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  1. @Pioneer1 First , most black Americans are from West Africa. They are from the Haplogroup L 1 and L 2 , they are the original people. I just happened to be from East Africa (Ethiopia) according to my mtDNA . I come from L3 haplogroup, a mtDNA mutation from the first and second modern human. This means I'm a progeny of most black Americans here, and I'm a progenitor of Europeans and Asians. Caucasians from the Caucasus region also come from my L3 haplogroup . Not the other way around. I'm their biological mother as my mtDNA is about 80,000 - 104,000 years old and Caucasians arrived here about 11,500 years ago. Caucasians have AFRICAN (and some Neanderthal) ancestry. In researching , ancient Rome I found out there were a lot of Africans there - and a lot of the architecture is influenced by northern Africans - as it is in Peru too. Oddly, when I was in Peru, a a native woman asked me if so-and-so was my mother - a woman who lived there. All this to say, when you leave the united states you will see the world looks a lot more like me, Del, Cynique, Troy (and maybe you - but I've never seen you ) than most fair-hair folks with the pinkish hue. Anyway, Rome feels like a playground to me, so most likely I (my ancestors) did a lot of trading, living and playing there. Brazil felt like heartache, and I had no love for England and it felt like a place I did a lot of studying. Peru feels like home, so I (ancestors) probably settled there for a while... In all my travels I haven't visited the motherland yet - but if I do, I know I'll most likely want to stay. Also I didn't disagree with you - I said they could be the same thing... @Cynique I'm so thankful and grateful that we had this opportunity to connect! Isn't it amazing how we know what we do for no obvious reason! It's that kind of stuff (for lack of a better word) that makes this life so fascinating and worth living. Aside: I just read today there is software that people control using their brainwaves - (thoughts) so I got to thinking about a lot of conversations here - and realized "Thoughts are Matter" or it wouldn't be able to control software. Didn't you and @Troy have this debate before?
    2 points
  2. @Pioneer1 I do not necessarily believe in reincarnation or past lives. As I mentioned. A past life could be nothing more than genetic memory. In the simplest explanation I can muster - DNA is code and within code there's information. Why couldn't that information give detail of our ancestors events? As for what was revealed when I died or information given to me by others... I don't operate that way. I think for myself. Much of what I speak of comes from this process call deductive reasoning that leads to synthesis. I read a lot , experience a lot and listen to others, usually those who are experienced. Once I gather information from several sources including first-hand experience, I then formulate a hypothesis. Next, I look for more evidence to support or dismiss my theory. On this particular subject, I happened to sit next to a neurosurgeon on one of my flights. I asked him if there was such a thing as genetic memory. He said he didn't think so but in his studies he did find that a newborn primate didn't fear anything but a hissing sound. He said he couldn't explain how a newborn could have an innate fear of something that was actually a threat to its existence. He concluded it was wired into his genes. Because of that information he couldn't rule out genetic memory. There's a lot of information on the subject but to date there's no verifiable evidence. When I first arrived in Rome, Italy - I didn't get lost once. It was if I knew my way around, like I had been there before. It felt extremely familiar. The weird part is I have a poor sense of direction. I didn't feel like I was there in a past life - I felt like my ancestors were there... and I literally followed in their footsteps.
    2 points
  3. LOL @Cynique your recoiling at Christians like Pence is the work of a demon in you. Heeel her! @Mel Hopkins, I don't recall if I had a debate or any one on thoughts being matter. But for what it is worth if you'd like to fire one up I'm game ;-) I don't think thoughts are matter being made up of atoms. But since man simply does not know what the vast majority of the material that makes up the universe is composed of, perhaps we can't know what thoughts are made up of. Is there any proof that thoughts can exist beyond our physical being or outside a suitably powerful computer?
    1 point
  4. @Cynique you nailed it! Beyonce actually submitted a trademark application through her trademark holding company, BGK Trademark Holdings, llc.. Blue Ivy Carter , Rumi Carter and Sir Carter ; BGK stands for (Beyonce Giselle Knowles)
    1 point
  5. I'm finally good to go. i didn't realize that i was signed out. I couldn't get back in until i went through the procedure of getting a new pass word because i forgot my old one.
    1 point
  6. @Mel Hopkins what you said about DNA coding is so interesting! Instinctive behavior occurs frequently in the animal kingdom. Like how dogs always go through the motions of tamping down the little area were they are going to take a dump, and then scratch at the ground as if to cover it up, an instinct supposedly left over from the times when they had to conceal their feces so their enemies couldn't pick up their scent and track them down. And how bees are born knowing what division of labor they belong to in regard to the queen and making honey. And how geese have a kind of radar that enables them to fly in flocks, and how other birds know when to migrate south for the winter. I have an interesting experience similar to your Rome one. Mine has to do with the music of Frederick Chopin which I'd never been exposed to before my early teens at which time i heard a selections i learned was written by him and it sounded so familiar that i became enthralled by it. From then on i could always distinguish his music from other classical masters, because of how familiar it sounded to my ears. There may be another explanation for this but it's something i've always been curious about. And then there is the discomfort i feel around fundamental evangelical Christians. When they begin to make biblical references especially ones that are judgmental, i have an actual physical reaction wherein in my insides recoil. I've been exposed to religion all of my life and have never really had any bad experiences connected with it, but the concept of it always produces a negative reaction in me and gives rise to an urge to debunk and ridicule anyone who is devout. Whenever i see Vice president Pence, a staunch bible-thumper, i just want to bring him down...
    1 point
  7. You guys are aware that Reggie Lewis died in 1993 at age 50 of a brain tumor, aren't you? To have become a billionaire before age 50 makes him even more extraordinary. How ironic that the brain which enabled him to be so brilliant, was the source of his untimely death.
    1 point
  8. I see a white background
    1 point
  9. Troy Yeah, I noticed it too. I was wondering if I went to the wrong site for a second. It reminded me of one of those google "cache" settings where everything is a skeleton of what it should be....lol.
    1 point
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