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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. What Would You Do If You Knew Someone Stoled Your Beloved Pet? Would You Take Them To Court?
  2. WHOOPI GOLDBERG IN THE NEWS AGAIN FOR ANOTHER COMMENT ABOUT THE JEWS Apparently, Whoopi made comments againt that allude to her belief that the Holocaust was not ORIGINALLY Racial. For this reason, a Jewish organization wants her to apologize again and some feel that she should be fired from her job. Well, I read some reports about her comments, and although, it's obvious to me that the Holocaust was definitely a full scale racist attack against the European Jews, however, Whoopi did not make it clear, in what she was referring to about other major issues too that involved EUGENICS in regards to others. When did the Eugenic Movement occur? This needs to be clarified. This movement I believe was executed against metally ill people and children too, people that were White as well as Black. No. She was not wrong at all about EUGENICS but this movement should not be combined with the Halocaust. I get that. Anyway, I can see that she did not make it clear in her reference to EUGENICS. Whoopi, Kanye, and Kyrie are African American celebrities that are making statements about the European Jews and being censored for it, however, this all seems crazy to me because of America's educational system about this very topic as it applies to us, African Americans. We have been deprived of the education and many of us fit the description of the Original Jews anyway, and have been completely denied of this identity and are of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel. We have been severely victimized due to this government's mis-educational curriculum and as a result these certain celebrities are making ignorant comments that have a negative reflection against us as a whole. It's like Double Jeopardy. African Americans are recipients of Anti-Semitism as well but yet, we are being caste as being Anti-Semitic!? That sounds ridiculous. We are just mis-educated. The truth is that most of the reports and films definitely state that the Holocaust began because the Nazis were angry because of the Jewish national movement of Zionism had caused an economic gain for German-Jews of whom said in these reports that they were not really Jews! Yes, the victims of this Halocaust, Jews, many were interviewed that survived and they actually admitted that they were Germans that became part of a Zion Movement and became very financially stable and the Germans became furiuos. Many of these Zionistic-Jews, like Hitler, have unique traits that are completely different from other ethnic peoples like the Germans and so, again, yes, it was a racial purge, but there is a lot of history that is not taught about Zionism, etc. The Sunday Times, in which she told the London-based newspaper that the Holocaust “wasn’t originally” based on race. “Remember who they were killing first. They were not killing racial; they were killing physical. They were killing people they considered to be mentally defective. And then they made this decision,” the 67-year-old television host said in the interview. https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/3789643-adl-chief-blasts-offensive-whoopi-goldberg-comments-on-holocaust/ In a recent interview with The Sunday Times, Goldberg appeared to repeat her past controversial view that the Holocaust “wasn’t originally” about race, immediately garnering backlash from Jewish leaders who quickly denounced the star’s “ignorant” words. “My best friend said, ‘Not for nothing is there no box on the census for the Jewish race. So that leads me to believe that we’re probably not a race,’ ” Goldberg said in the Dec. 24 interview, sharing her previous belief that Nazis had targeted Jewish people for “physical attributes” as opposed to racial ones. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/whoopi-goldberg-makes-offensive-holocaust-comment-again-1234653191/
  3. Black Judge Rules Against Stay-At-Home Mom This is hilarious, IMO, but on the other hand, I think it's mother like this woman that gives a Stay-at-home Mom a bad name. The judge doesn't actually rule against the mother, but she reduced her child support check and the surprise expression is hilarious.
  4. @Pioneer1 You are being arrogant. LOL. Earlier you absolutely showed your lack of knowledge about Toussaint Loverture and implied that Bookman was more important of which is not true. I can acknowledge your mention of this man, because he is important, but he cannot be compared to Toussaint at all. As I wrote earlier, there are a lot of information about Haiti that I believe has deliberately been omitted from our educational system and I believe that AfroAmericans need to know more about it as it affects us. However, by your knowledge about Bookman and your ignorance about Toussaint and the religious aspect only supports what I am saying. This is the very issue, too that continues to plague Haiti as well. There were so many inidividuals that were sell outs because they wanted to be individually recognized that they could not organize a concerted force, not until Toussaint manifested. I find the history about Haiti to be incredible and I am learning more and more about it. It is so fascinating. What is being reported is not all truth but part-truths. For example, How can Bookman be attributed to supporting the re-institution of VODOUN, when he was A MUSLIM!? His name 'BOOKMAN' [i.e., Boukman] stems from his origins in Africa as 'a man of the book'! Also, the Vodoun religion that is practiced by the Haitians is so very similar to Cathlocism and for this reason, many of their idols, THEY directly attribute to Catholic idols. THEREFORE, it is so crucial to go back, WAY BACK before Catholicism to better understand why even the African religions became so aligned with Roman Catholicism and understand the sharp difference in Roman Religion versus the Abrahamitic religion.
  5. I guess the title is catchy. That's is really sad that a post like this would get this much traction. This is revealing about America too.
  6. Lol. I guess he had to come give thanks for support.
  7. Interesting. I just read about Ogoun, the metal god of that region in Benin [Dahomey], Yoruba, Brazil, and elsewhere!
  8. @Pioneer1 I did some research on Bookman. I think he was important in the starting of the Haitian Revolution. Thank you for mentioning him! However, historians say that he like other maroons were not as successful as Toussaint. Toussaint emerged as the successful leader after Bookman and was able to organize an incredible force and his partner, Dessalines later continued the revolution with this same organization and became victorious. There seems to be many great men that fought against the French! My Word! From what I read, Dutty Bookman was previously enslaved and taken from Africa to Jamaica and later he was taken to Haiti. He and the Mambo priestess organized a secret ritual. Bookman was said to be a muslim who knew how to read and was punished for teaching other slaves how to read. Hence his name 'Bookman' which refers to him being a book keeper in Africa before he was enslaved. But in the secret ceremony he was defined as a Voodoo priest, however, the speech that he gave completely contradicts that. This ceremony supposedly occurred in August of 1791 and a few months later in November, Bookman was captured and killed. He was beheaded and his decapitated head was displayed to try and stop the hope of the Haitians. The priestess was said to be the one to sacrifice the Black pig in the spirit of Ezili Danto of which is a venerated icon of the Virgin Mary of the Catholic Polish religion from which became the Voodoo version of Ezili. The Mambo, Cecili Fatima was a Biracial slave woman, whose mother was Black and the father was of course, a White man from the region where the Polish virgin of the Virgin Mary Icon stems from. Anyway, all of this history about Haiti is extremely fascinating, imo. A lot of it is new to me! But I believe that this history is vital for us over here in the States to know. Actually, I think it has been deliberately kept hidden for specific reasons! Toussaint was captured by trickery in 1802 and died in 1803. His general Dessalines continued to fight and was victorious in 1803. At any rate, this is a short video that I found that may add to the background of what is really going on today in Haiti. I absolutely did not know how much of an impact the Haitian history has on America. IMO, it has a major affect on us over here! And, I hope to share more. THE HAITIAN REVOLUTION AND ITS CAUSES
  9. LOL! Exactly. @Pioneer1 Yes. I don't knock Black people for seeing these films as good entertainment but the fact that it's based on one of the most heinous acts of African Slavers is amazing to me. Maybe a couple of years from now, people will still understand the real historical truth of what happened with the Agojie Woman Slave Catchers. But, this kind of topic keeps reminding me of the Rennaisance Era when Art imitated truth and it was completely acceptable to re-create idols and then take these White idols that were all over Europe into the continent of Africa and the Americas. I agree with @ProfD in one respect, but as you say, @Pioneer1it's the minorities that may take ideas as being true and then act on it and end up in the system for good business. This may be off topic, but to me it's along the same lines when I think of how, before Obama, there was nothing... and then after the LBGTQ Movement is as if it was always a part of our America system and well, when these relationships end up in court in front of the judge for divorce or whatever, it is good for business. And another subject come to mind-- From cigarettes to vaping. Oh and POT. Good for business. America knows how to keep us filling their pockets. But again, LOL, I guess I may need to NOT READ INTO THIS SO MUCH, you know, lighten up. I am happy that Black women are being elevated in the movies, though. But did it have to be the Dahomey slave system!? Man! LOL.
  10. I cannot believe that you've not heard of this. I've mentioned it before. What I am referring to, may not be a direct connection to that ritual, however, it is extremely alarming. However, the situation at the time of the Haitian Revolution may be more important that the choice that was used to start it. These Haitians were being treated brutally during that time, and the fact that they achieved the victory, may seem bittersweet, with what is going on right now, but it was a great victory at the time. As for 'the sacrifice of the Black Pig' ancient origins, this was practice in ancient Egypt in reference to the god Set [Seth] and later during the Roman Empire times in relation to the oppressed Hebrew Israelites. No. It has nothing to do with believing! This is no different than what is still happening today in how slave children were conditioned to believe in lies and then when they become adults are used to push the lie to support White Supremacy. This is the whole confusion, for example, of many people believing that Jesus is WHITE. For some, it was taught to them from birth and for some, it was a conditioning. So yes, it's a problem, but I am speaking in reference to FORCING SOMEONE TO ACCEPT A BELIEF. Exactly and so before him was Toussaint and later Dessalines continued of whom was connected to Toussaint. The point that I made was in referenct to Toussaint being a devout Catholic and I referenced the Ethiopian spokesperson in that he spoke about how Ethiopia was able to overcome the Italian invasion in reference to the problems that Haitians are having in the past and present.
  11. LOL! @ProfD Obviously the way he is now, I must have overlooked something! And, because he is so outrageous right now, I won't even waste my time going back and digging it up. I vaguely remember he was on at the same time that Sharazad Ali was on.
  12. And, that would be the wrong kind of division @Pioneer1 @ProfD True, but I think that is unrealistic, though, for the most part, unfortunately. Today, a lot of relationships are made between people that are not balanced no matter what culture, imo, and that's a reality. And, if I am right on this, then what can be done to help us, as Black folk gain self-confidence and then engage in healthy relationships as a whole, whether with a Black mate or non-Black? As for me, personally, I was ready for my relationship with my husband. I was mature before we met and had several marriage proposals before him. So when he came along, I knew I was ready.
  13. Yes, I agree. I can make the separation though, but still, I just don't connect to this kind of twist.
  14. I remember watching that man on the Donahue show, and at that time, he seemed so different. He completely changed.
  15. You are insane @Pioneer1. This is disrespectful to women in general. To think that any positive woman, White or Black would submit to allowing Black men to reduce them to be exploited just for sex is a reflection of your ignorance and arrogance in not acknowledging the racial issues that plague both Black men and Black women. Both Black men and Black women have had to deal with disrespect towards each other due to racism and violence that began in slavery. Black women, though have especially suffered in may ways especially when it comes to their offspring in having support in raising their children. Black women need to have a certain amount of economical coverage and for a long time, Black men as a whole could not step up to that plate. Therefore, if Black women felt abandoned, it is because we were therefore, if a sista finds love and support from a non-Black man, that should not be seen as a negative issue. The disrespect in flaunting a non-Black man as a lover and vice versa, stems from the slave yard and if we want to unite, then we need to acknowledge this did occur from both aspects. Black men have been extremely disrespectful, too on this score and again, it stems from the slave yard, pitting gender against gender. I've met so many well rounded Black men in my life with non-Black women, however, they have shown the highest repect to a sista, no matter what, but then, there are the kind of Black men that lash out against Black women and use this a the motivation for dating non-Black women. And, some of their reason, need to be understood too, though, in order to heal. Black men have been hurt by Black women, I can see this, especially in the nurturing aspect. @Pioneer1You very statement is extremely DIVISIVE and your kind of thinking is a very good example of one major reason for a continual Black Disunity. smh. To think that you started this thread on Black Unity!!! LOL.
  16. No, not at all. @Delano Frederick Douglass became complex, imo because he was born in slavery and endured seeing his mother humiliated and this may have had an impact on him.
  17. @Pioneer1 Well, now you resort to being insulting. Disrespectful. Again, you are wrong. This man is not well known for a reason. Sacrificing Black pig, yes, is an ancient custom against Black people and is a reflection of the Black-on-Black hatred that continues to be fostered amongst Black people. These Vodoun practices were way to varied amongst different African and this is the problem today. Whether it was Catholicism or Vodoun, these practices are constantly used against the varied Africans that came from different countries and keeps them divided. No. Catholicism in not the same as the Coptic religion. Again, if religion gives someone the belief that they have the right to force someone to adhere to their religion, then that is the problem. But, since you believe that Bookman is the start and reason for Haitian victory then yes, do share.
  18. Well, I hope that she is taking a leave of absence and will be back to catch you in your genderism issues. WHAT about @Mel Hopkins? You don't think that you are being disrespectful to the sistas that chose to mate with a non-Black man? Why would you need to distance yourself, @Pioneer1? Why should a sista or a Brotha have to explain to you that their significant other is 'NOT-WHITE'? What does that have to do with them being Black? The culture is the issue, here. If an AfroAmerican is intact with their identity, then that should not take away from their choice in a mate. America has done a lot of damage due to its racist agenda, but your understanding here, is flawed, imo.
  19. Oh Wow! @ProfD You seen both films already! I am interested in the Wakanda film but as before, I usually do see these new films until they leave the theaters but not deliberately, however, it's just my priorty lifestyle. I think that's interesting of you assessment of Viola King's role in that slave film. It will be interesting how the film industry will continue to contrast and compare the top two films!
  20. AND, you are wrong about your understanding of Toussaint Loverture. His name would not be so well known if he had not played a major role in the organization of the revolution. No, @Pioneer1 The Revolution did not occur before him but after he began to better organize the maroon groups. smh. And as far as the religious aspect, you need to read what @Stefan wrote. Your understanding about this subject is so flawed.
  21. LOL @Pioneer1 This is one of your favorite movies? I've never heard of it. At any rate, I think that research is a good idea today.
  22. @Pioneer1 That is just CRAZY! You have little if any respect for Africa and it ancient basis up to this day. You continue to give credit to their positive contributions to humanity to anyone else but them! WOW! Your respect level is insane.
  23. As you said, after he came back from the Middle East, his views changed. Years ago, I was part of a book study with Islamic AfroAmerican MEN!--LOL. It was around the time of the Million Man March and it was one of the best experiences of my life. It was at this time that I learned a lot about the Civil Rights Movement. I had no idea that a lot of Islamics came together with the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!? I went to an HBCU and didn't even learn about this and a lot of history. But also, I learned that there became a huge division when the late Malcolm X came back from the ME. He did not change a little, but a lot, from what I heard at the table. My husband read a book about him, I think the author was the late Alex Haley, and in it, I was told that it was revealed that Malcolm X had an obssession with White women. I think he was a complex man.
  24. Thanks @Pioneer1. Yes, I forgot about the Samurai. You are right! Also, I remember that movie now. It was called, Iron Monkey, I think! And, the term Monk and 'Key' in ancient times meant 'an Original Monk', however, this too became derogatory much later in time. --monkey--
  25. Well, @ProfD, you were right about Brittany Griner being swapped[!], and on that note, I sure hope you are right on this one too. Yes, I agree, but I did read recently a comment from @Stefan and he said that women should also be accountable too and that is what I also believe. There does need to be a strong coalition of AfroAmerican men but Black women need to step up too. I tried to ignore this too, @Troy but now, after I realize the great effort of others who kept putting out on social media, I am glad I paused to look at it. This is so awful, but had it not been for the media attention, I don't think this would have surfaced so soon.
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