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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Until I get my thread starter wings, I'll post a potential topic of interest here. If you notice prices creeping up on goods and empty shelves in the stores, there's a reason. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/containergeddon-supply-crisis-drives-walmart-rivals-hire-their-own-ships-2021-10-07/ Ships containing loads of cargo containers are idling in the water and cannot unload everything folks love to consume. Supply chain shortages are slowing down the production of goods too. That backlog and unloaded shipping containers will lead to higher prices on available products. Then, workers are quitting jobs which makes it harder to get products on the shelves. Domino effect. Just a public service announcement as we head into the holiday season. Start buying your gifts yesterday especially if it's an in demand item.
  2. Ideologically, the responsibility of the Talented 10th was to put their own personal interests aside in order to uplift their communities. Regardless of whether it's a country or a corporation, when it comes to leadership, a small percentage of folks leads the multitude. A Talented 10th doesn't absolve the role of the 90%. Every individual within the community has the responsibility of using their knowledge, skills and abilities to make life better as well.
  3. Sure. It only takes the talented 10% to hammer out a solid agenda and present it behalf of the group. The best and brightest black minds didn't wait around for consensus when it came down to getting things done. They knew there were more than a few butter biscuit and greasy chicken eating n8gglets licking their fingers who were down for whatever as long as they came up. Pioneer, as I read your last two lines quoted above, I'm hearing NF Jr's voice. ROTFLMAO. Nowadays, it's hard to get the talented 10th in the same room. They've got platforms that allow them to do a whole lot of talking without solving any problems. I'm not going to drop names but you have an idea. It's been 53 years since MLK Jr was assassinated. I'm beginning to think they killed the dream and buried any hope of a black agenda with him.
  4. Personally, I'm not offended by Meek Mill's artwork. I just don't find it to be in good taste. The artwork looks like something that should be in a Boondocks comic book. I'm not a black woman either but as a connoisseur of them, I can type/say unequivocally that many black women take great pride in their bodies and personal appearance. They just want it to be seen by the *right* person i.e. someone who they find attractive. That's why black women wear clothes to accentuate the positive and give an idea of what lies beneath. They certainly don't dress like Middle Eastern or Amish women. Women do not want to be objectified or sexualized by those to whom they're not attracted. When a woman is digging someone, it's on and poppin' and everything comes off. Religion and morality is the smoke screen folks hide behind until they feel safe letting their hair down and doing what comes naturally. Whodini said, "nobody wants to be called a freak but everybody wants to get freaked". Even in black churches, the women try to out-dress each other in order to get the pastor's robe to rise. They certainly aren't going after the choir director dude because he's after the pastor too. The bottom line is that black women are comfortable in their nakedness and willing to share it with whoever they feel is qualified to see them.
  5. Yep. This was started a couple decades ago. Mentally ill folks were released from institutions back into society. Many of them are living in homeless shelters or in a group home setting or on the streets. They really should be in a long term care facility. But, prisons have beome the defacto Pyschiatric asylum. Of course, there is no long term treatment and/or rehabilitation. Once time is served, that individual returns to society. We can only hope they do not commit a more heinous crime. Again, this country could do a much better job in tackling mental health issues. Maybe there is a reason it doesn't...by design.
  6. I most certainly appreciate it bro. BTW, let me know which browser you all are using. I've tried Google and Explorer. No dice.
  7. Thanks Cynique. I just tried to start a thread and GoDaddy shut it down. Access denied. Pioneer has volunteered to start threads on my behalf but I'm a grown azz man. I should be able roll my own. I'll just blabber in existing threads. Maybe I'll dumpster dive and dig up old ones that are relevant to what I wanna write/say. Seriously, there's plenty stuff happening every day worthy of discussion. I'll wait for my light to turn green.
  8. When folks were under the illusion that they had rights and privilege, ignorance was bliss. This was their country to do as they d8mn well pleased. Now that they're being told what to do, wear a mask and get a jab, it feels like a violation of freedoms. They don't like it one bit. Tastes funny. Now, lines have been drawn in the sand between the left and right. The fighting will continue into the 2022 midterms and beyond. IMO, America will not shut down again. Except Jeff Bezos d8mn near doubling his fortune, too much money was lost during that exercise. They're going to do everything possible to return to normalcy.
  9. Rapper Meek Mill just released a new record. This link is to an article regarding the artwork on his album: https://eurweb.com/2021/10/12/watch-dad-loses-it-over-meek-mills-racy-album-art-on-side-of-philly-bus-is-this-what-you-want-black-women/ I linked the article instead of the picture so as not to offend anyone. Either our people just don't seem to get it and/or they will do anything to make a buck.
  10. I've met a Lacks heir. Their family could definitely use the money. Ben Mumble Crump is definitely getting paid since he's become the face of these high profile cases. To Troy and Mel's point, there is always a team of attorneys behind the scenes. Somebody has to do the work while Benny Mum-ra is on every cable news show.
  11. I'm not in a union but I do fall under a collective bargaining agreement. Leadership (POTUS PJB) is telling us to follow the CDC guidelines and get vaxxed. i saw a news report where the leader of a huge union smiled and laughed when asked whether or not he would encourage members to get the jab. He said some sh8t that was the equivalent of it's complicated. Several healthcare workers have quit or been fired because they refused to get stuck. IMO, folks have become complacent for several reasons but two are 1) statiated with the illusion of middle class status and 2) they are scared to die. The media does a great job in keeping people dazed and confused most of the time.
  12. CRT and mask mandates are only being conflated because they're trying to force white folks to deal with and/or do something they'd rather not. Their freedoms (speech, thoughts, actions, guns, racist, etc.) are paramount.
  13. As a sports fan (boxing and football), I get to sit back and watch white folks mix it up over their constitutional rights (1st & 2nd amendment), pandemic fallout (masks & vax), insurrection and racism (CRT). Not since the Civil War has white America been so clearly divided over issue(s). The media does a great job of stirring the pot. They have dispatched cameras everywhere to document it. I don't know what the outcome will be but I think we'll soon find out what's really most important to white folks. Of course, I have some ideas.
  14. Mzuri, I hate to break this news but unfortunately, unions have been corrupted by politics too. Unions collect dues from its members to take care of them supposedly. But, those same unions are also courted by special interest groups to get their members to conform to certain things too. Unions will not buck mask mandates or vax requirements because it would be bad for business i.e. their bottom line. They are encouraging members to follow the rules. I don't know what the end game is regarding this pandemic but I'm watching their hands and following the money. I'm still amazed that they have politiczed and monetized a virus but to date there is no cure for cancer. Oh, that's right, there is no money in the cure. But, there's a whole economy built on cancer research and treatment.
  15. Nothing. That's why Democrats have historically taken advantage of the black vote. They talk a good game but it's mostly smoke and mirrors. Black folks need to codify an agenda in all areas of human actiivity and have the ability to provide oversight to insure that it happens. There's a reason that other folks have multiple organizations and special interest groups to secure their needs and wants. Black folks need more ore than NAACP, CBC, BIG, UNCF, BLM, etc. Most of those are fronts anyway. They are the organizational equivalent of a Sit and Spin: The words could be updated to articulate the black agenda once it's codified.
  16. Right. They can expose young folks to the alphabet soup movement through comic books, cartoons and TV but don't want them to learn critical race theory because it might make them feel some kinda way.
  17. Bro, title should be Superman. Spidey hasn't come out yet AFAIK.
  18. Nope. The song isn't offensive to me. The Rolling Bones have been playing that song for 50 years. Makes no sense to cancel it now. Original drummer Charlie Watts just died a couple months ago at 80 years old. Keith Richards, Mick Jagger and Ronnie Wood aren't too far behind him. Victory lap.
  19. Cynique, they can argue until their faces turn UV but the birth certificate doesn't lie. A bat and balls is a male and a pocketbook is a female. In the case of a hermaphrodite, I believe the birth certificate says TBD at a later date. Now, however an individual chooses to identify, dress and/or use their plumbing equipment is an entirely different matter. That's free will. The brokenhearted lover sang that song. I could hear the Soul coming from the diaphragm. The gold tooth probably added some stank too.
  20. Absolutely. Denzel Washington is my favorite actor. His body of work is incredible. Yet, they gave him an Oscar for Training Day. But, like Chappelle, Denzel is another one who calls his own shots in Hollywood.
  21. Don't get me wrong, Blaxploitation films, violence, guns, drugs, sex, comedy, etc., there's room for all of it in entertainment. I just think there should be a balance. White folks make plenty movies of all types of subject matter but the subliminal messaging is always the same ...there's no mistaking that the white man is strong and powerful. Whether he's killing animals or bad guys or running a criminal enterprise, he comes out on top. A smart, strong black man like Malcolm X shouldn't come along on the big screen around the same time as Halley's comet. Check the films and TV shows of that black Hollywood triumvirate I mentioned above. They show black men in a weak or dysfunctional secondary role. He's hardly ever a hero.
  22. Human beings come in two flavors male and female. The blessing and curse of being a human is having the ability to feel, think and reason. That's the source of confusion. IMO, there's no such thing as being trapped in the wrong body. The Supreme Being doesn't make mistakes. Human beings have free will which allows them to go against the grain. Yet, there's a reason those choices come with so many complications.
  23. Flip Wilson jumped the shark back in the 1970s with his :Geraldine" character. Blaxploitation films didn't show black men as positive role models either. The players have changed and the envelope has been pushed even further in the name of creative freedom. Every negative image and stereotype is on the table. There is zero incentive to show positive, strong black men on TV or the big screen. That would stir up white folks' biggest fears. As a result, Tyler Perry and Lee Daniel and Lena Waithe get consulted and funded to show safe black men in their movies and TV shows.
  24. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/11/entertainment/superman-comes-out-bisexual-jon-kent-cec/index.html They done added silly putty to the man of steel and normalizing the alphabet soup community to future generations of comic book readers.
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