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Everything posted by richardmurray

  1. @Pioneer1 So you support a contract between peoples in the usa. The first question in my mind is what legal apparatus can this work in the usa? Maybe you have researched this concept. Do you know of a social contract example in usa history, similar to as you suggest. I can't think of one.
  2. He said he can tell people about in one day six million riders and only six felonies that day but people need to feel safe. So, the mayor of NYC is flat out saying that the problem isn't crime but the perception of crime in nyc and this means that people , like some in this very online community are so frightened or afraid of violence that even if they have no personal story or incidence they are only content when zero but that is a dysfunctional desire. But, the war on crime is turning , every day more and more i notice the mayor or governor seem dedicated to getting latinos as the primary war on crime target which overall is going to be better for the black dos populace in nyc.
  3. Efua Traore introduces Children of the Quicksands https://vimeo.com/566114586 Efua Traore introduces Children of the Quicksands from ReadingZone on Vimeo. Unedited Sample https://www.scholastic.com/content/dam/conventions/frankurt/chicken-house/Children%20of%20the%20Quicksands.pdf order link https://efua-traore.com/?page_id=506#OrderLinks The cover of the book was drawn by RaySeb https://www.deviantart.com/rayseb/art/Children-of-The-Quicksands-923781275
  4. @ProfD I have said in this forum many times my position on relating the black populace in the usa to the black populace anywhere else. My position is the black populace in the usa is unrelated to any other black populace in humanity, based on its scenario. It is incomparable to any other black populace. The truth, not positive or negative, but the truth. The Black DOS populace is not comparable to the Americo Liberians in Liberia or the Creole people in Sierra Leone, even though all three share a historical root of coming from black people enslaved in the usa. I think the black populace in the usa is financially better off than any other black populace in humanity, though I have to say to any who may read this, financial betterment for one doesn't mean their community is free or powerful. also add @ProfD to your reply to pioneer that the usa isn't thousand of years old
  5. I admit I love the graphic simply because it shows how in germany you have people who drop out of school or not vaccinated. Merely because media in the usa tends to suggest that the only children who drop out of school in all of humanity is black kids in the usa, which some black people actually repeat. Second , us media has made it seem like people in the usa who didn't get vaccinated endangered the whole world, like everyone else on earth got vaccinated. The lies of usa media, which get resounded by so many, made me enjoy this post visuality.
  6. @ProfD I did say in the usa, not the whole world:) not the whole world, just the usa.
  7. @Pioneer1 Well, all the elected officials: city council, state assembly, state senate , house of representatives for harlem were black at that time plus a majority of the populace was black. But, harlem like all districts in NYC has no legal power. Even though harlem's populace is bigger than most cities in the usa, it has no legal power. The elected representatives of harlem are all part of vastly multiracial legislative bodies that only act together when money is able to be given to all, ala why they love federal money and why, the amount of money needed to convince the other members of the city council to force the harlem empowerment zone to operate a certain way was financially beyond the means, unless you knew of a black person with the rockefellers wealth in years past in the usa? maybe you did. @ProfD Well.. to your position on the baby boomers, I Will be blunt,the black populace in the usa has never had and doesn't have now financial advantage. That is a vital thing, and absent that poverty is always the destination. In NYC when people talk about the white asian populaces business heritage i remind them that while black business had to wait till the 1900s to be allowed in nyc, white asian business have been around since new amsterdam. that is hundreds of years of difference. The reality is, white asian/mestizos/mulattos/white arabs/white jews all were able to own business in centuries where blacks/negras/noir/swart/aswad were not in the usa or beyond. This is a simple fiscal capitalistic truth. An individual or group with less time will have less financial muscle. Catching up to centuries absent the same advantages was always going to be hard, and that is the source of the fiscal plague that keeps coming around.
  8. @Troy for those that are not going to read books, what is the best substitute in your opinion? So ftp or email as protocols functions do not allow for them to be used as HTTP? IN AMENDMENT I want to retract my prior question Is FTP or Email used more or less than HTTP and if either are can they be used moreso through some purpose?
  9. @Troy to the poll, i simply used the index valu before the question or set of questions Z is a quesiton % is a set of questions # is one question ala the title of the post a squestion and questions and a question I will not restate the questions but I will ask other ones that are related. Z' ) For those that do not read literature is the video game the best communication method to get them to read? 5') What technology in a fiction do you think cheated the culture of the characters in said fiction? #') Any ideas to how FTP or Email can become more used than HTTP?
  10. @Troy If I said i had no complaints i apologize, i had complaints growing up but it wasn't about my black neighbors, my complaints are to the white city government, the white populace and their agents of allcolors the nypd. . I always felt safe as a child, walking to my school, and back. Maybe I was lucky. My cousin lived in the south bronx, and he had worse scenarios but the funny thing is his region is mostly mesitzo, not black. not negra. and you know all people in nyc have complaints throughout the entirety of nyc's history, but are the complaints about their populace in the region they live in? the problem is simpler. the projects were never started to be permanent homes, the first projects were for whites only but they never were for permanent living even when white only. The idea was, you go into the project so you are not on the street, as nyc's populace was getting larger, this was to stop what happened in the ellis island years so to speak. But, robert moses was trying to explain to people the projects needed to be in their original planned location upstate ny. But, the whites upstate new york new that a larger populace always brings problems to any city at any size so they lobbied and the projects were placed in nyc, whites only. but moses knew that NYC's populace was going to explode in number with many non whites, and he knew that nyc's financial reality was very poor going forward for the masses of non whites or the fiscal poor regardless of phenotype. So having a plan designed for temporary living used as permannt in a city with small financial growth for its poor. Notice I didn't say nyc's rich would get poorer. He knew the wealthy of nyc were going to explode in wealth but the projects is for the poor and as time has proven, nyc has a terrible financial reality for its poor. while nan ever growing poor. who are forced to go into illegal financial means. remember, in the shelters of nyc is countless cases of assault or violence between the people in as well as countless case sof abuses by the government agents within, just like rikers for that matter. My summation is that NYCHA was bound to fail the second it grew into a permannet home situation. It was always bound to fail. Federal money is what made most of the projects in the first place, and federal money is never constant for such things as it shouldn't because the 50 states have competing interest with each other and thus. sooner or later the federal government stops spending. The modern example is school food, libraries, eric adams is cutting and people are complaining but while i don't care for adams policies he is correct , NYC didn't pay for the covid-19 era municipal activities it was the federal government bt the federal government is gone now as it does and nyc can't support these activities on its own financial bearings. Let alone the fact that recent news shows many agencies of nyc have been commiting crimes for years concerning money and .... NYCHA was bound to fail. But the biggest nycha houses in manhattan are going to be remade while the people leave. It will take a long time, but the plan is for the people to leave to a new building temporarily and then their nycha houses will be rebuilt "better" and then they come back. The people had the chance to vote to go private or remain city owned and a third option , i think one may have chosen the private route, but most voted to retain the city owned. thanks for bringing it back and i apologize for being unclear. the main point in this post isn't about funding to the nypd, but settlements from black people to nyc based on harm done to them by the nypd The most recent black man to get a settlement from nyc was a few weeks ago, around seven million, for years in prison starting when a child. But,a white woman by the legal system of nyc, was awarded for defamation , eighty million so my point is while a nyc media outlet said the nypd costs nyc billions in settlement money per year, I argue based on the settlements, an the public cost of defamation, NYPD actually cost NYC more but NYC are being "allowed" to underpay. I argue the bare minimum settlement by any black person incarcerated as a child has to be eighty million which will force nyc to pay a measure a quarter or more of a trillion dollars. The settlements are too low by black people. Eighty million. if donald trump with defamation can warrant eighty million then nyc for a tyrannical nypd can warrant at least the same. The brother who just got seven million is missing seventy three million for me. All the black people in shetlers or rikers who get hurt under the governent of NYC, have to ask for more, based on simple financial relevance. If guards in rikers nearly kill a man, that has to be eighty million. bare minimum for me. I comprehend how powerworks, and so I know things will not go as I suggest, but it is clear that NYC is underpaying for the crimes of their law enforcement agencies or other.
  11. @Pioneer1 I apologize for being unclear We differ again in that I want all people in the phenotypical race I define as black to be happy. I have no idea who are the decent blacks. What is the largest percentage of black people that you think owned land in the south from the end of the war between the states to the 1960s? I will speak for NYC, the nyc government controlled plus run by whites made sure all the black regions in nycare used for for projects which damage the black populac ein said regions. When the harlem empowerment zone led by bill clinton happened , many black owned businesses in harlem applied, but only one was granted. no black business was given up but per the law you say you respect so much or feel is so badly needed the black busniness were legally pushed out of existence and the black populaces, did what you always suggest and moved on with their our lives legally. You find it odd cause it is not common with your peers but i don't find you odd , not because of I think my scenario majority but because I comprehend the largess of the black populace in nyc. again, the black populace in nyc is large, any single black person side their offline communiques, starting to myself, does not define it. I know their are black people born and raised in nyc who hae lived in a segment of the black populace where the worst fate has occured, this is the truth. But it doesn't mean it is the common or majority in the black populace of nyc, and definitely not indicative of all. Did you know the black populace of chicago si deemed 230,000 while the black populace of nyc is two million. that is a significant difference. nyc's black populace could cut away a parallel count from the black populaces of boston/detroit/chicago230,000/atlanta 190,000/new orleans and quite a few other cities and still have half of its size. Yes, pioneer, you talked with your offline peers. Ok, very true, but you plus troy's lives or connections doesn't mean nyc's black populace is too small to include mine. @ProfD I thought about population sizes. The law enforcement agencies throughout the usa are the real drug pushers in all populaces but definitely the black and i think about a detroit a chicago a new orleans. Their populace is so small, that such an agenda will have a more potent negative influence. I think of new orleans. I have been fortunate to know people from there and they have spoken of deterioration, and that is a nice word. but whn the white government of nw orleans, of . .louisiana makes their plans. Remember they busted a huge ring of black law enforcers in new orleans pushing illegal drugs and my point isn't about the government of new orleans or its parts like the new orleans law enforcement or louisiana but how the black populace of new orleans has a larger percentage of the total population to the city it is based in than most black populaces, its true quanitty is so small that the damage of negative actions from white government historically or modernly saturate a larger portion of the black populace in said city. in parallal, even though nyc's black populace has never been the majority in nyc it is quite large and nyc's various plans against the black populace have never touched the whole black populace. Thank you, your whole comment [ https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/10861-nycs-nypd-cost-the-city-and-state-alot-of-money-but-should-it-be-more/?do=findComment&comment=65944 ] made me see something. I advise all to read the whole comment but I want to focus on one point  and may i add, less importantly while first, it is a problem in the same way drinking liquor was for whites, that was why prohibition happened. Prohibiton stated in the roaring twneties you know. The same decade which is lauded in media as a high time of money is also the prohibiton era that supposedly is mired under the drunks, which was it? it can't be both. Some whites, like some blacks, look at their own populace and criminalize, cause you see poor, cause you see those on drugs and yes, drinking liquor is a drug act. so... And , it is an interesting comparison that like the white religious segment of the white populace's heavy support of prohibiton the black religious segment of the the black populaces fervent, fanatical support of the war on drugs the war on crime, which is still strong in said segment, neither action is honest to the majority condition of either populace. More importantly while second, the white populace never has a large percent of itself, ala prohibiton, that decries itself a failed populace in modernity for white people who do wrong to whites. In NYC ,in modernity, not 1960s, but, 2000s, the white asian mob, herded and herds its own people into various tenement buildings, like our forebears in the white boats, and caused untold sickness , maybe even death, but the white asian populace has never made a big deal of their underworlds quite negative acts towards its own. Again in modernity, i don't know how many mestizo , latin american, businesses act as drug fronts with multiple daycare centers being publicly uncovered now. Causing the harm or death of mestizo children. But does the mestizos say in spanish the world is falling, do they amrch when a mestizo child is murdered by their own. No, they move cause it isn't the majority situation. Most humans , don't want negativity, but judging your own populace based on extreme minority behavior is dysfunctional but only the black dos populace in the usa today has suc ha strong segment of itself doing this.
  12. @Pioneer1 What do you find distasteful in most musicals you have experienced? Do you give musicals a chance or is the advertised concept of most musicals a negative for you?
  13. @Pioneer1 You don't care for musicals? @Troy yes, slowly but surely next to the master, this is the frederick douglass way, right, over one hudnred and fifty years. It isn't meant to be short term. the idea , though i oppose it, i comprehend. Work hard next to your enemy and maintain that lifestyle with the next generation even if you can't leave them anything and black films, black presidents and black billionaires one day. yeah ok. that is why he opposed violence/ leaving the usa/ segregating actions, all three of those things would make his path even longer for the black populace in the usa. It is shortest if all black people buy in it, but of course, that goes back to the black populace in the usa's internal schisms.
  14. @Troy I have continually made the argument that the black populace in NYC and the larger usa is large enough to have many different places. That has been my point when someone black says they grew up in hell, well someone else black in the same city grew up in heaven and that is not an impossibility and my only issue here is the idea from you plus pioneer that it is somehow impossible that some black people had a brilliant time in the same city where you lived in hell. I tell you , people in my bloodline older than you Troy, never lived in a hell, and I was honest and said that others in my family had a similar experience to you. It is all NYC, the fact that it is impossible for that to be true for some black people leads to the larger issue. From schools to the condition of the street, i can tell you of various black experiences in NYC but speaking for myself plus similars it was great, it was flat out great being in this section of the black populace in NYC. You grew up on park avenue. 113th street. to close to whites for me. You know what's is one of the odd things for me. I see more homeless, all colors but more importantly all ways now, than i did as a kid and harlem has so many whites. but it makes sense, the poorest flow nearest the money. To @Pioneer1 ok, again, i want it known, i know black people in nyc who said and say like you as well as black people who said and say like me. In terms of policy or laws, i think what this situation proves is a key problem in the black populace. This is unbridgeable, like I think many frictious issues in the black populace historically. I have always opposed that positon. You want people to be happy, then you have to help them be happy. Wealth is the key, money is the key. But of course, this goes back to another simple prolbem in the black populace in the usa. All black people know whites run things so black empowerment or improvement will not happen easily and moreover, black people haven't been able to have access to the financial betterment that genocide to natives or enslaving a people who don't look like us brings. The national urban league suggest 200 years to equity and I think of james baldwin, whenone of his last speeches he said, when will it happen, for my children or their grandchildren. That rate is slow but it makes sense to me as black wealth in the usa has never been through financially opportune scenarios, again, let black people in the usa have access to the financial wealth garnered from slavery + genocide and we will jump up quick. That is how white people did it. They were not working the land or working their own land. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/inside-city-hall/2024/03/08/national-urban-league-president-discusses-new-report-on-black-americans so, you get black people who say, since black financial betterment, which is the true solution in fiscal capitalism to make anybody content is barred for most black people, you better simply stick dogs on the poor. Cause most black people have always been in the usa , the financial bottom. Which si what the enslaved are. I comprehend your position, i know you may not like my language but it is your position's reality. and one that has been uttered again in harlem by many blacks, most importantly by blacks whose financial fortunes are ... better. well, in my experience the phenotypical association of latinos isn't a simple generaliztion witin the latin american popualce in the usa or outside of it. I will simply say i concur that the demographic data has challenges in nyc. from my view, you want to discount my real life because my real life is different than yours. But again, this isn't something new in the black populace in the usa. It is an old story. Earlier in your prose you suggested I don't care about reality or am ignoring reality but you just admitted that commonality is not worth to be shown cause it is common. I accept your position but I am sticking with mine. but you said you wanted 0% so the truth is, you know 0% is unachievable but you want to reach it, that is a cycle to nothing. I choose ot live another way. Maybe where you live or lived most illegal drug dealers want to hang out with children but not where I live. And, will i be ok with an illegal drug dealer trying to get a child? no. But if 99% of drug dealers are not trying to get children I can accept it. Again, 100% is impossible. And As the latino illegal drug dealing covers where children recently died in NYC showed, latinos didn't suggest the same as you to their populace when a child was found dead by their drug dealers negligence or uncaring. why? it isn't a common thing. Ar epeople unhappy or upset, yes, but it isn't a symbol of their community though i know.. we all know many drug fronts exist in nyc. this issue we have gone back and forth with proves media not actions matter. It doesnt matter who commits a crime it matters how media present it. The real estate industry burned the bronx to the ground, a public secret all in harlem or the bornx knew, the law enforcement knew, the fire department knew, but the media said it was black people, black people who share your views said the wild criminal blacks, and that is that. and less poor. again, black people in the usa collectively have more welath today, wealth all earned nothing through slavery, genocide, tricks, even the illegal money is earned cause we never controlled the sources of any drug, which is where the real money is, dealers is what 95% of black illegal drug traffickers are. but to the point, it is more money. money in fiscal capitalism breeds more contentment cause who is more content when they can't pay rent, buy food, pay for electricity, buy clothes. And again, black people, the majority come from enslaved bloodlines that had to literally work every generation to make money, no shortcuts. better happiness helps. but why should most black people be happy in the usa, historically at the least? one thing, when any of you on this platform speak your truth i see it as your truth, i can either oppose it, or concur to it, or have a neutral view, but it isn't a matter of like or dislike. My question is not to your position or truth, but to the larger village. You , and I sadly have to repeat this constantly, like Troy or others I have met offline, offline, have said similar. I believe I said that so many times in this one comment stream, I will promise myself not to say it again. But I also said tha tme side others said different and the larger point is, these positions don't have a bridge so this maintians the deep issue in the black populace in the usa , which it has always had, starting with the usa's founding where again, most free blacks fought against the creation of the usa, the minority of free blacks fought for the creation of free blacks, and the majority of the black populace, the enslaved, hated whites plus the usa and only wanted to kill whites and leave the usa but wee shackled to whites or the usa. Three positions that don't fit each other and that heritage of positons that don't fit each other remains strong.
  15. topics The forty-second of the Cento series. A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. Poetry for Joe Biden's 03/08/2024 state of the union speech IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR: Christina game from Dualmask, What is an art medium you appreciate but don't practice, and why? , Proof the War on drugs was a lie , Who are some of your favorite women artists? , Relief from Mary Ann Ozurumba , Frederick Douglass view on the constitution's role in slavery in the usa , First Black Female Owned Marijuana Business in Brooklyn URL https://rmnewsletter.over-blog.com/2023/09/03/10/2024-rmnewsletter.html
  16. Someone somewhere online said the following "I don't read books, I'm too lazy for that tbh" Now audio books exists and video exists which can provide information to a user, so I did not quote this person to suggest ignorance. But the quote made me think, as a writer. Question Z)To the growing populace in humanity who do not read books and by extension, don't read much, are video learners, what is the financial opportunity for the writer? Someone somewhere online said the following "I always considered the holodeck to be the worst idea they came up with--an egregious mode of self-indulgence totally at odds with the advanced, enlightened civilization the Star Trek world was supposed to be. The holodeck is something our spoiled, gratification-obsessed culture would come up with, not the forward-thinking citizens of the Federation." It made me think about a set of questions. You are free to answer them yourself. Questions each sub question is headed by a -> 5) -> From a technological perspective, the technology of the holodeck, which is a volumetric display, fits within the ability from the original series having laser beams with controlled energy+frequency qualities plus the transporter technology that disassembles plus reassembles matter or the food replicators that make food based on a prompt. So are you saying, the holodeck was technologically possible in the original series while the culture of the federation in the original series opposed the purpose of the holodeck, thus no holodeck [barring special effects of the 1960s]? -> Did you like on star trek discovery the lack of holodeck use or presence ? -> On Deep Space Nine, the holosuite's were a part of the ferengi's bar. The ferengi are not the federation, so were the holosuites more comfortable for you as a technology of the ferengi, who profess on star trek to be unbounded fiscal capitalist who will sell gratification? Add that deep space nine is mostly non humans, albeit humanoids, so their own cultures will allow for holosuite use. Am I wrong? -> As Star TRek has many different groups: federation/klingons/ and more, is the holodeck/holosuite acceptable on a space ship or space station that isn't of the federation while unacceptable on a federation space ship or space station? [deep space nine is a bajoran station that is formerly cardassian while used by the federation for bajor's process to join the federation officially] -> If you can replace all the scenes of using the holodeck in next generation , what will you have the characters doing or will you merely delete the scenes? I may be wrong but most of the time the holodeck was used in next generation as a place for leisure fun. -> last question, I recall in next generation, an episode where the holodeck is used to simulate a murder or some event. I think that is useful. The ability to recreate environments can be very useful to training, to reviewing a physical situation. In cases where I think the holodeck serves as a powerful tool, what will you replace it with as a writer in their writing room? I was communicating side @Troy at the following post [ https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/10871-consider-for-google-docs/ ]and I said the following The tragedy of the online populace in the usa is how the usa had control over how the internet grew and modified , heavily influencing others but in that influence was a false narrative of security or control in terms of user activity. But the usa federal government or billion dollar firms of the usa didn't want the potential complexity of the internet to happen while using the internet's complexity to maintain controls while they wanted to push for the web as a common secure ground for all although the web by default goes against security with its much more user friendly design. I recall reading an article saying the populace in the usa that are not online has grown. It isn't something the statistics people will make a big deal of but I do think it is interesting that enough are not online to be a community. And I thought about the various protocols of communication used in the internet that are not http. And the following question came to my mind. #) Does literature need its own protocol? I am not asking how it can be done but the function of it.
  17. @Troy I concur to you, i have said it for years. The tragedy of the online populace in the usa is how the usa had control over how the internet grew and modified , heavily influencing others but in that influence was a false narrative of security or control in terms of user activity. But the usa federal government or billion dollar firms of the usa didn't want the potential complexity of the internet to happen while using the internet's complexity to maintain controls while they wanted to push for the web as a common secure ground for all although the web by default goes against security with its much more user friendly design. I recall reading an article saying the populace in the usa that are not online has grown. It isn't something the statistics people will make a big deal of but I do think it is interesting that enough are not online to be a community.
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