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Everything posted by Kalexander2

  1. you win! It's your ignorance, not halarious as it is (just) sad.
  2. I'm surprised I haven't been thrown out yet. Why? Your stupidity begs I should leave. Or is it the limit of your inability to respond intelligibly, to constructive criticism?
  3. Yes, as a matter of fact, i do. SHUT UP and listen! Maybe you'll learn something, or may not!
  4. "cipher." You've expanded your limited vocabulary I see. That can not be true though if it were then you're talking to yourself. Or, I'm a mathematical puzzle which means you haven't solved me. Not a good sigh for expanding your own horizons! Better yet. ignoring you is helping you, actually!
  5. "WHAT PART OR SCENE of the Black Panther movie dealt with sensitives of freedom or the lack there of?" None, no part, nor does it deal with equality, nor does it have any social value. Hence, why else would anyone allow it; except to mock the Black spirit? The first western movie allowed in Saudi Arabia, for entertainment!!! "You shouldn't answer your own question. You should let those who are more qualified....lol." You're moving too fast, take stock of your responses. Yes, I Sister Cynique said "DISTORT OR IGNORE," and she's right on the money! "WHO and AIMED AT WHO?" By white folks for White folks, entertainment. Vatican and the Rommen Catholic Church's wealth occurred after the crusades when they stole art, relics, and treasures from Southeast Asia. Not considered wealth, at least not belong to them. Except for the contributions of the Spaniards and any other European who brought into the ideas of those times. Go back and recheck your history, It was Jewish wealth, not European banks who funded slavery. Wealth Jews keep out of Banks because usury was considered against scripture. Need a refresher? Watch "Read Merchant of Venice." Or real history of Jewish wealth. Which was not kept in Europe? No, Mr. Partner of the ignorant. 100 years ago, all Europe had was farmers, military men, and sea vessels. That was not 'GREAT WEALTH." Arguably and debatable. As far as I'm concerned, not even slavery added to their wealth, only made them the poorer of humanity. You see, with just a little more effort even you are learning who you really are!
  6. Sensitivity of freedom: How Blacks relate to the American environment of racism, etc. The case made several weeks ago. That Black Panther movie fail to inspire, in any meaningful way! And which you and Brother Delano insist to be inspired. But to what end. Still unanswered. Can you show or evidence Europeans having great wealth one-hundred years ago? NO, you can not, not even 'originally inspired' art, language, or science. And yet, the Saudis, Russia, China, even NK have taken advantage of the so-called most powerful country in the world, with bribes and out thinking. No, I'm the one who said, or even inferred I fled the U.S. because I was chased away. Not me, because I'm not a coward. I'm here because I have an interest here, more important than any interest I have there. If I were hiding, I would do as you. But I'm not a coward and afraid of no man.
  7. Response 1: I rest my case as to social value of the movie. Sensitivities of freedom is what's got Black folk so excited, isn't it? Response 2: New on the stage of modernity, Saudis were nomads, lived off the fat of their land, developed and expanded their own value system of wealth. From gold, minerals, doctors, scientists, whatever. Now, their value system is based on what other countries value, paper, and coins. The word wealth has many shades of meaning, but most involve having a lot of something — often money or something else that's valuable. You might have a wealth of experience, or you might have great personal wealth. They are rich because of their treasures, and expensive belongings, oil, and history. Response 3: WHAT??? Which proves just how stupid Trump is, yes, a sucker! Or are you saying that a person can't be taken for a fool if she/he has more or equal to what's offered??? Just what is your point here? By the say, that isn't an avatar, it's me, alive and in the flesh. Unlike yourself, trying to hid. Trying because everybody else, except you, see who you are.
  8. @Delano: How pretentious of you, of course you don't believe in facts; fiction, or objectivity is more your thing, than facts? @Pioneer1: Thanks or clearing that up! In the course of logic and critical thinking one may, or may not consider the context of 'propaganda' in public discourse. Hint #1: Saudi Arabia's use, allowing a movie depicting sensitivities of freedom is a contradiction to its policies and government rule. Hint #2: 'SAUDIS ARE NOT RICH FROM WESTERN COUNTRIES,' they control vast oil deposits from all over the Southeast Asia territories. Not from America, EU, UK, or anywhere else. Are you shooting from the hip, or your butt? Perhaps your logic, Pioneer1 is something that requires a restroom, not a chat room! Finally, during Trump's visit to the Kingdom they gave him a boat, and some other gratuities I can't remember; they had him analysed and evaluated even before he got off the plane. A sucker for attention!
  9. Not even the truth, facts can undo the denial of a true believer. Saudi Arabia, nor the Palestinian people believe or support freedoms African American's fight for; nor look at American Blacks as having achieved anything. That's the truth. They are totalitarian despots who support oppression of their own people. That's a fact.
  10. Also the first propaganda involving African American's. like propaganda in Viet Nam telling Blacks to "go home," that war is not their fight. True but exploitative in nature. Saudi Arabia is full of shrimps taking advantage of an opportunity, taking advantage of Trump with boats and bribes! Please don't fall into the 'other countries believe in our struggels,' pit." They could not care less about Blacks; hell they don't even care about their own people, except those who support the Prince's agenda.
  11. Not only is Black Panther fever dying down in America, what other countries are saying is even less encouraging. Saudi Arabia, etc.; Blacks bearing their souls, spirit and justified disdain to entertain White America.
  12. @Troy. No, brother, I did not, you busted me! 15-minutes into the video those two Black scholars made no mention of supply and demand, failed to address issues related to schemes to manipulate scarce resources; though their inference as to the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth can be assumed elaborately defined is jumping the gun, so to speak. I guess I’m one of those people who judge the horses at the starting gate. For the sake of argument, I intend to view the entire video later. AALBC, participation for me is personal, not economical; offering me insight into in the State of African American affairs level of interest in African American interest in Black literary and related information. As an organization, I believe it can be vital importance to our community. But like any business endeavor, we must continue to explore how to fulfill the need of our community (already there) that attracts Black consumers seeking information; also like any business endeavor, this is a creative process.
  13. @Delano. My initial introduction to African American history was under Dr. William Brooks. Never took a formal course after that. Although I was honored to have conversed with numerous Black scholars during brief employment at Attorney Leo Branton’s law firm where my aunt Kendra worked as his legal secretary during the trial of Angela Davis. I see you recognize Black identities of the figures you described; identity, image, and reputations downplayed by the media and reduced to that of a sports gladiator. And you’re right but identity isn’t the only, or main problem, though there are many.
  14. @Delano. Seems like you’re confusing political base with buyer’s, readership, and followers. DT doesn’t have an audience, he has a political base and co-conspirators of criminal activity.
  15. The one thing that stands about these two African American thinkers is their titles, Dr. Boyce Watkins and Dr. Claud Anderson; with a roadmap, of sorts, to advance the Black community. But neither offer nothing solid before the first floor of their five-floor construction. without foolproof means leading to the first floor, economic and other of their theories are at best premature, at worse, invalidated. The ideas of these brothers are worth further development but with a new starting point that must necessarily include ‘information,’ data of which is the foundation of any plan. We must also beware of everything described as conclusive.
  16. @Delano, @Troy: Since this website is (mostly) concerned with ‘Black Literature (#ReadingBlack)’ and Black Panther is a Black film deserving of some literary merit; let’s induct it into the hall of “ReadingBlack” fame. Let’s compare or contrast its literary value for Black folk: James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time (1963) social essay to Black folk, was not to America, and not of its non-existent race problem. Devouring flesh of its adopted heirs. African America, the bastard children without a name or dignity to stop panning (No name in the Street, 1972). Was a warning and lesson. With the price of life and living these days, “you kant get dem no mo!” Black Panther greatly fail the ‘niff test’ of social/literary value thereby rendering it a success; for the world of entertainment. Will not survive the test of time for anything except as an option to pass time. I noticed brother, Delano, hasn’t responded my last post on this issue whether he’d seen or never seen it.
  17. @Cynique. Undecidedly, presumptuous. Interpretation of your syntax. Pretty faces, smiley faces may not be what they appear.
  18. @Zaji. Ah, a true thinker. Yeah, sister, and that’s just the obvious of a massive ploy. Wikipedia is just one of the players on the misinformation/disinformation relay team, those fundraiser banners is an optional distraction to either get something from or give you more of nothing. Those so-called unpaid resources are not left out in the cold though. Until they get their own yacht, plane or mansion they have google ‘bait and click.’ The primary and secondary research resource authority, now those guys are the heavy hitters. Doctors, lawyers, philosophers, and scientists with their thesis, peer reviews, and dissertations; who’d question them, except people like you and Troy? I’d take and/or give what’s convenient and equitable too. Got to be honest with self, right? Everybody’s in on, whatever. That’s why we Black folk better learn what to think (for ourselves) and what to contemplate, quickly. We fall for the ruse by believing we need to know how to think, however, everybody knows how to do that naturally.
  19. @Delano. Okay, brother. Please enthrall us all with your newly found ENLIGHTENMENT. Did the film make you a better Black man, disclose information about something you didn’t know before, did it change your mind about anything, what are you inspired to do next?
  20. @Cynique. Opp. I did aim for the spot and the comment was not directed at you personally. Unball your fists, now! Truth is everyone should discover narcissism to better understand themselves. We are all anarchists, some more extreme than others. Just another example our human self that's gone unchanged since before the written word. My point to my personal pessimism about humanity and the human condition.
  21. @Troy. Disinformation, misinformation is big business in the 21st century. I’m of the opinion that Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Apple are deliberate distractions. Except Apple which is more original product oriented. The biggest profit is, always has been to misguide the masses. Facebook and Google standout because their part only promotes (redirect) back to virtually everything else, Government, Apple, and all White entities. How powerful is the word of one over thousands, all with the same message in different ways? Of course, we focus on the ‘what’s in it for me’ part of a much larger problem.
  22. @Cynique. Like you, madam fact checker, I have an unmovable confidence, in myself, that require validation from no-one. Just listening to people, thinking about what motivates them calls up a patience germane to dealing with a child, the older the more patience required, actually. Everyone needs to believe they're worth more than they really are. Did you kno9w that narcissists feed off finding faults in other people, it's their only way of validating themselves? e.g. "I'm not the loser, you are because you can't do this, you got that wrong" etc.; such people make great politicians and managers because what is needed comes naturally to a narcissist. An asset when done gently or a liability if extreme.
  23. @Delano, something in it for everybody. Now that's deomocracy.
  24. @Mel Hopkins, that's when our hands or earplugs come in handy, Effort at anything requires a certain amount of labor, and we have names for everything we find not interesting or boring. That should be allowed as a reason to stop the labor.
  25. @Cynique, Yes, saw that. I’ve always been under the impression “The Greater Chicagoland” included, Maywood, Evanston, Lisle, and everything up to the farms to the West and North. Guess I was mistaken. Long-winded: I write the way I feel, mostly for only myself too. Not to be considered as wisdom, I’m not that conceded, I hope! I simply share how I feel, about whatever I’m presented with. Its rare one gets to challenge her/his self freely on so many profound ideas and topics. Besides, this is the only Black site that hasn't kicked me out. Yet!
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