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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Image-wise Prince was an anomaly. He was a beautiful, heterosexual dude who flirted with androgeny. I'd imagine he indirectly inspired girly boys to be free to express themselves. But, by all accounts Prince was totally secure in his manhood. The high-heeled boots and blouses he wore did not define him. Nonetheless, Prince was a phenomenal talent. He's definitely among an elite class of documented musicians to have shown up on the planet.
  2. As a musician, this is near and dear to me. I've always felt that music has the power to heal the world. Prince was a genius. Lately, I've been binge listening to the late brotha Gil Scott-Heron: Despite his personal struggles, amazing how prophetic this poet was with his pen, voice and musicianship. I'm a keyboard player, so brotha Brian Jackson's work with Gil was sublime.
  3. Mzuri, I've been a civil servant for 34 years and counting. I've already stated reparations will never happen. Above, I just outlined what it should look like. As mentioned, unfortunately, a one-time payment would go to TVs, cars, clothes, shoes, Playstations, alcohol, cigarettes, weed, drugs and Black & Mild cigars.
  4. That move by Russ Westbook and Lil Nas X's "pregnancy" all in the same space and time was just further proof that these young nigglets are totally ignorant.
  5. Pioneer, along similar lines my thoughts on U.S. reparations to AfroAmericans would be the following: 1) free healthcare and education 2) free housing 3) zero income tax 4) zero interest guaranteed loans 5) lifetime monthly stipend starting at age 18 Additionally, the government would provide land and infrastructure funding to build schools, hospitals and banks to be run by AfroAmericans. At one point, I thought it would be great to have a safe haven state exclusively for AfroAmericans with arable land and a moderate climate. But, I'm not so sure about the state thing upon thinking about how easily it could be polluted and destroyed. I would hope that we've got folks with military and law enforcement training to protect it but I don't have a warm and fuzzy feeling there. D8mn near every country the US has had a conflict with receives the equivalent of reparations. Japan provoked our entry into WWII. Dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki basically ended it. Nobody else wanted that smoke. For their troubles, millions of dead, injured, disabled and/or adversely affected Japanese folks, the US helped rebuild their country and economy. Now, Japan is a wealthy country with a seat at the table in the G8. Reparations can be done. Apparently, America hasn't been given enough incentive to atone for its original sin (slavery). AfroAmericans are constantly being slapped in our proverbial faces through marginalization to every other issue that can be exploited. Most recently, it was black folks shut up and be quiet, Asians are being attacked in these streets. We're working on an anti-Asian hate crime bill. We'll get back to your voting rights later. Nevermind the constitutional rights afforded to every citizen.
  6. Agreed. The timeline you provided is crucial to understanding the modern day buck breaking. Even athletes aren't exempt. Some of the biggest, strongest and most powerful Black dudes on the planet are made to dress in such a way that it softens their masculinity. I'm a huge fan of NFL football. Breast cancer awareness is a big deal. But, the fact that NFL players have to wear pink accessories during breast cancer awareness month is another example of buck breaking. This past summer an NFL player announced that he was gay. The league ran with it faster than they acknowledged police brutality. Don't be surprised to see NFL players having to wear some rainbow socks or wristbands and run onto the field with the Village People's "Macho Man" blaring from the speakers. Former QB Cam Newton was often shown in his post game attire. He always looked like a muscle bound version of a cross between a pimp and Mrs. Doubtfiire. Then, so many black boys are being raised without strong fathers and other black male roles. Growing up in a house full of estrogen has to be toxic on some level.
  7. First, most of the black tragedies as reported on local and national news happen in impoverished communities. IMO, the media wants to speak to the most under-educated black folk they can find. I believe if the family was articulate, their story would go unreported. Murders happen in trailer parks all over America too. I wonder if the media goes there to have a little talk with honey boo boo's momma. Even then, they'll try to clean her up a bit before lights, camera, action. Mzuri, Ben Crump with that speech impediment and Rep James Clyburn (South Carolina) either clearing his throat or grunting are media darlings. I cringe every time those nigglets show up on TV.
  8. My problem with reparation checks is how quickly black folks will give the money back to white folks. Brotha Dave Chappelle did a brilliant skit on it. We already see it happening on a smaller scale with athletes and entertainers who buy a bunch of dumb sh8t and make other bad investments. Ask the average black person what they would do with their reparation check and they can list a litany of sh8t they would buy i.e. consume. But, usually there is no business plan whatsoever. Wealth is built and secured through vertical integration. Currency (labor and money) should remain within a group/community at an exchange rate of at least 8 times before it leaves. Reparations will never happen and especially not if there was a chance the concept above was adopted. Now, I'm beginning to think those stimulus checks were a reparations dry run. Let's see what people do with the money. Sure enough, more TVs and sh8t were sold. That's why 3% of the population control the wealth in this country. They insure that their money changes hands within the group.
  9. Pioneer, I lumped trans into the sexually confused. But, dealing more specifically with transgender, that's been ongoing for just as long as the rest. Throughout history, boys and men have either by force or choice, dressed like women. The most widely recognized head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, is widely rumored to show up at parties dressed as a woman. The funniest thing is that while this dude (Hoover) went after the mafia (soft peddling) and completely destroyed every progressive black movement through COINTELPRO, nobody ever outed him. That's how white supremacy closes ranks. I *hate* that the alphabet soup movement in which T is Trans, co-opted the Civil Rights movement to advance their own platform. Transgender folks benefit from the protection afforded by the alphabet soup movement. They feel free to flaunt their BS. The saddest part to me is that RuPaul, a nigglet, is allowing white supremacy to put him on the cover of the movement. This dude is winning Emmy awards for that BS he's pushing on TV. White supremacy has instructed that from a child to an adult, anyone who identifies as Trans, non-binary or whatever, has the right to do so and protection under the law.
  10. Pioneer, I'll be 52 years old next month if the last birthday didn't cancel my reservation on the rock. I've been bald (purposefully) over half my time here but still have my 32 teeth and perfect health. Knock on wood. See, that's it. While many folks are worried about their "soul" and the afterlife, that doesn’t seem to be the concern of white supremacy. They are content to rule and enjoy here and now and having been doing so for thousands of years and counting. We cannot afford to "wait" on a spirit, soul or anybody else to change our conditions here. That clearly hasn't worked. Religion is an opiate that anesthetizes folks into dealing with the prison into which they have been born. That's why in some religions suicide is a sin. You don't have the *right* to call it quits and exercise your get out of jail fee card. As it relates to navigating the prison yard of white supremacy and living a balanced life, folks who *know* better need to *do* better. That starts with self-actualization i.e. personal salvation and producing a system of justice and correctness.
  11. Pioneer provides a logical reason on the motivation behind transgender folks. I think it goes deeper though. Sexual confusion is thousands of years old. In fact, the old Romans and Greeks weren't confused at all. Look at the pictures. Some of those dudes looked trans on the regular. Several decades ago, we knew dudes who were sexually confused. Most of them were in closet. White supremacy opened the floodgates for the alphabet soup movement and as Diana Ross provided the soundtrack...they've come out in full force. It has to be accepted or else. I know folks in the alphabet soup movement. They've said to me, why would I choose this way of life. In their minds, they were born that way. It's not my place to dispute or argue against their position. Selfishly, I just figured the alphabet soup movement meant more women for me. Well, except for the woman who wears bigger watches than mine.
  12. There is no stopping the inevitable. IMO, white people wil not become extinct. But, their reign (white supremacy) will come to an end. I just hope white folks don't blow up the world. The equivalent of flipping a Chess board in defeat or restarting a video game when losing badly.
  13. I torture myself in that CNN is still the main news channel I watch. It's a guilty indulgence since I don’t watch reality crap like Love & Hip-Hop (pick a city). I can count on CNN to continue talking about Agent Orange, January 6th, pandemic, vax, dysfunctional politicians and the missing now dead white woman and still missing boyfriend dude. However, in my quest to stay informed, I check in with Black News channel, FOX, MSNBC, OAN, Newsmax, BBC, etc. I also read various news publications. Having ONE source of news doesn't provide a complete picture of how white supremacy is sustained. They use everything to spin narratives in oder to keep people dazed and confused. Anybody who's ever written a paper above grade school knows that it requires using multiple sources. News should be the same way. As mentioned at the top of this thread, few people have the bandwidth to read and think for themselves. If *they* said it, then it must be true. That reminds me of folks who go to church religiously but their Bible looks brand new. Don't get me started on that one source of information.
  14. If people could remember and/or take anything away from a NDE/BDE or some other close encounter of the 3rd kind, I would hope they'd be able to make the world a better place. That's my issue with dead people in general. Surely, I've had family members and friends who've had some kinda love for me. To date, none of the departed especially my grandparents have communicated anything to help me navigate my existence on the rock (planet). One way or another, I haven't been told to stop sinning and get my sh8t together because heaven and h8ll are real. They haven't provided me with the winning lotto numbers either. IMO, NDE/BDE or just dead aren't the souls we need to be tracking. There are living folks who have the keys to making humanity better. For whatever reason, it's not their time yet.
  15. Man, I've always wanted to know who in the h8ll cuts Lil Kim's (pictured above) hair.
  16. True. The dog whistle that white will be a minority in America has been blowing for a while. Just to be clear, white will still be the majority race in America. They will be a minority when compared to the whole non-white population. Pioneer, glad you mentioned abortion. Banning it is all about decreasing the number of whites being aborted. They certainly don't care about any other group of peoole. Especially not when non-whites seem to procreate like popcorn. Keeping folks divided by any means necessary is the keep to maintaining power over them.
  17. Absolutely. NF Jr lives by the code and leads by example. Acknowledging the VGQ (Victims Guaranteed Qualification) forces him to sit through those dumbazz questions. I still wish the callers were more considerate.
  18. I believe the alphabet soup community call the lumberjack looking dudes "bears". D8mn, Mzuri, you may have given up a million dollar idea. The algorithm might inspire Duluth to make a thong.
  19. Ever since I was a wee lad, family and friends have called me professor D (PD). I've always had some knowledge of and/or an opinion about everything. The PD thing has stuck with me through adulthood and even as a musician. By profession, I'm civil servant (federal gov't). Whenever I decide to retire, I'll open a sports bar where I'll be able to talk about everything, cook and play music. Thanks for the welcome all. I'm not a social media guy. This is an awesome spot. Glad I found it.
  20. Unity and self-sufficiency is the tall hurdle black folks refuse to jump. The abusive relationship under which we've been conditioned has had a lingering effect. There's a reason black folks won't start their own sports leagues, entertainment companies, banks, schools, hospitals, etc. Instead of making our own, it's easier to consume Mr. Charlie's ice. We've been led to believe ice is hard to make and his ice is colder and tastes better.
  21. America isn't really interested in importing more non-white people from anywhere. They already know in the year 2040, the US Census will reflect about 200 million white and 240 million non-white people. Of course, the white people will maintain power and money. Kinda like a bigger version of South Africa.
  22. Same here. I can listen to him but I *hate* the callers. They should be considerate enough to have a well thought out short question. After all, he's 92. We're fortunate enough that he has time to answer some of those dumb azz questions.
  23. So, LBJ (LeBron James) decided to reveal that he's been vaxxed. When asked if he would encourage others to get the jab, he said it was their decision. Of course, some folks in the media didn't appreciate his response. They felt that he should use his platform to promote the jab. After all, he's taken a stance on voting, police brutaility and other issues that matter to him. Interestingly, they told him to shut up and dribble when he spoke up regarding the NBA/China issue. Black folks with a platform are still slaves, er, pawns on the Chess board of white supremacy. Fame and money do not equal exemption.
  24. Immigration is another excellent way to see how racism works. From my perch, it looks like a tale of two borders. The Haitians and Central and South Americans have to swim and walk across the border. Then, they're housed in substandard conditions until they are processed. Meanwhile, thousands of Afghan refugees were provided 2nd class (crowded) flight accommodations on military aircraft. Once they land in a safe spot (country or military base), they're provided with food, shelter and showers. Shortly thereafter, they will be relocated to start their new lives in a community nearby. To be clear, I do not have an issue with anyone coming to America. There is more than enough land mass to make reasonable accommodations to new folks. They will blend right into the fabric of the melting pot. However, I do not advocate bringing in criminals. We have enough of them already of all stripes.
  25. The alphabet soup movement is being used by white supremacy to marginalize other groups and issues. As a group, the alphabet soup crew have 1) people in high places (power) and 2) money. So, it was easy for them to form like a Voltron and make it happen (marriage, hate crime bills, etc.). Many intelligent and decent black folks are in the same boat as the fools, thugs and ratchet in terms of ignorance. Our people have been dazed and confused in so many ways. It's an onion. Yeah mayne, I'm hip that brotha Malcolm coined the term AfroAmerican but it's been a long time since I've seen or heard it used. You have resurrected it.
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