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Everything posted by Kalexander2

  1. In December of 1946, war veterans faced a national housing shortage, President Harry S. Truman issued a statement that turned into a legislative policy. He emphasized the importance of his program and called on Congress to focus on the demands of large cities, and to establish positive incentives for the investment of billions of dollars in large-scale rental housing projects. Few Blacks, compared to White veterans, returned with no hope of shelter. Even with the "GI Bill," few had savings for downpayments. The racial attitudes of the FHA and its effect on minorities, namely Blacks, are more complex and the agency’s bias against these groups cannot be dismissed. The literature on this bias is extensive. Robert Self, in his American Babylon, said that postwar state intervention in the housing market by the FHA and other federal agencies “made financing single-family homes more profitable to lenders (I REPEAT, LENDERS!), more accessible to white buyers, and virtually unobtainable for African Americans. The FHA’s sanctioning of racially restrictive covenants for homebuyers in its early years did constitute indisputable discrimination that hurt potential black homebuyers, though it is difficult to know how much the FHA mimicked prevailing real estate practices and how much it influenced them. Despite claims that federal subsidies created the modern suburban landscape, the government’s most important instrument for reshaping the housing market pushed against it. Finally, to be sure, Truman was behind the 1947 war that supported Israel invasion to Palestine for their land which was spearheaded by covert actions Louis Brandeis who went on to become the U.S. Supreme Court Justice. That tidbit if background is important to understand the mentalities of those behind Federal Housing Project programs. And let’s not forget Raymond M. Foley the housing commissioner of that time; a staunch opponent of Civil Rights, some even believe Foley was KKK affiliated; though he was a sociologist. None of this is to infer that FH Projects serve no purpose or ruined by lack of maintenance; it is to suggest that the U.S. knew exactly what would happen, drugs, crime running wild, teen pregnancies, a group subversive policy, and advance agendas such as the 'hidden curriculum' etc. We are the animals of the man make URBAN JUNGLE. @Pioneer1: Please don't confuse "surely you can do better than that" for any part of your commentary as rational!
  2. Surely you can do better than that!
  3. Human beings need a measure of social validation in order to be psychologically healthy.  B.S., NO THEY DON'T, people NEED to be left alone to pursue their own version of life, liberty, and happiness. In-order to maintain their sanity; that needs no validation, at all, people can never avoid interaction with others. The internet doesn’t make people stupid, stupid people made the internet. Men especially need social validation from the women in their community or environment to be at their best. Which is why we have female cheerleaders on many sports teams. Infact, I said in another thread recently that I wished more women would post on this site. Again, B.S., speaking for myself, I need no-one to validate me, not even my wonderful wife. Half dressed women at sporting events are not meant to validate males, they are there to excite, provoke, and lure males to the box-office and refreshment stands. But don't worry if you need validation from a woman, it's no big deal, really; just remember, you are still you. Would you validate you? Many women are happy as hell to spend long periods of time around just other women, but most men aren't like that. But human beings really need REAL LIFE interaction with each other in-order to be healthy. NO, NO, NO, most men are happy spending long periods of time with women because they want just one, to sleep with. Any one will do. And if that produces no satisfaction, he'll go down the hall where the males are; and if that fails he'll go over to the barn. It's what people do. You cannot avoid social interaction no matter how hard you try! Ever hear of the 'pet rock' companion? Please, Pioneer1, define the 'natural process of socialization, if you will. Men and women in their 20s and 20s who can't tolerate any type of rejection and any type of confrontation makes them feel "bullied" Inscecurity and fear causes intolerance and confrontation. I asked you once before, where do you get this stuff?
  4. @Pioneer1: You missed the point, completely. We not talking about privileged people, or people living the 'apartment' life with hope, knowing that soon one-day they'll have enough saved-up to put a hefty down-payment on a house. No, we'll talking about families living on-top of each-other with barely enough to eat, little and no hope for tomorrow. People who must watch their White neighbors living fine lives while they can only wish for such. Sure, we Black folk are irresponsible, violent, and uninformed (ignorant) but we are human beings, products of our environment, 'chips off the old block' of greed, perversity, and corruption. SO, WHAT! Does that mean we're unworthy of respect, justice, and a future? Frankly, we are just a better version of the Whiteman/woman, more determined to destroy, and run sh*t the completely wrong way. You sound like a complaining Whiteman unhappy because there's no room for him to drive around.
  5. @Pioneer1: Shooting off from the mouth (again) with absolutely nothing to back-up your misstatements; I understand though, when you got to go - you got to go. First and foremost, ethnicity involves the "social identity' of a person or group; anyone can choose to identify with whatever or whoever they want. Just like Judaism (a religion) isn't restricted to just Jews; even if Jews choose to not recognize that person as such. The same as with 'gender,' anyone can choose to identify as a man or woman. Male and female, on the other hand, is just one 'biological' aspect of living species. These are called "self-identity concepts" because they are derived from a person or group's knowledge and/or membership in a social group. Including African-Americans, or Afro-Americans, as you prefer. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO BIOLOGICAL BASES to race and ethnicity. NONE, NONE, NONE! I do believe brother Troy already proved, pointed out this fact before. Obviously to no avail. Black, too, may be considered such a concept, but only because there are people who are 'colored' Black, in the full sense of the term. Which is (probably) why the term 'people of color' is used to describe everybody NOT WHITE. (The Multigroup Ethnic Identity ... (by Jean S. Phinney) April 1, 1992). Read it and learn something! So, I ask myself, why would a person side with an idea, theory, or convention with no proof. Because that person must convince others of the idea or convention; no matter how unfounded?
  6. @Pioneer1: As far as I'm concerned there is no different between Jews, Anglo Saxons, or Caucasians except in how each describe her/his group. Therein lay the MAJOR problem; how each group is described and how they use it. You're quite accurate, however, whether you or I believe it or not, there are major distinctions between those groups. They can all go to hell wrapped in the 'Magna Carta Libertatum' and in their little 'White House' on the hill; one can only wish. Jews, standing out from their White counterparts have, historically, been situated in the same penalty box as Blacks (I almost said 'Afro,' go figure!); 'Blacks' today, believe we share a connection with Jews, Holocaust etc., that they are more trustworthy and understand the Black experience. In fact, of those White groups, Blacks now identify more with White Jews than non-Jews. Remember Sammy Davis Jr. And all those Black Freemasons wearing their 360-degree rings of knowledge? Now, do I think Jews have treated Blacks worse than Anglo Saxons, YES, both covertly and overtly. They play both sides of the unleveled field. Michael Cohen, Jared Kushner, Nancy Pelosi, Bennie Sanders etc., and especially all the new White Jewish candidates vying for the Black vote. As if they care about the plight of Black children, women, and the elderly. At least Caucasians and Anglo Saxons offered their BS apologies for their parts in Black slavery; Jews, on the other hand out-right refuse to do the same. Yes, we need to be more cynical and come to the realization we're alone in our struggles. F*ck Jews, Anglo Saxons, Caucasians, and double F*ck Israel.
  7. True. Though all beings interact with one another it's the kinds of interaction where healthy or unhealthy emotional living, stability start. Many of us want to think, believe we think for ourselves, for instance; that we don't need anyone, then promptly call a friend and asks what you would for the evening. We would not know how to go about living without some interaction with other living beings. Whether it's a dog, cat, man, or woman; how we interact with each other can, indeed, dictate our well-being. Men interact with women, but usually with unhealthy motives causing unhealthy habits to develop thereby causing emotional instability. I'm almost certain that conventions of traditional social norms not necessarily the answer to healthy living either. Not all smokers die from cancer and live to ripe old ages, not everyone who eat pork develop heart decease. Now there are many who do die from such habits but DISTRESS is probably the leader in poor health. STRESS GOOD, DISTRESS BAD! True, lack of social interactions can cause distress, heart decease, cancer, even stokes; but so can arguing in interactions, fighting, and ill feelings towards others. A bad attitude also leads to failing health. For me, I find my feeling up-beat, more productive interaction with others on social media. Not lonely. Like during holiday seasons, I don't do well at Christmas and New Years events to interact with others. Summer time is when my spirits are higher, thus the time I function better. It just depends on the individaual. We need to be careful about how we take-in such theories as the sound track suggest. Interesting thread!
  8. @Queen X: What we are witnessing, I think, is desperate Black brothers doing all they can do, or all they think they can do to assimilate, blend in; stand out for survival. But stupidity and desperation always lead to disaster. It's the human way, you know? Even if they don't read Black history, it doesn't matter because they live the Black life but ignore it for what they believe is a better life. As I've alluded to in other posts on this site, we've traded our search for a better life in exchange for material wealth, consumerism. maybe that's the true beast everybody's talking about. Which may or may not be a bad thing. Though it certainly has distracted us from something more important.
  9. Yes, brother Troy, the 'celebrity' mentality is also part of the 'glitter' I mentioned, only without the rewards. I agree we've already given enough attention to idiots like West. Unfortunately, we Black folk, hungry to be in the know adhere to news without knowing how to digest such information critically and speculatively. Mostly, we only reinforce the White agenda. Over the past year I've used Twitter, and Facebook, to only reiterate White news that I feel is important enough to express my views, maybe change a Black mind or two in the process. I never expect to be successful or look for anyone to be enlightened. Which is what draws to the likes of sister Cynique, to tell it like it is. Tactfully but without concern for how people take it. This is where we are in this modern age of technology; where misinformation, disinformation is well disguised in the form of what's been made-up, to be perceived as important. Another reason I think higher education is so crucial. At least if it doesn't make us think for ourselves, such exposure will make more rational. Today, we listen and read in the manner laid-out for us, made important for us. You're dead on! Uh oh, I pray my pessimism isn't rubbing off on you!
  10. Kanye West is reminiscent of a Black gambler in a horse racing stand with the only red ticket on the only horse he's allowed to bet on. Waiting his entire life for his horse to come in with enthusiasm, optimism, and vigor no matter who says what. DT is the only horse he has faith in. And we can't blame him for trying, is common among young Black men blinded but the glitter of it all. He's the classic example of the modern Black male 'consumerist.' In his Book "The Soul of Black Folk," W.E.B. Du Bois described how Black young men, after working 14-20 hours per-day, seven days per week, to earn $1.50 would spend 2/3rds of their pay to ride a horse and bugger from one end of town to the other, again and again just to be seen by people. West is like a little boy who took the "Art of the Deal" to literal and who sees his horse over any and all better judgement. Only he's an adult man who wants to be more than he is. We follow in any direction White folk shine the light, we want the same material goods as they have. PART OF OUR DOWN FALL.
  11. @Pioneer1: sir, your pro ???, and anti-Black colors are showing. Again. How in the hell can a person be Black and claim to be something else, or vice-se-verse? I'll even go a step further, anyone can claim to be a Jew if they say they are. But what the hell is a Jew anyway; hence, what is Black person? Just ponder that thought for a moment!
  12. @ Pioneer, @Troy: Public housing does protect poor people from natural elements, true; but what about the unnatural elements? 500-1000 poor families living a space half the size of a mall; and less than 200 feet away another 500-1000 poor families and more; all within the space of several city blocks. In other words, public housing is only a fraction of a step towards meeting the needs of poor people. And since entitles like Ben Carson, opportunistic Black politicians, and local government agendas fail miserably in providing other needs; HUD gets an F- for its efforts. As far as I'm concerned!!!
  13. @ Verdelle Lambert: "Evangelicals supporting Trump makes me think they don't believe in God. My Bible says Satan is the father of lies. The best practitioner I know is Trump." Just as humans have different tastes, so do they have different versions of what/who God is. Evangelicals extend from diverse communities to (virtually) every corner of earth. Black, White, Asians, etc. They all proclaim to believe in one God but differ on what God wants from her/his followers. They'll believe whatever is convenient in return for a benefit. Believe or not, most Evangelicals don't like DT but support him and Pence because they're anti-abortion. Hence, their beliefs are as irrational as are their selective versions of God. Black Evangelicals are simply going along for any ride going in any direction.
  14. The esteem commentary here is encouraging and I'm especially happy to hear Black folk speak this way. All too often people tend to hide from themselves, who they are and how they feel. While I'm no great admirer of anyone putting all their cards on any table unnecessarily, I do believe anyone with something to hide exposes everything about her/his self. Machine learning, AI, data mining, analysis, etc., does indeed seek to learn in efforts to control and manipulate to gain some advantage over others; to little avail, because there is no 'human' touch (or intimacy). There may be an advantage, however, when people, government advance programs based on such intelligence; what they think they see or know, because a person's true feeling, beliefs, and principles get ignored in all the excitement of so-call innovative technics of 'social engineering,' (use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society). Thanks guys, for giving me an additional way of seeing things.
  15. Thanks, Brother, Troy! Well, I've just renewed my Netflix subscription and VPN for a month. That is one movie I GOTTA WATCH. Regards
  16. @Pioneer1: the problem is the ongoing onslaught, by everyone (not Black) deceiving my Black community by throwing more BS politicians in our face. If a picture is worth a thousand words than the symbolic representative language - depictions in the photo below must be worth a zillion words. We’ve gone from Lilly white political candidates vying for the Black vote to mostly Jewish women being pushed on Black voters. While their agendas and staged values are (seemingly) progressive, the choice of several evils is still an evil choice. Black male/female candidates are only sporadically endorsed leaving one to wonder how much campaign money to those minority candidates; while progressive non-Jewish White males are offered up as the only choice for a progressive agenda. Just more BS that refuse to flush down the toilet, that My Black community has to smell and live with, is all I’m saying.
  17. A recent article in PoliticusUSA LLC: Recently NPR reported that a group of Evangelical leaders is extremely concerned about the effect that Trump’s scandals will have on the midterm elections. Because they are totally committed to seeing Republicans stay in power, many (tax-exempt) religious organizations have done everything possible to help GOP candidates get elected — including Trump. So what disturbs these Evangelicals about Trump is not his immorality or dishonesty but the fact that he may hurt Republican chances of keeping control of Congress. In fact, they have scheduled a meeting on June 19th in Trump’s Washington Hotel for the express purpose of planning out a midterm strategy with the president. “With the midterm congressional elections now less than seven months away, and with the Republicans running scared about potential massive losses, and with more criticism emerging from not only respectable conservatives, but also from some of his own loyalists, Donald Trump’s time in the Presidency seems rapidly coming toward a sudden end,” Feinman argues. “This group is alarmed at the thought that the Trump scandals could cost them the advancement of their religious agenda. It could be, two months from now, that gloom and doom will set in, and cause these pastors and ministers and their allies to consider Trump’s resignation as preferable, as it would bring a “true believer,” Vice President Mike Pence, to the Presidency.” “One would think behind the scenes that many congressional Republicans and conservatives would clearly prefer Pence, who is religiously devout, and does not have the drama and controversy that Donald Trump constantly presents. With Pence, the right-wing would not lose, but instead gain a great deal of comfort.” Most people don’t know that Richard Nixon also had a meeting with Evangelical leaders who informed the beleaguered president in 1974 that they were withdrawing their support for him. Shortly thereafter, Nixon resigned from office. We may see history repeating itself once again in the coming months. If Trump’s scandals stay in the news and get worse, and if his legal problems mount to the point where he is in serious legal jeopardy, then it is entirely possible that Trump will be seen as more of a liability than an asset for Evangelicals and other right-wing leaders. Another article: The White House is working on a strategy where Trump would try to help key House Republicans win re-election in return for their voting against impeaching him. The New York Times reported, “According to advisers, the president plans to hold a fund-raiser a week in the months to come and hopes to schedule regular rallies with candidates starting this summer. But there is not yet any coordinated effort about where to deploy Mr. Trump, and there are divisions within his ever-fractious circle of advisers about how to approach the elections. Among his close associates, a debate is raging about whether to focus on House races that could earn the president chits with Republican lawmakers who might ultimately vote on impeachment, or to dig in to defend the party’s tenuous Senate majority.” The White House is choosing between Trump impeachment or the Senate. The White House is acting like they expect Trump to be impeached, and they expect to lose the House. Forget Trump’s false bravado. The president is so consumed by the Russia scandal and out of touch with the political realities on the ground that he has no idea what is coming. Despite his candidates in special elections where he campaigned for them, Trump refuses to see the blue wave that is coming.
  18. I think, if I may, that this s**t goes beyond all that too. Beyond the Deep State, Freemasonry, Illuminati, extra-terrestrials, and the Bilderberg group. Something else is going on in America, indeed, the world and it's too big for us to even comprehend. My wife who is in the medical profession has offered some chilling explanations which I won't be sharing here; but it has much to do powers of 'big government.' As I've said before; these are interesing times to be alive, but equally scary times. Not knowing what's in store for Black folks or humanity as a whole.
  19. Brother Troy, this isn't about faith in the wheels of justice, not even fairness or fate; it's about physics: matter, energy, motion, and force that goes beyond faith, justice, and predictions. Factor human chaos and one could almost calculate Trump's inevitable demise to possible assassination before even July. But we're all human, nature is unpredictable as is chaos. Anything could happen with President Donald Trump, the Government, and America in the blink of an eye. Iran, Russia, NK; manipulate a BLM member, White supremacist, or an immigrant to do the unthinkable. F**k Confucius too. But like he said: "if it can happen, it will happen. Including Trump staying President long enough to effect more hell on America. In which case you're a $100 bucks richer anyway. Good luck!!
  20. While I don't want to sound the 'anti-semitic' alarms, I am alarmed that fewer Male Jews and more female Jews seems to be pushed onto voters like saviors in the night. what's wrong with this picture, or am I reading more then is there?
  21. I'd like to add, not quite sure how many families live a housing project; but can you imagine 2-3 thousand Black families suddenly roaming the streets, out of containment of those projects? Scary part is, White folks are in trouble even in their own homes.
  22. EXACTLY, Queen X!! Why else would a bunch of White folks participate in the BLM movement?
  23. Yeah, Queen X, I still say "thank God he can afford it," I do not believe Cosby will spend one-day in prison, maybe on several years 'house arrest,' or some other program that'll keep him out of jail. We are not the only ones who's questioning motives of the plaintiff's and/or the easy to manipulate jury flock.
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