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    Where do I begin, where do I begin... 
    In fiscal capitalism, in the USA,  all industries lean toward fewer and fewer participants. 
    Newspapers in the late 1800s early 1900s were in the thousands, now...
    Automotive manufacturers in the early 1900s were hundreds, now...
    Oil Producing firms were once a hundred, now...
    Music Record labels were in the hundreds, now.... 
    Movie Studioes in the hundreds, now...
    Video Game producers were once a hundred, now...
    No industry in the USA historically goes towards more participants, that is historical fact. 
    Is an industry being dominated by one firm problematic? yes. 
    WHy? If one firm controls an industry, then the external market can't influence the pricing or quality of goods. The key tenet of market fiscal capitalism is that the forces outside a firm, manipulate the firms actions thus a level of control is placed on any firm. 
    But I will argue that a very modern or recent activity in the USA has made the monopoly fear impotent. 
    That activity is, too big to fail? 
    Too big to fail has one great evil in market fiscal capitalism. It denies the markets ability to kill a firm. When a firm is to big to fail, then a firm will be propped up against what the market led it to be. 
    So when the banks or car companies in the USA mostly failed, I think ford was alright but all major banks or financial institutions had failed, denying the market's ability to kill those firms killed the fear of monopoly. 
    By making a firm or set of firms too big to fail, you make said firm or set of firms a monopoly. 

    enjoy the webinar hosted by Jane Friedman < https://www.linkedin.com/in/janefriedman >

    Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_y3uQlH_LSEuOlh-F67ei1g


    Thanks Jane Friedman
    From her
    The US government is attempting to stop Penguin Random House (the biggest publisher in the US) from acquiring Simon & Schuster (the third biggest publisher in the US), on grounds that it would hurt authors by lowering advances due to reduced competition in the market.

    Will authors indeed be hurt if the acquisition goes as planned? Is a super-sized Penguin Random House bad for other reasons? How strong is the government's case? What have we learned from trial testimony about how publishing operates?

    Join me for a lively discussion with a panel of industry experts. If you can't make it live, the conversation will be recorded and available afterward on YouTube. Link to register in the comments (free).

    End her quote


    If you are interested in more of my thoughts
    https://www.kobo.com/us/en/search?query=Richard Murray's Pulpit&fcsearchfield=Series&seriesId=e03984d8-b93f-58eb-807c-66847982c48e


    1. richardmurray


      Information on small scale publishers


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