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Posts posted by richardmurray

  1. Ah cool @ProfD I had to make sure that is clarified cause in various online spaces, i read comments from various strangers that displayed a miscomprehension to this law as something that is for anyone in nyc just stepping off the boat so to speak or that it applies to all levels of government.


    It will be interesting if a state in the union makes a similar law, i wonder how the states rights argument will coincide to this, as states by the constitution have sovereignty over their legal code, and if the law goes through a legislature, not a mandate, then it is law. 

  2. @ProfD good point, like @nels the issue of the value of citizenship is being tested with this law. But a key point is that this law only applies to new york city, it doesn't apply to new york state or any federal level, so... I will like to ask you, if you go to a city in another country, do you think you have the right to vote in the elected offices for the city in said other country, if you are registered a resident, not an illegal alien, and you are not sentenced with any illegalities for thirty days, barring you still from voting for the county/state/federal level elected offices in said other country? 

  3. @nels  yes, the concept of giving a non citizen voting powers is against the idea of citizenship being a valuable and unique item for involvement into the civic community in the usa.  


    Your choice of language is energetic but I think alludes to falsehoods. This law was voted on by the nyc city council first. and then eric adams voted on it. So this law isn't an usurping and applies to legal resdients. so, nothing in this law is illegal. I admit it is aphilosophical to many, but it isn't an usurping or illegal.


    As for the condition of countries, the usa has the most powerful military on earth and involves itself in the affairs of every other country. A great statistic I learned from an opinion editorial article in the ny times stated that the three letter organizations of the usa/ cia/ fbi/et cetera have had hundreds of deaths in foreign countries in the last few decades. and this is what is known. So, I will not refute the responsibility of people living in a country to improve it. but empires, and the usa is an empire, influence militaristically lesser countries, usually to their detriment. So I think the usa has to evade the empire business before the people in it can demand the people influenced outside the usa by the statian empire are disinterested in leaving countries the usa has mangled. Isn't that fair?  I ave countless examples to support my position. I support my position with iraq. An easy example. the usa invaded iraq, iraq did not invade the usa, nor was it behind the 9/11 attack. now many iraqis have come into the usa, but like the koreans/vietnamese/colombians and many others, the usa's role in their countries is a large part of their problem. 


    anyone can have their reasons to support a policy. But, the party of andrew jackson supports this policy for the voting power it will bring. This will blockade the party of abraham lincoln in nyc, as the party of abraham lincoln will make an opposing policy by default. And it is plausible as this law is for a city only. So other cities have the right to make laws to ban such voting powers, as well as blockade or restrict immigrant communities. For me, this law is strategy. NYC was called by many in the party of abraham lincoln, a harbor city , and thus it is living up to that even more. Nothing is banning other cities from doing similar things in opposition.





    @nels just to clarfy, the law doesn't allow illegal aliens to vote, cause they are committing a crime. the law allows noncitizens to vote, but only noncitizens who are registered residents who haven't committed a crime in 30 day. 

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  4. #openpulpit Eric Adams/NYCC signed a law that allows a noncitizen/permanent resident NC/PR who has not been sentenced for a crime in 30 days to vote for elections in NYC,agree? NC/PR of NYC will not be able to vote for NYS/Federal. please state the city you live in the comments


  5. Do you comprehend these two ideas in terms of programming or technology? By Oct 15th, consider below.


    A bluesky contest
    Our digital identities are like satellites we launch into cyberspace. You may link one to another here and there, but how would you link all of them, systematically, in a way that proves to others they belong to you?

    Let’s try an experiment: A contest to demonstrate how to link your accounts and content. $300 in BTC awarded to the top three submissions, to make it worth your time.

    Choose at least 3 of the following. Link them in a way that anyone can verify you are the author/owner of all. Explain how you did it, and what properties you were designing for.

    A Twitter account
    A Reddit account
    A website... or two
    A Matrix account
    A Mastodon account
    An SSB account
    A PGP key
    A piece of content on IPFS
    A cryptocurrency address
    Another decentralized social network
    Another service/platform of your choosing
    Have an answer in something that already exists? Feel free to use it, but describe how it works, the tradeoffs, and how it can be improved. Implement your solutions as much as possible. If you don’t want to actually link two of your accounts, create a new one for this purpose. Include any documentation or code needed to explain it. We’ll be scoring on a rubric of: thoroughness, robustness, originality, decentralization. Download the rubric and template here. Email solutions to join@blueskyweb.org. Multiple submissions allowed.

    We’ll keep a leaderboard up with pseudonyms of the authors who submitted the top solutions, so you can check if you’re on it. At the end of the contest, we’ll publish the top solutions and reveal their authors. End date: Oct 15.




    Single Status Update from 10/02/2021 by richardmurray - AALBC.com’s Discussion Forums

  6. With the industrial explosion of handheld gaming consoles in the year 2021, what does it mean the video gaming industry is missing? 

    One thing all the entries in the assessment below have in common is all the games are already inside and all are circa 100$ to buy the basic version. The cheapest is 60 dollars usa. It was the 9th entry. And they all are trying to emulate games already made, not make new games with the same quality. 

    Anbernic is sighted as the best. Rg351M is their best model in the description below. IT can play the old games, doesn't need to be adjusted when it comes out of the box. 

    To me, it is clear, the handheld market is open to a high powered system with more ingenious games. These games play already developed games in a collage ... like having a bunch of old cars you are able to ride whenever you want. But, what about new games or ideas? I think space exists for new games new user interfaces in the handheld market. Phone games are still too limited or unfocused. A systems power is needed for higher level games. 

    What are your thoughts? 


    Video of the handheld retro gaming market assessment


    A small history for consoles


    Thanks again to MErgirl dunne of BlackGamesElite 

  7. I will add, assuming absent knowledge to all comments,  one key point; how many people discuss in their home ?

    We talk of discussions online; if you do not discuss in your home, offline,  then will you want to discuss elsewhere? I doubt it. 

    The passion to discuss must stem offline and in the statian contingent in modern humanity, human beings are reared with a computer as their sole companion whose structure is designed to reflect a slave, not an engaged companion

  8. After VuaKal I find myself, at the end of my time, I have to come back to this project at a time I prescribed later in the year, though I am not publishing it. I am always open to work on this project but it will not be the main focus.

    Trying to get the audio work took three weeks to merely get it to work in my testing code, and the testing code has serious errors in checking the audio tools for the mass public to use or view.

    The tragedy is each of these games from a design level took minutes but acquiring the correct code to implement what was designed took longer than I liked, especially with VuaKal , near a month trying to get the correct code and I merely shoe horned a solution in the end. Though I admit I have an answer designed out.

  9. I tend to spend my time creating, you know my crafts @Troy , outside of drawing/writing/crafting, i do watch some sport. I read paper books as well. Just finished a book from Alicia Dunbar nelson, I enjoyed it alot.

    I must say, I Am not alone in the house. Many people live alone and the environment can be stifling. Nothing is like a tactile touch,a voice in a nearby room.

    The isolation makes one numb to the outside world, like prisoners.

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