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Everything posted by Kalexander2

  1. Yeah, brother Troy; Manafort, Cohen, Don Jr., (and stone) needs to be undressed first; although Don Jr., is pretty much exposed, attempts to put more official pressure on him is wanting. I'm anticipating a (just before) 'November' panic attack surprise. Impeachment last ditch effort by GOPers! I also believe prayers for a peaceful Christmas and New year will be the Thanksgiving for the U.S. There will be no peace in American starting in Septemeber will be only the beginning!
  2. Yeah!! Special counsel is going for the juggler now using agents, not affiliated with investigation, to leak information. A DT tactic with hump. "A law enforcement official took the risky step of leaking Michael Cohen's confidential banking records over fears that additional information about the embattled attorney to President Trump was being withheld, according to an explosive report. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity over fears of serious legal repercussions, told the New Yorker on Wednesday that two so-called "suspicious activity reports" issued about Cohen's financial dealings are missing from a top-secret Treasury Department database called the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FINCEN. "I have never seen something pulled off the system... It's a stockpile of information," the whistleblower told the magazine. "When something's not there that should be, I immediately became concerned. That's why I came forward." The career official proceeded to leak the single SAR report on Cohen that was still in the system to multiple news outlets and Michael Avenatti, the attorney to porn star Stormy Daniels."
  3. Watergate prevented a flood by Richard Nixon resigning; or was he impeached? DT's scandals have formed a tsunami that'll take the entire U.S. down with him. We're already on the "save as much as you can" episode. They already know November is too late as the investigation will continue long after DT is impeached. Yeah, I initially opined he would not be impeached; I take it back now.
  4. @Troy: Yes, and all three of the (original) big books says exactly that. Although for different reasons, I welcome the inevitable also, "you can't bake a cake without breaking some eggs; the darkest part of night is just before day-break; blah, blah, blah! Our people, Black folk must face the worse before we realize what's best for us. What better place to start than where it all began, the 'cradle of civilization' hold many answers to questions of why the entire world have sought to marginalize African peoples; despite Israel's false claim(s) of global targeting of Jews. Just look at scenarios playing out between the greatest power on earth and the place where humanity started; notwithstanding every other country's attempts to control the near east but failed. I've always believed the Middle East is the 'capital of planet earth,' metropolis of the world; surprisingly no-one else except Jews have ever argued with that idea. I'm usually bombarded with questions from other Middle Easterners as to why I think that. Like I said, these are interesting, but scary times to be alive.
  5. However unpredictable complex systems may be, you can ALWAYS count on balance and imbalance that assure outcomes leading towards any number of events; ultimately ending with beginning of a new event or goal. Troy, I too observe these events from a philosophical/anthropological perspective; life and death will find a way. Whatever it takes. Whether theories of creationism, big boom, and Darwinism radical energy and dynamic chaos remain a constant for humanity. Life (energy) happened first, then came death which defines hope and aspirations of humanity. Struggling for one despite the other is to live in constant denial of reality, whatever you want that reality it to be. If leaving DT in office until 2020, or even reelected is what it will take to ensure radical change in complex systems, matters will continue as usual. But nothing continues as usual regardless how similar they may seem. Likewise, nothing happens in a vacuum either; special counsel and all the variables of DT's existence have immediate consequences needed to complete a cycle; to assure people's hope remain alive in the face of inevitable disappointment. Be it for vengeance, fear, or to just do evil, DT's own people, his children, friends, and the GOP are going to make sure this guy goes to prison before he burns in hell. And there's every advantage (not for you nor me) why it should/will happen sooner rather than later. Forget the facts, justice, and what's right; don’t need them for what is inevitable. Logic and reason are playing important roles in these events, but self-preservation, stupidity and hate has rein forever. NO SIR, DT'S trial will be scheduled by 2020; between now and then, he's going to continue to make a complete fool of himssef; while democrats and republiocans do the opportrunistic/self-sacraficial evil thing to make November salvation-day, November's going to be as disasterous as 2016, if he doesn’t first kick the bucket, or snap mentally, that is.
  6. News is now surfacing Trump Jr., slipped-up and admitted his father knew and (probably) attended the Trump tower meeting in 2016. Not only collusion to support impeachment but a clear case of treason against the U.S. Oh yeah, his days are numbered, and his hours alphabetized; no way this 'mob' boss will make it to November, yet alone year-end!
  7. Hey gentlemen, what about me, I'm 12 hours ahead, am I still bound to that '229:13:48:27 deadline? I'll go with what's fair!
  8. @Mel Hopkins: Thanks sister, just subscribed to 'awesomelyluvvie' newsletter. Yes, it does appear our sisters are spearheading a movement White woman are benefiting. Just another example of the need for Black folks to adjust our tactics in a way it will backfire when used by Whites. In a way that will expose lies rather than echo truths. Out of couriosity, if it were up to, say, you what name would you choose, instead of 'me-too,' and what end would you hope to accomplish?
  9. @Troy: Okay brother, I read your article "Google Pushes AALBC to 2nd Page of Search Results?!" I found your analogy provocation for further investigation. Interesting take, you have, on Googles' motivation and strategy; but a bit too simplistic. My curiosity led me to a voluntary international initiative that aims to secure commitments from governments to their citizenry to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. I direct your attention to the statement after the last apostrophe, "and harness new technologies to strengthen governance," especially, 'governance:' exercise of authority; control and methods or systems of management. Interpretation to that statement is as open as the entire international initiative. Could it be possible social media part opens the door to corporate control of IOT? All under the guise of a 'plan that includes outstanding improvements in fiscal transparency.' Policy 'earmarking' in the form of international initiatives available to every racist country in the west. And beyond. "No matter which type of site you use for Google AdSense, the three keys to successfully monetizing your website are ... First, the topic you choose for your blog, forum, or free online tool is something that people will be interested in and, therefore, something they will search for. Second, create something useful for the visitors who come to your website. Third, promote shares and valuable backlinks." Sorry, brother, but promoting literary books for Black readers is not only unwanted by major social media digital organizations but left up to the independent voluntary participation of those organizations. Which basically comes down to a choice you must make, possibly more Black members such as myself; extreme Black folk who recognize no restraint when it comes to Black people, or dancing with the devil to hear the song you want. So to speak! Prehaps your artcle should be offered to "Huffer Post Black Vocies" for their editors commentary. Everyone should be concerned with AALBC's experience with Google. Thank you of sharing this important information.
  10. I will apologize, no problem, however until you apologize for using the 'N' work, promise to stop using the 'N' word when referencing Black folk, suite yourself!
  11. @Pioneer1: Perhaps you should change your user name to 'Pilgram1,' LOL! I'm not conflicted about who I am. I am indeed a Black man who care about the plight of my 'self-destructive, complacent Black folk;' without reservation I have no idea who you are, which is Why I do not refer to you as a 'brother,' especially in the way you think, just like Kenya West aligned with other than DT. I am a Black man, not a Damn Jew; not do I support nothing a Jew or Whitman does except when they respect Black people over their own children, not to ever happen I'm sure. And you reference to Blacks being Afro-American is nothing short of your reference to us in the other descriptive names starting with the 'N.' word. So, screw you man; women, mason, who, whatever you are, and the Ill-reputed Trollip you call mother too. I'd appreciate you not referring to my people in the 'N' word, with respect, or get attacked!!!!!!!!!! I believe in me and only me, not any religion though all three of the so-called 'BIG BOOKS' have something important to say.
  12. "You pretty much summed up the way I feel about MOST of the religions I've studied so far." And what particular religion, Pioneer1, have you studied that make you feel different? "This sounds like the same thing European males did. The poor White European men wanted to be "free" from the cultural oppression that forced them to pay tributes to the kings and queens and restricted their sexual opportunities. So, what did they do? Those with nothing to lose and who just got out of jail piled up in ships and sailed to Africa, India, the Americas, and Australia exploring, getting rich, and having sex with as many of the native women as they could get their hands on. The Lebanese men, Palestinian men, Syrian men all tend to be WHITE SKINNED or LIGHT SKINNED Arabs who feel the need to go abroad to make their money. They go to Haiti, Brazil, Cuba, Liberia, and other African nations and have sex with the native women and set up businesses to get rich in these places. These men....by the way.... tend to be a mixture of both Christian and Muslim Arabs who are doing this. This shows me that despite the religions these Caucasian men CLAIM to believe in....most of them still have the same racist mentality." NO, Europeans migrated to the Americas to exploit, pillage, and continue traditions of the monarch which plutocratic elitists lead. Not to replace a tradition but to only replace those in-charge. And they took the dregs of humanity with them. Just like my fair skin and the image you choose make us no more other than Black men with a dominate African gene, if you are in-fact a Black man, that is. In Africa, who were the Blacks most African people rejected, and why? I think they were the dark-skinned people who migrated to African from Egypt and other parts of the desert. Not to make money or mix with other Blacks (because they believed those Africans' morals were compromised, their polytheist ways of life). These are the African's said to be the ones who traded those rejected Blacks to Jewish owned vessels manned by European Whites.
  13. @Pioneer1: I understand your skepticism in religion as, other than, a system to establish ethical values that bring order to a society; in which case it is quite possible Jews and White Caucasians went through great pains to develop a myth aimed to cement White power. 'These people over here (all of them)' know not only their own history better and you and I but have a better understanding of world history (sociologically) like none other! There's a reason why the Middle East is called the cradle of civilization. Arab males go to other countries as first steps towards U.S. citizenship, for both freedom - escape from traditions of their own culture; and for monetary benefit which they have access to more than Blacks. Correction: Black and Brown people are not indigenous in the U.S. Information brought to your attention a couple days ago is, no doubt, true; everybody exploits Black folk. What's your point? Furthermore, under a patriarchal system where a hegemonic group control almost everything, "caste systems" is just another name to justify, separate circles of power of approval and disapproval. Yes, Arabs, Jews, European Whites, AND ME, are racist. Though I'm working through my own racist feelings of discrimination and prejudice towards Jews and White people, I have every right to put my own first. I recognize those responsible for most conditions of Blacks in American. They are not Arabs, Brown, Asian, nor Native peoples. AND YOU?
  14. How white women use strategic tears to silence women of colour Ruby Hamad The legitimate grievances of brown and black women are no match for the accusations of a white damsel in distress. ‘Often, attempts to speak to or confron white womnn about something she' said or done that has an adverse impact, it is usually met with tearful denials and indignant accusations. Photograph: Caro/Alamy
  15. Sorry brother, it seems they're calling the shots over the worth of your efforts. Suspicious to me! Yeah, brother Troy, all of them, even twitter weigh too much power over the secular masses, nothing good will become of the power they have over angry, poor, and marginalized people.
  16. Cryptocurrency is now a new object interest for me, thank you @Mel Hopkins. I've been researching, investigating digital assets that use cryptocurrencies using an encryption technique, for security; how it is used to buy and sell goods and services. People are able to use cryptocurrency under near-anonymity, peer-to-peer purchasing eliminating of financial intermediaries, and some other “smart,” programmable capabilities that Bitcoin currently does not possess. There two major categories utilized for the purchase of goods and services and those that allow for the creation of a sort of “smart contracts;” agreements that enforce themselves per a code rather than the courts. With over 1,000 cryptocurrencies in existence as of January 2018 (called “altcoins”); over 600 have market capitalizations of over $100,000. I've noticed at least five-countries using this form of digital financial assets as well as identified several major companies all of which are U.S. affiliated, and thirteen major retail outlets. Brother Troy is on to something very interesting, in his post response. Like the NRA whom I believe is unofficially trading in cryptocurrency. Though FEC has officially prohibited trading in this form of financial asset, some traders are seemingly getting away with it. I'm still sometime away from getting all the information to satisfy my curiosity; though the ease of getting involved and the direction global economics is heading, I'm quite skeptical. Cryptocurrency appear to be soaked in blood!
  17. Conflicts Between the Privileged Often Spills Over, Interfering with Efforts of Blacks Vying for Power, Until it's Inconvenient: The inconvenience emerges not from the revelation that Blacks might get ahead. The inconveniences are usually known, assumed and acknowledged. It is not news that Blacks are a significantly poor population that have no means of competing with the privileged, any more than it was news that black Americans are being murdered with impunity; or that in the Americas and the world over Blacks could be empowered and saved are being targeted by policy makers for experimentation in how to manipulate, enslave people in the 21st century.
  18. FOR EXAMPLE: When Hurricane Katrinia struck New Orleans, leaving the dead floating in the street and the living stranded on highways and rooftops, a huge crowd of mostly black and poor people descended on the city’s convention centre, where the cameras, but little else, were waiting. When asked why relief organisations had been caught off guard, the hapless director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Michael Brown, responded: “We’re seeing people that we didn’t know exist.” Since the population of New Orleans was well known, a more accurate assessment would have been: “We’re seeing people that we didn’t realise we were supposed to care about.”
  19. When a UPS package arrived at Sean Carter's doorstep that wasn't his, he declined to deliver it to the correct house. Instead, he called the shipping company to request that they come and pick it up. Why would a Harvard-educated lawyer decline to do something so seemingly simple and harmless? Because, according to Carter, for American black men, it’s not. In a heartfelt, painfully real Facebook post, Carter explained how racism puts black American men and boys in impossibly difficult, and often unsafe, situations. Sean wrote: "'But Sean, why wouldn’t you be a decent person and just take the package to your neighbor? Or better yet, you have teenage sons. Send one of them. That’s the perk of having teenagers — free menial labor.' The answer is because we’re black. And it’s extremely unsafe to send our boys to the home of any family that we don’t know in this predominantly white neighborhood."
  20. Yes, as a matter of fact, Arabs describe themselves as "cousins of Jews," Thank you for confirming my rationale from previous discussions, concerning Blacks as the true Israelites "White people went when they came down out of the Caucasus mountains was Arabia to attack the Black civilizations that existed there;" not only to Arabia, but to Egypt as well, took over and enslaved the Blacks. Your assertion: "Many if not most Arabs have the same anti-Black mentality that White Europeans have and are less refined with it." Is true for Arabs living in America, but not here in the Middle East. I know, trust me on this! Just as in Mexico; I lived there for two-years estado de Sinaloa, Gaumuchil, and experienced a side of the Mexican people I never knew existed; since in the U.S. Mexicans look down on Blacks, are treated with greater respect then Blacks. Until today, that is, but even now Whites still prefer Mexicans over Blacks. I put neither Arabs or Mexicans in the same category as with Jews and Whites. As someone on ground zero, I’d be stupid to get directly involve in Arab/Jewish affairs here. Jews want to bribe me, and Arabs want to recruit me; none of which I would have because I'm too cynical and nobody's follower. But I have ears and eyes, and hear, understand what's going on and it's not much different from happening there. "The "hegemony" you're talking about that exists between the Europeans and the Jews also includes many of the Arabs and "Arab type" people like Iranians." Sir, hegemony is "Social or cultural predominance or ascendancy; predominance by one group within a society or milieu". Later, it could be used to mean "a group or regime which exerts undue influence within a society." You still with me? Finally, Netanyahu and Abu Masen (or Abbas) does not does not look alike with the exception fair skin tone.
  21. And I keep telling you – that's never going to happen. Blacks don't care about each other that much. By Feds, DT is talking about U.S. Marshals, and Federal/Local police affiliated task forces which is suspicious at best. Feds taking over policing, the National Guards enter American cities whenever Marshal Law is declared. Suspicious and scary, that is! Bullets and bribes are stopping Black leaders from taking the reins in our communities. Sir, are you in that much denial, it is us men, period, Black and White who promote this sh*t in the first place. Our patriarchy ways of living where only Whites feel safe because laws are made to protect them. They keep most Blacks calm by appointing complacent Blacks in high places, drugs, and loose women/men. Don’t you get it, yet? The inevitable change isn’t going to happen with any plan, process or policy. Change is coming as a direct result of what's already happened, done, and the more we all do will only usher it in quicker. Gloom and doom, YEAH, that's where it's pointing to, thus my pessimism.
  22. @Pioneer1: I don't know where you get the idea I see Jews as separately entities from Whites, they are not separate; they are all White folks who has done the same or worse to Black folks. The atrocities Jews inflicted on Blacks also fit that category, the 'same or worse.' Before I go any further I need to clarify something, does your "we" mean African American, Afro-American, what? Because my "we" means all Black folk regardless of coutnry. What Whites do to each other matter for greater reasons than mere understanding or 'foreshadow,' it's a misnomer anyway. Their conflicts are as important as conflicts between ourselves. It isn't silly for all Blacks to be concerned about White conflicts over power, economics, and politics, worldwide when we stand in the middle, eveywhere. No sir, no one is ignoring anything, especially not me. Of course, Arabs played a role in slavery nor am I defending anyone who did. The Native American also played a small role. This isn't what's about. I trust an Arab before I'll ever trust a Jew. There's a saying here in the Middle "It's okay eat at a Jew's house, but it is safer to sleep in an Arab's house." All minorities suffer the same male-treatment, Jews are not a minority, they are part of the hegemony with they own wealth and agenda that seek power over their White counterparts, at the perile of Black folk. What's that you say? "Too often when Black people involve themselves in White concerns they become TOO involved and they begin to take their focus away from the real issues." Please explain why that's "silly?"
  23. Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote a piece in The Atlantic on West recently entitled "I'm not Black, I'm Kanye: Kanye Wants Freedom, White Freedom." A short story in The American Scholar: entitled Kanye and Ta-Nehisi “.” "Kanye west, a god in this time, awakened, recently, from a long public slumber to embrace Donald Trump. He hailed Trump, as a “brother,” a fellow bearer of “dragon energy,” and impugned those who objected as suppressors of “unpopular questions,” “thought police” whose tactics were “based on fear.” It was Trump, West argued, not Obama, who gave him hope that a black boy from the South Side of Chicago could be president. “Remember like when I said I was gonna run for president?,” Kanye said in an interview with the radio host Charlamagne Tha God. “I had people close to me, friends of mine, making jokes, making memes, talking shit. Now it’s like, oh, that was proven that that could have happened.” "There is an undeniable logic here. Like Trump, West is a persistent bearer of slights large and small—but mostly small. (Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Barack Obama, and Nike all came in for a harangue.) Like Trump, West is narcissistic, “the greatest artist of all time,” he claimed, helming what would soon be “the biggest apparel company in human history.” And, like Trump, West is shockingly ignorant. Chicago was “the murder capital of the world,” West asserted, when in fact Chicago is not even the murder capital of America. West’s ignorance is not merely deep, but also dangerous. For if Chicago truly is “the murder capital of the world,” then perhaps it is in need of the federal occupation threatened by Trump. It is so hard to honestly discuss the menace without forgetting. It is hard because what happened to America in 2016 has long been happening in America, before there was an America, when the first Carib was bayoneted and the first African delivered up in chains. It is hard to express the depth of the emergency without bowing to the myth of past American unity, when in fact American unity has always been the unity of conquistadors and colonizers—unity premised on Indian killings, land grabs, noble internments, and the gallant General Lee. Here is a country that specializes in defining its own deviancy down so that the criminal, the immoral, and the absurd become the baseline, so that even now, amidst the long tragedy and this lately disaster, the guardians of truth rally to the liar’s flag. Nothing is new here. The tragedy is so old, but even within it there are actors—some who’ve chosen resistance, and some, like West, who, however blithely, have chosen collaboration."
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