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Everything posted by Kalexander2

  1. You're comfortable now, with the pretentious life you're leading as if you've been vindicated of being a fraud. I still stand by my original allegation from December, that you're a troll without a cause or an agenda. Attempting to impress people but only making a complete fool of yourself. Man, you are stupid and ignorant of life and right living. Who wore the dress in your house, you or your dad? Because you've not yet learned how to be man.
  2. So says the son of trollop! "Hey 'Pioneer1 pony,' what's the matter, your father haven't ridden you later? I'm not confused about my heterosexuality. You're confusing me with your siblings, whose confused about their identity. That identity thing runs in your family I see. Anyway, like I said before, I'm too busy these days to pay attention to whoever you are, wannabe. I look forward to an occasional insult from a white man's follower such as you though. You are hallarious adapting ideas of Trump's Steve Miller. You do realize he and you have the same perspectives, right? Probably not, anyone who uses Umar Johnson to support an irrational point is, indeed, a yo-yo!!
  3. No time for impostures right now. Go play with your trollop at home, I'm sure she'll get dressed long enough to play with you!!!
  4. From your link: He's certified psych instructor; Johnson's website says he's an expert. So every person who has a judicial doctorate is not permitted to practice law until they've been approved by the American/State Bar Association. Okay, Johnson has an advanced education in psychology that allows him to teach, not practice clinically or otherwise. Moreover, his mindset and people skills further compromise his suitability even as an educator. Your source is still wanting. Same as you. Though because he's Black make him a target, his shortcomings make him an EASY TARGET. Umar is a certified psychologist and therefore meets the requirements necessary to legally conduct his practice as a school psychologist. Contrary to what some are reporting, Umar is not being investigated over his psychology license. He does not have a license nor does he profess to have one. The bio on his website explains: “Dr. Umar Johnson is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Certified School Psychologist who is considered an expert on the education and mental health of Afrikan and Afrikan-American children.” For those who are also curious about Umar’s certification, below is a list of his certifications:
  5. DT isn't if Cohen never gets (even) indicted. Besides, Cohen's too proud of status, lawyer and all to be disbarred for DT. I think he's playing a waiting game. For the best exit out.
  6. I hate hammering on you like this, that's not true, I love it: Ebony Chappel READ WHAT SHE SAYS HERE Mar 5, 2017 While his “lecture” had a couple gems — namely his rebuke of the American education system and its treatment of children of color, as well as a pretty spot-on breakdown of how Black people have been unjustly and systematically shut out of economic advancement through redlining, gentrification and the like — a fair amount of it was disappointing. As anyone who has listened to him before knows, some of his most outrageous statements were par for the course. Here are just two examples: – Though Johnson stated that he “loves” our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, he cannot condone their actions because not only is homosexuality a “cancer on the Black community,” it also, along with abortion and interracial marriage, is a tool that will ultimately dismantle the Black race. Also, to be accepting and/or tolerant of the LGBTQ movement is to simultaneously be in compliance with criminal acts such as bestiality and pedophilia. – Johnson stated that Black people (or “Sun People” as he called them) lived in a land of complete and utter harmony similar to Eden before white people (or “Ice People”) walked their hairy, barbaric, cannibalistic selves down to Africa and ruined everything. While colonialism did deal an awful blow to the continent of Africa, this simplistic view of a fairy tale land is incorrect. War, corruption and slavery in some form or another existed on the continent well before this period in history. I am of the opinion that we cannot accept hatred in any form toward anyone. It is a detriment to us and serves no productive purpose. Black gay youth are consistently victims of violence in their homes, schools and places of worship. Trans women of color are also being slaughtered, and their murders are often neglected not only by the police and investigators (these crimes often go unsolved), but also by our community. It is my belief that hate and ignorance are more of a cancerous condition on us than homosexuality could ever be. While on one hand, I applaud some of his efforts, I cannot ignore that his message was full of many of the inaccuracies and hateful statements that pervade much of the Pan-African movement. I also have concerns of his legitimacy. His credentials as a school psychologist, doctor of psychology and school principal have yet to be confirmed. The receipts, as far as I can tell, are non-existent. His fundraisers to open the aforementioned academies have been scrutinized, as many donors claim to have been defrauded. There are entire websites and social media pages dedicated to proving this man is a well-spoken liar, and even one local business owner shared with me his own sheisty Dr. Umar story. I hate to believe that Johnson is nothing more than a charlatan dressed in colorful clothing. Despite the misgivings of the messenger, I want to believe that the message still has a purpose. So, do we throw out the possibly well-intentioned baby with the vile Again, this article is as recent as March 2018. And still no verification, except for excuses, from Johnson.
  7. @Pioneer1: As of January 2018, to date, Johnson has yet to prove he's certified. Okay, go on and stand by your so-called source; you obviously fall for anything. Just like Umar Johnson you just want approval from the White-side hoping one of them will say "this one is on our side" so let's give him something, not much but something. Only one thing, Pioneer1, you were duped because you got nothing for support them, neither will Johnson. Not even an okay from Pennsylvania’s State Board of Psychology as a legitimate psychologist. Are we to take your word for it, or official rumors, as you like to call it? True, we're all liars but I'm not so stupid as to fall for a con job just because someone is Black. Prove it, just offer some sort of proof, any kind of proof Johnson is a certified psychologist; and that Oprah, news agencies are wrong!!! It's okay, you're just another sucker for hire, even your attempt to hid and deceive is wanting. But it's your life, man. If you want to hide behind someone else's life, suit yourself. I would ask mad'am "fact checker" to look into this portion of the discussion; offer some input as to Dr. Umar Johnson legitimacy. If she'd please. https://chicagodefender.com/2017/12/31/the-real-husbands-of-hotep-umar-johnson-and-tariq-nasheed-are-having-a-nasty-cat-fight-on-social-media/; https://chicagodefender.com/2018/01/11/watch-umar-johnson-claims-an-oprah-presidency-spells-extermination-for-black-men/; Furthermore, Pioneer1, I've checked academic journals and found nothing written by Umar Johnson, except for several published books - which anyone can claim anything - but proves nothing of officiality of claims.
  8. Pioneer1: Here another tidbit on your Black knight in his shiny White armor; he has until August to come up with $5 million dollars on his bid to purchase that defunct college in Philadelphia or he loses his down-payment. I doubt it'll go through anyway; considering he doesn't qualify. Fraudulent credentials and all.
  9. @Pioner1: Oh, Umar Johnson is a great ‘go-to’ source for information about Black folk. What do you call the level of this source; primary: no, secondary: no, uncategorized: maybe. The Chicago Defender New agency calls him a fraud: “Umar Johnson is the self-proclaimed Prince of Pan-Africanism, who once said queer people are a “conspiracy” to control the population. He argued “single Black mothers” psychologically castrate their sons. He claimed light-skinned Black people aren’t really Black. Umar’s rants are often filled with calling other Black folks coons and dirty ni****s. His ridiculous comments are endless, but another controversial aspect of Umar is his so-called psychology license. Rumor had it that Umar did not have a psychology license, which he reportedly does. However, what’s in question are the credentials he used to obtain the license. Atlanta Black Star reports, “Dr. Umar Johnson has reportedly been called to stand trial before the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology amid concerns over his credentials as a psychologist.” Umar went on a social media rant — the worst place to defend yourself when you are about to go to court — saying that the “white man” is trying to take away his license. Atlanta Black Star got more details, “A notice from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania obtained by Atlanta Black Star accuses Johnson of presenting himself as a psychologist without the proper credentials, indicating that he’s never held an authorization to practice a profession/occupation from the state’s psychology board. Moreover, the notice states that Johnson doesn’t have a proper license to practice as a psychologist in the state.” Johnson will to prove he is a certified psych professional and “faces civil penalties of about $10,000 for each alleged violation and could even incur the costs of an investigation into the matter, according to the notice warning of possible disciplinary action.” WOW, Pioneer1, little by little we understand how and why you think the way to do, it is applauding, to say the least.
  10. THAT’S TRUE, though Mayfield’s use of the derogatory word was not out its popularity or as a form of descriptive communication; Mayfield used the “N” word as a ‘sign of those times’ and with important meaning. It was the 60’s when I stopped using the ‘N’ word as well the term ‘God D***’ because I understood them to be more than just words when people used them. Of course, and you still do (and with LOL, I'm sure!) because that's the limit of your mentality. Respect for exploitation of Blackness and anything that undermines the Black spirit. How can you live with yourself knowing you support, even minimally, the White way of seeing people? Man, is there no limit to your warped sense of male masculinity/ strength, exploiting Black women bodies for the sake of personal gain, distributing poison in the Black community further destroying lives and hopes, and violence for the sake of violence? Obviously, that’s more than just a random feeling, emotional posts such this runs much deeper; it is the way you were reared. No wonder they established ‘children and family services’ to get children out of households you come from. You are a misogynistic, complicit Whiteman’s tool and a fool; and a male dominator of nothing, except your own mother. You, absolutely, have no decency, do you?
  11. Thank you! The epitome of Black exploitation on the silver screen not only enlivens White folk depictions of Blacks but also encourages Black social deviance to an even more serious magnitude. We're still entertained by continued White efforts to demean the Black community.
  12. Yeah, sad truth about the Trumper's, trumpeting their songs of indifference to reality have even Black folk dancing to the tone of nonsense.
  13. AND NO, YOU HAVEN'T EVER proven any of the preposterous assertions you've made, posts you always attempt to distance yourself when obviously wrong, inaccurate, or just 'zone-bound.' Everyone on this site agrees the term race is factor little more than simply because the word exists, YOU, however, believe it is more than just a factor of human language/non-descriptive communication; but keep avoiding supporting your claims. You say you can but never do!!! If so this sentence would be a proof, not an excuse. YOU, ACTUALLY HAVE 'suggested' exactly that. Learning to think 'White' happens without education, just look at yourself and how you think. Believing what you do is not a skilled labor; industries dominated by the hegemony should be the aim for economic success without attempting higher education. I hate to break to you, but you are not special! Science does not - has never purported to dismiss use or the idea of Race at all, but to only 'limit' its use for scientific/biological considerations. To check its use in the very manner you're using the term. The time difference here, my leisure allow me to whatever I want, whenever I want. Actually, today, until next week I'm at the Dead Sea near Jericho. Floating around in the Dead Sea, hanging out around the hotel poolside helps me to focus on whats happening in the US. Alerts on my laptop let me respond to posts immediately. What's the matter Pioneer1, am I moving too fast for you? You don't have enough time to get you lie together. It takes time to deceive, the right way.
  14. @Pioneer1: Are you attempting to hid the fact your misogynistic attitude from the ireputed house 'trollops' is unfounded. How many times have you disregarded the female body, independence, and judgement from your patriarchal learning? Is that something your father taught you, is it the way he treated your favorite trollop, the horse you rode into this world on? Oh, I get it, you were trying to be being hostile towards me, right ... ? LOL!!! It's hard to take you and anything you say serious because you're still hiding behind your masks of multiple deceptions. I really laid waste to your last attempt to deceive, didn't I, the image of a spiral, that you're nothing like the symbol suggest? You took that down after what, two-days. I've eviscerated your brand slogan you use on every post, demonstrating you know absolutely nothing about Africanism, being Black or the Black experience. Your ignorance, denial of scientific facts, well, you did that yourself. But pertaining you'er from Detroit is a creative touch as your authenticity was spotted long before I subscribed to this site. And your child-like defense mechanism kicking in every time your true identity is suspected via the way you think amplifies just how touchy you are whenever you think your imposture is exposed. I see you like hostility also. how convenient. Let's do this!!!! Rules of engagement: Accuracy/logic and reasonableness of facts; opinions and theories must supported by scientific facts; empirical assertions must be scientifically reasonable and true; insults and degradation of each other is open. You game, or are you afraid of getting your feelings hurt, again?
  15. Another "lol' I presume. I don't know who ZakiaDavis is, whether male or female that's why I used 'they.' Which begs the question, how are you so sure Zakia is a 'she'? LOL, no. For real
  16. "[f]eel" says it all, is nothing more without evidence. I've supported my argument with scholarly articles that the term 'race' has no biological bases and is therefore meaningless when describing, referring to different people. I've asked before, to no avail, post an argument contrary, if you can. No, exact words only, in numerous posts you alluded to the idea Blacks would be better off seeking servitude opportunities instead of education; that (most) Black folk doesn't have what it takes to succeed in school, etc. Is exactly what you've said. My integrity entail what I know to be true, can, and have proven with reasonable, sound support by science; that Black folk are capable of being better than Whites, can do anything a Whiteman/woman can do. Which greatly contradict your disbelief in science and your White ideas that seemingly aim to further disenfranchise Black folk as you support Black marginalization. Everone is not like you. Please, get a legitimate life, stop posting avatar after avatar whenever you're called out, under the guise of privacy. No, the term race was given to you, by White folks because they know you'll defend it to the death, define it and spread it with vigor to Blacks who question it's usage.
  17. Correction, I inferred 'you' being offended, by me, is (quite) pleasing to me. Not being defensive because I don't see your "lol" as attacks, just silly. I am content knowing you are trying to be hostile, still. Don't know ZakiaDivers, just believe they have a right to discuss trivial issues as much as you are trivial.
  18. @Pioneer1: Hey, ZakiaDivers have much a right to believe whatever. The argument is trivial anyway. How many red-flag comments have you and I posted here? Back off this new member. Correct, demonstrate, or get-out-of the way.
  19. Just is it with your constant use of "lol', is it your version a period, or do you mean to be constantly silly?
  20. That's the same language, idealisms White folks harbor about Blacks. It isn't surprising you feel the same way. Thinking Blacks should focus on servitude jobs and such, you might also believe that Black folk were better off as slaves. It's okay to admit it, a great many Whites feel that way also. It's your right! Because it's means of communication, the verbage people understand. It is possible to make use of something, rhetorical terms and disagree with it's validity. But since you're a die-hard true believer go on and believe race is something more than a word, that's why White folks gave it to you.
  21. @Troy: Yeah, brother, 'death of another bright star waiting in the wings!' But too many Trumper's have reverted to believing the earth is flat, journey to moon was a hoax, and earthlings are the only life in the universe. We know they won't last; but they can actualize such beliefs. Nukes anybody?
  22. Most all non-Black people are racist, some more than others. I'm personally of the opinion Lennon was probably more of 'nationalist' partial towards White Europeans over all others. Heard all his songs but know little about the person; though the ideas behind his songs are too egalitarian and human oriented to be trusted outside commercial value, some humanism is better than none, I guess. Even trolls have an agernda: To enlighten, mount disharmony, or disrupt the direction of rhetorical theories. Our impression of Trolls, like conspiracy theories are not given enough credit. Just my opinion!
  23. @harry brown: If you consider such text your theory is quite accurate. A comparatively more accurate theory could be derived at with review of all THREE BIG BOOKS and not just revelations of one; the original scripture (Torah/old testament), the new testament (bible), and especially the last Big book – the Holy Quran, all of which predict each other in turn, easy to discern by the same unfiltered, untampered with message within each. Rejection of all forms of polytheism; false prophets; creating falsehoods about creation (God has no children and other human attributes, etc.); and do good over evil. Please, don't get caught-up in the web of traditional ideas and beliefs that blame something or someone else for the inevitable destruction humans will bring upon itself. If you must look for answers in tradition than read all three books. I have and they're all quite interesting.
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