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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. The 2nd half of my post wasn't directed at your quote specifically. Just context within the discussion.
  2. Sure. No two members of a species are the same. Even identical twins have distinguishable differences too. However, genomes and reproductivity separates one species from another. That makes the difference between a human being and a killer whale.
  3. True that. The reason a man and woman from any race can procreate is because human beings are 99.9% similar genetically. The racial designation (black, white, yellow, red and brown) gets sorted like laundry once that zygote shows up on the set as a person. Since race has been used to build and maintain the system of racism white supremacy, it's the hand we've been dealt and must deal with in order to dismantle it.
  4. Bingo. Dr. Clarke was 100% correct. AfroAmericans should be very wary of other groups of people including other Black folks and people of color. Every other group of people uses AfroAmericans as a stepping stone to getting goodies, giveaways and guarantees. Right now, Native Americans running around in California asking for reparations. Nevermind they've gotten theirs already in the form of land, free education, money and an Easter basket of other sh8t. By the way, their ancestors participated in chattel slavery too. I digress... AfroAmericans have zero business taking sides or getting involved in white folks business. Neither Israel nor Palestine needs help from AfroAmericans; a people incapable of helping themselves. AfroAmericans have enough broken sh8t right here in America. It makes no sense to get distracted and ignore our own issues. AfroAmerican politicians have the greatest responsibility of championing Black folks' concerns and forcing legislation that provides restitution and redress for America's original sin and dismantling the system of racism white supremacy.
  5. A few days ago, Rep. Pramila Jayapal was feeling herself during a speech and called Israel a racist state. She's since walked it back. Yesterday, the House unanimously (412-9) passed a resolution supporting Israel and condemning antisemitism. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-pass-resolution-backing-israel-jayapal-racist-state-rcna94897 They made sure to mention the 9 votes were cast by "The Squad" which consists of "Democrats of color". Otherwise, bipartisan support of this resolution was swift. Nothing like the gridlock they seem to encounter when it comes to any legislation beneficial to AfroAmericans. These two sides of the same coin seem to have no problem working together to pass legislation when it comes to maintaining the system of racism white supremacy.
  6. A lot of street money has been used productively over several decades. The gangsters and thugs running around the streetz aren't the *real* bosses. Just like El Chapo, there have been plenty brothas past to present moving heavy weight all over the planet. They have fed the economy too.
  7. IMO, even if it wasn't by race (color), human beings would still group themselves by some other common traits (ethnicity ) and sub-divide by differences (tribes). I believe it was by divine design that we have difference races (colors) and groups of people. However, all human beings should respect each other despite their differences. Racism is a problem in that race (color) is used to subjugate and/or destroy others.
  8. Democrats have been very good at BSing Black folks. They pander for our vote and to date have delivered nothing tangible specifically for Black folks. Benign neglect is what we get. The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act hasn't passed in the senate where democrats have a razor thin majority. Yet, the Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill flew through congress faster than a fart in a tornado. Student loan debt forgiveness has stalled. Rest assured, that if it were to pass, it would benefit whites and other groups of people more than Black folks. If Black folks are going to continue voting for Democrats overwhelmingly, it would be prudent to put forth demands and hold them accountable for delivering results. Vlady Putin knows that he cannot rebuild the USSR. He'd settle for maintaining the sphere of influence over the countries. Putin doesn't want NATO in his backyard. He knows that as long as Ukraine is in conflict, they cannot become a member. He's making Chess moves.
  9. Until race is no longer being used to murder, maim or marginalize and cause other types of harm, pain and suffering to Black people, we should remain vigilant in whom we trust and who we allow to be amongst us. While race may be considered an arbitrary construct, the system of racism white supremacy and its tethers are very real.
  10. Well, despite its dysfunction, America is my birthplace and *home*. I celebrate the good and call out the bad. Tunisia was conquered by Arabs 1,300 years ago. The Ottoman empire conquered and ran it for 300 years. The French colonized it for 75 years. Black folks have been a minority in Tunisia for 13 centuries. Migrants will fare worse. But, I'm never surprised by the ethnic cleansing and colorism countries practice in order to further malign Black folks. The question remains at what point will Black folks close ranks and *fight* for their *right* to exist on this planet in peace and prosperity. To date, Black folks all over the planet seem to be content with the status quo of trying to thrive and survive in prison of racism white supremacy.
  11. During my childhood, I had a friend named Boogaloo. His mom had a beard and a mustache. She was loud and aggressive. His dad was a relatively quiet, tall and lanky; hardworking man. I don't know what he *saw* in his wife. Then, there was my aunt Bert. She looked like Miles Davis. Otherwise, you're right. There are distinct differences between men and women.
  12. I know why people leave their home countries for a *better* life here in America. Even if it means being poor in NYC. AfroAmericans/FBA (Foundational Black Americans) have been on this continent over hundreds of years and counting. 1) America is *home* for FBA. We have nowhere else to go. 2) FBA has been in America long enough to have built an infrastructure and institutions to be more self-sufficient. The handouts won't last forever. Considering that a huge percentage of the world population is poor, I'm not advocating that people stop f8cking. Rhetorically, I'm questioning why they reproduce. It's preventable. America is huge. If the cost of living in NYC is too much, there are cheaper alternatives. Of course, one might have to take action...relocate.
  13. The Left knew a conservative court would wreak havoc on abortion rights, Affirmative Action and anything else they can rollback. When they're in the driver's seat, instead of nominating judges and codifying laws, the Left seems to spin in a circle and complain about the Right being obstructionists. The Right doesn't have a problem jamming through everything they can when behind the wheel. At some point, it will slip out that these parties are two sides of the same coin. Their common agenda is maintaining the system of racism white supremacy.
  14. Nah bro. Suge Knight single-handedly destroyed Death Row Records. He was too busy acting like a thug instead of doing business like a CEO.
  15. Rest assured that many Black student college educations have been financed by gangster activities. As mentioned early, it's not too different from what the white mafia has done to take care of their families and enrich themselves. I'm not glorifying or condoning that life. Just providing perspective.
  16. No surprise how they're trying to spin this non-story. I'm sure the killer won't get as much press.
  17. I grew up with a lot of brothas who were very intelligent and did well academically too. Yet, for many of those cats *school* didn’t seem to offer a pathway to real prosperity and wealth. Nor did they want to work for white folks. So, they did *illegal* sh8t to build legitimate businesses. That gangster who is intelligent, charismatic and strong is usually the CEO of a corporation under different circumstances.
  18. Yep. The fact that hardly anyone knew Death Row sold at auction was by design. Regardless of how anyone feels about the music produced by Death Row, there goes Black intellectual property into the hands on non-Black folks.
  19. Begs a few questions: 1) why do people still live in such an expensive place 2) what are they doing to improve their lives 3) why are people still reproducing if they cannot afford to take care of themselves. One must take a personal responsibility and accountability to thrive and survive wherever they choose to live. Waiting on white folks to hand out jobs, lower rents, make quality healthcare accessible and affordable, etc., doesn't seem to be working.
  20. I heard there are folks losing their lives doing dumbazz challenges like surfing subway trains. Prime candidates for a Darwin award.
  21. For the sake of clarity, I should have typed every generation will have folks who believe the future generation will be worse.
  22. Every generation thinks the future will be worse off. Human beings are adaptable creatures. The children will be fine. They no longer write in cursive. No pretty handwriting or signature. Everything is printed. But, the younger folks can type and work the h8ll outta of a cell phone, tablet or computer almost before they can walk and talk. I predict the future generation of humans beings won't any more or less confused than the current or past generation. There's nothing new under the sun.
  23. That was fast. Seems like just yesterday the movie was in theaters but it was released back in April.
  24. Because they march to their own drumbeat and prefer solitude over everything else, Sigma males may not appeal to women who are needy and/or clingy. A self-sufficient woman who does her own thing will have a greater appreciation for a Sigma male.
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