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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Man, I've always wanted to know who in the h8ll cuts Lil Kim's (pictured above) hair.
  2. True. The dog whistle that white will be a minority in America has been blowing for a while. Just to be clear, white will still be the majority race in America. They will be a minority when compared to the whole non-white population. Pioneer, glad you mentioned abortion. Banning it is all about decreasing the number of whites being aborted. They certainly don't care about any other group of peoole. Especially not when non-whites seem to procreate like popcorn. Keeping folks divided by any means necessary is the keep to maintaining power over them.
  3. Absolutely. NF Jr lives by the code and leads by example. Acknowledging the VGQ (Victims Guaranteed Qualification) forces him to sit through those dumbazz questions. I still wish the callers were more considerate.
  4. I believe the alphabet soup community call the lumberjack looking dudes "bears". D8mn, Mzuri, you may have given up a million dollar idea. The algorithm might inspire Duluth to make a thong.
  5. Ever since I was a wee lad, family and friends have called me professor D (PD). I've always had some knowledge of and/or an opinion about everything. The PD thing has stuck with me through adulthood and even as a musician. By profession, I'm civil servant (federal gov't). Whenever I decide to retire, I'll open a sports bar where I'll be able to talk about everything, cook and play music. Thanks for the welcome all. I'm not a social media guy. This is an awesome spot. Glad I found it.
  6. Unity and self-sufficiency is the tall hurdle black folks refuse to jump. The abusive relationship under which we've been conditioned has had a lingering effect. There's a reason black folks won't start their own sports leagues, entertainment companies, banks, schools, hospitals, etc. Instead of making our own, it's easier to consume Mr. Charlie's ice. We've been led to believe ice is hard to make and his ice is colder and tastes better.
  7. America isn't really interested in importing more non-white people from anywhere. They already know in the year 2040, the US Census will reflect about 200 million white and 240 million non-white people. Of course, the white people will maintain power and money. Kinda like a bigger version of South Africa.
  8. Same here. I can listen to him but I *hate* the callers. They should be considerate enough to have a well thought out short question. After all, he's 92. We're fortunate enough that he has time to answer some of those dumb azz questions.
  9. So, LBJ (LeBron James) decided to reveal that he's been vaxxed. When asked if he would encourage others to get the jab, he said it was their decision. Of course, some folks in the media didn't appreciate his response. They felt that he should use his platform to promote the jab. After all, he's taken a stance on voting, police brutaility and other issues that matter to him. Interestingly, they told him to shut up and dribble when he spoke up regarding the NBA/China issue. Black folks with a platform are still slaves, er, pawns on the Chess board of white supremacy. Fame and money do not equal exemption.
  10. Immigration is another excellent way to see how racism works. From my perch, it looks like a tale of two borders. The Haitians and Central and South Americans have to swim and walk across the border. Then, they're housed in substandard conditions until they are processed. Meanwhile, thousands of Afghan refugees were provided 2nd class (crowded) flight accommodations on military aircraft. Once they land in a safe spot (country or military base), they're provided with food, shelter and showers. Shortly thereafter, they will be relocated to start their new lives in a community nearby. To be clear, I do not have an issue with anyone coming to America. There is more than enough land mass to make reasonable accommodations to new folks. They will blend right into the fabric of the melting pot. However, I do not advocate bringing in criminals. We have enough of them already of all stripes.
  11. The alphabet soup movement is being used by white supremacy to marginalize other groups and issues. As a group, the alphabet soup crew have 1) people in high places (power) and 2) money. So, it was easy for them to form like a Voltron and make it happen (marriage, hate crime bills, etc.). Many intelligent and decent black folks are in the same boat as the fools, thugs and ratchet in terms of ignorance. Our people have been dazed and confused in so many ways. It's an onion. Yeah mayne, I'm hip that brotha Malcolm coined the term AfroAmerican but it's been a long time since I've seen or heard it used. You have resurrected it.
  12. The oppressor may have an innate fear that his victims would rise up against him. Except for a few instances, that fear has never really come to fruition. Give a black man a gun and he wouldn't shoot a racist white group of people who had just lynched his next of kin. Instinctively, he knows the outcome wouldn't be good for him. OTOH, that same dude would kill another black man for looking at him the wrong way. Contrary to the narrative being perpetuated in the media, black on black crime is not as random as they want us to believe. Most of it is concentrated to very specific areas as well. Environment and opportunities or the lack thereof play a huge role in crimes. Poverty, despair and ignorance are triggers (no pun intended). I was born and raised in Washington, DC proper. Not the gold coast or suburbs. Where I grew up (ghetto), there was no shortage of thieves, drug dealers and killers. Yet, I was never afraid of my own people. Why? Because, I knew them. Nonetheless, under the guise of the 2nd amendment, white people are armed to the teeth in the event a race war does break out. The crazy part is that most strict gun laws are in places that are heavily non-white. So much for their 2nd amendment right. I encourage every black household to own a shotgun. Ironically, it is considered home defense and does not require a license to own.
  13. This latest situation with Gabby has been on the news every day. Reminds me of Lacy Peterson and Chandra Levy. Whenever they find Brian, dead or alive, do not expect the cameras to be turned off. Look forward to The Next 48, a movie and a book.
  14. Yessir. At 92 years old, NF Jr is still dropping jewels of wisdom. I know he's a hard read and listen to many folks. But, I hope that a future generation will discover his book and use his teachings/suggestions accordingly.
  15. Yeah mayne, without even doing the math on it, heaven and hell are going to be extremely crowded after the resurrection for those who believe in that kinda thing.
  16. Biologically, a man can produce many kids within a year. However, a woman can only carry to full term ONCE wthin the same period of time. Now, imagine a world where men were free to procreate without the burden of responsibility. Marriage became the solution. You break it, you buy it. The institution of marriage was created for the benefit of women and children especially when they could not take care of themselves. Marriage has little or nothing to do with love as evidenced by the fact that in some cultures, it is arranged. An Indian couple arranged to be married were asked about love. They burst out laughing and asked what that had to do wtih anything. Their belief is that over time, the couple will grow to love each other whatever that means. As mentioned above, marriage is really a business arrangement used to maintain and pass along wealth and power. Considering that we have neither wealth nor power under the system of white supremacy, black folks really don't have any business getting married. Seriously, marriage can be a great chess move when folks use it for purpose and not as a prison.
  17. Race was a totally necessary construct under the system of white supremacy. Otherwise, keeping track of human capital would be more problematic. A huge component of maintaining power and control is keeping track of numbers which in the context of this thread is groups of people. However, if/when we accept that there are only two race of people...white and non-white, things will become a lot more clear.
  18. 8 billion people on the planet Earth right now. Only a catastrophic could wipe out humanity. We have no way of knowing if/when the universe will self-correct in that regard. However, we can rest assured that shortly after the day we were born, the count down to our end began. The world ends every day for thousands of people on the planet. I believe the leading cause of death is a birthday. The next one could very well be the last.
  19. Absolutely. Part of the code would be to identify the folks who are least constructive in our efforts to move forward. If we had to do a beneficent purge, there are many black folks that we'd have to ask to STFU and sat down somewhere. Again, peeling the onion would lead to a lot of tears especially when some loved ones aren't allowed to ride.
  20. Well, if it is "good" news, a sista is the CEO of 1145 Holdings LLC: https://afrotech.com/michele-thornton-ghee-ebony-jet However, if history teaches us anything, exhibit A...Bob Johnson selling BET to Viacom, we should pay attention the content being produced. A cursory view of BET programming over the past 20 years has left much to be desired to my half-century old eyes. Sista Kathy Hughes had good intentions when TV One was launched. I'd imagine the same could be said for Oprah too. I can only hope that Ebony will produce positive and constructive content for black folks.
  21. IMO, the last "tie" that bound black folks (those who identify as AfroAmericans to co-opt brotha Pioneer's term) to a significant degree was the Civil Rights movement. That's the last time we were unified in our "politics". Murder and bribery has silenced black leadership over the past 50 years and counting. Since affrimative action and a few other carefully constructed initiatives, our people have "arrived" in ways that have us all over the place" in every area of human activity. Black folks have to codify our goals and objectives in the area of politics before we can begin to peel back the layers of the proverbial onion. Rest assured, there will be plenty tears.
  22. Hello all. I just discovered this forum a couple weeks ago. Very cool space brotha Troy has created. In that time, I've read through some of the topics to get a "lay of the land" especially among the most active participants. I'm glad to see the exchange of dialog; opinions and ideas shared here. Hopefully, I can add my 2 cents as well.
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