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Everything posted by Kalexander2

  1. First things first (update tidbit): The U.S. has sent the largest American air and naval strike force since the Iraq war to Syria, The Times of London reports, mustering 10 warships and two submarines in the Mediterranean and Gulf regions. That's a lot fire of power for just a few bomb strikes, not to mention the 'readiness' line of defense waiting for their move! Education Plan: Feedback The Treasury Department is the executive agency responsible for promoting economic prosperity and ensuring the financial security of the United States. Now, lets look at some numbers: With the addition of another $1+ trillion towards the U.S. deficit by end of 2018, due to the successful GOP tax scam, $2 1+ trillion total public debt; not counting military and national debt, no way the U.S. will add provisions for speculative promotion of economic prosperity for Black education. Minus verifiable research - if my figures are correct, from 1979 to 2013 Social Security Trust Fund and Cash Flows' already exceeded $3 + trillion; as a reserve fund, revenues earmarked for Social Security benefits can be collected in advance of the actual expenditure. Reparation could be allocated via these advance expenditures, or from the reserve. Is this doable, yes? Why haven't it been considered? I would be remiss to assume expert economists never thought of this!!! In a 2010 HUFFPOST articles: Each year 1.3 million students leave high school without graduating — that’s 7,000 students per day. Only about half of African American and Latino students earn a high school diploma. And the unemployment rate for those without a high school diploma is more than three times higher than the rate of those with a college degree. Thought that figure (most likely) has changed, some perspective history is in order here. In other words, they know, they've evaluated, and they've rejected any and all profound methods to correct error's in Black education. Nothing is going to happen with respect to any of our suggestions here! So, what do we do for our Black community? FREE K-college education, brother Troy, is little more than a "freedom in sky dream," that will never be on the table. Not with any serious consideration that is. Obama's plan was a good effort in this regard; like his 'ObamaCare' it was to appease the populist, not any segmented group. Charter endowments, and expectation of direct contributions from the Black community is also unrealistic, Brother Delano, with the like's of Betsy DeVos (advancing Democrat and Republican agendas) is the same as telling basketball, baseball, and football fans Black education is more important than escape from daily life great American past-time. The bugs bunny mentality of comic book enthusiast would pull a spiderman move on you. All the U.S. States who took part in slavery, most every country has apologized for their part, except Jews who acknowledge but refuse to apologize, These could be a source to fund Reparation. That won't happen either though. We're in a conundrum with no light at the end of the tunnel. Sorry, Tanny! Of your insistence I be more optimistic. I can't because lack of viable options begs pessimism. Your plan, however, is viable, with some tweeking.
  2. Yeah, say what you like, but a human being will survive, by any means necessary. Even if it takes destroying his own. I am not optimist about the future of America or of Black folk. Though I do wish we would come to our senses and live the opposite of White folks.
  3. Maybe, Pioneer1, I don't believe Obama would have enacted or pushed for such legislation even with diligent lobbying. He's politician and even his party would have treated him like shit had he considered it. Believe or not, most Black professionals are against reparations too. And, our synthetic system has created stupid people with superficial values since the beginning of time. Since the hunters and gatherers started storing supplies and selling them for a price. Right again, I think I mentioned on this site before "The Hidden Curriculum" program that teaches Black children to be servants while prepping White children to be managers and leaders. Black young men learn of their own weaknesses and strengths through violence and the 'age old' ways of a patriarchy society. Autism, just another natural cause and effect of human interactions, we shouldn't read more into that.
  4. Okay, granted, but they lost the essence of the religion they endeavor; that's why Malcolm X was murdered. He came back from Meca with the true message of Islam. They couldn't have Blacks thinking, hearing that, too! The Nation of Islam attempts to sway Black thinking but they are keep in-line by the Government. And they will never be allowed to get through to too many Blacks. Can't have either.
  5. Keep talking like that and I just might trust you. LOL! Really true though. My personal enlightenment came when I first read the word "شجرة," or "עֵץ," in English "tree," and understood what it really means. Not what you would think. True also, they know certain truths most people don't know but does nothing in terms of some wealth giving, soul saving knowledge. Black folk, like White folk lack a 'common sense' knowledge about 'being.' Another term with vast meaning.
  6. OOH! you aren't suppose to say that! DID EVERYBODY READ WHAT PIONEER1 JUST SAID? Your words, not mine! Though that's exactly what I've been saying all along. Black Lives Matter is the modern day version of the 'Nation of Islam," and meant to distract, subvert, and destroy of essence of a movement designed to advance Black motion. It started off with the best intentions but ended up just another White ploy to destroy.
  7. I wish, Pioneer1, I could argue with anything you wrote (you already know that), but I cant't, not rationally anyway. Except, we are talking about a better future for the children, hell, we adults had our shot. Ignorance does not (necessarily) begot ignorance. Besides nature has its way of weeding out the weak, those unable to survive living a fair life. People evolve when opportunity is affored, resources can make the person a better person. Lack thereof can make monsters, stupidity, foolishness, and destroy a person. Right, reparations, though will never happen, would take payments in the form of bank loans for business, loans for housing, and a stake in existing Government entities such as treasurer notes, etc. It is something to fight for, NOW, as opposed to waiting to see how Blacks fair or come up with clean drug tests.
  8. OKAY, Pioneer1, well, actually over the years I've been able to read most of the scriptures, in the orignial Classical Hebrew language, and some Aramaic. Still learning, not easy tasks. Of the resentment of early Egyptian's held towards people different from themselves. Except when it came to labor. If you are correct "You can't know [that part of] history," then one is free to assume that people from that time could not have survived the heat, working under those conditions. YES? You are right, the 'BIBLE' was interpreted, and re-interpreted, not for Caucasian (White) folks but for all others. To draw them into the fry. I've spoken to Rabis and have learned from many, many Jews that they acknowledge tampering with the original scriptures, or Torah handed down to Mosses, that they believe they are going to hell for doing so and for making mischief in the land, but also believe they won't be in hell for very long. They believe they are God's chosen people above all other humans on earth. The Bible, New Testament, and all that other garbage was to fool everybody except Jews. YOU, just think about it, how in the hell can a non-Black person survive here during those times with no air-conditioning, sun tan oil and work under those conditions, in the heat!!!
  9. I must agree to NEVER compare ignorance with opportunity, on the one hand; on the other hand responsibility (to handle) money has never been the problem for Black folks, the vultures has always been the problem. Like those bastard banks who cheated Black farmers after the emancipation of Blacks. It was educated Black lawyers and professions (honest ones) who taught Blacks to read the fine print, avoid fast talk, and be responsible. You should not deny a child her/his allowance just because they may, or may not buy balloon's and cotton candy while the other children enjoy their allowance. It is unfair to deny a Black family resources to complete simply because they may drink it up in alcohol or buy shoes and expensive cars, etc. If a person owes you money they don't have a right to deny it to you because of what you may, or may not do with it. Indeed, white folks have done more foolish things with wealth than Blacks; of course they have, they've had to squander. Blacks have not! And we already know Blacks are going to with such 0pporunity as Whites anyway. Try to impress each other with what they have (materialism); seek favor with the merchants (consumerism); and grip about immigrants tying to take it away. JUST LIKE WHITE FOLKS.
  10. Not standing close Pioneer1, I'm in another country away from all the social freedom crap. But as I indicated, what cares. And no, I didn't know the 'bowtie' guy is! Defending against what, exactly? And what makes you think the original Israelites were other than dark (Black) skinned people, prove it? Or at least show some scholarly commentary. Isn't widely held that Moses was a Israelite too?
  11. Yes, yes, and yes Pioneer1; but what bugs me about this crap is the suspicious undisclosed agenda these people have. Drugs tests for even use of pot legalized by the States. Like in the days of prohibition; White alcoholics and the gangsters got away (to a great extent) with possession and alcohol use. Blacks were targeted for bootlegging and public drunkenness. As I pointed out in another post, the plan has always been to keep Black folk marginalized, and down. As brother Delano pointed, we're property with an expiration date (my words).
  12. The U.S. government runs just one large-scale program that supplements poor people’s incomes and Republicans want to make that support more difficult for some to obtain. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, gives more than 40 million Americans a monthly food allowance averaging about $125 per recipient ― less than a typical person needs for a month’s worth of food. Republicans on Capitol Hill want more SNAP recipients to enroll in government training programs or take available jobs that are likely to pay little. Republicans in the Trump administration are considering a plan promoted by several GOP governors to have some SNAP recipients urinate in cups to prove they’re not on drugs. The Department of Agriculture may allow states to drug test SNAP recipients, according to emails obtained and published this week by the Associated Press. The tests would be required mostly for able-bodied people who have no dependents, according to the AP. Republican governors such as Scott Walker of Wisconsin have long wanted to drug test some food stamp beneficiaries, but had been blocked from doing so by the Obama administration. Huffington Post 4/12/2018
  13. Yes, and Blacks are still considered property, only with a 'Due Date.' However, Black Lives Matter have not made a difference in how justice is served, except more rhetoric on training and discussions about policy. I support the efforts of those Black brothers and sisters because they force discussions and the hard questions if not simply exposing racists. But I fear for their well being, especially our Black professionals, all of whom should be leading the movement instead of just supporting it by wearing t-shirts. Black folk is at a crossroads today, unfortunately the options are limited. Take the high road and pickup where modern America left off, xenophobia, homophobia, and greed; or take the low road and completely rebel against everything that stands for America. We end-up (either) no better than White folks, or take on a suicide mission. There isn't even a middle ground or happy medium to be had since ranking on the world stage is collapsing and biasness already against Blacks are rampant.
  14. Interesting proposal, the problem is getting Blacks on board with the program. Easier said then done.
  15. @Tanny: Bernie Sanders is okay, just okay, but he lost my vote per his comments on reparations, otherwise he would have had my vote. Beware of politicians politicking! You really need to get it out of your mind that education for Black children is a priority for Congress or the hegemony of this country. The goal has always been to discourage, deprive Black youth from management and leadership roles in America. Those things education prepares children for. Furthermore, unfortunately, there will always be a wealth gap (economic inequality) in any direction you turn. always has been. That's a sociological fact no one's been able to solve. Again, what we need to do, I think, is a stronger push for reparations even if it means tying it to education which is sure to continue it not being considered.
  16. Excellent answer, Delano. YOU TOO? As the other side of the movement goes! LOL!
  17. Maybe not, but we are taking about a lunatic, and it depends on how far he'll go. That, coupled with other lunatics out there who see the American people as the catalyse to American power, annihilation, or an attempt isn't too far fetched. Attacking Syria could very well enbolden Communist China, North Korea, and Iran to shove Russia to do the unthinkable. Don't you think?
  18. Yes Troy, I agree education would partially fill the vacuum of inequality through free K-college, but that's not going to happen in our lifetime, nor will Tanny's proposal. But Tanny does have a point. In that such a program would enable Generation X a good shot at getting a fair shake in the lopsided playing field of survival. Personally, I've always endorsed "Reparations for Descents of Slaves." One million dollars to every African American descended from Black slaves. That too will never happen but it's the only one that's been on the table Since Jews refused to apologize for their part in slavery. Furthermore, Reparations would satisfy White/Congressional disdain for entitlements, minus social security for the elderly which could also benefit because Blacks would have the resources to invest in their own retirement. Until the vultures fly in that is.
  19. @Hickson: Would you agree the 'Black Experience' is the crucial element that drives Black authors to write? That all writings of Black folk, by Black folk should be of literary/social value. Without it there's little to connect with. For the Black reader that is. And to establish a cross readership with non-Black audiences the work must be of literary/social value. I'm a bit staunch in this regard. While the main purpose of a writer is to earn money by selling her/his works to the public; the spirit, convictions, or motivation behind the work is what make it attractive to even the most skeptical reader. Indeed, I too edit my own work with attention towards the structural/developmental shortcomings. Copy edits, though important, I find secondary to scene development. 'Character voice, third person omniscience' is very important to my needs, to capture that universal advantage. Isn't it (sort of) a copout when slang vs. ebonics is used to replace appropriate grammar. Unless you're a really talented writer such as James Baldwin or Richard Wright, who uses a combination of cross-cultural grammar and ebonics, it's best to always focus on content. Iceberg Slim, trick baby etc., pieces of the sixties and seventies were even written in ebonics that captured cross cultural audiences worldwide.
  20. @Pioneer1: I tried leaving this alone, but I have to ask: of all the responses in this universe why would you post a bare chested gay male to make your point; and why do you find it necessary to defend yourself? Inquiring minds want to know.
  21. Sister Cynique, that sounds more like a dose of estrogen at work then an epinephrine function, fight or flight to the astral zone. So, since we all live in some part of the universe, are we in church 24/7? You mean this shit is real? DAMN!! That Pioneer1 really has not accepted his sexuality and believe we don't know it? Maybe! LOL!!! @Pioneer1: The reason 'gender alternative' people hid in the closet is not to hide from people, it is because there are no mirrors in the closet, or if there are, its too dark to yourself. Not to worry, though, your dream date, with bowtie doesn't care.
  22. @Troy, very interesting, and it make sense. That Africa (Egypt) is origins of the Freemasons established in the middle ages. This goes to my argument with (European feature) White Jews, who claim to be the original Israelites. Builders of Egypt, experts with tools, and masonry. Black-skinned folks. Not White. The fraternity I almost joined Alpha Epsilon Phi, or something like that, was discouraged because the pledge involved drinking blood and pledges an allegiance to some other crap. Homosexuality, drug abuse, and female abuse was rampant. Then, the turn around and sell Black folks a privilege they stole with all the perks.
  23. @Troy: I don't about that brother. We'll see in the next 30-days or so. Because republican have more reason to come together to save their party by impeaching the bastard, now that Ryan is leaving Congress; the party could enjoy further vindication if special counsel lodge formal criminal charges against Trump and his family. Pence as president is another story though because I doubt they'll make the same mistake twice. In the mind of Donald Trump, however, starting a war may his way of distracting attention from the Russian probe. In which he, and most everyone else would very well die before November. We'll see!!
  24. Yeah, QueenX, that "poverty is a state of mind" crap is usually to sell Blacks sometrhing, either a product or more BS.
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