off the couch and get on up and do it..whether the people understand or accept your words or not.
  8. Mzuri What does Donald Trump have to do with anything other than the fact that you lost your potato chip argument You brought up your husbands decades of service in the military as justification for him receiving quality health-care...suggesting that those who DIDN'T put in service to this nation didn't deserve it. So I offered Donald Trump...who DODGED the draft and didn't serve at all in the military....but still received top notch healthcare as an example to see if you thought it was fair or not. If you don't think it's fair that a person who bought a bag of cheetos should get the same right to good health as a person who served in the military...then what about someone who actually DODGED the military? Also, along that point...... If you are suggesting that a person who hasn't contributed much to this society doesn't deserve free healthcare or quality healthcare. Then what about children and adults who were born disabled and haven't worked AT ALL? Generally speaking children have contributed little to the taxes and production in this society...does that mean they don't deserve quality health care? I say ALL U.S. CITIZENS deserve free decent quality health care no matter their income level or social status. No favoritism when it comes to health and saving lives No one should sit in judgement and decides who deserves to have their cancer treated and who should deserves to die of cancer in an alley alone because they were "lazy" by someone else's standards. Didn't Jesus say something about whatever you do unto the LEAST of these...you do unto him? You feed the hungry, HEAL THE SICK, visit those in prison, etc...
  9. Rev Ok chief..... It's your world. Sorry to bother you.
  10. Mzuri Did Donald Trump serve HIS country for 20 or 30 years? He had an opportunity to serve in his youth but I heard he actually DODGED the draft by getting deferments...lol. But as President he received better healthcare than your husband or any other veteran. How do you feel about that?
  11. Well.... You speak of TRUTH and said you had it and want us to have it too. You can start by telling us the TRUTH about your self and a little about who you are. That's fair, isn't it?
  12. I don't mind people listening to music; but all that rocking and ducking and head bouncing and throwing your hands in every direction that so many younger folks do in public is EMBARRASSING. You drive down the street and see a young brutha with a bushy head of hair, a wild look in his eyes, and a crazy grin on his face RAPPING to himself and tossing his hands around like a fool. How many other youth do you see doing this besides AfroAmerican youth? I was in a restaurant the other day getting some take-out and didn't even want to sit on the customers bench because it was a young couple sitting on it...BOTH of them looked like they were over 300 pounds. Both of them had pants on too small for them and the dude had half his ass and crack snuggled up against the couch. And BOTH of them were bouncing and rocking to whatever the hell they were listening to. First HE started listening and acted a fool bouncing and rocking and working his hands...then took one ear-piece from his crusty ear and gave it to HER and then SHE started bouncing and rocking from side to side. Every 30 seconds or so they would grunt out a lyric or two to whatever they were listening to. They both were keeping rhythm together.....I'll give them that much. Bouncing, rocking, and acting a fool at the same time with the same moves. I didn't want to get close to them. I didn't even want to SMELL them. It's as if most youth have no more sense of shame or awareness. When I was a teen SOME young people didn't have this, but today it seems as if MOST people under 40 don't have this and will do anything that pops into their mind anywhere no matter who's looking. By the way ProfD....she was in PAJAMA BOTTOMS, lol.
  13. Mel Hopkins If they can just get Black folks NOT to vote, the Republicans feel they've done their job quite well. They really don't care too much for the Black vote themselves; because they don't want to hear any complaining from Black Republicans who may feel they are obligated to do something for them since they voted. They really want Black folks OUT of the political picture all together. So just keeping Black folks out of office and unable to vote is their goal. The Democrats aren't much better. Which is one of the reason I'm not a Democrat today. You get tired of constantly having to choose the LESSER of two evils. However I would say that there are more decent, kind hearted, and socially conscious Black folks IN the Democrat party (for whatever reason they are still there) than in the Republican party. So I tend to incline towards them more so. But I recognize that both are actually different sides of the same coin with the same people running both camps at the very top. Troy The question is unanswerable. How so? You mean he can't even provide a list of current politicians who he thinks would have been better for Black people than Joe Biden? Then what's the point of even telling Black people NOT to vote for him then? He didn't have to tell me btw...lol...because I didn't vote for either one of them. But, I believe Bernie Saunders could have made a real difference. Given how easily he was cast aside by the Democratic party in favor of a Biden/Harris ticket -- who no one was excited about -- I can only assume this was because Bernie was going work for the people as opposed to the plantocracy the way Obama did. Well.....I don't trust Bernie Sanders. For a number of reasons. One of the reasons I don't trust him is because he knows he won't win the Presidency but continues to run...which takes votes away from a Democrat who can. Which makes me wonder if he's secretely working with Republicans. Secondly, he's from Vermont....a nearly all White state. How can someone who comes from a nearly all White state even KNOW about Black and Latino issues let alone have our best interests in mind? It's easy to PLAY Liberal and SAY Liberal things when there aren't any Black folks in your state to deal with. But let me see how they fair when they're under your governance. And did you see the way he flat our rejected monetary Reparations for Black people? He didn't hold his tongue about it. Which tells me that he can be pretty brazenly insensitive toward Black issues if he is elected to national office. I actually AGREE with the substance of what he said. That there are better ways to help Black people than JUST writing out a check. But the way he said it and the fact that he doesn't support Reparations....but is considered a champion among "Progressives", is a bit disturbing.
  14. ProfD MAN....I forgot about those plastic runners on the carpet until you brought it back up! I had an aunt and a bunch of friends who's mothers had them. And you had to take your shoes off when you stepped off the plastic. We had that big bowl of plastic fruit on our coffee table...lol So I know what you mean. We didn't have a White Jesus on the wall. But we did have a picture of MLK. Some Black folks had a picture of MLK....White Jesus...and JFK all lined up, lol I had a friend who's mother actually would walk around the house TALKING to that White Jesus on the wall when she got frustrated, like loosing her keys...lol. "I wish you'd HURRY UP and help me find 'dem keys! I gotta git to work!" Mzuri Everybody had their furniture and carpets covered in plastic. And it was so uncomfortable to sit on. Now we don’t do that any more because we all have carpet and upholstery cleaning machines. Well a lot of Black folks today don't even HAVE furniture in their homes! You go in some Black homes today and there's noting but a few milk crates a flat-screen tv on the wall, and a control pad for video games. Some of these people don't even have BEDS to sleep on.....just a mattress on the floor.
  15. Mzuri No, I know Medicare ain't free. But it SHOULD be. Infact, there really shouldn't be any need for Medicaid, Medicare, and VA as separate institutions but their should be ONE huge FREE healthcare system for all U.S. citizens to go along with any private practices people want to go into if they choose. No need to chop it up with all of this CONFUSION over who deserves to get treated when they get sick. -Ok...we'll give it to poor people but not to middle-class or rich people -We'll give children health care, but not adults -We'll give pregnant women care, but not old men -We'll give it to people over 65 but not to people 25 -We'll give it to people who served in the military but not to those who didn't. Look....GIVE IT TO EVERYBODY WHO IS A U.S. CITIZEN Everybody has paid tax in this nation whether you worked or not. If you just bought a bag of POTATO CHIPS...you paid taxes on them and have paid into the system. Enough of the ultra-complex confusion and what Neely Fuller Jr. calls EEF ENVIRONMENTAL ERROR FACTORS
  16. "greyish" "greenish"?????? The only Black people I've ever seen of a grey or greenish tint are ZOMBIES.
  17. ProfD You actually provided us with a definition. I was getting ready to do that at first, but figured Rev wasn't actually interested in a definition of civilization. Something told me he already HAD one, and was getting ready to drop it in this thread, lol. Rev Speaking of truth.... I have 2 more questions for you if you don't mind: 1. About how old are you? 2.What nation were you born and raised in?
  18. Rev Well, I'd like you to TELL us the truth! I'd also like to know how YOU know it's "the truth"? How did you come about receiving this knowledge?
  19. Mzuri You know, a lot of this mess started AFTER so-called "integration". Before integrating with Caucasians socially, Black American were the MOST morally upright, religious, and physically cleanest people in the country. Black folks were the ones who loved dressing up to go to church. Fixing big Sunday dinners. Had the most respect for their elders Valued family more than any other group. That changed a generation or two AFTER mixing it up with Caucasians. Africans come to this country and many of them can't even RECOGNIZE our people. Many Africans can get along better with Caucasians than our people because of what "integrating" with Caucasians have done to them and their morals. Back in the old days, the furthest a Black woman would go in a house-coat would be her front porch to get her mail. I'll give you an example....... Back before the mid-80s, most Black homes kept PLASTIC on their couches and living room furniture and didn't let the kids sit on it to keep it clean. That couch and chair would be 200 years old....lol....and still clean without a speck of dust on it because of that plastic. The plastic also came in handy for keeping that Jheri Curl juice from getting all up in the fabric and making a stain.
  20. ProfD Well..... Let me come at you THIS way........ Wouldn't you like to know WHICH men around you had a propensity for wearing women's clothing? Wouldn't you like to know exactly WHICH men around you found you SEXUALLY attractive and might hit on you? Or would you like them to keep it a secret, keep it on the down-low; and you end up finding out the "hard" way? ....pun intended, lol.
  21. nels I was making a larger point about the silliness on the minds of most people today.
  22. ProfD Well brother, I USED to feel that way. And I still do believe that there is an agenda to get Black men to dress up in dresses and effeminate them. However if we go down that route of banning and making it illegal for men or women to wear certain things........... The question would then become.....who decides what is "women's clothing" and what is "men's clothing"? Should it be illegal for a man to have ONE earring in his ear? What about 2? In some cultures, the men wear earrings.....especially in ancient cultures. What about make-up? In some African cultures the men wear more make-up than the women. My point is, I hear what you're saying....but it's a slippery slope.
  23. The U.S. Constitution has always allowed the Congress to print it's own money and assign value to it. Cities and States must earn their revenue, but the Federal government really doesn't have to collect taxes because it can literally PRINT up as much money as it likes and give it any value. The "debt ceiling" itself is a joke...as we all can see by now. As long as Congress can keep raising it, there IS no "ceiling". The ONLY reason for forming a Federal Reserve and putting the U.S. dollar into a global currency market is to have an EXCUSE not to spend money on needed programs that would help the American people like free healthcare, safe public housing, free education, ect..... Now you have some fake "entity" that you "owe" money to...that you literally made up. They have TRILLIONS of dollars to spend in the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan. TRILLIONS of dollars to spend for a rover to ride around Mars staring at rocks and dust. But when you ask for free healthcare or free low income housing...... "Well look.....those things would be nice to have. But who's gonna pay for all of that? The country's BROKE!"
  24. On face value, it may have seemed as though I was blaming black people for perpetuating the one drop rule. Nothing could be further from the truth. You cleared it up....but now I disagree with it, lol. I actually DO believe that it's AfroAmericans primarily who are keeping the "one drop" rule alive and well today. Most people, and especially more immigrants who come to this nation and learn the names for colors and races.....are VERY confused as to why so many people who obviously aren't Black...are being labeled as such. I personally think the "one drop" rule should be abolished. We need a more accurate way of categorizing race and ethnicity. That's why I draw a distinction between BLACK and AFROAMERICAN...two separate concepts
  25. Should that Black mind be replaced with a White mind? Like in the movie "Get Out" Hmmmm.....I wonder who HE voted for in 2020...lol
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