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Everything posted by Kalexander2

  1. Brother, White folks goal, with no obvious plan(s), must be to supply, add to the prison population. They know Blacks are going to raise-up against further alienation. What better time to throw us all in prison, if for nothing more than to force us into low-pay near slavery employment conditions. Remember our discussion several months ago? I believe now more than ever there will be a racial up-raising. Blood is going to flow like water; both Black and White, but it's more prevalent now than ever. Matters for Black folk in the U.S. do not look good. Then again, there's never been much hope for us even with our own people leading the way!
  2. Can I get some of that? I do not believe Trump will survive his presidency to 2020 or even to mid-terms. In-fact, I predict his presidency will end, one way or another, just before the mid-terms when the GOP realize abandoning his is their only hope. But I'll be too late to save their party from further domination of Congress. Of course, I'll have to send a $50.00 Western Union transfer. Any taker's
  3. Thank you, Troy, the similarities are confusing. But you are right local and Federal governments are trying to get 'rid' of those housing projects. Chicago and New York areas are prime locations, further development of which will not only drive out the improvised but also make way for the more affluent White residents of those cities. Damn shame, isn't it? Now, as you may have heard, Ben Carson and Trump is proposing legislation triple rents of housing projects, nationwide. But no-one is talking about proposing eliminating or raising rents on 'red-neck' trailer parts in America. Another damn shame!!
  4. WOW, brother Troy, that image brings back memories, good and not so good! I lived on Hill Street about two blocks from Cooley High. The arrow points to Cabrini-Green housing project near Robert Taylor project. With an Oscar Meyer factory in the middle off Wells street. I went to St. Joseph's elementary school on Olean's street dead-end to Cooley High. Can't say I had a lot fun or enjoyed living in Chicago, though. I remember the day MLK was assassinated, the mob riots during my after-school work hours from the window at St. Joseph's; Jesse Jackson escorting the entire Chicago Police Department to Cabrini-Green to arrest my school-mate Johnny Field after he shot two White Policemen and hide in elevator shaft in Cabrini housing. How Black politicians lured hungry Black youths to the basketball court with promises of lunch; only to have the youth's parade in circles singing the national anthem while White newsmen took pictures of the Black children. For media propaganda. The young man who starred in the movie was also a friend of my youth, killed in gang violence. That's when my mother sent me to join a**hole father in Los Angeles. She got spooked I when stopped playing the saxophone to hang-out after school. Today, the place I used to live and the area around, except for the projects, are yuppie condos and town houses Blacks can't even afford. But the Police continue to harass and keep Blacks under control to protect the White residents live around the area now. Or is that arrow pointing to Robert Taylor?
  5. Assimilation and indoctrination of a different flavor for survival; that's okay Pioneer1, but your argument fails with using the name 'Nation of Islam.' Sorry, but these fine young men have little and nothing to do with Islam, with their bowties and impressive suites. I believe I mentioned in another post that Malcolm X was assassinated because of the Message of the 'Nation of Islam,' and their practices were (actually) contrary to the faith. It isn't the discussion here and I'll leave it at that. I never said 'common sense' was universal; I said: "Notwithstanding Universality." I also suggested we not get into a philosophical argument. But since you insist, let's go! Shortlist of common sense: "Look before you leap; Children should be seen and not heard; You can be or do anything you want; seeing is believing; apples are apples; No good deed goes unrewarded; etc., etc. Don't confuse these with simple cliche's, sayings, or metaphors; they are considered common sense because they suggest so-called 'sound practical judgment concerning everyday matters.' Point is, and I herein repeat "Black women [are] about the only species among the Black population ... less likely to be phony [or fake in their appearance and actions]. Certainly, no more than any psychological phenomenon common among all women." What sister Hopkin said can be generally true for all women, Black and White; without trying to mimic another person or group. THERE YOU HAVE IT!!!
  6. Right again Ms. Hopkins: I often go to the desert area here Israel and converse with a nomadic people called the "Bedouins" who are dark-skinned; some very dark skin. Palestinians, they to be of claim African and Greek descent. Many are displaced today because Israel wants their land too. My numerous visits to Egypt were also informative. i.e., corruption and male dominance are so oppressive. Went to a casino there and one of the Prince's was gambling while the 'dealer' was 'stacking' the cards in his favor, caught it right away and took a snapshot with my iPhone. They took my iPhone and gave me $250 in gambling chips, I refused and was given a new (locked) iPhone. Didn't know it was locked til days later. Apparently, they didn't want an American wearing a Press badge taking pictures of the Prince gambling. I hate Egypt (Jordan too) but looking forward to vacationing deep in the desert this summer.
  7. Yeah, Ms. Hopkins; I was shocked that (in Papua New Guinea) homosexuality, promiscuity was part of their culture, rampant actually. That young women receive gifts from their fathers to adore their bodies to be attracted to young men for early sex. And that young men are encouraged to engage in oral sex with older men for complete manhood; to avoid keep his sexual desires in check. And, what used to an equalitarian society is now a cultural practice of appeasing the “Big Man (politician)” for political favors. Yeah, we Black folks were the first to set the stage for what the world is today!!
  8. @Xeon: Yes, like I said, “Serves him right for submitting to White men ways …” For him, it has everything to do with it! You are right too, all of us men have the potential to be A***holes when it comes to females. Though, to keep myself in check I find it convenient to place blame on the Whiteman, not want to be that way. Live differently and place blame on myself later.
  9. What you 'believe' and what's 'common' are two different ideas Pioneer1; Notwithstanding universality, common sense is a prevalent often occurrence. Your 'belief' a Whiteman's common sense is different from a Blackman's common sense is unfounded. And you can't prove it. But let's not get into a philosophical argument as culture and up-bringing has more to do with ways of beliefs, traditions, and customs, which does occur uncommonly among different groups Back to the point – 'Black women adoring their bodies' for beauty or fun. So, you submit that if the body doesn't produce a feature naturally then it is psychologically unhealthy, pretending to be someone else? Honestly, my response to that is inappropriate and judgmental, so I'll refrain. Man, the Black women is about the only species among the Black population less likely to be phony. Certainly, no more than any psychological phenomenon common among all women. The way you think, and speak, Pioneer1, would cause one to deduce you are White. But, I trust brother Troy's insistence you are not a White man, or a troll. "They look at how White women are pampered in this society and how they seem to be able to say and do anything they want and everyone comes to their rescue and comforts them and does favors for them and growing up watching this......many young Black men have come to the conclusion that life as a WHITE WOMAN is much easier than trying to grow up and be a Black man." WOW!!! Jealousy of Black folk has little to with White appearances and more to do with White bank accounts, period. Where exactly do you get this stuff? LOL!
  10. @Pioneer1: Than you've answered your own question; with exception of sexuality as being a factor of trust/mistrust. My other brother, who happens to be drug/alcohol counselor for the VA once told me; "10 of 10 times it is the individual who mistrusts that is untrustworthy." It took me some years to understand that, but now I agree with him. Black women (probably) mistrust all men, White or Black, and rightly so; especially when it comes to finances. I blame only myself for my failures but also of failures of those I influence. To stay honest with myself, so to speak. And as far as fear of success is concerned, everybody fears it. I saw a video of a child approaching a baby duck for the first time, the closer the child got the more she withdrew her arms until the hands completely disappeared behind her back as she stood over the baby duck, bent over admiring it. The only reason a person would prevent another from succeeding is hatred for that person, or revenge for some act.
  11. @Pioneer1: Common sense involve the nervous system's sensory mechanisms. This is also a human, innate, verifiability method of simply 'knowing' a thing has validity without outside sources. COMMON SENSE, AS OPPOSED TO "UNCOMMON SENSE." (common-sense realism) (philosophy) The doctrine that there is an external, material world that we perceive directly, that it exists whether we perceive it or not, and that what we perceive is the way things are. However, associated with a hostility to complex theories; potentially misleading since common sense tells us many things that have been proven to be false." But you have to prove it is false. "Are you all seriously gonna sit up here and tell me that these Black women straightening their hair and or dye it blonde have NOTHING to do with the inferiority complex that White society has instilled in so many Black people after 500 years of contact and oppression? They're just doing it because they "feel like it"? I thought this matter was pretty much understood by most since the time Malcolm X was teaching." Not only because they "feel like it," but also because it could be part of their indoctrination into womanhood. May I ask you, again, as to why you choose 'sideburns' as part of the image you admire? Did you not say, sideburns reflect 'manliness,' or were you mimicking White boys of "love fest hippie age?" With bell bottom jeans and 'road flare' colors? What exactly is the reason choose the tie (not bowtie lol!) and another garment? Your argument fails even further when one considers the psychology of 'pleasure,' another credible argument that would support Mel's assertion.
  12. @Mel Hopkins: "We've adorn ourselves with crowns of all colors since times immemorial ... our crowns are our glory - and you're correct many of us do suffer psychologically when our hair ain't did. I think any woman who is trying to look like Beyonce is simply a fan... I wore a baseball cap and ponytail pulled through when Janet did Rhythmnation - in fact, a lot of us did. It's just fun." THANK YOU FOR SHARING THAT PRESPECTIVE! I went back through my files on the evidence/arguments presented to US Congress that inspired Civil Rights legislation, photos of dark complexion Black women wearing blond wigs with 3-6 of their Black children/infants in Chicago's community aid offices; 'they say,' supported psychological trauma allegations for discussion that Black mothers were traumatized into mimicking White mothers to provide for their children, or words to that effect. NOW, I realize it is quite possible these women were 'only adoring themselves' without attempting to mimic White women. After all, can't Black women attain their own identity of beauty, if only for fun, without trying to be some-one else? I'm inclined to contemplate this further!
  13. "Don't know what you have against that grammar/spell check but think of it as your friend!" @Pioneer1: I'm unfamiliar with conversations in those 'other threads,' but can offer, with some degree of certainty, that people behave on self-interests. Act in ways that often serve other members of a group with whom they identify. Most of the time benefits to others is incidental. I PERSONALLY TRUST FEMALES OVER MALES because of their maternal instincts, if for nothing more. Women think ahead. Naturally preparing for perceived threats to their self-interests; even if it means approving a home loan for another capable child bearing women to assure denial doesn't happen to her. The slightest male influence can change that no matter how determined she stand. I disagree, however, that "women ... aren't bashful in doing so ..." Females as with males, help suggesting incidental social morality to others is 'nominal' at best. Just because HRC boosted of empowering women does not hold true for all women. HRC was, is indeed a crook, probably the only fact Trump got right. I voted for her though – a necessary bad choice among all the others. Finally, please don't put Black women in the same category of White women with an overactive testosterone gene. Any position of power Black women hold, however deserved or qualified, has nothing to do with empowering her group. Collectively or individually, Black people (better) know their limitations when handed reins of power to stay the White course. The slightest effort to go off course can be unencouraging. Ask the first Black President and the nation's first Black 1st Lady, Michell Obama, who stayed in the media with her own solutions to help girls.
  14. Well those are the facts. However, precisely my point, Pioneer1, that's exactly what I'm saying. To assert a further condemnation, our own Black financiers would place white needs before that of the Black community; or, take off the top any concessions granted. I'm reminded of the ignorant, opportunistic 'Precinct Captains' hired by white politicians in the 60's to access community needs, make recommendations, and organize Black votes. Many were given jobs in White financial institutions. But never did anything for Blacks, unless White leaders made exceptions for those who were either a threat or exceptional supporters of White agendas.
  15. Although women have headed the treasurer department since 1949, two of which were Black, Black Americans have been consistently denied fair banking opportunities. Higher interest rates on loans and generally, right to refuse services to anyone they as high risk or not fitting within their established criteria in certain areas of banking. Imagine that, all women Treasurers of the United States since 1949 while racism and inequality run wild. My first business account too, was with Bank of America; they accepted my EIN, Articles of incorporation and banking resolutions, cash flow estimates, etc. Barclays, on the other hand flat told me that I fail their "SPECIAL SPEC" requirements to do business with them. It would take me 3-years to learn what a 'special spec' was when I applied for a broker's position with Prudential. Never heard the term since.
  16. NO, Pioneer1, I'm saying BLACK FOLK DON'T KNOW what law makers in Washington are doing; that the government are the true culprits behind drugs in our community, separating families, and making Black men and women more susceptible to prisons than Whites. White folk know exactly what they're doing, driving away our spirit to fight, fixing only some of the problems they cause so we think they are the heroes. Flashing the 'good life' in our faces than prosecute us for pursuing a life towards 'easy street.' Only Blackman and woman know what it does to us psychologically, what it actually does to our spirit, pride, and sense of independence. NO WHITE CAN KNOW THAT unless they are Black.
  17. Yeah, brother Troy, I'm waiting for Muller to release DT's tax returns confiscated from Cohen's hotel room; though I've always been of the opinion that DT's self-worth amounts to more than 'PAPER & BS,' we'll see! Personally, I can't quite get my arms around how Black folks are so impressed by what Whites say they have. It's embarrassing, discouraging how easily we believe the way White folk protray themselves. I read his book Art of the Deal, in it he alluded to how he took advantage of other business men by having parties and getting them drunk to do business with him, how the apartment manager of his first property venture stole money from him. THEN, in 2015 all his BS came out in the open when the true writer of his book gave a lecture at Oxford University. Tony Schwartz disclosed the true Donald Trump while. This you-tube video is worth watching! Tony Schwartz on Donald Trump - YouTube
  18. As you should, Delano, when it becomes obvious that person no-longer sees you as a worthwhile being, or if that person irrates you so much, you should discontine any and all dialogue with that perso. Accutally, I thouht you had already as this the first time I've addressed you personally. I wish you well!
  19. @Delano: "It is not possible for me to tell you anything that you don't already believe. K2." Was that a mis-statement? How, I must ask, can you suggest that 'you can't tell me anything I don't already believe? Prehaps the reason you can't TELL me anything is because there's a failure to communicate, tell. A better approach might be to simply "make clear, by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts," explain. Which is what I do instead of trying to 'tell.' I explain, in detail with relevant facts. Which you are free to disagree with; but if you don't believe in facts and logic, that's something you should probably keep to yourself. What, indeed, would the point be? Since I accept facts and logic as reasonable if not (necessarily) true.
  20. I unequivocally disagree, Pioneer1, as is my right that no Whiteman, woman, nor child can understand the 'Black experience, even if you spend a lifetime explaining it them.' What they call alienation is actually different life views among themselves; what they call inequality is being ignored by their own; and their idea of need is little more than more power. In the voice of the Church-lady in Saturday Night Live, "HEY FOLKS THAT'S WHAT I MEANT." A few courses in Black history isn't enough to understand institutional racism; Even looking in the mirror to see a Black reflection only gets you there, nothing more.
  21. Trump is a bullshit artist; rational choice more of a selfishness axiom then appealing to the people, his base whose narrow self-interests are also centered on extreme rational choice theory. Principles of 'self-interests' most always involve irresponsibility, and rash behavior which makes him of the 'lunatic' flavor. IN A NUTSHELL, and I do mean 'n u t s h e l l, the man is far from a genius and closer to self-centered narcissistic extremist than an unconventional thinking leader. To exonerate DT as just another unconventional thinking leader only justifies why he's in power. For Black folk, I think, it's time we pass over any and all raltionalizing of why White people act the way they do, or trying to formulate a 'bright side' to reality. It is what it is!!
  22. Ah, Pioneer1, you've elected to believe you can see the forest in spite of the tress. Is one way to avoid seeing the horrors of human suffering. Eyes on the prize, a beautifully wrapped gift box with the name Pandora may not be as exciting once opened. I, myself, CANNOT SEE THE FOREST. Stepping over, walking around, and through the bodies littering the ground like fallen trees takes from the view of the illusive prize from sight. I am inclined (here) to reflect on my own 'success story,' if one can call it that; an improvised Blackman overcoming the challenges of growing-up in Chicago. Tried and tested in America. Did I really succeed, at anything, or just prolonged my own demise by learning and understanding? Or, have I elected to accept, believe that only more forest lay beyond the trees? In any case, your hope and optimism that matters will, can change is the functionalist point-of-view. Please don't get me wrong, thank God for the functionalist as it does have a place among human advancement. But there's still 'reality' of the matter; there will always been and will be 'have's and have not's,' predator and prey, and lambs will always be food for the lions. So the speak!
  23. Difference of opinion; and of the FACTS! Donald Trump is a person who does crazy things that are often dangerous. Fox news is his 'go to' resource for information; he uses Ivanka and Jared as his advisors; He ignores advise from experienced experts makes him a LUNATIC. These are facts.
  24. @Tanny, I'm afraid Troy is right. e.g., When you go to Walmart you probably go to the bargain shelf because you have a limited budget; you may rescent the cashier because he/she displays nationalistic tatoos; and/or you may even avoid area's where mostly other Whites gather. But if a group of White men enter the store (open/carry) with loaded firearms you hope to hid if they start shooting, knowing you are not their target. You are not worried when the door monitor ask to check your shopping bags because you have a receipt proving you purchased everything. Although not much, you have some things to be optimistic about. Not Black folk, the legitimate concern and fear for life and wellbeing starts when a Black man or women wakes-up in the moring and last until about an hour before they wake-up the next day. A bit dramatic here, and I apologize, but where a White person have things to be optimistic about a Black person seldom have anything to feel optimistic. Coupled with the fact a White person can watch a Black child suffer, do nor feel nothing for no other reason than, "it's none of my business," or watch with gleam is quite discouraging. Let me tell you; makes for great pessimism.
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