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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Lol, well what does this look like to YOUR eyes??? A blob of mayonaise and ketchup mixed together with a cherry on top????
  2. Jasmine Reed There are TWO "N" words Nigger and Nigga Nigger is the racist insult Nigga is the term of endearment Both should be used in their proper contexts. Cynique @Jasmine Reed: You can weaponize words, and empower them. To a white person, the word "nigger" is like a bullet they can use to wound, frustrate and anger a black person. Speaking of angering a Black person, lol Since you DIVORCED yourself from the Black race, you lost your PASS to use the word "nigger". You are officially PROHIBITTED from using that word and it's derivatives....until you reconcile your relationship with the Black race. Your Nigger/Nigga Pass has been REVOKED, lol. Do you hear me???? Mzuri I don't know what "we" should do but I use the "N" word all the time I use it mostly in reference to white people. Really? I hear you calling them "whitey" most of the time, lol. Which I don't hear much today. When I hear the word "whitey" I think about a neighbor who used to live down the street from us who paid the boys in the neighborhood to rake leaves or do odd jobs around his building while he'd preach to us about "whitey" and "niggas"...lol. He had property and money and even voted Republican back then...but would constantly talk about White folks and called them "whitey"....lol. "Now wait a minute now... Yall listen to me now... Never let whitey know what you're doing with ya money! When whitey gives you a job... Make sure you show up on time!"
  3. Oh Parler was shut down? No wonder I haven't been hearing much about it lately...lol. What about Clubhouse? That was the rage a few months ago. People were flocking to Clubhouse by the droves and talking about how great it was.
  4. Mzuri & ProfD This is where I blame Black people again. I read about few areas around the country where the Police Chiefs and Sheriffs said that due to the virus, they would stop enforcing traffic laws and other misdemeanor offenses. You even have Sheriffs around the nation who are flat out REFUSING to enforce mask mandates and social distancing regulations and have been for over a year now. They flagrantly ignore the laws they don't want to enforce. So it CAN be done, if the people demand it. Black folks who don't DEMAND shit...don't get shit. But then stand around with their lips poked out crying about how "America" treats them wrong. "Why dey do dat?? But why dey do dat doe???" If we had REAL Black leadership they would had demanded a national moratorium on arrests for non-violent misdemeanor offenses..atleast until the Pandemic is declared over. But as usual...these Negroes wait for a White man with long hair and glasses to stand up and "speak out" to follow instead of initiating it themselves.
  5. I didn't click on Delano's thread yet, because I was concerned about what I might find...lol. When I hear something called "Myths about Slavery'...it makes me wonder if they are going to somehow try to make it seem as if it wasn't as bad or cruel as we commonly think, or feature a bunch of Black and Native American slave owners to make us think it wasn't about race. That's getting to be pretty common now a days on social media. You know what I've taken an interest in lately? The rampant racism down in Latin America and how much more pervasive and open it is compared with the U.S. today. Right now there are movements in both Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic to WHITEWASH those island nations and erase their Blk presence. It starts with taking down the statues, erasing the pictures, then making movies and television show that feature lighter and lighter characters supposedly representing the people. Even in the U.S. there was a recent case about a sister who was a firefighter somewhere down South who's face was erased and replaced with that of a White persons! Racism is real and deliberate.
  6. ProfD It would be interesting to see what those mixed race folks would do if whites declared war on non-whites. Most of them would not be able to hide or blend. I guess they would be fine with 2nd class status when the dust settled. Well..... According to our Elder Neely Fuller Jr (lol...a junior elder???) the war has ALREADY been declared, fought, and won. Now they're just in the maintenance phase. Most mixed people through out history have shown a CLEAR willingness to side with their Caucasian half over thier Black/Brown half, especially when Caucasians are in the position of power. Not all, of course. But most. Even in the U.S...unless they were FORCED to by Caucasians with the "one drop rule"....many mixed people would only side with and identify themselves as "Black" AFTER the Civil Rights movement got going and especially during the Black power movement when it looked like Black people were rising in power and status in this society. Before then....you had the paper-bag tests and other methods to establish "rank" based on nearness to White people.
  7. Not sure what Cynique's problem is. I saw a new thread by her a couple days ago titled "test" so apparently she was able to do SOMETHING.
  8. Rev Lol...why would a WHITE (pink? red?) MAN offer you a solution on how to get out of oppression? "I say....... I find these "straight haired" Negroes rather...DELIGHTFUL...to be around. They make MARVELOUS tea!"
  9. There are a lot of viruses period going around on the internet. There's no telling what these devils may have put out to jam up people's systems. I'm not a computer expert but I don't understand why they have to be so complicated in the first place. They MAKE them so that they're vulnerable to glitches and viruses. On top of that...... When dial-up first came out it was moving fast. Then the DSL cable came out....and dial-up started "slowing down". If you wanted faster service you had to go with DSL. The wifi became more prevalent....then DSL mysteriously started "slowing down" so that everyone gets wifi. It's a GAME these people are playing. They make up a bunch of damn problems just to get you to spend more money to get back to where you were originally.
  10. Dave has nothing to apologize for. Here's something I've noticed, even since I was a teenager....... It seems that Caucasians who are weird, strange, have problems and issues who are often ostracized from the general Caucasian society will often come around Black people. These FREAKS will just start hanging around Black people and learning the lingo and culture and just post up around our people sometimes to have a "friend". Black folks can be sitting at the table chilling, eating lunch and enjoying themselves and some freakish White boy with 3 heads and an arm growing out of his back wants to come sit his ass down at the table with them; talking about "Yo yo whaddup bros!" It's the same with a lot of Trans individuals. Many of them are ostracized from the larger White society because of how they live and behave an their own people don't accept them, so a lot of them want to connect and hook up with Black folks and form political and social relationships with our people. We shouldn't go for that. If your own people don't want you and think you're weird.....why are you hanging around here trying to hook up with us? Go form your own little group down by the river.
  11. Rev Run So while they're killing Black and Brown folks up by the hundreds and thousands. Spreading diseases and viruses around...... You're staring out the window waiting on the Sun to cook them? "Ok.... Whatever you say chief! It's your world"
  12. Mzuri I personally don't believe it came from China. I believe it...like most diseases...came from the Caucasians and they are PUTTING it on China. Even if it came from the land of China, it was probably some Caucasians messing around inside of China. Neely Fuller Jr. says when you see tragedies like this...look for the USUAL SUSPECTS (White racists). They're usually behind it one way or the other. Whether you have been vaxxed or not. This pandemic is far from being over. Absolutely, this Pandemic is FAR from over. Infact I believe it's still in it's beginning stages. It keeps mutating and mutating. Unlike most Conspiracy Theorists, I don't believe they're exaggerating the number of deaths....I think they're actually SUPPRESSING the number of people who are actually getting sick and dying from this mess. I think they're keeping the numbers suppressed because they don't want to public to panic and they want to keep people working and spending money. They want people to suck it up and go back to work, but they haven't declared the Pandemic OVER yet. They just keep playing with the numbers....up down up down....flat..up in Alabama...down in Michigan....up in New York...down in California. Just playing games. Weeks...months...YEARS....up...down....up..down. While Pfizer and Moderna are getting RICHER AND RICHER. Mel Hopkins I'm actually not afraid of death...it's HOW I die that concerns me, lol. But death itself is just a transition from one Reality to another. As far as the jab... They keep telling one lie after another about this mess. First they said if you took it you wouldn't get sick. Then they claimed IF you got sick it wouldn't be as severe. THEN they claimed you wouldn't be hospitalized. THEN they claimed you wouldn't die. Now that folks took it and are STILL dying....they say "Look...just shut up and take it anyway. And if you say something we'll cut you're money off. How about that!!!" Like I said earlier I'm not going to turn this into an anti-vaxx rant. I respect Troy and his site too much to get it flagged or labeled as such. But while the media is TRYING to portray this is a Trump Supporter or right-wing position....we've had many many Black leaders like Minister Farrakhan who warned us NOT to go along with the madness. But the media just IGNORES the Black people who speak out and question it. Pretend they don't exist. Which I find suspicious. I didn't understand why the CDC said to take off your masks - I didn't. I understood it. They aren't serious about ending the Pandemic. They want to PROLONG it. I barely graduated from highschool and I know if you tell people to take their masks off and walk around Wal-Mart again that they were gonna spread the damn virus. They KNEW it was gonna be a surge when they told people that if they were jabbed they could take their masks off....especially when you have no way of verifying their status and going by some "honor code" The CDC and other organizations operated by Caucasians have a HISTORY of lying to the public which is why I don't trust them. They know the truth....they just don't tell it. Or if they DO tell it....they wait 50 years later when most of those who are involved in it are DEAD before the real truth of it comes out. That's their PATTERN over and over again. But when you don't trust them to begin with...you don't have to worry about it.
  13. I'm not sure if Chilli is the one who is actually saying this. I think she actually does identity as Black, as she should.
  14. Will the Sun take THEM out before THEY take out more Black and Brown people?
  15. Mzuri I now call CNN the "Crying News Network" Between Don Lemon and Van Jones coming on crying every two or three weeks over something....those two seem to be part of a tag-team to humiliate Black men. Van Jones cried when Trump became President....then the nicca turned around and cried when BIDEN became President! He'll cry for any damn thing. Just say "good morning" to the clown and he's liable to break out crying. "Ahhhaaa....you said good morning. But it's the WAY you said it...ahhhhh."
  16. Perhaps OVERCOMING racism isn't their objective. Maybe PRACTING it...on other people of color they demean as "inferior"....is their goal. And determining what you're mixed with and how much, helps to establish your "status" in their hierarchy.
  17. Mzuri Well, according to the CDC and others who even PROMOTE the jab...when it comes to the Delta Variant, it really doesn't matter whether you've got the jab or not you can STILL spread it just as easily. They knew all of this when they were telling people to take their masks off and walk around Wal-Mart a few months ago. They knew that jabbed people were just as likely to pick up the virus and spread it as the un-jabbed. They KNEW this...and hid the information. Their entire goal is to get people to stop worrying and panicking and go back to work, go back to shopping....ignore the dead bodies laying in the street and go back to business as usual. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near Yeah, I was reading that earlier today actually! Also hundreds of thousands of POLICE OFFICERS around the nation haven't gotten it yet. They said the LAPD chief is refusing to enforce the mandate on his officers because so many haven't gotten it that he doesn't want to risk a mass WALK OUT by the officers. This thing is getting real.....very real. And I say it's about time.
  18. Maaaaaaynne, I've had a crush on Chilli for DECADES. And I'm a little older than her too...lol. I've always thought she was the most beautiful one in the group, and then the lovely Left Eye. Tipsey You sure do have a thing for Black people with "something else" in them...lol. But it's hard to answer your question without factoring in the REST of her ancestry. Don't just focus on the one Indian great great grand parent. What about the OTHER great great grand parents, and grand parents? What were THEIR races? Like most AfroAmericans...I'm sure she had some White and Native American ancestry too. How much? You must factor all of this in to make an accurate assesssment. Also, it should be understood that "Indian" is not really a RACE but really more so a NATIONALITY made up of atleast two different races.
  19. Daniel Weren't you banned on facebook a year ago, or was it twitter? You were accused of trying to put Black folks in cages or something of that nature, lol.
  20. Troy It was fascinating to read the back and forth between Pioneer and Rev. because one would think they’d be on the same page being believers in the notion of race, but since the foundation of what they believe is flawed they can’t agree. Well no, we can't be on the same page because...I'm a WHITE MAN....according to Rev. Run, lol. Read his last few posts to me carefully. If you can make it out. these statements are factually inaccurate. Well his first statement is inaccurate. His second statement has some truth in it. TRUE Blackness DOES carry with it all the colors of the Universe. However certain individual colors that most humans can't see in this light spectrum often appears as "Black" simply because their sight doesn't pick up on the actual vibration of the color and detail them. So there is SOME truth to his latter statement.
  21. Yet nobody has answered my question as to WHY in the hell are so many cops still making routine traffic stops during a Global Pandemic. Why hasn't it been halted, suspended, until the Pandemic is declared over? I personally think that is a good question that should be brought up at every press conference. You mean nobody else is wondering why cops are STILL making routine traffic stops and engaging in other petty exercises where they're coming in to close contact with one citizen after another in the middle of a Global Pandemic that is SPREAD through human contact? They're telling US as citizens to put on a mask, socially distance, and have as little contact with eachother as necessary in order to be safe... Yet they STILL have their officers raiding houses, stomping all over furniture, stopping people for speeding, grabbing and handling their driver's license, and snatching them out of the car having all kinds of CLOSE contact with them.....and not wearing masks or gloves half the time. You mean to tell me that does raise an eyebrow of concern????
  22. Speaking of Black love........... I've been checking out the Black Man-o-sphere lately and although I hear some good points in it, much of it consists of AfroAmerican men who are CONFUSED. Unlike the White Man-o-sphere which is based on misogyny and hatred of women....which is part of the Caucasian tradition....the Black Man-o-sphere consists mostly of Black men who like women and find them attractive but have so many relationship problems with them. Cheating, lack of respect, child support, etc.....and they just sit around for hours and hours and hours complaining. Others give advice on how to exploit and abuse women. It's a shame how elements of our community have resorted to promoting dysfunction just to make a quick buck.
  23. I think it's about time the Black community puts this "trans" business in it's proper place and perspective. Which means it's NOT a legitimate cause or movement in my opinion. I'm a Black Progressive and I've been talking to other Black Progressives about starting our own movement where OUR issues and other TRADITIONAL Progressive issues like Women's Rights, Poverty Programs, Reparations, Police Reform, ect..can take center stage. Don't get me wrong.... I support the right of Trans people to be who they are and if a man wants to wear a dress and high-heels, that's his business. But when you try to FORCE me to accept him as a woman...now you have a serious problem on your hands. And that's what the Trans Movement is all about. I've said over and over again for a couple years now that the Trans Movement should NOT be part of the Progressive Agenda, but so many White folks want it to...so now it may be time to separate and focus on our own Progressive issues.
  24. If Minister Farrakhan offered me a job I'd accept it! I've worked with the Nation of Islam before doing different things. They are good for their word. Plus I enjoyed being around so many clean intelligent morally upright Black people that I could trust and have meaningful convesations with. I don't think you can put a price on that.
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