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  1. I've been thinking about how I think and I'm not sure. I will say that I am always challenged by people who confidently assert something, and my first impulse is contradict them with an alternate possibility. I am a natural polemicist and an inductive thinker, which is why I anticipate what a person who disagrees with me would say and I am thinking of how to respond to their rebuttal even as i am trying to get my ideas across. My main shortcoming is remembering something I have heard somewhere and including it in making my point without being able to back it up with references and hard facts. So this can make it easy for someone to tell me that I don't know what i'm talking about. LOL. In being a truth seeker, my perspective is always about the big picture and the overview because I think people get caught up in their own little worlds. I am also a cynical old broad who used to be a skeptical young chick. Debbie Downer. Below are my observations about the thought processes of you 3 guys, and they are observations not criticisms. They are what make you all uniquely yourselves. Del assumes you know where he is coming from and is spontaneous in his comments which are often out of context and are, therefore, confusing. He is also mercurial but this contributes to his being flexible in his positions. He seems self-aware and sensitive, a versatile thinker comfortable with both science and spirituality. Troy subconsciously uses the power of persuasion in his arguments, assuming that what is as "given" to him is a "given" to you - until you snap out of it.LOL He borders on ennobling himself because he always takes the high ground and although he sometimes takes on the role of the victim, too, he is very convincing in justifying his grievances. A great technical, resourceful mind complemented by a winning personality With Pioneer, he is very opinionated and often backs up his opinions with specious arguments that, if not necessarily factual, are at least interesting and provocative, - not to mention long-winded. A well-read, unorthodox thinker with a sly sense of humor. I enjoy sparring with all of you. You make my life more interesting because I don't get a lot of mental stimulation in my day-to-day existence that includes scrolling up and down FaceBook..
    2 points
  2. 25 Years ,Ago.,White Police Got Away With .Almost Beating --,Rodney King To Death..White City,White Jury,White -Condoned,It. Still Upset .Because O J Simpson ,Had A -Mostly,Black Jury And Was Found Not Guilty..Rodney King -"s,Words Can .We All Get Along? No!! Video Of Rodney -King,Beating By Those Klan. Demons .,Eric Garner -Choked,To,Death Over Cigarettes,Freddie Gray,Walter Scott,12 -,Year Old Tamir Rice,That Long List Of Nazi Police Gunning -Down Unarmed Black Males..Freddie Gray,Black -Police,They,Know What Happened On Police Van ..April --29, 1992,..Then There Is The Black Police . They Know White -Police,Have Been. Fired For Being Members Of The Nazi-Klan..The KKK,Is A Terrorist Organization....Neither Political - Party Talks About White Police In KKK..April 29,,1992,LA Riots...
    1 point
  3. ...or maybe Time Magazine looked beyond the superficial points you describe @Pioneer1 and evaluated these sistaz on their cultural, artistic, and business influence. Perhaps these two ladies are movers and shakers, making decisions behind the scenes that impact our lives in ways you are unaware. Now, of course, I do not believe Time actually did that; I think they just came up with a list to attract the most attention and conversation. I was unaware of the list and have not interest in it, but here I am talking about it. I'm certain one of the lurkers reading this conversation will be prompted to see who else is on the list, driving revenue to the site--mission accomplished. Pioneer maybe you should come up wth a published your own list. I'll help share it. @Cynique, I'm surprised Oprah did not make the list. I would put Steve Harvey, Wendy Williams, and Al Sharpton on my list of 100 most influential Black people.
    1 point
  4. Cynique I assume that people want to challenge their beliefs and do original thinking. I would say your synopsis or is it analysis, is on the money. There aren't too many places where you can have a provocative dialogue. The question is not what do you think about or how do you think. But what happens while you are thinking. My initial feeling was thinking is a mysterious process. Since you don't feel anything and then the answer pops out.
    1 point
  5. Sexual harassment is most political correctness run amok. As you mentioned depending on the situation and the people involved the statement could be funny or obscene. A son saying it to his grandmother is completely different than a young man saying it to a young woman that he knows very well. Still, unless something has changed dramatically Black men should err on the side of caution when it comes to joking around in the office. I would never have said something like that to any woman in the office unless I knew her well enough to know she would not go to the man and sell me out. I would have cautioned my man to exert more discretion in the future.
    1 point
  6. Pioneer there's a subtle difference: what I am asking, and what you think I am asking. Sometimes I am capable of deriving a question that's palatable to the person being asked. It took me 30 minute with someone who understands my thought process. So I thank you for the effort. I'll post my response to the question. I didn't have sn answer until a day ago. Del The tricky part of communicatin is that we use the same words, but the meanings are shaded by our experience. Which is where the distortion happens. Also even if you grow up in the same environment your temperment, beliefs and assumptions will influence and skew how you see things. Pioneer when you use the words true and false I think of them they way a logician philosophers or computer programmer would. So there can be things that are true and wrong . Veracity only means that if I accept your assumptions and follow your thinking I can come to the same conclusion. Personally most assumptions are opinions. I would say that there are no facts. And if i can think of a situation no matter how far fetched that fact is no longer solid. The reason i take this position is that I can not be certain of the unknown much less the unknowable. Pioneer we have a different style of communication and thought process. I am not wedded to any idea or belief. Except that I want to know and figure stuff out.
    1 point
  7. Del Pioneer the question is what happens in your mind. What you have decscribed is the outcomes and your mental process. If you ask someone how they think then it IS about their mental processes. However if you're asking where do people get their IDEAS from then maybe you're talking about INTUITION and INSPIRATION where thoughts just pop up in a person's mind without them making any effort to ponder it or the factors related to it. Most great artists have this type of thinking, called a "creative imagination". I'm not sure if this type of spontaneous thinking comes from the subconcious of the individual, or the superconscious of the collective. Troy Piecing together what both of them said....... He was sitting behind a desk and she had to reach behind him to get a coat off the wall that she had left. As she was reaching she said, "I'm sorry to put my big butt in your face but I just gotta grab my jacket." He told her, "Don't worry about it, you can put your butt in my face anytime you want to." Honestly, I've made similar comments to women on the various jobs I'VE had not to mention things I've said in regular life. I've gotten so many dates and sexual opportunities from women from making similar comments! But I can understand how in a sterile work environment and depending on the woman you make it to (she was a young "half-Korean" woman) how somone can take offense to comments like that. I knew if a White man made the same comment she wouldn't have become as offended. I also knew that if HE had made the same comment to MOST Black or MOST White women they wouldn't have been nearly as offended either. Knowing this was probably the case pushed me to fight it harder just on the principle of not allowing another Black man be punished for simply being a man. It goes back to what I've been saying for the past few weeks, a lot of the problems Black people have in this society are "invited" by them not standing up for themselves. BTW..... Weeks after that not only did they become "friends" but they started going to Friday's and other spots with other co-workers after work....lol.
    1 point
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