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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2016 in all areas

  1. Things are really heating up in Cleveland. Latest trending topic sending the media into a frenzy, is the blatant plagiarism committed by Melania Trump, who in her speech at the Republican convention, lifted lines verbatim from a previous speech by Michelle Obama wherein the first lady made references to the ethical values that she shared with her husband, Barack. Melania's faux pas has proven to be a great distraction and Republicans are trying hard to blow it off while the talking heads covering the convention, not to mention gleeful Democrats, and Twitter tweeters are having a field day over this gaffe. Not hard to imagine that all this is a sign of things to come. This prickly incident brought to my mind a line from another speech, - the one delivered by social activist/Grey's Anatomy actor, Jesse Williams, when he accepted his BET humanitarian Award: "demeaning our creations then stealing them." White folks have always co-opted black style and slang, and the way this particular theft has backfired, is a form of poetic justice. LOL It's unsettling how this presidential campaign being waged between the Conservative, Evangelical Republicans and the Liberal Socialist Democrats is becoming more like a war between 2 countries instead of a race between 2 parties. Will America end up with a president who resembles an alien from another planet and a first lady who is an alien from another country? Or will ol Hillary weather the storm under the umbrella provided by the "lesser-of-2-evils" voters? We shall see when the last act of this farce is played out in November.
    2 points
  2. New Black Religious Show Called Greenleaf,On Oprah Winfrey OWN Channel.It's About A Black Religious Church Family.Beneath The Faith Is ,Adultery And Greed. This Is Small Example What The Black Church Is.3 Black Preachers Are In Real Prisons For Killing Their Wifes,Preachers Have Children With Mistresses,They Be With Prostitutes,Beat Their Wifes,And Are Motivated By Money..Preacher"s Wife Hired A Hit Man To Kill Her Preacher Husband,He Did.Black Church Is A Prison Cell,Slave Cabin.Preachers Are Pimps,,Plantation House Negroes And Black Slave Holders..
    1 point
  3. @Pioneer1, I agree with most of what you wrote, but I'm not sure most people who go into the law enforcement can truly appreciate what the job entails until they actually on the job; but this is probably true for many jobs. I think cops are respected among their peers, because as you wrote a job paying 40 or 50 thousand a year with full benefits is considered a "good job" to most Black people--plus they get to carry a gun... Now folks in the arts crowd might feel different about cops--even if we make less money and have no benefits (but class is more than about income, right?). And of course highly paid and wealthy folks would look down on cops, but they look down on everyone. However, both of these groups are relatively small compared the masses of people who revere cops or would love to be in a position to be a cop. So I would not expect a cop to resign--especially if they have some years in. In NYC after 20 years they get a pension that pays a livable wage for the rest of their lives; some on the job frustration is not enough for anyone to give that up.
    1 point
  4. Well you knew I would get a kick out of the Chris Of course this does not come as a surprise to me. You see, I used to get a lot of traffic from other indie sites before they all, effectively, dried up. I get traffic from your site as well. This is why I'm always telling folks to link to each other--because it works. You recall the post about the traffic I send to the Harlem Book Fair's site. Large and small sites benefit from this strategy; it is free to do it; and it scales. The problem is getting authors to simply take advantage of our collective strength. This is even harder than getting authors to use an Amazon affiliate code--seriously.
    1 point
  5. Yes, and the real benefit of YouTube is the service they provide for videos including embedding. In the early days hosting your own videos was expensive, and YouTube made it possible to share videos on your website and with others. Today hosting videos is cheap, but youtube gets you videos seen by more people that hosting them on your site alone. YouTube adds value to the WWW, where most other social media platforms attempt to horde and extract value from the WWW.
    1 point
  6. Hi Troy, Sorry for the late reply. I've been away from social media for health reasons. Thank you for taking time to answer my question. This makes total sense! As far as how you're counting best sellers, I think I like the idea of both lists being counted the same, whichever way you decide - same book multiple times or distinct titles. I applaud you for all your hard work. This sounds like a daunting task. Sheryl
    1 point
  7. Weren't you at an event this weekend? Your increase in traffic is a direct relation to your interaction with people I'm sure. I've noticed that my best days are. 1. When I have a guest writer on the blog (He's a cop). 2. When I've spoken somewhere or visited a place and people realize that I'm the shoe guy. Maybe a few people spread the word that AALBC was at the event and you know like I know people will search for you on Facebook before looking for your site. The scrolling feature is excellent! Do you know in the last 48 hours I've had zero traffic from social media on CBP? 26% Direct Traffic 23 Visits 12% Referring Websites 11 Visits 62% Search Engine Referrals Now you should get a kick out of this though; on my ARCH page your site sends more traffic to there than my book stuff!!!!!! 21% Direct Traffic 13 Visits 21% Referring Websites 13 Visits 6.56% 4 Visits aalbc.com/tc/topic/3178-your-opportunity-to-support-a-black-owned-athletic-shoe-company/ 3.28% 2 Visits images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.arch-usa.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/k8mfvdeinoxesadsz78a.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.arch-usa.com/blog/author/admin/page/3/&h=601&w=1024&tbnid=2-_ED2OPTc0woM:&docid=vn3RTcHQ78lAKM&hl=de-DE&ei=-SGNV5iuEIq7swH5kYmQBQ&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-tmobile-de&iact=rc&uact=3&page=2&start=6&ndsp=8&ved=0ahUKEwjYjped1P3NAhWK3SwKHflIAlIQMwggKAswCw&noj=1&safe=images&bih=567&biw=360Image Search 1.64% 1 Visit android-app://com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox 1.64% 1 Visit images.google.co.za/imgres?imgurl=http://www.arch-usa.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/air-jordan-4-retro-legend-blue-grade-school-lifestyle-shoe-whitelegend-blue-midnight-navy-limit-1-per-customer-0136cd23.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.arch-usa.com/blog/category/jordan-brand/&usg=__i2fKhv0heOP3KbuXydeFUHLRBAg=&h=1000&w=1000&hl=en&start=56&tbnid=Lh3LS5gWGkxmDM:&tbnh=149&tbnw=149&ei=ihKLV7HyKsmBgAbbloHYAw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwix37Od3fnNAhXJAMAKHVtLADs4MhCtAwgnMAUImage Search 1.64% 1 Visit images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.arch-usa.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/940x616q80.jpeg&imgrefurl=http://www.gleitschirmfreunde-taunusstein.de/898at-jordan-3-retro-store&h=616&w=940&tbnid=OHOXIxAfszMNfM:&docid=efG2XuxwRxplxM&hl=de-de&ei=FZaLV-qFJozTU4-Zn4gG&tbm=isch&client=safariImage Search 1.64% 1 Visit int.search.myway.com/search/GGmain.jhtml?searchfor=arch+brand+pathani&n=782a2f2f&p2=^BE4^xdm647^TTAB02^in&ptb=4BC64543-10A4-4D98-95BB-4480D900E9F8&qs=&ss=sub&st=tab&tpr=sbt&ts=1468829138087 1.64% 1 Visit l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://www.arch-usa.com/&h=NAQEvIZlX More in Came From 11% Social Networks 7 Visits 46% Search Engine Referrals 28 Visits I get a referral of like 1% from AALBC to my CBP site. What do you think about that?
    1 point
  8. Troy There are a lot of smart people..... And there are a lot of righteous people.... But there aren't too many who share BOTH virtues....lol. I actually agree with you that the police in most big cities aren't compensated enough for doing what they do on a daily basis. This lack of adequate compensation leads to stress, divorce, and corrupt policing practices like shaking down pimps and dope dealers for extra cash or being paid off. While a job paying 40 or 50 thousand a year with full benefits may be considered a "good job" to most Black people, being a police officer are still considered a lower class occupation by White American standards. They largely seen as uneducated and barely into the "middle class". So a lot of White cops are angry about their socio-economic condition and the stress it causes them socially and financially among thier peers. But there are quite a few who are not only NOT stressed out by their work but actually get an adrenaline rush out of it. These are the "cowboy" types who think their gun and badge puts them above the law and gives them the power to be judge, jury, and exocutioner on the street. At the end of the day, police officers know the stresses of the job BEFORE the sign on and take their oath. If at anytime they feel the pressures of the job are too much for them or they disagree with the policies they are charged with enforcing, then they should do the honorable thing and resign instead taking out their frustrations on the public.
    1 point
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