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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. They've been claiming that White people are gonna "soon" be a minority in this nation for over 50 or 60 years now, and it hasn't happened yet. Just like every 20 years or so they release a study claiming that people with blonde hair and blue eyes are gonna soon "disappear" from the planet. I see just as many blonde hair blue eyed kids running around in the malls and grocery stores day as I did 30 years ago. I believe these are nothing more than DOG WHISTLES being put out by racists in the media to put the White population on alert and encourage them to have more babies and bring in an influx of more Caucasian immigrants. Look at how the abortion debate took off right AFTER they released those figures about the White population ALLEGEDLY declining. Remember that a lot of Arabs and Latinos actually ARE White...racially speaking. Most aren't. Most are brown and many are even black in color...but many many ARE white. They may not CALL themselves that, but if you look at them...you can't tell them from the typical American Whites until they open their mouths. However I agree with you that Whites are preparing themselves to rule as a minority, which is why they're establishing so many different racial categories today....to divide people.
  2. ProfD The alphabet soup movement is being used by white supremacy to marginalize other groups and issues. You're absolutely right, and I'm glad you also see this. The LGBTQIA+ movement was orchestrated by the racists in order to be used as a COVER for their racist behavior. If you notice, a White organization can't just call itself "White" anymore because that would be too obvious. So they have to choose another identity to focus you on...often along religious or sexual preference or political lines. So instead of seeing it as the White racist organization that it is....you'll see "Queer Association of Greater Boston" and assume it's about sexual preference and not racist policies. This also allows any criticism of the organization or accusations of racism to be DISMISSED as homophobic. Since the 60s, racist Caucasians have been looking for a "cause" of their own to be able to wear that would "shield" them accusations of racism, so they made up several little "protected class" groups that allow them to hide inside. "Excuse meeeee...... But how can I be racist when I'M a person of color too? My people are oppressed too!" Mzuri The trans rights movement has many causes but ONE of the reasons is because of the massive amount of sexual confusion that exists today...especially among a lot of young people (under 30). A lot of young people are inter-sexed, or HERMAPHRODITES because of hormonal disruption. Many boys think like girls...many girls think like boys. Many young men aren't fully developed and have breasts or wide hips....and many girls are growing facial hair and large clitorises. The foods and even water supply have been so polluted that it's literally changing and disrupting the body processes of so many young people. So now many of them don't know WHAT the hell they are. They don't know what category they fit in. Scientists saw this early on decades ago when the frogs and fish were growing male parts on the female animal and vice versa. They knew it would only be a matter of time before we saw the same among humans. So many young people are so confused, that instead of demanding that the foods and water and environment be CLEANED UP of these toxins that are disrupting them and turning them into freaks...their solution is to just GO ALONG with the changes.
  3. ProfD You know Mr Fuller is so WISE...... He knows how to TEACH people without them knowing they're being taught, lol When I first started listening to his show, I'd hear callers call in and it would take them 15 minutes to ask a damn question and finally they would get around to asking it in a crazy way....but I still understood the GIST of what they were asking. But Mr Fuller would tell them he doesn't understand the question..... I'd think to myself, I KNOW Mr. Fuller is smarter than that. He should atleast get the gist of what they're asking and cut through the garbage. But I now know he tells them to repeat the question and make it more clear to TEACH THEM how to think and be precise in their words. Some people who are SO stupid that no matter how much he tries to get them to rephrase the question and be more specific, they just end up getting more confused and frustrated....he'll leave them alone and answer their silly ass question anyway, lol. That let's me know he is trying to teach them how to communicate and think in a more linear fashion.
  4. I wish Black people period would stop arguing and fighting with eachother in public over information NONE of them have verified as true. One group of Black folks are listening to CNN push the vax and claim to believe in "science". Another group of Black folks are listening to Fox News and the like telling them Covid is all a hoax. And now they're on television, on social media, on the street, in the barbershop....going back and forth arguing and throwing chairs at eachother. "Nicca don't be putting your finger in Miss Rochelle's face like that" "Then tell Miss Rochelle to put a damn mask on then" "If you got vaxxed you don't have to wear a mask fool...CNN said so!" "Yall old niccaz crazy as hell. You 'posed to be listening to the CDC, not CNN." A bunch of silly Negroes fighting and arguing with eachother and NEITHER SIDE has their own hospitals or laboratories to examine the virus or vaccines for themselves and gather the actual FACTS about what's in it and what the long term effects are. They are just arguing over INFORMATION...not verified truth...presented by whichever White man they trust. If we had done what the Honorable Marcus Garvey and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us to do decades ago and build OUR OWN hospitals with our own doctors and nurses....we wouldn't be in this situation right now. White folks might be, but we wouldn't.....because we would have had our own cures and preventive measures and wouldn't be relying on them.
  5. I think there would be a RACIALLY BALANCED immigration policy where ATLEAST (really more) 15% of all immigrants allowed into this nation are visibly BLACK racially speaking. Too many games are being played when it comes to immigration, especially over the past 50 years or so after the racist immigration policies were discarded back in the 60s. We should this would allow more Black folks into the country and instead they just cut the number of Europeans coming in but increase the number of "other" folks who were neither Black nor completely White, but were Asian, Latino, Arab, ect.....many of whom side with and partner with Caucasians anyway. We need more Black people to keep our population up in this nation. And when I say VISIBLY Black...meaning dark brown people with kinky hair, preferably from Africa or the Caribbean. Not "funny folks" of questionable backgrounds where you gotta look at them 6 times and do a DNA sample just to find out they have SOME traces of African in them. I call them the "Paula Abdul" or 'Mariah Carey" types..where you THINK they might be Black...but you're not really sure. We need REAL sho'nuff Black folks immigrating into this nation to keep our numbers up so that we can compete with the millions of Latinos and Asians coming in.
  6. ProfD I've heard that said before, but I find him rather easy and pleasant to listen to. If you've heard him on his talk show where people call in to ask him questions.....that aspect is a little akward because instead of asking him a straight question most people tend to ramble, not get to the point, give their opinions, and ask crazy questions and he has to cut through all the nonsense just to get to the actual question, lol. Other than that though....his mind is a clear as a bell...at 92.
  7. Black people need to keep in mind that the end of THIS world doesn't necessarily mean the end of OUR world. Just because the Caucasian world...and it's various civilizations (like Western Civilization) are collapsing, doesn't mean OURS has to go with it. We should be focused on building our own world. This is one of the reasons I say this entire Covid Pandemic could be a fortune in disguise. This is a great opportunity for us to allow this old racist world to collapse while we build a brand new one where WE benefit.
  8. ProfD Are you familiar with a man named Neely Fuller Jr. and his teachings?
  9. Mzuri I do not care what other people do, I just wish they would keep it to themselves. And I don’t want to encounter any weirdos in the ladies room. Is that too much to ask? Absolutely not dear sister, and this is why I say I DO NOT support the Transgender movement. Now don't get me wrong..... I support the right of a woman to CALL herself a man and dress like one if she wants to. I support the right of a man to CALL himself a woman and dress like one if he wants to. It's all a part of freedom of expression. However when you try to MAKE ME call a man a "woman" when I don't believe it...now we have a problem, because you're infringing on MY rights. Also when you give a grown man the right to walk around naked with his goober swinging from side to side in a room full of females (including young girls) at the gymn or spa...as long as he IDENTIFIES as a woman....you're codifying PERVRSION. A lot of men who aren't even trans will take advantage of this and do it under the guise of being "trans" just to get a cheap thrill. I don't know why "trans rights" became part of the Progressive Agenda. It wasn't always that way but I think enough of them PAID the Democrat Party and certain Progressive circles enough to influence them to let them through the gates and sit down at the Progressive table. Now they play a prominent role. ProfD IMO, the last "tie" that bound black folks (those who identify as AfroAmericans to co-opt brotha Pioneer's term) As much as I'd like to take credit for the term, I can't. The term was coined before I was even born actually. Brother Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) coined the term in the mid-60s. Absolutely. Part of the code would be to identify the folks who are least constructive in our efforts to move forward. I've said for years that we need a major separation in the AfroAmerican community where the INTELLIGENT and DECENT Black folks separate themselves from the fools, thugs, and ratchets and organize among ourselves to first identity our common goals (like we're doing in this thread) and then set about ACCOMPLISHING them. As a community I know beyond a shadow of doubt that we'd make far more progress at a much quicker pace if we dropped the dead wait that has been slowing down and even holding back our community for decades. One of the reasons our community hasn't made more progress than it has is because too often the smartest and producers of our community have to constantly stop to help the fools and ratchets catch up and keep up.
  10. ProfD What you said reminds me of something my father used to say when people would talk about the "end of the world". He said regardless as to when THE world ends....the end of YOUR world comes when you die. Think of the millions if not billions of people who for 2 thousand years or more have been gazing up at the sky waiting on "dooms day" and the world to end...only to end up dying and not seeing it. Today you STILL have people gazing up at the skies and reading through scriptures expecting an ending to come pretty soon.
  11. The problem is 2 fold: -Some of it is racist Caucasians trying to own and control as much "Black media" as they can by paying our people to literally "sell out" their studios and production companies like ProfD pointed out. -But MOST of the problem comes from the IMMATURE desires that so many AfroAmericans have where the constant craving for silly and juvenile content is fed. We just had a SERIOUS and tragic situation down at the Mexican Border in Texas (and it's actually still ongoing) where thousands of Ayitian migrants were mistreated, whipped, and herded like cattle and only a FRACTION of Black media actually covered it! Some did, but MOST of the Black people on social media ignored it, pretended that it didn't exist, and went on engaging in the same silly foolish content they had been engaging in for years. Like: -who's cheating on who -do Black men really like light skin, long hair, and green eyes -how to roll a blunt with one hand -milk crate challenge .....and other foolishness. Caucasians didn't MAKE these fools spend hours upon hours talking about that garbage while ignoring the plight of the poor Ayitian people....they CHOSE to do it; because they didn't care. So even if Black folks were totally independent without a need for the money or permission of Caucasians to say and publish what we like, until our HEARTS and MINDS have been changed and we become more humane and productive as a people.....the condition for most AfroAmericans will either remain the same or get worse.
  12. Well worry no more....because I've come to offer a solution to your problem. Change that attitude of yours and you'll GET more significant dates in your life!
  13. Mzuri Most Black people don’t even know whether they are Conservative, Progressive, Liberal, etc. so this needs to be defined. This is true. The definitions of what it means to be Conservative or Progressive and Liberal are all over the map today. 40 years ago if a person called themselves a Liberal (Progressive) you pretty much KNEW what they meant. They were for Black advancement, women's rights, worker's rights, and supported social programs for the poor. Today is a person says they're Progressive (Liberal) you don't know WHAT the hell they mean. They could be racist and sexist but as long as they want Marijuana legalized....they're running around calling themselves "Progressive". You have Socialists and Communists who want to "own" the term Progressive to the exclusion of others. The definition of what it means to be Conservative has changed somewhat too, but not as much. Atleast when it comes to Conservative, those who want more leeway have changed themselves into the Libertarian Party. I've been saying for years now that we need a series of conventions to NAIL DOWN exactly what it means to be Progressive, because too many racist and sexist people have INFILTRATED the Progressive movement over the years attaching their own personal little agendas to it. I am Conservative because I believe in old-fashioned family values, marriage should be a man and woman as written in the Bible, pro-life, less government, right to bear arms, America, and Capitalism. I'd say I support half of what you just said but I don't oppose the other half either. Meaning, I wouldn't PREVENT those who support those values from practicing them. I consider myself a TRUE or Classical Liberal in the sense that I support a society where people are allowed to express themselves and do what they like as long as it's not infringing on the rights of or harming others. A lot of White so-called Liberals DO NOT believe in that. Many of them have extremist views and believe in IMPOSING those views on the rest of the population. Just like a lot of Conservatives who claim to be pro-life and in favor of small government are pro-war, pro-death penalty, and supported the Patriot Act and other big government measures. A functioning racist regardless of what they call themselves is usually a hypocrite who says one thing while supporting and doing the exact opposite.
  14. Cynique I see you fell in love....lol.....you gooey thing you. But that doesn't look like the type of brutha who'd hang out all night with you, gazing and howling at the moon, and lettting your cat shed hair all over his finely taylored clothes. "Do I look like I came here to howl at the moon, or be molested by your funky ass cat? Get ya mind right, honey..."
  15. Mel I was recently thinking the same! The older I get, the less I have to say too. WHY IS THAT? Not that it applies to you, but it's called being SENILE...lol. You might have HAD a lot say but by the time you got around to saying it...forgot half of it. Mzuri You are nothing but a gooey marshmallow so stop trying to act like you're so tough. She's nothing but a soft gooooeeey.....something LOL. Kind of like what happened when you smoked some crack, back in the day when it was more coke than crap. Lol...I'm gonna leave THAT one alone. So how old are you anyway? Enquiring minds want to know. I'm old ENOUGH to know what I'm doing. How about that, lol. Troy Oh? Sara used the hard "er"??? That's highly uncharacteristic for most Black people to use against another. Sara, deleted all of her posts and never came back. Or atleast not under the name "Sara". I've seen a couple suspicious posters though. Cynique No wonder you and Pioneer have such rapport. Because you both conjure up false images of me in order to reinforce the incorrect conclusions you come up with. Lol, woman can you atleast TRY not to appear so jealous??? I mean..... I'm sitting here feelingsorry for you...because you're so obvious. Just BOTHERED...lol Can you have enough RESPECT for yourself to atleast PRETEND not to be so jealous of another female poster giving me attention? Take it step by step...day by day...it'll be alright....MAYBE. "What the hell she talking to HIM for??? Why she doin' all that? She ain't gotta say nothing to him! Grrrrrr...."
  16. As much as I don't WANT to acknowledge it...you're right. I'm not sure what would actually stop this from happening besides giving them more and better options to reduce the temptation to exploit their own.
  17. After talking to numerous Black people who identify as Conservatives and many more who don't and a few who...like myself...identify as Progressive; I've come to the conclusion that over 95% of all AfroAmericans share the same values and aren't given to one extreme or another like Caucasians tend to be. Despite our political labels, most of us either share the SAME values or aren't actively opposed to those we may not personally share. I'm a Progressive, but I do NOT support excessive regulations, demonizing the rich, or the transgender movement (although I do support homo-bi-sexual rights) and most Black people I know share the same views although they don't identify as Conservative and some even identify as Democrat if not Progressive. I think intelligent politically active AfroAmericans should come to a table of agreement with eachother to nail down what exactly our values are and what would be best to move our community forward WITHOUT the interference of Caucasian Conservatives or Progressives. "That's a GREAT idea! We should have came together years ago instead of wasting time and giving our ideas away to those mayonnaise sandwich eating $%&# !"
  18. Cynique You don't even have the gumption to scroll past my posts like you said you were going to do. When did I say I would do that? Lol...why would I deprive myself from the cheap thrill of poking at you from time to time? Mzuri I read what he said, but it was @Delano who first said that you were like crack for the mind, which is a compliment. MAYBE he meant it as a compliment. If someone told ME I was like "crack on their brain" I'd be insulted, lol. And @Pioneer1 is just yanking your chain trying to be funny. He says he’s old but I doubt he needs a caregiver yet. Now WAIT a minute.... I said I was OLDER...but I don't recall calling myself "old"...lol I consider myself a well SEASONED man. "Sho' ya right........"
  19. How can I get a refund from classes where the enrollment rate was so low they actually PAID ME to take?
  20. Mzuri WTF are we going to do with the internet when we can’t even do something rudimentary like producing our own hair! Lol..... We'll start producing our own hair, when enough of us start loving it enough to WANT to wear it ....whenever that will be. But we can't wait on that. You'll be a grinning SKELETON sitting in front of the computer waiting on niggaz to get it together like that. "Wonder when Black folks gonna love their own hair and stop wearing Chinese hair? I BEEN waiting for a while now....I sho' am hungry." We can't wait on fools, thugs, and ratchets to get themselves together. The intelligent and decent Black folks need to get together, organize, and began building with eachother. WEB Dubois understood this over a century ago when he promoted his "talented tenth" doctrine. Intelligent minds...need to come together and the building and progress will begin IMMEDIATELY. I guarantee that.
  21. You have a little "something else" problem...lol
  22. @Mzuri My Husband was on a fentanyl drip three years ago when he was in an induced coma. This is a little outside the conversation but.... Did he tell you about any SPIRITUAL experiences while he was in the coma like leaving his body or journeying to other places? Or was it just darkness, or was it like he went to sleep and woke up?
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