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The future don't seem too good for Black folks in the USA ...

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Lord knows just how incredibly short-sighted many Black folk can be.

It seems some of you want to argue, insult other Black people and ignore the signs that Trump will win in November. (I sure hope it’s not because so many of you probably WANT Trump to win).

Here is what you’re missing:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott just pardoned a White man convicted of killing a Black Lives Matter protester in the summer of 2020. Daniel Perry WAS serving a 25-year prison sentence for the murder of the protester, Garrett Foster, who was attending a racial justice protest with his Black fiancee.

But Perry, an armed White man, didn’t fancy that one bit. Abbott had faced pressure to issue the pardon from conservative media figures, or so he said.


Then, there’s the honorary Ku Klux Klansman in the Show Me State where a judge decided this man’s opinions and beliefs on race and other matters does not mean he should be shunned.


This dude can remain on the GOP ballot for Governor, the judge determined.



Ah, but I would not worry about this. Sean Diddy Combs can chase ‘em down, throw ‘em down, then proceed to beat ‘em down. They don’t even have to be near Century City or Combs’ hotel room.

And this time, we get to cheer.






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@StefanAll the examples  you mention, along with the cat fight between  Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia's Congressional Representative for white trash and 2 of her black  female colleagues, are  a sad commentary on what America has come to. During the course of an exchange of insults in the midst of a Congressional committee hearing, one of the sistas unleashed a barrage of adjectives describing  MTG as a "bleached blond," with a "bad built butch body" after the Georgia cracker questioned whether  her adversary's false eyelashes would interfere with her reading a report. Of course all hell broke loose within the hallowed halls of the U.S. House of Representatives!


The Supreme Court is so tarnished by its  bribed traitorous conservative  Republican Justices that it has lost all credibility.


Elsewhere, in a show of support for their disgraced presidential candidate (who's leading in the polls,) Retrumpican officials  show up at his trial for using illegal funds to pay hush money to a porn star. 



Meanwhile, the dates have been set for Presidential debates between 2 doddering old has-beens to determine who can - best finish a sentence.  This once proud nation has become a global laughing stock!

Maybe Puffy should run for president and select "good ol girl" Beyonce as his running mate. Could things get any worse?


God Bless America? I don't think the good Lord got the memo.   😳

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@StefanYou'd be surprised by how  many people here don't  keep up with pop culture or watch mainstream news. They think it's a waste of time. 

Did YOU  know Beyonce nrecently released a country western album? 


Next time I'll start my own post for folks who are up for a little comic relief from the grimness of what is available through links supplied.

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12 hours ago, Stefan said:

This was NOT the reason for my comment. Tell us something we don't know.

Feel free to provide your ideas of what Black folks should do to keep white supremacists and racists from doing their business as usual.😎

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America has always been what it is. Racismin the North is just more subtle and less honest than in the South.


Black people with a few exceptions on either side will survive. Most Black people know the system was designed for us. It isn't designed to help poor people either.

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@Stefanl've retired from telling Black folks what they need to do. Since there is no collective black consciousness, giving any such advice is an exercise in futility. I'm just a spectator,  seated in the peanut gallery. 

For 50 years, I have somehow managed to stay under the radar. 

 Having thus far failed in your mission to reform white folks, feel free to join me.


@Delano It's hard for Idealists to accept the reality of Life not being fair. 

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7 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

I'm just a spectacular,  seated in the peanut gallery. 

I've never met you in person but I'm sure you're spectacular.🤗


Around here, you're more than just a spectator seated in the peanut gallery.


I look forward to reading your perspective even though you've given up on certain factions within the Black race.😁


It's no secret that predominately red states  have laws that disproportionately affect Black folks


Recently, in Alabama, a Black man got a $200 speeding ticket for traveling 28 mph in a 25 mph zone. Ridiculous right there.


But, the Black man could face 30 days in jail if he refuses to write a letter to the court apologizing to the police officer for using profanity.


The officer blocked the vehicle after writing the ticket. Black man told the officer to get out of the d8mn way so that he could drop his kids off at school. 


Not surprised these situations are happening especially in the south. 😎

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I’ve been stopped countless times for speeding over the years but much less in recent years. My Florida state drivers license actually says “safe driver,” but there was a time I was in a high-risk pool and my insurance was higher that my car. The last speeding ticket I got I was doing 74 and a 55. The ticket was $700, it was in some shitty town in the middle of nowhere in South Carolina. the officer said he could throw me in jail and actually would not let me drive the car away. Fortunately, my ex-wife was with me and she drove the car.

this past weekend in Palm Coast, Florida I was stopped for doing 52 and a 35. I didn’t realize I was speeding. I was in the flow of traffic. The officer asked me when the last time I was stopped for speeding. I said I didn’t know, she asked was it last month last year? I said no it’s been years.


I was carrying out of date registration documents, but the car is registered and everything else was fine. The office came back told me the expired registration was $160 and the speeding ticket was 250 but she said she would give me a warning this time and sent me on my way.


Like I said, I’ve been pulled over a lot sometimes I’m completely innocent and I’ve been treated badly and the other times I was completely wrong and was treated with respect and kindness. I relate countless stories. From my perspective driving while Black is really a thing.


But what I can say is that does not seem to be a correlation between the north and the south offices are individuals and behave as such.


My only advice would be to comply. Don’t curse. at an officer of the law maintain your composure.  telling a trooper  “get out my damn way” is not gonna work. It is just stupid to do that.


as far as the question at hand, I think the future for Black people is relatively good again this is relative to prior years.


However, I think the country as a whole poor and middle-class people in general will be worse off.


We are in the midst of a new Gilded Age. The only difference is that the poorest of the poor today are far better off than they were 100 years ago. 

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5 hours ago, Troy said:

From my perspective driving while Black is really a thing.


My only advice would be to comply. Don’t curse. at an officer of the law maintain your composure.  telling a trooper  “get out my damn way” is not gonna work. It is just stupid to do that.



There's no shortage of evidence that driving while Black is a very real thing.


We should already know how to play the compliance game in the moment.


Live to see another day. Fight the ticket in court. Protest abuse of laws and authority.


Put attorney Ben Crump to work filing lawsuits against jurisdictions that abuse laws and authority.😁😎

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@Troy I'm curious. Considering the very real possibility that Trump  regains the presidency, how do you figure the future looks good for the black race? And what black folks are you talking about since you subsequently say that things will be worse for the middle and lower classes??

And how long do you think your perception of this being a Gilded Age will last with the chance of America being ruled by a despotic dictator  like Trump who many predict will usher in a fascistic theocratic government?  

Even if Trump loses, America will remain deeply divided and turmoil will be rampant. Imo.

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We lived through one Trump presidency.  I'm not very concerned about another.  Based upon my gut, a second Trump presidency seems unlikely. The media's collective opinion, based upon years of experience is no better than mine...  I called the first Trump presidency. 


The only wild card is that I have no clue what the impact of the gerrymandering over the past 4 years will be.  Can Trump loose the popular vote by 3, 4, or 5 million votes and still win the office?


2 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

And what black folks are you talking about since you subsequently say that things will be worse for the middle and lower classes??


I was talking about people of all races. But you know the trope; when white American catches a cold...


We have a great many things to be concerned with that transcend race.  Abortion laws hit poor people the hardest.  The impact on education as a result of the Covid Pandenic can begin to be calculated (those chickens will come home to roost) -- again poor people hit the hardest here too.  Inflation despite what the numbers and talking heads say is WAY up in every city I've visited and lived in.  The cost of living in suburban Tampa has increased dramatically since I purchased a home here everything is noticeably more expensive.


We have TikTok and inexpensive strong weed, so the masses are largely placated.


2 hours ago, aka Contrarian said:

how long do you think your perception of this being a Gilded Age will last with the chance of America being ruled by a despotic dictator  like Trump who many predict will usher in a fascistic theocratic government?


I don't think it is a "perception" on every measure the matters the comparison is apropos. I have faith that our government will not allow Trump to become the dictator of America.  Pence was just one example.  Trump picked Pence for a reason and Pence stood firm when it mattered most and so did many other republicans. I think Pence deserved a medal and Trump should have been tried for treason. 


@aka Contrarian we live in different information silos.  I suspect you are exposed to far more Trump hysteria than I am, so you are much more of an alarmist on him than I. 


We should be more concerned about so many guns in the hands of the public, the wealthy people (and corps) who don't come close to paying their fair share of taxes, and out impact on climate change to start.

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@TroyI hope you are right. Thank you for your insightful analysis of America's current state of affairs.   Whatever happens will have very little impact on me. It's quite possible I won't even be around when the next POTUS is elected. But I do have 8 great-grand children...

And you know me, I don't really care whether or not America remains a united country. I can't imagine anyone wanting to continue being a countryman of the  Fox News crowd who supports Trump.

I have always, dating back to the 1950s, had an aversion to right wing Republicans, black ones in particular, so i am not an objective Independent. Progressive "woke" left wingers also get on my nerves. I remain a moderate liberal Democrat, and in order to avoid  another hissy fit from Stefan, I am done commenting on this thread. Back to the peanut gallery. Whatever will be, will be. 

Whoever is "up there"  controlling the action in this game of life must be having a really good laugh. 


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On 5/19/2024 at 6:33 PM, Stefan said:

Lord knows just how incredibly short-sighted many Black folk can be.

It seems some of you want to argue, insult other Black people and ignore the signs that Trump will win in November. (I sure hope it’s not because so many of you probably WANT Trump to win).

You've presented the problem but what is the solution to this dilemma? 

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On 5/23/2024 at 11:32 AM, aka Contrarian said:

and in order to avoid  another hissy fit from Stefan,

I ignore irrelevant questions and comments. Water seems it's on level. So I just communicate with people I feel are on my level or can think of see past what they see.

@aka Contrarian

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On 5/19/2024 at 6:33 PM, Stefan said:

Lord knows just how incredibly short-sighted many Black folk can be.

It seems some of you want to argue, insult other Black people and ignore the signs that Trump will win in November. (I sure hope it’s not because so many of you probably WANT Trump to win).

Here is what you’re missing:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott just pardoned a White man convicted of killing a Black Lives Matter protester in the summer of 2020. Daniel Perry WAS serving a 25-year prison sentence for the murder of the protester, Garrett Foster, who was attending a racial justice protest with his Black fiancee.

But Perry, an armed White man, didn’t fancy that one bit. Abbott had faced pressure to issue the pardon from conservative media figures, or so he said.


Then, there’s the honorary Ku Klux Klansman in the Show Me State where a judge decided this man’s opinions and beliefs on race and other matters does not mean he should be shunned.


This dude can remain on the GOP ballot for Governor, the judge determined.



Ah, but I would not worry about this. Sean Diddy Combs can chase ‘em down, throw ‘em down, then proceed to beat ‘em down. They don’t even have to be near Century City or Combs’ hotel room.

And this time, we get to cheer.







Our future is what we will fight and work hard to make it. Things in the past like Slavery and Jim Crow Segregation were far worse than what any of us under age seventy can possibly imagine. Things aren't as good as they could or should be. But our situation is far better than it was.


It's up to us. Systemic Racism, this prevailing brand of predator Capitalism, and the Trumpist threat to freedom and democracy are challenges that can be met and overcome if we stand strong and get involved.


We can restore black marriage, reclaim our neighborhoods from violent crime, and build bigger more lucrative businesses. But this requires us to be better individuals. It means practices real love that corrects, rebukes, encourages, and supports each other as family members and friends.


Nothing good is guaranteed. Nothing bad is inevitable.


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The admirer of big city mayors who smoke crack and had to be cajoled home when they were drunk …

I did not deign to offer advice. As the Senior News Writer and Senior News Editor I was paid to be for 26 years …

 I merely informed. And what did you do? You attacked. You never explain anything. You just get jealous. Just as I pointed out.

But the next move is up to individuals such as yourself.

So, what is the man who idealized Marion Barry gonna do? What’s your plan? Especially since Trump has offered scant details of his “Reich” scenario. One of my online pals termed Trump’s coming politico/racist/criminal agenda as:
“The Turd Reich.”

I did hear from a poster whose words I had longed to read. This poster is Delano. A calm, gifted and logical chronicler of events and happenings. Delano is as thoughtful as Prof D is childish.

Put your Reasoning caps on, people. This coming election is not a joke.

I trust Chevdove stays well.


On 5/23/2024 at 12:55 PM, Mel Hopkins said:

You've presented the problem but what is the solution to this dilemma? 


That has to come from folks like you.


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4 hours ago, Stefan said:

That has to come from folks like you.

Folks like me would ask you to describe your ideal society, and then we'd focus on building that world.  We would never discuss what you dislike because that would only invite more.  


So, what's your ideal society? 

For example, One element I'd include in designing my ideal society is the freedom to pursue our highest ideals without infringing on the rights of others.  So, I'll look for examples of that lifestyle and promote what is working to generate more energy for those ideas.   Here's an example of someone, Dr. D. J. Tillman,  who is pursuing her highest ideals, so I know it can be done. 




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7 hours ago, Stefan said:


The admirer of big city mayors who smoke crack and had to be cajoled home when they were drunk …

You may want to evaluate your obsession with disparaging a deceased Black man who accomplished more for a Chocolate City as mayor in half the amount of time you spent at the Daily Planet.

7 hours ago, Stefan said:

I merely informed. And what did you do? You attacked. You never explain anything. You just get jealous. Just as I pointed out.

You started a thread. Didn't inform us about anything we didn't already know. Nor did you provide any ideas of how to stop Orange Julius from coming back into power.


7 hours ago, Stefan said:

So, what is the man who idealized Marion Barry gonna do? What’s your plan?

I plan to do exactly what Dick Gregory suggested the 1st time around before Orange Julius was elected. There's nothing Black folks can do to stop white privilege. 


7 hours ago, Stefan said:

I did hear from a poster whose words I had longed to read. This poster is Delano. A calm, gifted and logical chronicler of events and happenings. Delano is as thoughtful as Prof D is childish.

There's common ground between us as I also enjoy reading brotha @Delano whenever he comes through and drops his insight. 

7 hours ago, Stefan said:

Put your Reasoning caps on, people. This coming election is not a joke.

This coming election is a joke. Two old azz white men looking to run the country into the ground from different directions.


The only thing both candidates have in common is maintaining the system of racism white supremacy. 


@Stefan, I have it good authority that you can rest assured your situation won't get any better or worse. It's called a holding pattern.😎

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11 hours ago, Delano said:

Think globally act locally 

Twin, I don't know how you do it. Still, I worked on this project for ABN AMRO - when it became their internal/external campaign and mission in 2003... 👀 I still have the annual report that featured my project while working at LaSalle Bank Chicago. Thank you for the reminder! ❤️ 

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7 hours ago, Mel Hopkins said:

Twin, I don't know how you do it.

Twins have their own method of communication.

On 5/26/2024 at 1:01 AM, Stefan said:

. Delano is as thoughtful as Prof D is childish

I wouldn't say that 

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On 5/29/2024 at 6:09 PM, Delano said:

I think ABN AMRO was one of the clearing banks at my first job 

I'm not surprised, LOL. We have DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) in common! We were orbiting each other and didn't even know it! 🥰

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