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Posts posted by richardmurray

  1. @daniellegfny you quoted @Delano but asked me? why?

    I concur to no banning, but from my position as an artist. 

    But, negativities from all art exists, is your argument that the art of superfly or sweetback which has more black artists in its influence has more negativity than the art of gone with the wind? 

    @ProfD   great point, OWnership is the key, the usa financially is based on ownership, not labor, 

    @Troy great point, never assume, but alot of white artis make quality work, so even if black financial dominance in entertainment will yeild more commercialty, it will also yield more quality work as well

  2. @daniellegfnyfair enough,  to your first/second/third points ... I must say I don't concur or support all of what you say, but fair enough


    To your 4th point, the usa is an empire, it has been meddling negatively in the affairs of other countries before it had the most potent military among human governments. 

    Sequentially, most people outside the usa, I don't see as liking the usa. I have travelled outside the american continent. I find most people want the money the usa has or openly dislike the place. It isn't a liking. My point is, your correct, they don't comprehend the usa, but I want to go further, they don't want to comprehend the usa, because they don't like the usa. The usa for many of these people is the enemy. An enemy they have to live with in the same way, the colonies of england/france/spain/holland in africa or asia had to live with england/france/spain/holland. An enemy that earned the title of enemy. And that concept extends to the black populaces in the american continent < canada to argentina> . You know the history. Most black people know the history. Our forebears, were immigrants, but they were not willing immigrants. Our forebears were dragged to this place by whites. That is the source of the difficulty you wrote of. An difficulty well earned. Many black people have come to positive terms with the usa/brasil, but I think most black people know our forebears were forced here when the usa was colonies of britian, when brazil was a colony of portugal, and were still being forced when the usa was free from britian or brasil was free from portugal. And as you said, for you and many black people like you, the usa's continual journey toward what you call peace or prosperity is embraced with love, caring, community. But, my point is, many black people are opposed to that and the anger or hatred that is well earned to the usa is a real thing, and I can accept black people who do either or. 


  3. @daniellegfny In defense, many black people don't like superfly or sweetback. I can comprehend why they didn't, they do not, and they will not. 

    Danielle, I know you know that for a time our forebears were enslaved to whites. But, doesn't that mean black people have the freedom to interpret the usa as they want? MAny of our forebears didn't want to be part of this country. I am not saying all. But no one can deny many black people forced from their home an ocean away, didn't want the trip, and died not getting what they wanted. Freedom from white people/the colonies of britian or the usa that came after it. So, in modernity, I don't see why any of us have a problem with some black people having an extremely different opinion to the arts , let alone anything else, when it isn't like our forebears planned for us to be here. 

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  4. @daniellegfny I would had said HAttie... going along to your thinking, Clark Gable, a white man,  was going to boycott the oscars, but hattie mcdaniel said no.

    As well as McDaniel's relatively well known quote saying, she will rather play a maid than be one.  

    But, I can comprehend why many black people in the past detested,  or now detest, or will detest the character hattie mcdaniel portrayed. The question of culture wars in art, is always about the communities in power side the communities not in power and the culture either has which is rarely the same.


  5. @daniellegfny just for the record, eric adams signed a bill into law that the city council of nyc set up and agreed to in majority. the city council of nyc has all races in its membership. Are you suggesting Eric Adams should had not signed the city council passed bill into law? Eric Adams himself said that he was against it originally , and there is proof to his statement online. so... He changed his mind, isn't that a sign of self awareness from an individual? 

    I have more questions for you, you say the black community works against self interest but this issue has supporters plus detractors in the black community. I don't see this issue as one that has an advantage in either camp. The comments in this post prove many black people are against this plus many blak people are supporters of it. Are you suggesting all black people need to be against this? I don't know anything in this world that gets all support or detraction. 


    I first need you to explain how you define being an American. in my experience, people do not have the same idea or viewpoint on what it means to be American in the USA. I am not suggesting your definition will be right or wrong but I need you to clarify how you see being american before I can comprehend on how to approach your assertion to an anti american narrative. 


    THis law in one city represents a desire to recreate the USA. I thought laws at their core represented change, not necessarily good or bad , wanted or unwanted, but change. 

    In my view of history the constitution exists cause the articles became unsatisfactory.  EXcellent point, many have not sworn allegiance. It says alot that the people you refer to as having an anti american agenda don't feel the desire to swear allegiance. An old saying exist, the king who asks for loyalty hasn't earned it. Maybe the usa needs to be a better job in earning allegiance? 


    When was the USA stabilized in your opinion? 


    How are you certain what will happen in the future? 


    @nelsfair enough but my point is about the dialog between any multitude online, anywhere online. When someone says to another everything you say I dismiss. You are correct to say it is known but it ends the dialog and for me, i see these spaces as places as dialog. None of the people in commenting in this post know each other , at least I don't know any of you, we are not friends, so if someone dismisses my words, that is fine, no problem, but it culminates in the end of dialog, which they can do at any time anyway. I am on here to debate, discuss, not gain friends. Thus no multilog can get hot, as you say. 


  6. @Stefan Your right, I made an absolute statement. I meant most, not all. And the proof is in elected officials themselves. And they validate the majority claim that is my intention. thank you for your comment. I am free to comment to something you state at any time as you are in likewise. 


    @nels :) not hot at all, when someone says they will dismiss everything another says, and then suggest their position has no value, it all culminates to a finished dialog between the two. The one who dismisses says they have nothing to say anymore, it doesn't mean the other does not. 

  7. @Chevdove One point, about the support for said law in nyc. you have to comprehend, nyc has a larger percentage of recent immigres than any other city in the usa by a wide margin. So you have to comprehend, most city councils in the usa don't have any interest for a law like this, but nyc is a unique city, not just in size, but its makeup. 

    For example, washington d.c. itself has a large black population, who are in the descendent of enslaved mold, but the virginia counties outside washington d.c. are filled with immigrants, but many of these immigrants are financially above the immigrants who are in nyc , who are usually from more financially poorer means. then you look at a los angeles. los angeles is the second largest city in the usa, but the mexican populace in los angeles is a majority of the latin american community and they tend to be very wary of recent immigrants, while nyc's latin american populace is the most multigeographic of a latin american communit in the usa, you have colombians/nicaraguant/s paraguayans/peruvians/ et cetera, the mix means less a singular focus as in los angeles and the asian community in nyc is also not led by the chinese american community in the way los angeles has a huge chinese american community that dictates more and is less prone to this law. so.. the uniqueness of nyc's makeup has a role to play in this.   


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  8. @nels rough and beautiful, the trick to nyc,is it depends on who you are in the city, if you are living in the sky the air is beautiful , the sun is lovely, if you are living underneath the sewers, times can be quite difficult, but nyc has always been a microcosm of the usa, sequentially, the haves and the have nots in one city. with every possible zone in between. I have told people before, my clan has been in nyc for a long time, it never was hell, and many times was nice, as well as many times sour. ... maybe the lesson nyc needs to teach the usa is to stop trying to be iddylic, cause neither warrant that.

    @Chevdove the whole in a city of an unknown number of people. Comprehend one of the chinese mafias, i think the tong, had put so many illegal immigrants in a tenement in chinatown that they got caught by health officials, not the nypd, who were probably paid off anyway. They had in one tenement on average thirty people in a room. You used the term, the whole.. I have no idea the number of people in nyc.  I know it is far more than the listed ceiling of 9 million. What is my point? if you want a law to reflect the whole in nyc, that will require people in government nyc does not have. Community leaders that nyc does not have. business owners that nyc does not have. 


    @Stefan stefan!! what do you think being in government is for? :)  the entire elected class of the usa is about giving jobs to your kin. Why do you think so many rockefellers and kennedys are spread throughout the government of the usa? PRivate sector jobs or opportunities of ownership come and go but governments are forever, most job security in the world, when you have the most powerful military in humanity at the moment. All elected officials, help their kin get in, that is the whole point. Adams clearly is an amateur at doing it with pananche, but he was president of a borough and a state senator and didn't show much pananche then so why now as mayor. remember, he didn't compaign on being the leader of all leaders or some guiding light. his selling point wasn't effective government. he had one campaign motto, make the streets safer. Which can be rephrased to, nypd growth. Everything else is a candy store for him. He will not say that, but that is the reality.

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  9. I have asked the following question many times in many places online and I will ask it again... Black people have spent decades being POAL or POAJ <party of abraham lincoln or party of andrew jackson> , neither led to anything lasting or concrete, that is the blunt truth. At this moment in time the only thing black people have  not done in the usa when it comes to governance,  is made their own party of governance. 

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  10. I also had heard that after Aunt Jemima was canceled, the nephew of the woman originated the role was quite upset.

    @nels Do you know if said nephew had any financial loss from the removal? I know that in some of these media trademark/image rights/copyright scenarios, sometimes, small bits of money , but good money is given as part of the deal to this or that , that isn't worthy to mention in the wall street journal, but is valuable

  11. SOny- JApan

    Tencent- China

    Microsoft- USA


    Microsoft becomes the third with the acquision of Blizzard Activision , Microsoft bought Bethesda last year

    The Microsoft XBox was meant to be an industry leading dominator, but with the Imagination of little nintendo side the industry first high end gaming marketeer Sony , the space is little. So Microsoft is buying big studios for raw cash. 

    Now I recall people saying, when Disney bought MArvel + Lucasfilm for hundreds of billions it was a wise choice long term. This is the same idea here with Microsoft. Right now, it may seem silly or incompetent. But, these third party publishers are not just their main games. Microsfot said, they will treat games on a game by game basis. So, big titles from these publishers will be as before, published everywhere. But little titles... may find their way to xbox more.

    In the same way, Netflix had to reorganize when the content producers each made their own streaming platforms, forcing netflix to invest in their own shows. 

    Nintendo will be safe, cause nintendo has never not been proprietary for the most part. But , Sony will be wary of this. 


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