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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Lol...I invented some new cuss words. Wanna hear 'em?
  2. Prince is really the effeminate "sexually ambiguous man" the music industry DESIGNATED to take the place of Little Richard after he got older and less influential. Yeah...the players might change...but the game is still the same. Mzuri Why are you so jealous? Because I'm a man. If we didn't take a keen interest in who YALL were interested in and get jealous from time to time....any Tom, Dick, or PRINCE could come skipping up into the house and snatch you away and we wouldn't care. Male jealousy is the DRIVE that motivates and stimulates. Male jealousy sparks ambition and is often leads to invention. What a boring and undeveloped world this would be if men never got jealous of eachother...lol
  3. The Sex Revolution and Free Sex movements ended before I was entering Highschool in the mid-80s. I had heard about it from my uncles and some of the older men, but it appears that the AIDS crisis of the 80s put an end to the days of "free loving". Around '84 or '85...if you saw a woman under 140 pounds...you were looking at her side ways wondering "what if".
  4. ProfD A lot of these preachers literally ARE Pimps. They even have a flock of "church mothers" they keep around them to work for them for free and call it "volunteer work" and "the lawwwd's work". "Like the book says: Don't store up your gold in treasure houses .....WEAR IT." These preachers don't want any other STRAIGHT men around them. They want to be the ONLY alpha male in the church so they can have access to all of the women and money. When I say my own personal wealth.... I'm not a wealthy man, I'm lower middle class....working class...and what some would even consider poor. I'm convinced that one of the reasons I'm in the situation I'm in at my age is because I spent too much time WAITING on Judgement Day and WAITING on Black folks to rise up and build a new kingdom. I believed a lot of that when I was younger because I was very religious. Unlike a lot of people who apparently just talked it but didn't believe it, I actually BELIEVED what I read in these holy books and thought the Kingdom was on it's way. But as I think back on it now...... How in the world do you believe Jesus is on his way back and this world is gonna end any day now, but you're sending your children to college and taking out mortgages on new houses????? The same people who are running around telling you Armagedon is coming and the world is ending...are the same people busy preparing a more comfortable life IN this world.
  5. Excellent list. At one point, I thought it would be great to have a safe haven state exclusively for AfroAmericans with arable land and a moderate climate. But, I'm not so sure about the state thing upon thinking about how easily it could be polluted and destroyed. I would hope that we've got folks with military and law enforcement training to protect it but I don't have a warm and fuzzy feeling there. I still think we need large segments of land INSIDE the U.S. that we can call our own and have jurisdiction over. It just doesn't have to be as big as a state. Some people think it should be down South but I think we need to own large portions of land in EVERY REGION of this nation. We don't want to be concentrated in one little area....like what's happening in Georgia where Blk folks from around the nation are flocking to Atlanta. Blk folks from around the country from the Eastcoast to the Westcoast started flocking to Atlanta in the 80s and 90s and now that they're concentrated there...half the young men down there are switching down the street with dresses on. No..we need to have a strong representation in EVERY region of this nation. Which is one of the reasons I INSISTED on moving back to Michigan and staying here after having lived around the nation. We need to get back to our Midwestern roots in places like Detroit, Chicago, St.Louis, ect...and not just leave and abandon it to gentrification. Reparations can be done. Apparently, America hasn't been given enough incentive to atone for its original sin (slavery). It can be done, but INTELLIGENT Black folks need to get together and organize for it to happen. You can't wait on fools and the stupid among us to go marching down the street banging on drums and twerking infront of city hall in hopes of THAT working. If you're waiting on the foolish and backward of our community to get on board and help us with a Reparations Movement, you'll be waiting a MIGHTY LONG TIME. Jodeci said " I'm still waiting" Leave the fools behind to do what fools do, while the righteous and intelligent among us MOVE FORWARD and take care of business. Mzuri If we ever get any reparations, it's going to be a one-time payment and that is all. It depends on who's doing the asking. If you let some of these mush-mouth idiots in Congress right now ask for it...you won't even get THAT. "Now wait a minute now... Now HOLD ON now... You go GIT yo' money...just hold on!!! We gotta have a meeting 'bout it first though. We have to do a Reparations STUDY" But if intelligent FOCUSED Black folks on the ground level sit down and map out exactly what we want and how we want it, there is no such thing as impossible. A proper Reparations Package takes a GRASS ROOTS effort that works it's way up into the halls of Congress. Not the other way around. It'll take years to properly plan and map out...but it can and WILL be done eventually.
  6. They wouldn't have been allowed to do this 50 or 60 years ago. They would have been afraid to come amongst Black people if they had. Might as well stay in Hollywood where it's safe, because if they came back to the hood.......lol. But today, they have conditioned so many of our people to accept and tolerate anything...step by step....generation by generation...that some of our people are willing to tolerate ANY type of behavior as long as White people tell them it's appropriate. Each generation is CONDITIONED to accept more perversion than the previous one. They don't do it all at once....but step by step. Like Neely Fuller Jr. said...he saw back in the 60s that they were gonna start having Black men bouncing up and down the street in dresses. He also said that they were gonna try to make Black women obsolete to the point that so many Black women will start signing up in the military and dying overseas in the arms of eachother as lovers.
  7. ProfD I agree with your assessment that he "flirted" with androgyny. He was heterosexual but he acted so feminine in his demeanor that a lot of people assumed he was gay. Cynique & Mzuri I can respect Prince as a talented artist, but as far as him being sexy....I must ask you two ladies....what was so sexy about that man? Mzuri you mentioned you like a particular skin tone. My issue with Prince isn't his skin tone, but his overall physique, demeanor, and his hair. I remember back in the 80s where it was a thing between who was the best artist...between Michael Jackson and Prince. Why in the WORLD would a heterosexual woman find a man who ACT like a woman, attractive? Minister Farrakhan broke it down excellently in the first few minutes of this clip when it criticized Prince: How many Asian women are jumping up and down clapping for Asian men who act like women? How many Latina women are clapping and peeing on themselves for Latino men who act like women? Hell...how many White women do you see doing this?? The ONLY women deranged enough to find men skipping around on stage in "frilly things" attractive is a few of the AfroAmerican women who have been conditioned NOT to seek masculinity in their men but "prettiness". There's a lot to be said about the state of our community when a petite "pretty" man is considered attractive by so many of our women.
  8. ProfD You're absolutely right, excellent observation. That's why as much as I want Reparations, I say our people collectively aren't ready for Reparations. Collectively we aren't mature enough or stabile enough to intelligently manage the money we would get from a Reparations Program. You start passing out checks to some of these silly negroes and the liquor stores and weed shops would be BARE in less than a week. You wouldn't be able to find a pack of Black-n-Mild cigars unless you crossed the border to Canada. The Arabs and Koreans would actually benefit more from the Reparations than Black folks..lol. First of all we need MORE than just money, but we also need LAND. Millions of acres of land. We also need KNOWLEDGE of how to grow our own foods, build our own housing, ect... We also need our own financial institutions to HOLD the money in once we get it. And currently we only have a handful of Black own banks and a few more credit unions around the nation. I personally believe we'd stand a better chance at getting Reparations and MORE in Reparations if we forgot about getting it collectively as one large group....and a smaller more effective group of our most intelligent and conscious brothers and sisters organized and fought for it instead.
  9. ProfD And don't forget the recent stunt L.A. Laker's Russel Westbrook pulled a few weeks a go walking down the street in a skirt: Russel Westbrook of the L.A. Lakers.
  10. ProfD We're close to the same age then. And judging by your posts....you seem to be a VERY intelligent and insightful brother who has made the same observations that I have of this society and the lack of progress so many of our people have made over the years. You're right that religion has been the opium of the people for thousands of years, used to manipulate and control them. It's especially used against the poor to keep them from rising up against the establishment. Just wait on the "sweet bye-n-bye" to get your crown. However, the people aren't rising up...with OR without religion. Black America is less religious today than they were 100 years ago AND they've made much less progress and are much less stable than 100 years ago when most of them were praying to a White Jesus. Which tells me religion OR the lack of it isn't the main problem, but there's an intellectual problem that does deeper than religious philosophy itself. Up until about the early 1900s with the Moorish Science Temple and Nation of Islam....the vast vast majority of AfroAmericans were Christian and had similar beliefs and moral values. Other religions came in..and the division started. Some for the good...some for the bad. Then the 60s came along and a lot of Black folks left religion all together and many even became atheist. So today Black America doesn't have the religious structure that forms a coheisive society where we all share the same moral values like say...the Latinos. Talk to 10 Black Americans...and you're liable to get 10 different moral codes and opinions of what is right or wrong. I'm not saying we need to go back to "White Jesus". We DEFINITELY can't regress and go backwards. However we need to develop a cohesive moral code in our community that is based on methods that WORK to stabilize our community, and it also has to have a strong spiritual basis to help us make sense of this world and the Spiritual world. But as for me..... I haven't given up on our people, but I'm not gonna continue to wait and wait and wait on them to stand up and make the world better when it's not "in" a lot of them to do so. I have to focus on developing my own Spirituality as well as my personal wealth. In this respect the sell-outs aren't TOTALLY wrong for focusing on their own individual success instead of that of the collective. Why waste your life fighting and sacrificing for people who aren't gonna improve themselves ANYWAY and probably won't even appreciate what you did for them? But let me be clear..... I'm NOT excusing the overall behavior of sell-outs and coons; just making a point about how many probably have come to the conclusions they've come to based on what they've observed. Mzuri Good Morning!!! I can’t call people whitey? Well then, how about Caucasoid? Do you like that better? Good morning lovely! It doesn't bother me one bit...lol...you can use any term you like. I just found it funny because I haven't heard that term since I was a kid. And also I don't expect such a radical term like that coming from a Black person who is either Conservative or Republican (not that you are...I remember you saying just Conservative). But I shouldn't be surprised. I've met quite a few racially conscious Black people who....for some reason....felt more confortable identifying themselves as Conservatives more than Liberal or Progressive. Then we get to hear attorney Crump, with his silly little speech impediment or whatever he has going on. Tariq Nasheed calls him "mush mouth Crump"..lol Yeah he's not the most articulate public speaker. And he's also not the best looking brother in the world too. So this doesn't make him the most charming person. But he's smart as a whip....and has been getting Black families PAID over the past 5 years or so. I tell people you can say what you want about Ben Crump, but he's made more Black millionaires than Donald Trump and Joe Biden COMBINED....lol. Having attended under-performing schools is not a valid excuse though, since there is such a thing as self-education, where you learn by reading books. I know what you mean. My Mother didn't rely on the public educational system to teach us. She taught me how to read and count at around 3 years old, before I even ENTERED school. INfact, most of what I know wasn't learned IN school...but on my own through my own research. The only thing I really learned in school was how to socialize with people from different backgrounds and how to get along with authority figures. I never heard about the Hoodoo people, only the ones in the islands. How do you know all of this??? My Parents from down South and they talked about it. Most of the older Black folks in my neighborhood were from down South. When you grew up in the rural and segregated South, Black folks HAD to be self-sufficient and independent and come up with their own medicines, cures, and ways for handling things. They couldn't rely on White folks to do it for them. Hoodoo is pretty much a loose collection of root work, medicines, poisons, and spiritual practices some learned from the Africans tradition passed along in slavery, and others learned from the various Native American tribes our people live around. Black folks used to deliver their own babies and cure their own disease WITHOUT the help of White doctors. And they did things which would be considered "miracles" by Western medical standards. Look at George Washington Carver and how he used to "talk" to the plants to find out their medicinal properties.
  11. ProfD RuPaul, Billy Porter, and Lil Nas X are all TOOLS that racists use to "buck break" Black males and make them look weak, effeminate, and humiliate them around the world. It's really aimed less at the adults but more at the children. Just like those In Living Color skits where Jammie Fox dressed up as "Ugly Wanda" went around acting a fool in the 90s. And even Tyler Perry and Martin Lawrence movie where they dressed up as Black women and acted a fool....which was more humiliation. You didn't see the effects IMMEDIATELY, but after about 10 years or so you saw Black men switching down the street acting JUST LIKE the characters we saw on In Living Color. Even "Men on Film" characters. While this is seen as "innocent entertainment" to the adults, to the Black children and especially the Black boys watching...a SEED is dropped into their head that if they want to get along in society and appear harmless, dress up like a woman and everyone will laugh at you and love you. RuPaul and Billy Porter are getting older, so now they have to have come up with NEW tools to use for their diabolical purposes so they're training Lil Nas X to be their new guy. Problem is, Lil Nas X claims he misses women....lol. Lil Nas X Says He Misses 'P****' After Breakup with Guy from Music Video (tmz.com) He "misses" it??? How was he GETTING it in the first place to even miss...if he were actually gay? Why would a gay young mad have even been INVOLVED with women in the first place unless his entire identity has been a fraud to begin with and the racists are PAYING this fool to disgrace himself as Black men?
  12. Mzuri I think the disparity lies in the fact that whitey tends to exaggerate things and other people like their privacy. Lol... It's funny that you use the term "whitey" but identify as a Conservative. Anyway...... Perhaps they exaggerate things, and perhaps many of them tend to be more articulate since they tend to be more educated collectively. I was watching a piece of that Gabby Petito family press conference and couldn't help but notice how organized and articulate they were. When a Black child is missing or murdered you might get ONE or a couple of family members...usually a mother or sister...who stand up before a microphone crying and slurring her words and speaking all kinds of slang because they often grew up in the inner city and went to a poorly performing public school. And the entire audience sees this. But when a White person is killed or missing a LARGE family of people show up in casual clothes, groomed, and each of them take turns speaking in an articulate and educated manner showing less emotion. It's almost as if it's scripted. And usually the husband and wife are still together and married. While you don't HEAR about the father of the missing Black person, they just aren't in the picture. All you see is the mother up there crying. To me, it speaks of how dysfunctional the Black family has become in the U.S. Tragedies are bad enough, but when you're already dysfunctional and living at the bottom...they become that much worse. Scientists say that the soul lives forever. Forever is a long time. I wonder how were they able to "measure" and verify that according to the scientific method? Lol..I don't need White scientists to tell me that Souls live forever though, I INSTINCTIVELY know that and have had numerous other sources and documents to support that belief. Black folks who lived back down in the woods of the rural South and practiced Hoodoo had a much more wealth of knowledge on spiritual matters than many of these White scientist today who are contsantly "discovering" things that we already knew existed.
  13. Mzuri Ok....lol....I removed the picture of "Wanda". They've been putting Black men in dresses and lipstick since back in the 60s with "Geraldine". @nels ??? Conservative?
  14. Mzuri I find it ironic that one has to go to foreign news sources in order to find out what is really going on in the U.S.A. I recognized this as a kid growing up in Detroit where we could get Canadian television stations on the antenna back in the day, lol. While nudity is STILL not allowed on U.S. broadcast television to this very day; they were showing nudity on Canadian television as far back as the 70s. And if you lived close enough to the Canadian border in places like Detroit you'd also get news on the CBC (Canada's government channel) that you couldn't get on American stations. They generally showed news UNCENSORED and you got more of the truth than you got from U.S. news. Ofcourse that was in the days when most of the televisions had the 2 nobs and the rabbit ears you could twirl around to pick up signals. All the kids would be scattered across the floor watching the t.V. and the older people would be sitting on the couches making them get up and change the channels, lol. Cable and digital put an end to most of that. When I went to Europe I noticed the same thing. More nudity on their television stations, less violence, and more uncensored news.
  15. ProfD You're correct that these behaviors have gone back THOUSANDS of years. And you find it not only in Greece but even in India you can find certain castes where this is common. ....sex with animals too. I think you may be talking more about homosexuality....which is PART of the Alphabet-crew. But I'm speaking more specifically about the TRANS aspect of it. This goes beyond sexual orientation and into more outwardly displays of certain behaviors. White supremacy opened the floodgates for the alphabet soup movement and as Diana Ross provided the soundtrack And they piggy-backed off of the Civil Rights and Women's Rights movements to do so. Back in the 80s they started tying in being anti-gay with being anti-Black and kept using the same wording over and over and over again so when you heard one you heard the other. They lobbied the Democrat party with so much money that they became included as core member of it. And the Transgender/sexual community is seeking to do the same thing. But I personally draw a distinction between the homo/bisexual movement and the trans movement. One is pretty much what a person does in the bedroom in the privacy of their own home, but the other is more about forcing you to accept them based on what they claim they are...often against your own free will. Further, the trans movement is being used to "cover up" the catastrophe that environmental toxins are making out of humanity. So many chemicals are being added to the food and dumped in the water to change the vary nature of humanity itself and these movements are being launched to make these mutations seem "normal".
  16. Mzuri This would mean that they aren’t really transexual at all, they are just looking for a way out of a miserable existence and entering into another miserable existence by disguising themselves as something they are not, when people don’t fall for their new identity anyway. Well I draw a distinction between trans-GENDERED and trans-SEXUAL...although both are part of the "Trans Movement" A trans-SEXUAL person is a person who has the full operation to go from a man to a woman or vice versa and has the plumbing changed. A trans-GENDERED person is a person who merely DRESSES and ACTS and THINKS like the opposite sex...but physically, nothing has changed on them. Gender = mentality Obviously most people are trans-GENDERED because it's the easiest way to transform yourself. A man can just put on a wig or dress and do your best to act like a woman, or vice-versa for a woman. Besides that, being a Black woman isn’t easy either. Why do men think that life is any easier us, that’s a big misconception. If there are any Black women who have had some charmed life, please let me know. These confused Black men figure they'd have less problems out of society if they appear less "intimidating" as a woman. Even in the most gang infested territory, women often get a pass where as a man is constantly having his manhood challenged by other males. Stray bullets DO hit women often, and women DO get into fights...but they don't experience as much serious violence as men often do. When it comes to the police encounters..... Women are often beat up and killed, but not AS MUCH as what happens to men. You grow up routinely hearing about how woman get out of traffic tickets and other negative encounters from the cops by showing a little cleavage or acting dainty. A lot of boys hear this and it's ingrained in their minds that the more feminine they act the less harsh their treatment will be. The racists of this society clearly see Black males as more threatening not just because of their strength and aggression but their sexuality and ability to have sex with White women and reproduce other people of color. Evidence for this is how so many are castrated and had their penises and balls removed as part of the lynching process. Many if not most Black boys instinctively know this growing up, and some have decided to "show the world" that he no longer poses a threat or challenge to White Supremacy nor does he have any desire to screw a White woman. They do it by putting on a dress and lipstick and switching down the street like a gap legged fool or getting on television to do the same.
  17. Mzuri I have a feeling that once the Reparations checks and land starts getting passed out, Italian Americans will all of a sudden take a lot more interest and pride in their Moorish ancestry....lol.
  18. ProfD I just hope white folks don't blow up the world. That's reason they developed nukes in the first place. It wasn't for them to use on EACHOTHER (America and Russia)....it was designed to hold the planet of dark humanity "hostage". Some of them are so crazy, they think they can threaten to nuke the planet if any Outside force attempts to come here and rescue the darker humanity from their evil grips. That's what Ronald Reagan tried to do with his Star Wars program. But according to their own papers, the so-called "UFO's" routinely disarm and disable their more sophisticated weapons. Their plans were and still are to use against a darker nation that dares to develop the strength and courage to challenge them.
  19. ProfD Lol... I hear what you're saying brother ProfD. I can certainly use DAILY advice directly from the Ancestors if I can get it. I guess I became fascinated with NDE's decades ago after not being fullfilled with my different experiences with the various religions, a few Spiritual experiences of my own, and my eventual decision to LEAVE organized religion in general and focus more on my quest for truth. IMO, NDE/BDE or just dead aren't the souls we need to be tracking. There are living folks who have the keys to making humanity better. For whatever reason, it's not their time yet I admit that another pretty strong fascination with these phenomena comes my WANING confidence in humanity of today to correct things in this world and on this planet right now and my increased attention to the WORLD BEYOND this one. When I was younger I had more hope that people would rise up and "clean up" the planet of the racist injustices that have been plaguing it for thousands of years. But from decades of waiting and waiting and even after the uprisings of 2020...I'm now looking more for my INDIVIDUAL progress and pleasure in the Spiritual Realm. Jason Black (if you know who that is) often says about Gen Xer's and Baby Boomers....that they are just looking for a comfortable place to lay down and die in, instead of looking to make waves and radically change the game. To a certain extent....he's right. After seeing enough stupid and ineffective behavior from so many of our people and from humanity in general, my confidence in a bunch of dope smoking cowards to actually DO something on a radical basis to right the wrongs of this world has declined. Not sure how old you are but with the mentality so many of our people have, you'll be a bald-headed old man with no teeth in his mouth waiting on some of these fools to "change humanity" and make it right. "Waiting on Black folks to get together and change the world? So was I...since the days of Malcolm. And these sorry niggaz ain't even changed their DRAWERS yet, let alone their condition" Sometimes personal salvation by whichever method you can discover it is your best option.
  20. Mzuri To be honest with you I've been disappointed with CNN since 2016...especially with all of the coverage they gave Trump during his run for the Presidency and during it. I'm convinced that CNN is the main reason he got in office, with all of the coverage they gave him. And even when he was IN office, although most of the coverage of Trump was negative....it still was coverage. And all CNN did with so much negative coverage of Trump was energize and strengthen his base. Now that Trump is out of office (I guess...lol) CNN has turned to a NEW boogie-man to focus on...the un-vaxxed. They have been pushing so much propaganda concerning this Pandemic that they are no more credible than Fox News at this point. I can't believe half of what they say. As I told ProfD..... It's getting to the point that so many lies and mind-games are being played to manipulate people that the ONLY way for Black people to find out the truth is for us to actually go and find out the truth for ourselves and report it accurately. We can't trust Fox, CNN, CBS, or any other mainstream source. If there's anything good about social media, it allows amateurs to record and pass along live events as they actually happen. Atleast if you see a video of an event being tweeted....you can pretty much be sure that it actually happened. But you better catch it BEFORE they take it down or it gets into the editing room of one of the major news outlets! Once THEY get ahold of the video and the story...it's over. You won't recognize it. "And now an update on the school shooting we reported to you last week. WCIA reported that 53 students were killed and 76 seriously injured when 3 students opened fire on their high school last Tuesday. Well we've received some new information to pass along.... As it turns out, only 2 students were actually killed, 9 were wounded, and only one suspect was taken into custody. Oh..and it wasn't at a school, but at a nearby funeral home. Oh..and the 2 students killed, were already dead. In other news..... Scientists have discovered that 25 feet of social distancing with a mask on seems to work better than 6 feet without a mask in preventing the spread of the virus. German researchers made this discovery while-------"
  21. One of the things I do for a hobby is study a phenomena commonly referred to as "Near Death Experiences" For those of you who aren't familiar with the term or it's details..... It's pretty much when a person actually DIES briefly (it could be from an illness or accident or anything that takes their life) and are resuscitated/brought back to life; but while they're dead they have a spiritual experience where their soul often go towards a bright light, enters a garden or some other beautiful area full of indescribable love, is met by deceased Ancestors and/or powerful Beings, given a review of their entire lives up to their death, and sent back often with a message or a renewed sense of being. For example: In my opinion, the name should be changed from "Near Death Experiences" to "Brief Death Experiences" because the people don't simple "almost die" but actually die...flatline...before being revived. Anyway...... As I've studied these experiences for decades, the thing that I've noticed the most is that the overwhelming majority of those who are telling their stories are Caucasians. I've seen just a FEW Black, Asian, and Native American people giving their testimony. Even when I ask most Black folks who have died on the operating table, in an accident, or had been in comas what they remember or did they have one of these experience, they usually shake their head and claim they don't remember anything. I find that downright odd, and actually disappointing...that so many Black people are denied such a beautiful experience is this is true. Black people have Souls. We're also known to be a spiritual people. So I'm not sure why so many Black people who've tasted death aren't having these experiences and just see darkness or experience "nothing" and why so many White people actually do have them.
  22. For a long time I was of the majority who believed that the Black population of the U.S. was UNDER represented and that there were a lot more of us than the census recorded. Then I began to believe the OPPOSITE. I thought they may have been inflating our numbers and diminishing theirs in order to put White people on alert and lull us into a sense of comfort while at the same time reducing our population through various methods. Today I'm simply not sure WHAT to believe. As I've gotten older I've learned to not rely or even pay too much attention to so-called "facts" and figures being reported by Caucasians, because they are often skewed and contradictory. The varying and conflicting numbers being tossed back and forth concerning the various aspects of this Pandemic is an excellent example of this. Who they're calling "White" and "Black" and "Asian" in the data is often so convoluted.... I've come to realize that if we as AfroAmericans want to know the TRUE ACUAL population figures.....we're going to have to find and verify them for OURSELVES. "Whaddup yo! Us REAL ninjas gotta stick together in this racist world. Na'mean??? "
  23. Mzuri That’s so interesting because I always thought of Hermaphrodites in the traditional sense of someone having deformed genitalia as a birth defect. Because we all start off as female and then we either stay female or develop into a male, but with the Hermaphrodite, something went wrong during that process. Yeah, a hermaphrodite doesn't NECESSARILY have deformed genitals. Although that's often the case. But they have BOTH SETS of genitals for both the male and the female. Usually one side dominates over the other, but they are equal ENOUGH to be considered a disorder. In some ancient cultures Hermaphrodites held a high status because they were thought to be "special"; being able to relate to both sexes. Also, they usually didn't get married, so they could joint the priesthoods and dedicate their lives to religious endeavors. But I am certain that the ones I have encountered were not victims of the toxic environment, they were either off or just seeking attention. That's true. Most transgenders people I've met seem to have mental disorders. It's all in their minds. They don't have 2 sets of genitals (that I know of...haven't seen them with their clothes off) but have psychological issues. A lot of Black men choose to be "transgender women" because the pressures of being a Black man are often so harsh in this society that they feel their lives would be easier if they were a woman. Especially if you grew up in a rough neighborhood where you were forced to join gangs or are harassed by the police....if you're a male. ...just become a female and avoid the hassle. If this is what the world has become, we are doomed. Well as I said on the other thread.... Just because THIS world..the Caucasian world...is collapsing in on itself, doesn't necessarily mean our world has to. Their world isn't our world. We have OUR OWN world that we should be building to take the place of this collapsing one. Infact, if you are religious....you should REJOICE at the doom and collapse of this world. The Bible says "Behold I make all things new" I'm not religious....but I would think a good Christian would look FORWARD to the collapse and destruction of this current world. nels I'm a solid conservative. Can you flesh that out a little more and go into detail as to EXACTLY what you mean by a "solid conservative"? What one person considers "conservative" the other person might consider just plain common sense with no political attachment to it. Also, what is accomplished by referencing "Caucasian Conservatives"? Caucasian Conservatives have traditionally been the ones who defined Conservatism and what the movement stood for. It wasn't Black people. Black people began IDENTIFYING themselves as Conservative sometime in the 80s, but it was the Whites who invented and pretty much defined the term. Alienating them doesn't seem to bring anyone closer together. Perhaps the goal is NOT come "closer together" with your racist enemy but to SEPARATE from him and become INDEPENDENT of him. Why would a person want to come "closer together" with a racist who hates them and wishes to destroy them and their children??? Should Jews seek to come "closer together" with the Nazis of Germany?
  24. That is usually the case in social media, but not AS much on most message boards....and definitely not the case here. 10 or 15 years ago I thought the message boards were too heavily censored and the moderators were on power trips.....but they PALE in comparison to the censorship and abuse of power that occurs in social media. Not just from the owners of the platform, but even to the moderators of chat rooms. As soon as they get a moderators-wrench in their hands....some people become DICTATORS and want to tell people what to say, when to say it, how to say it, and block them if they step out of line. ....which let's me know how they'd run a COUNTRY if they ever got into a position of power.
  25. Clearly Big Pharma is getting RICH off of this Pandemic...and they have no vested interest in ending it anytime soon. Look at the BILLIONS Pfizer and Moderna (one lady spelled it "maderna"...lol) are getting from not only the U.S. government but governments all around the planet for their medical supplies. Imagine if Moderna or Pfizer was a BLACK company! The governments would probably start NATIONALIZING their medicines and medical supplies instead of paying out billions to private corporations. Black people should get on the train and start building our own hospitals and laboratories and maybe tap in to some of those billions.
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