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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. You may have a point @Pioneer1 because her father was able to 'pass'!
  2. That is funny that you mentioned 'the office' because yes, this show seems to be a similar type of comedy! I did not care too much for that show either, however, it was a little funny. I only watched a few episodes.
  3. And that is truth @Troy. Those kind of people are rejects in their own society so they run around looking for trouble elsewhere.
  4. I Did Not Know That Carol Channing's Grandmother was Black!? By Allan Warren - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10973223 colour portrait Carol Channing Although her career was before my time, from rewinds, I found her to be fabulous. She passed away in 2019. I loved to watch two episodes of her and the late Betty White on a Love Boat episode. She has a unique, strong voice and she's funny. And I just read that, although she was considered a White woman all her life, in the later years, she admitted that she had recent Black ancestry! So, on this wise, I wonder would she fit the old category of 'passing' or, would she fit the old category of 'one drop rule'. I don't know how those rules line up. Anyway, Carol's father's mother was a Black woman. And her mother told her at the time that she was going off to college the truth about it. The reason why her mother told her, Carol would later explain, would be because her mother did not want her to have children and be surprised that her baby might be Black! Wow! So anyway, here is a video of a doctor of psychology that did some research on her. Carol announced later in life, I think in 2002 that she did have this Black ancestry and appeared on some talk shows to further expound upon her views.
  5. lol. It is but I guess, he was so outrageous, it was bound to happen.
  6. One of my favorite episodes was when he was arrested for shooting his mouth off at a police. This guy is hilarious. Tammy 2 his ex-wife was also crazy. Her 30 seconds of lying sums up her character. She ends up playing opposite Chris Pratt and he too is crazy funny.
  7. I could not access the post but it's been since 2016 that this was posted. Anyway, yes, I think that obese and fat may be different terms but in most regards, they are probably the same in regards to being healthy. I believe that in the Black culture our image has been hurt because in the past, non-Black women were deemed beautiful and were mostly depicted as being thin and Black women were depicted as being obese and this image was equated with beauty, but the problem is that many Black men did not see this as being beauty. So for this reason, fat/obese Black women were mostly highlighted so that more Black men would speak out against Black women as being UGLY. I think this was a deliberate movement too, pushed out by 'the powers that be". Soon though Black people in high positions began to deal with this 'false image' and Black women, whether they were thin or obese were highlighted for positive aspects and not just the physical aspects. That is what I think. I absolutely agree that fat/obesity is a serious health problem. But now, I just have to post an actress that I just love to see because, although she is fat/obese, she is so pretty and she seems to have a positive attitude, confident and it just shines on her. I love to see RETTA! I didn't care, at first, for the series Parks and Recreation, but I continued to tune in because she was just so amazing in this role. And, the producers must have thought so as well. At first, she was never included in the credits as part of the main crew, but towards the end of the series, you can see that she was featured as a main character! Yes! They began to build the series around her and Anziz Ansari and Aubrey Plaza. They were amazing! But Retta, stole the show! And, her face is so pretty that I think that if she did lose weight she would still be pretty. I wish I knew of other shows that she is on. That show was completely stupid, but for some reason, I came to love it! They had some awesome guest stars such as the former First Lady, Michelle Obama and Genuine, and more. TREAT YOURSELF! -- One of her Anzis' famous lines!
  8. You're probably right! IDK. I was extremely thin most of my life until I started having children. So, If I were to drop some pounds, I don't think it would affect me to the point where I would get out of hand. But my husband probably thinks like you @Pioneer1.
  9. @Pioneer1 You are insulting. You know that my comments are not at all 'trying to make friends with these racist', but yet you try to bend it to believe as such. I have no problems with you posting in this thread against these racist and am glad that you are. But again, the division that you bring in this thread whereby these evil racist comments are being made against Black people are amazing. Here you are attacking me and I am addressing racist comments as is my human right.
  10. I would love to see a movie or read more details about her life. So sad. To think that she was so trapped as a slave and then made statements that became part of this event. so sad.
  11. Oh Wow! Actually this planetary alignment occurred Monday, I suppose. I did not check it out because I did not think it was going to be that big of a deal, but now, I think it is. I wonder if this planetary alignment has connection to these events. In the past couple of days, there has been --a 7+ scaled earthquake in JAPAN --a series of small earthquakes in California --a volcano eruption in Anak Krakatoa --a volcano eruption in Hawaii Interesting...
  12. What!? @Pioneer1 You are harassing me. There are others that responded to this thread, yet you mock me. smh. This kind of Black disrespect is why Black disrespect continues. I have a right to respond to this thread just as you do. This kind of racist comments affect Black people in different ways. You have no right to harass me.
  13. You know, I just read in the news today about a shooting in a school in Nashville Tennessee. The shooter was a White person about 28 years old. Biologically the person is a female but later identified as Transgender. The person, Audrey Hale, was a student at this school at once and she shot and killed the actual owner of the school as well as about three little children. I may be wrong but I heard once that violent crimes like this in which a white person kills many whites is high, but yet, someone comes into this forum with this kind of sick mentality.
  14. So her husband went to te governor and her guilty verdict was reprieved but later it was overturned.
  15. Oh! So tragic. Thanks for the clarification @richardmurray I hear the speaker say that one woman sort of became the one that set the scene and realized it was Tituba, but I had thought she spoke about it 5 or 6 years prior to it spinning out of control. Also, I thought the speaker said it was a 100% conviction rate. The one woman, Rebecca Nurse (?) was 71 years old and initially, she was found to be innocent but the Chief Justice sent the jury back to deliberate more and then she was found guilty. Then at some point her husband appealed and she was again foun innocent, but then later she too, was found guilty ultimately and she was hung. That's what I thought I heard. I'm going to listen again.
  16. Oh! This subject is so fasinating to me. @richardmurray I listen to the whole video and what I did not hear though was what happened to the slave Tituba. Was she convicted? Did she hang? I wonder if there is a good movie about this witch trial. What immediately comes to my mind when I hear about this historical period, no joke[!]--is Bette Middler! LOL. I think about the movie Hocus Pocus. But on the serious side, as a substitute teacher, I learned about the period during the time of King Henry XIII, Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I, and the trial and execution of a young girl who was only fifteen years old. Those were some tough times. It's good thing that those trial were not part of the deep south because there would have been a lot of victims down there! I can see the correlation to this topic with the 'Black Girls Breathing' and dealing with mental health issues when it comes to Black women. I feel so sorry for Tituba! What a depressing fate.
  17. I have NEVER heard of DRILL MUSIC! Thanks for this post. I googled and learned that it originated in Chicago in only 2010!!!? Then it spread and became popular so much so that it spread to UK! That is outrageous.
  18. You have a point! @ProfD Unfornately for the situation that came about in Germany, it did not come out so good. I remember my own older cousin when he came home from war, but I don't remember which war, and how many Black men like him married women in the far east and brought them back to America. Out of most of those marriages, I found the Philipino women to be very gracious and compatible to our culture. But the Black men, as you pointed out, were treated so bad here in America and when they came back, they were still treated bad and did not have much to offer their foreign wives. My cousin became a school bus driver for a while, but that did not pan out very well either. My aunt said that the older men taught him how to driink when he was 12 years old, hanging around the country store and he had problems ever since then.
  19. An Afro German Boy-Survivor of Nazi Germany This showed up on my channel. And I never heard of this kind of history in such detail. Wow! This video speaks about a minority of Afro- Germans living in Germany before the Nazi movement and of course, they ended up getting sidelined and becoming victims of this movement. They lived in Rhineland and were victims along with the Romany (Gypsy) people too. Some of these AfroGermans were offspring of Black Frenchmen in the military and White German mothers who became a part of the society before the movement. The mothers were soon oppressed and encouraged to divorce their husbands. This one young boy was the son of a Black American man and a German mother but the great thing about him is that he survived! He lived to be an old man, marry and have offspring. An Afro German Boy named Gert Schramm in Nazi Germany
  20. You Whites are so afraid of Blacks enslaving Whites! Yes, it is prophecy, it will happen but not in America. It will happen in Africa according to prophecy. LOL. Scriptures says that you will be sold by the Greeks to the Sabeans for a pair of shoes. LOL. That has nothing to do with us Black over here in America! My husband is Native American, one of my maternal grandmothers is Native American and etc. No. I don't need to go back anywhere. You Whites will be going back though, so says prophecy.
  21. BLACK MEN SELLOUTS—Katt Williams Katt Williams Reveals How Hollywood Elites Control Black Celebs I absolutely do NOT believe everything that Katt is saying, but I do believe in some of his statements. I never heard of him though, until I saw Ice Cube's film, First Sunday, and think that Katt is very funny and perhaps should be right up there with the other big time comedians. So on this score, this video makes some sense to me. He spoke about Kevin Hart and Dave Chapelle's experiences and etc. very interesting. Katt Williams - Shorts - "Get you some white friends".
  22. LOL. That is a complete lie! You White people are so afraid of the future prophecies of when this will happen. Yes, it is prophecy that Whites will be enslaved by Black Africans but it has not happened yet. That time period that you mention was during the Arab slave trade and, as far as I have understood from my studies, I didn't see that no where during this time that Africans were in control over enslaving White people. smh. My ancestors were stolen from East Africa during this time, so yes, I did study about this time period very well. There is nothing suppressed today about that time period. Jesus Christ! I don't believe that anyone ' any race' should ever be enslaved, nor does God. Yes, it is prophecy that it will occur, but to be clear, the Creator does not support human sacrifice at all of no one, wheter White or Black. I would never agree to anyone being enslaved. never. But what humanity set up will occur for awhile before this evil is corrected. Black men conflicting with cops again, is due to a deliberately exploitation that began during chattel slavery times. You continue to ignore this. Blaming women for the control of marriage is ridiculous, imo.
  23. Yes! You found it! @SpeakHerTruth He's mentioned this a few other times. And just like you expressed: no excuses! We AfroAmericans express different shades and like you, I had similar statements at times coming from darker skinned Black men about having 'European traits'! Our people have been so oppressed though and sometimes we attribute beauty to our oppressors. @Pioneer1 sat back and let racist white males attack and then came into the d*mn room and starts attacking Black women for defending themselves!? And here, he is expressing Color superiority but I think he may also have a gender issue too, cause I can't believe he would try to include @Cynique in on this. She is thourough and have spoken on this subject before.
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