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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Daniel It's attitudes like THAT....that give Uber drivers a bad name, lol. You're the type of guy who probably rolls the car a little bit while the passenger is trying to get out if they don't leave a big enough tip.
  2. Thank you for that UNsolicited advice for what I should do with MY money..lol I'm sure (to a degree) you meant well. But I didn't ask for a link to registration. I asked for an actual link to "How To Be An Anti-Racist" I wonder if you're this ADVERSARIAL with your customers? They get in and say, "Take me to the hotel" and instead you drive them to a homeless shelter, and when they demand you take them where they want to go -instead you give them a lecture on how this is the best route for them to save money...lol. "I know what YOU'RE saying...but I'm telling you staying HERE will save you more money! As long as you've been coming to this city, you should know this by now."
  3. Everything seems serious to those who believe everything they see in the media. There were some Little Rascals fans who were depressed after seeing Eddie Murphy's Saturday Night Live skit about Buckwheat being shot: BUCKWHEAT GOT SHOT! They thought it was serious because they didn't know acting and role playing when they saw it. It'll start being serious IF you see him actually spend 5 minutes behind bars, or even end up in cuffs. Until then, it's all smoke-n-mirrors and role playing.
  4. I asked for a link to "How To Be An AntiRacist" and instead you send me a link to some application I have to register and sign up for? That's like a friend asking to borrow a couple dollars and instead you give you a job application.
  5. Daniel You didn’t understand the question. Lol...you didn't understand my response. The question was “What do you think these parents are teaching these children about Blacks?” Yes but YOUR question was "as usual you have come to the wrong conclusion.?" I had to presume it was a question since you put a question mark on the end of it....so I answered it. No is not an appropriate answer. It is for YOUR question. Because I did NOT come to the wrong conclusion. I came to the logical conclusion based on the information you provided.
  6. Since it was put in a question form....I would answer: NO My conclusion about why they did is correct because the ONLY thing you said in that post was "That Blacks were animals" You didn't say THEY said it or THEY thought it....you just posted the line with no context. Maybe if you had said: "That Black PEOPLE were animals" .....it would have assured them that this wasn't YOUR assertion because your belief is that Blacks are people. It's also been my observation that NON-Black people often use the term "Blacks" where as most AfroAmericans use the term "Black people" or "Black folks", maybe some of the moderators on the platform shared the same observation and suspected that you weren't really Black either.
  7. Daniel Then if the quote "That Blacks are animals" came from you then that's why they suspended you. They thought you were being offensive because you didn't provide a lot of context in that statement. I personally don't believe you should have been suspend for that because you didn't pose a danger. I've operated websites before and I had 3 rules for discussion: 1. Don't threaten anyone with violence 2. Don't post or promote anything illegal 2. Don't put out anyone's personal information without their permission ...other than that you could pretty much say what you like and those who didn't like what you said should learn to ignore it, lol. Many people didn't like that because they thought the rules were too lax. Spam was often all over the place because I considered it their right to do it and people need to learn to focus and ignore. Never the less those simple rules turned off some people. Just another symptom of the "cancel culture".
  8. No sir. How about you provide a link for me so I can check it out. I'm not sure how one can be an ANTI-racist but Neely Fuller Jr. has spent decades teaching AfroAmericans how to be COUNTER-racists.
  9. Del ? Is that a link to an article showing how much time Trump is sentenced to do? If not, what's the point of it?
  10. Daniel I was more concerned with the potential impact on Independant sites like Parler when the Corps decided to flex their muscles. Not sure how "independent" Parler is. It's a platform where right-wing racists like to congregate...lol My answer seemed to be the most logical. I believe they made the group remove the picture. No it was a picture in a black group. The question was “What do you think they were trying to teach their children?” ?????? Your answer is a bit confusing....... *The phrase: The Blacks are animals Was THAT phrase posted BY YOU or did someone else post it? *The picture of the cage Was THAT picture posted BY YOU, or did someone else post it? A clear answer to these questions will help me to understand WHY whatever platform you were on made their decision to suspend you.
  11. The bottom quote about Blacks being animals and showing the picture of Black children in cages....did that come from YOU? Troy You would not have been banned here And that's part of the problem. THEY don't want to be banned....but they want OTHER people they disagree with banned. They want to flag posts they don't like or label people "trouble makers" and get them either suspended or banned, and if they don't have the ability to do this they would rather not even participate.
  12. Daniel English translation Lol...so according to this logic..."bread" and "soap" and other things with English names didn't exist UNTIL the English language existed to name them. Troy The problem isn't with defining race, the problem is with the ignorance and confusion of the people. The planet is round whether ignorant people think it is or not. Ignorance and confusion doesn't affect the existence of something. Irish people weren’t even considered equal to the whites man. Great example of the ignorance and confusion of the people. Again, just cause they BELIEVED that people who looked like this: ....for some reason weren't considered "white", it doesn't mean they were correct. It just shows you how silly and ignorant they were.
  13. An excerpt of The Last Sermon Of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly." This sermon was delivered on the Ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah, 10 A.H. ( 623AD) in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat in Mecca. https://www.iium.edu.my/deed/articles/thelastsermon.html If there were no White people 700 years ago, who was he referring to in his Sermon back in the year 632?
  14. Daniel How one is treated regarding “race” depends on the culture one is in. True. However this doesn't negate any points that I've made regarding the reality of race in this society. Since you are in THIS culture, do you think simply CALLING yourself "white" will afford you all of the benefits and priviledges that come with actually BEING categorized as White in this society? Will you be invited to special "white only" meetings....and be granted an opportunity to actually sit down with "The white man" himself ? The White Man (himself) "Hey there. Go ahead and have a seat buddy. Give me a couple minutes while I finish this report for our operations in Belarus"
  15. They don't ride around in the back of trucks with weapons in Portland or Seattle. That's not what they consider fun. They simply riot every night as soon as the sun goes down. I've heard they finally got a contract with that entertainment network called "Fox News". Their job is to put on a big show everynight while holding up "BLM" banners to give Fox News something to talk about and fill up half their 24 hour time slot. "So guys....what time are you guys gonna let me out ? I have to be at Starbucks in the morning for a zoom meeting with our clients in Australia"
  16. Daniel Yes I can say I am From Tunisa I said call yourself "white" AND BE TREATED as such...lol. As long as you have the ability to speak you can call yourself whatever race you like...but will society TREAT you like a White man? Will you get the secret badge that allows you identify as a bonafide "White man"? Will you get the special packets in the mail with coupons that allow you to purchase property for only 10% of the going price? Will you be given the maps and access to secret underground supermarkets that sell fresh high quality foods? Will you be given the monthly stipend of $10,000 spending money? Will you be given special pills that allow you to eat ice cream and other dairy products at an old age without an upset stomach? ...and the many other privileges that come with being White, lol.
  17. Lol..... As rough as Chicago and L.A. may be, I don't know of any parts of those cities where gangs of young men can ride around in the back of pick-up trucks openly displaying weapons and ammo so brazenly. I've seen it on television and depicted in, but not in real life.
  18. Daniel If race is an artificial construction....can you change yours, call yourself "white", and be treated as such from now on?
  19. We're talking genetics and phenotype, not love and social allegiances.
  20. Afro I'd have to actually SEE the person in order to determine which race I would categorize them in. Especially since you said: this person is actually racially ambiguous themselves. and it goes a bit further than just being "light skinned" ...they look another race altogether. For me, race is PHENOTYPICAL (based on how you look) and backed up by genetics. In other words if you LOOK like a Caucasian, you're going to most likely be classified as a Caucasian in my opinion. And if you LOOK like a Mulatto (African and Caucasian mix) you're going to be classified as a Mulatto in my opinion as opposed to simply being called "Black". You can't simply go by what their parents, or grand parents, or any other ancestor was. Scientists say ALL people evolved from the Black race, so if you use that yardstick then you'd be calling everybody "Black"....lol. No. In my opinion you are the race YOU are...not necessarily your Ancestors. A good example is Maya Rudolph: Now in my opinion she's a Caucasian woman. I don't even call her Mulatto despite having an African mother and Caucasian father. Because she doesn't even LOOK Mulatto, she looks like a Caucasian with some traces of African ancestry. Like I said, her mother is African, but for whatever reason her Caucasian ancestry dominated. And in my opinion that's what she is...racially...Caucasian with traces of African ancestry. No different than your average Italian.
  21. Now look at this foolishness: Way down in Jamaica you have MORE Negroes fighting and tussling with eachother over religious doctrine and how it should be interpreted. Who's a whore and who's not. Who should wear make-up and who should not. Black men all dressed up in suits with nothing better to do than meet up, grab microphones, and challenge eachother over something NEITHER of them wrote but was written thousands of years before each of them were born. How many of them are building housing for the homeless of Jamaica? How many of them are building farms and growing food to feed the hungry of Jamaica? How many are building hospitals and medical laboratories to help heal the sick in Jamaica? How many are out securing the streets of Jamaica from the criminals and drug cartels that rule so much of that island? All of the problems Jamaica has, and these characters feel that the most productive thing to do at the time is dress up in suits and spray on cologne and pile up on a stage together like a bunch of spiders just to tangle up and fight until they tumble off the stage.
  22. Maybe. But if they were part of a military they would most likely have the same military uniforms and be riding military vehicles. They may be part of a militia or even just a gang. Either way, I'd bet money they are looking for other people to kill who are just as poor and just as Black as they are. And I'm sure they have a religion they CLAIM is the "right one" that they use to build their confidence and justify what they do. Such is the case with so many of our people all around the continent and all around the world. Those men are probably hardened from battle. But take away their weapons and put hammers, saws, and shovels in their hands and demand they do some actual WORK towards building up the same villages they helped destroy....and you'd probably see them cry like little babies. "Why can't they find somebody else to do all of that???"
  23. Chev Again, I would not make blatant statements to discredit your belief in Islam What "beliefs in Islam"? Did I say I was a Muslim, Hindu, or any other religion? or make 'fun' about your religion Lol....again, what "religion" did I say I belonged to? I thought I said numerous times that I believe in The SUPREME BEING...not an official religion. Again, I appreciate you much, and I think even a discussion about religion or religious history can be good, but it should be based on some type of respectful guidelines. One of the problems with discussing religion WITH a religious person is when you SINCERELY believe in a particular religion (as you clearly do) it's hard for you to discuss it from an objective point of view. Your objective is to DEFEND your religion. So as soon as an aspect of it is shown to be incorrect or questionable, instead of considering this to be true...as you said you instead get defensive and set out to try and RECONCILE the inaccuracies or dismiss them altogether as non-existent....instead of acknowledging them. Your love and defense of that which you find dear to your heart FORCES you not to recognize any errors that may be pointed out in the course of the discussion. And soon, if the discussion progresses....you begin to attack the very SOURCE/PERSON who's pointing out those inaccuracies! We can discuss and even debate food all day long. I can point out something that may be bad or dangerous about your favorite food and instead of getting upset you might believe it and even THANK me for giving you that important information! "Say whaaaat......" But if I do the same thing in regard to your favorite RELIGION...you're ready to go to war, lol.
  24. When you look at what's going on in places like Burkina Faso, Niger, Sudan, ect...you see Muslims and Christians fighting and killing eachother. You also see Muslims and Christians fighting and killing among themselves, because what I've noticed is that even when you establish a SINGLE solid religion in the land....after a while people become "bored" and start fighting eachother over HOW to interpret and practice that religion. I'm starting to believe that these religions are doing exactly as they were designed to do...DIVIDE our people. Keep them squabbling and fighting with eachother like an unstable household, so that you're too busy trying to survive to do anything else. Look at this young men piled up on the back of a pick-up truck with all of their equipment just riding around LOOKING for someone to shoot. What productive services are they offering? Are they building a house for the thousands of displaced women and children of their nation? Are they growing food for the thousands of hungry people of their nation? Are they headed to the laboratory to come up with a cure for the diseases that afflict those in their nation? Do they even WANT to do these things? Or do they want to do EXACTLY what they're doing right now...ride around looking for someone to shoot?
  25. Neely Fuller Jr. has said for years that it's against the anti-racist code to argue or criticize the religious beliefs of other Black people because it leads to more confusion and division, but I often engage in it anyway because I like debating religion and history. It's like a person who eats food out of boredom. You know it's not very healthy but you do it anyway because it gives you something to do and feels good...lol Well, it's the same when it comes to debating religion and history.... When there's nothing else to talk about and you enjoy the challenge and social interaction that comes from opposite exchanges....debating religion provides an excellent outlet! But as I've gotten older I realize the bad of this often outweighs the good. In certain African countries Black people are killing eachother up by the scores and sometimes by the hundreds over religious disagreements.
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