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Everything posted by Kalexander2

  1. @Delano, the gift of gab doesn’t make a person brilliant, nor does her/his money, I assure you Barnard Madoff was not brilliant. He was a sociopathic deviant of the highest order. Every penny DT has come is from criminal activity. And, don’t be too enthusiastic about Mueller and the FBI either, DT is not the only person who got away, but he is the only one who (probably) won’t. Just as I’m not too optimistic about Black folk waking-up from the dream that the Justice Department is on the up-and-up. Damn politics, the art of persuasion, nothing more nothing less. They want something too.
  2. @Troy, brother you MA status allows you a lifetime email and access to your university's online library. Short of that, The Library of Congress and APSA is a primary source authority (free for all things politics); APA, ASA, for sciences (fee memberships). If this discussion is pursuant to my post, just ask! Most things I'm open to disclosure.
  3. Mor than mere 'slackness,' Wikipedia is called third source authority for a good reason. Most serious ed institution won't accept anything but primary or secondary source authorities.
  4. @Cyninque, of course, sister and I apologize to all for the graphic detail. Survival of the fittest is keened awareness of the environment and submission to one' s instincts based on empirical exposure, education, and osmosis possesses. By no means do I infer you would even contemplate such a horrific act. But every human is capable of unimaginable love as well as unspeakable violence, depending on the level of one’s fittest. I doubt you've ever been anybody's victim of a direct threat to your existence. But you are a Black woman living in one of most aggressive, hostile cities in the world, and you’re not unintelligent. I argue that’s not what makes us human. It simply means our psychological nature us functioning properly. Of all the species in this planet, the female is most alluring, simply because she a female, most of us males would disagree saying wealth, food, me or you, take precedence over of a woman, then we’d promptly recall the next thing that comes to our mind. Guess what the next thing is! And that’s is what renders a woman potentially, extremely dangerous. Go on, disagree with me if you will, who really know your strengths and weakness better than you. Many of you fall for the three words of your poison, but if doesn’t kill you (by that day of the month) God help the thing of your next thought. Okay pun aside.
  5. @Pioneer1, I'm compelled to offer an example: True story: several years ago (date and names omitted) I went to visit a close acquaintance, her boyfriend had just beat her up. She was crying, nervous and in a rage; bloody lip, bruises. She went into the kitchen pulled a knife, said when comes back I'm going to kill him. I looked holding the knife and felt compassion knowing she would hurt if she pulled on someone. I calmed and showed how to hold and maneuver the knife. Several months later I was informed her boyfriend attacked her again. They told "every place he did not grab " she sliced. Poor girl served 8-years in a women's prison because the court would self-defense as her defense. The assault was so brutal. For murder. THAT'S A TRUE STORY, and I'll never teach another person how to use a knife again.
  6. @Pirneer1, that pesky defense mechanism flaring up again, huh? Got a cure you should try, pull back the drapes, come out from behind the curtain, draw the blinds, and take the vail off, women are supposed to wear the vail anyway. How can you kiss the bride standing at the altar wearing a vail? Put the true image of the real you out-there. It may b the only way to know how you truly feel. Look out, man, haven't you read a word I've written don't let that attractive face fool you, she's potentially dangerous, man! There' some pun there but it's not worth messing with a Chicago female like that. Frankly, I believe she'll go toe- to -toe with you. Not good for your male image!
  7. @Zaji, well, yes and no. Aunt Charlene ran for the office of the presidency twice; the second time was in 1968 and her running mate was none other the Gus Hall. Hall association with that campaign was never officially stricken the library of Congress but not accessible for public consumption. They also reported that uncle Franklin committed suicide, family members say he was killed. Aunt Kendra also died under suspicious circumstances in San Francisco, supposedly a house fire. All from my father's side of the family Augustus Randolph Alexander, damn gangster, an elected official of AFL-CIO. Anut Charlene is still alive, spends a lot of time in Cuba. And oh yeah, she was on the international ballot and scared the crap of politics because she received an uncomfortable number of votes.
  8. @Pioneer1, then you've been wrong fora very long time, too long don't you think? Other folks believed 'Shirley Temple' (never knew her off stage name) was the first woman, also wrong!
  9. @Pioneer1, be that as it may, isn’t ambition the motivation for success? My comment reference was to Carson’s ambition, doing what’s good for his self-preservation, has nothing to do with being weak, chicken, being a coward. You too, Pioneer1, you’re tame, docile and domesticated. Referring Black folk as ‘negros.’ It doesn’t make you a coward, nor successful, just complacent just like Obama and Carson. By Obama's second term, he was done screwing matters up and in the middle his ultimate orgasm. Didn't hear, couldn't Black America ringing the doorbell. By the time he said 'come back' tomorrow, it was already too late.
  10. @Cynique, Perhaps he has one of those schoolboy crushes on you, it'll wear off. I wouldn't blame him, though, your image does warrants attraction, not of fatal kind. Please don't harm him! @Pioneer1, stop it, man! Your "strong defense mechanism' isn't so much a skill as it is a replacement for the burden of rejection.
  11. @Cynique, sister @Pioneer1 isn't a 'wanna-be anything, nor does he need to be, he just is; a person! I learned long ago to not expect much from people it only adds disappointment to frustration There is something to gain from even unscrupulous persons. I say that reluctantly because he seems to have principles, although a bit distorted. Yes ma'am, sister, born and reared in Chicago North and Southside. Although I prefer to describe Mr. Hoover as 'high profile' the brother is known to be notorious. I was associated with a group there polling public opinions concerning my aunt, not Angela, Charlene (Michell) Alexander, my father's older sister. You may be familiar with her, she is actually the first woman to ever run for president of the US., (1968) certainly the only Black woman, Independent Party ballot as a Communist Party candidate. Of everyone here, you are the most interesting, tough and principled needing no one's validation. You see I have five sisters myself and a mother with spirit as you display. And I can still feel the slaps to the back of my head to proof it.
  12. @Delano, WONDERFUL, now I'm officially a POW and hereby invoke the Geneva Convention, Just, please don't trade me and send me back to the God forsaken USA.
  13. @Delano, you think I intend to greet whenever I use the term ‘Brother’ or ‘Sister?” I assure that isn’t the case. I’m old school and those words genuinely, to connect with a Black person, it’s personal and has greater meaning for me. Not gain trust or approval! And here I am thinking my loving, magmatic personality was the unifying element here! Not a strict father either, my household is double incomes without children, and not because I see children as messy, noisy, and expensive. Love them but content I don’t any. And, among the languages I speak, French is one of them. You are not speaking French. Or did mean foreign or ‘manner’ of speaking which is not gibberish but not worthy of critical speculative thought either. Okay, well, whatever. Does this mean you've excused or dismissed yourself? @Pioneer, politics is simply an art of persuasion, getting something, you want. Please don’t mistake courage for being courageous enough to not back down in the face of adversary, pressure, or empty promises. Obama Took over the oval office. Ben Carson caved, for whatever reason. Personally, I'm of the opinion Barack Obama was foolishly brave, Ben Carson was cowardly, a coward. Neither served in the military and neither knocked the shit out of a Republican. Do think it civility, professional courtesy, or fear. Obama could have done more the Black community, but politics and politicking left him more of a lame duck because of Republican Party control of Congress. The brother did whatever he could to please as many of the people for as long as he could with the power given him. Executive orders overruling Congress, etc. Had he done something unpopular like implement ‘reparation’ for America’s part in slavery he would not have served another term, hell Republicans and Democrats would have served America his head on a platinum platter and his family as finger food. To be perfectly honest, 7 of his 8 years in office I suspected predicted his assassination. Thank God I was wrong. I know nothing of his personal life, and neither do you. There’s never been a scandal involving the other woman whether because he’s never been with or whether it’s true. Have you ever been with another woman while with your significant other? He was President of the United States of America, of course, any woman would have slept with him, even Joe Biden’s wife would sleep with him. Just what is your point, exactly?
  14. @Troy, not just study at universities, those individual’s empirical exposures in life complimented, helped develop their natural intelligence. Yes, absolutely, anyone can develop her/his intelligence with proper exposure to advanced information. Do you have the same intellectual capabilities as Gates, Job, Zuckerberg, etc.? SPSS, I didn’t imply I haven’t learned it yet. But it has been a selective effort on my part. @Delano, do you think intend to greet whenever I use the term ‘Brother’ or ‘Sister?” I assure that isn’t the case. I’m old school and those words genuinely, to connect with a Black person, it’s personal and has greater meaning for me. Not gain trust or approval! And here I am thinking my loving, magmatic personality was the unifying element here! Not a strict father either, my household is double incomes without children, and not because I see children as messy, noisy, and expensive. Love them but the content I don’t any is a relief . And, among the languages I speak, French is one of them. You are not speaking French. Or did mean foreign or ‘manner’ of speaking which is not gibberish but not worthy of critical speculative thought either. Okay, well, whatever. @Dalano, take that back, maybe it is gibberish. OH, UAS University of Alaska Southeast.
  15. @Delano, you think I aim to greet whenever I use 'Bother' or ''Sister"? Little is further the truth. I'm old school and my use of those terms is personal, my way of personal connection with Blacki folk; not to gain trust or approval. And here I was thinking my loving, magnetic personality was the unifying element! Not a strict father at all, not even a father, and not because I see children messy, noisy, and expensive, I'm just me; take me as I am or reject me. Everyone else and that I truly love. And, among languages I speak, French is one of them. You are not speaking French. Well, okay, whatever!
  16. @Pioneer1, Arnold Swartznagger, that hurts! Born and reared in Chicago, Illinois.
  17. @Pioneer1, not a problem, my 56-year-old Palestinian Nurse when I'm feeling Worse!
  18. @Pioneer1, yes, but they are surviving, though it’s at the peril of children’s lives. In your assertion you acknowledge the value of college degrees; what people do with advanced knowledge is a matter of moral conduct; survival of fittest, dead by sleepless nights or a guilty conscience. Maybe? Social deviance of the sociopathic kind. In reply to you question, yes education teaches everybody to be selfish, arrogant, and disingenuous whenever necessary. Isn’t that fitting into society’s norm. Remember the phrase ‘soul brother’ and ‘soul sister,’ remember what it used to mean to us? What happened to the attempt to disavow ourselves from White thinking, whites without a soul, influence of which we noticed had great material benefit, so we mimicked. Not at all encouraging, you say, how’s all the material and money the world going to save us at the peak of climate change (global warming), or in a national epidemic pandemic crisis. These are not encouraging scenarios because there’s nothing anyone can do, willing to do. We’ve become just as our oppressors, struggling for our turn to oppress. We hope, with the hope of our children (their academic exposure) will do something different and better, in time to save whatever is left. Again, education is to make our motion better, not get rich, or enjoy material accumulation, those are incidental benefits; I hope people will use not in a deviant manner.
  19. @Delano, excellent point, brother. Donald Trump is considered intelligent because he has billions when you factor in the fact it was all misappropriated his so-called intellect is transformed into social deviance, or simply a high IQ, a trait which contrary to intelligence. Often, professionals compromise their intellect by their social behavior. Dr. Robert Plomin, a deputy director of the MRC, genetic and developmental psychiatry at Kings College in London has it that any "one person's intelligence might be blown off course from its genetic potential." I as one doubt intelligence is in the DNA, but with a limited argument.
  20. @Troy, yes, success, however, is the unpredictable result for which we gamble and, as you point-out it depends on the individual. Taking it a step further, it depends on what the individual has; no information, no exposure, misinformation, and not money if properly addressed greatly increases the probability in one’s favor. Would you agree that ‘luck’ is germane to intangible ‘hope?’ Expectation, anticipation, and optimism for something only possible with opportunity. We all hope we’re not ever hit by a car or catch a stray bullet while sitting at home. We hope to never die. But the precautions we take that allow us to walk among vehicles without getting hit, sit at home without catching a stray bullet. The better we’re equipped to prepare the better chance at urban survival. Again, unpredictable results we gamble on; but it’s no reason to give-up efforts to change, be better than ordinary. You are fortunate to have had viable ‘connections’ most people do not. I didn’t, my employable skills were convenient to employer’s needs, if for nothing more than to fulfill their affirmative action requirement quota. When manual position labor positions are filled, to capacity, only skilled work is available. I believed @Delano alluded to this. Correction, sir, I beg to differ as to intellect is in the genetic code,it is a bi-product cognition, what is there is ability to learn (in all DNA code, there is also DNA code that produces anti-social behavior called the warrior gene) in any case DNA sequencing is still quite young as there remains much to be identified. But cognitive abilities are not inherited, does not lay within the DNA string along with hair color, skin color, etc. What you are right about is ‘race’ being relevant to culture or ethnicity, it’s invented. Furthermore, people’s fear of things not like them or the unknown, superiority to other being’s, and survival of fittest mentalities is more than an argument. Its real, brother and doesn’t have to be tangible to be felt or otherwise experienced. Again, I agree State economy is a factor, but when factored into the equation of human goals, emphasis takes from the view of the big picture. Simple survival, without the giant screen television, Bentley, or the mansion. The economy is not the absolute, or absolutely the factor when discussing opportunities, limited or otherwise. The only undeniable factor in everything is death. At some point in each of us, death is imminent. The goal is to climb as far up the mountain as possible (strive), beat your chest if you make it to the top (a truly meaningful life); but eventually everybody starts that downhill slid (was it worth it?), take your time coming down off your mountain (pretending all is well). But in the short-term most is going to forget where you’re buried or not care about where you’re buried anymore. Human power is unlimited while you’re alive, life itself is limited and prolonged by the ones who know not how to live but in understanding life itself.
  21. @Troy, what exactly is your definition of success and failure, earning money, learning to stand on one’s own two feet? Luck is too subjective to bring into discussion, instead, let’s call ‘luck’ opportunity. Connections are iffy depending on what you propose to bring to the employer’s table. Genetics, genetics, genetics! Intelligence or ability is not inherited nor something in our blood; it’s ideas, distinctions in genetics that create xenophobia, ethnocentrism, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. The economy is the distraction that keeps people focused on one target, which not necessarily the goal. I submit that studying anything at an advanced level will give a person the tools needed to survive no matter where they live. In spite of all the scenarios, the goal is singular and uncomplicated, survival, the ability to overcome obstacles and intelligence to convert disadvantages into advantages. Indeed, the greater the potential the better use of empirical experiences, every little bit is an asset to survival. Remember humans used stone tools that encouraged technology we use today. Those skills were passed along from the ancients.
  22. Journalism & Public Communications, BA, currently copy editing. MA Social Sciences: Social Psychology, Sociology, and Cultural Anthropology. Currently assisting excavation project in Palestine. Syntax, I know. The way I arrange my words are deliberate, I think. Or, arrangement by way of the languages I'm learning speak (Arabic and Hebrew) or perhaps I don't care.
  23. @Delano, the brother, got something for you. Now, please don’t get offended or think I’m trying to preach. I think it’s your ‘voice’ it’s undeveloped and not authentic. As a journalist with many years under his belt, I think you’d benefit from trying harder. Which is (probably) why I erroneously assumed you didn’t have a degree. I always write not less than 1000 words every day; always trying to further develop my own authentic voice. Though I have a four-page critique from my editor setting across the room, 5-days now, I still write 1000+ words every day. Even right here on this site, but I try to rant (often unsuccessfully). A similar practice may help you with clarity, thought processes, focus while always on the lookout for accuracy, accuracy, accuracy. Oh, and even college graduates, at all levels, suffer from the same dilemma. Just an observation and thought. And I could be wrong.
  24. @Delano, I never claimed I was intelligent. nor you unintelligent. Perhaps you failed to be clear. Did you not mention Bill Gates and others?
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