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Mel Hopkins

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Everything posted by Mel Hopkins

  1. @Pioneer1, You must be confusing nice with kind. I'm kind to people but I'm never nice. The etymology (origin) of Nice - is not know , ignorant, stupid... while people may use it to mean Kind - I don't. I don't waste time being stupid of ignorant of people's foolishness. As for your question, the majority of black people in the United States are successful in every sense of the word. The majority (73%) of black people in the inner cities of America and the majority (80%) of black people in the suburbs are living above the poverty line. This means 20% of suburban black people and 27% of inner city black people are poor. Source: The Atlantic
  2. YES!!! We're communicating now (sending and receiving)... but you do need-need a literary publicist, though Actually, you really do need a staff! MAN!!!
  3. "Life is the sum of your choices"

  4. And he wasn't even the first man to leave the council. Tesla's Elon Musk left in June because as he said, "Climate Change is Real"....LOL
  5. @Troy, No, I wouldn't give 500 square of my house to anyone because are people are full of sh*t. I can't even trust them not to lie to themselves. What I would do, is what I have done every day of my life. I DO NOT SUPPORT people, institutions or entities that ensure someone will be homeless, incarcerated or beat down . To be candid.. If you can't tell by now, I don't support most bullsh*t thinking or bullsh*t activities that folks participate in that have an adverse effect on our society. I don't wait until its fashionable - I live my life in a way that people or other living things aren't crushed under the weight of my decisions. Case in point, I've just learned about godaddy and their game-hunting CEO now I'm looking to extract myself from using their services. Peter Thiel founder of paypal - isn't someone I want to do business with so now I'm looking for another company (oh wait I see that's going to take me a minute) ... Those are the latest on my list - show me who you are and how you harm and you can forget about me supplying you anything. This is why I'm not impressed by anyone running around trying to take down monuments and undo what they participated in to build up over the years. Why do you think I spend so much of my time working for FREE with people who are helping themselves - because I believe in focusing on those who are looking to make a change. If we don't like results society is handing us just STOP PROPPING IT UP!
  6. Yes, this appears to be the case with the majority of author websites. They write books so why would their individual websites attract several thousand visitors a day? If their websites were attracting several thousand visitors a day - why would they need AALBC? This is the point I'm making... find out why they would need AALBC - determine how AALBC can remove the pain-point. Facebook is providing them something they need. THIS! Yes... You found how to ease one of the pain-points!!! The self-published author with no audience is the one for your congregation - This is the group that is searching for a church home... You just have to prepare a sermon to communicate to them, the services and support (a la carte ) they would get from aalbc.com as if they were under a publishing house.
  7. @Troy, This means you don't NEED a publicist. No one has convinced you how it can be worth the expense. Since you've paid for other things on this that relate to this site it's because you've made the connection between the value and your money.
  8. One of the fertile ones! Yep... that's me hahaha:D
  9. I wish for you MANY MANY MANY MORE!!! <3
  10. @Cynique , thank you for sharing I think I had a similar for reaction. When I thought of what I wrote about compassion... I realized I'd gone searching for compassion because I was mean to others. But at the same time, I have (or had) this need for people to like me. But then I realized I'm hard on others because I'm so hard on myself. I beat myself up for falling short of my personal goals. I got it twisted. Whereas I thought I was learning compassion for others, it hit me that I needed to learn to be compassionate with myself. I think that is the key to being naturally easy with others.
  11. Exactly. This is why I ask "WHY" should we care. If we don't care about each other now. "Or even try very hard to care" What is the impetus to care. And clearly pain and suffering isn't enough. It's not like we all don't know what you've mentioned already exist. We've existed this way for the last 2, 017 years. Probably more if I add in Before Common Era - But only the strong survive... So while I read your words, and was almost tempted to put a like on it - my other side says there has to be a reason why we should care ...and pain and suffering ain't it. We know there's a lot of pain and suffering -and that hasn't moved us to do anything before?. So there has to be another reason to care...THE WHY is what I want to know. I have a feeling, though, it has nothing to do with equity or making people comfortable. We've built and contributed to this society and we sure didn't care enough to make sure it wouldn't be one that crushes the spirit. Sure there a lot people sitting in prison but they didn't just get rounded up one day like it was an internment camp. Incarcerating a large number of society happens when no one cares. I know one black man who isn't in there thanks to me... I don't run away from jury duty. I get called regularly because I VOTE in every election. But I digress. We're at the precipice, and now some are crying "we will not be replaced" while others are looking for "women to save them", while others are looking for "us to support each other." I think the real reason "Why" is because there's a huge shift underway -and there's a lot of uncertainty, people are scared shitless and NOW they want support.
  12. I hope you get enough responses. Then you'll be able to collect information on what authors really want and need. There are different stages and different needs for each of those stages in the business of writing.. It stands to reason if authors don't currently use the aalbc.com platform ,as you mentioned, then they don't have the need to use it... Therefore, the survey questions become "As an author, WHY don't you use AALBC.com services... You can even provide reasons + other as options. I think you'll get a better understanding of where there's a disconnect. And there's a disconnect, if like you said As for me, AALBC boost my name ranking on google but that ranking doesn't draw people to my website. My links and features on website about aalbc - get visitors to my wordpress.org site "TheLeadStory.org " but my referrals and traffic come from other sites such a baidu, and tessgerritsen's website and a few other popular website where I've made comments. Now when I threw up a page on facebook - traffic to my website literally increased overnight. I didn't even visit facebook - I just used the publicize feature on wordpress and it posted my blog posts in my feed. If we are looking at marketing efficiency - I don't even have to connect to any other website but facebook to increase traffic to my personal platform. It's an active choice to post my work on my aalbc profile as I would facebook but there's no traffic from my aalbc profile page post returning to my website... So If this is what other midlist nonbest-selling authors are experiencing too - then I can see why it's easier to have their books posted here, advertised here and let the readers peruse the page like a catalogue...but for authors to go further than advertising . It then eats away at a chunk of time we could be writing. Best -selling authors don't need to participate here and the rest of us selling a few books may be able to get better visibility elsewhere. So this is why I mentioned find out WHY "authors, simply don't take of the platform"
  13. @Pioneer1 I made my statement. How you respond is your business. Just like I mentioned about being average, the choice is always yours. Oh, and I'm never nice. I don't waste my time on it. @Troy , Why?
  14. You're welcome! I'm mindful that not everyone has access to indoor plumbing and can take showers... but how awesome would it be to just take advantage of the next rain shower and/or storm.
  15. @Cynique ok this one got a me a bit... Since it's one of the virtue I thought I needed to work on (got up this morning and thought to myself I'm kind of mean so why fake it LOL) So, why do you believe you need feel sympathy?
  16. Poll authors regarding their professional and personal goals. Is it reader engagement? Sales? Market expansion? Introduction? Once you get responses, you'll be able to promote AALBC features that will help them achieve those goals.
  17. Not sure if this is relevant but I was born in the north - but now live in the south... I spend my time in my own head. I participate in my family gatherings but my family lived up north before returning to georgia. I don't venture out to public gatherings here - unless its to observe. One thing I noticed however when looking up "Chinese Zodiac" Year of the tiger etc I learned that I should avoid the southwest
  18. It's easy to answer this question because we can easily determine the answer by how we spend our time. I just recently found yet another 160 page document in my file filled with my philosophy on the virtues. I'm committed to understanding my self; where I fall short on certain virtues and where I excel on others and I spend a great amount of time reading, thinking, writing to find out. Then I'm committed to inspiring others to do the same for themselves. Understanding Self is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and then to society. It changed my life in a way that I'm more skeptical of the tenets of the society. I see through them - and when you see through the illusion, you have to re-write your rules of engagement. Yet through it all I've learned to be more compassionate and patient.
  19. @Pioneer1 Your arguments are inferior. You've presented a false dichotomy and I haven't the time nor desire to refute each. I'll just use your argument against you. 74 million people voted against 45* ,in the last election. 63+ million voted for him. The minority decided who is sitting in the oval office today. Those you believe, are the current minority, those who chose to pull themselves out of the "average" pool, now control the fate of the average. The "minority" of above-the-average people decide how much your time is worth per hour. The minority of above-the-average people decide if they will hire you for a job. The minority of above-the-average people decide where you will live, what clothes you wear, what you eat and what kind of health care you deserve. And you ask, How can the majority of ANY population be wrong???? They can't be wrong. They don't decide a damn thing. Now you can continue to excuse people for remaining average. Citing all the things that are keeping them average - or you can look to the people living in the same society under the same conditions and follow their lead to success. Because trust, the "minority" of above-the-average people aren't going to decide to change society so it will ease the pressures on folks too lazy to determine their own strengths. But then again maybe pounding the drums for mediocrity is to help you remain atop the heap of the company you keep. Only you know your reasons. In the interim, the "minority "of above-the-average people who pulled themselves out of the "average" pile will continue to decide your fate and the fate of those who you continue to excuse for being mediocre. Case-in-point, policymakers have been telling the masses since before the 90s, those high paying jobs are not coming back. Reagan said as much in the 80s. So, when Democratic Presidential candidate Obama, another one in the minority of those above-the-average folks, who came after the dotcom bust and its resurgence, gently told those in attendance, those jobs are not coming back, did they not believe him? President Obama came after the fall of the Auto-industry and bailed it out and when it returned it went high-tech. Yet, someone was still asking about jobs that left before the turn of the century? Yes, thank you for proving my point. Remaining average is a choice. President Obama was not the savior but he attempted to provide educational opportunities for the future generations and did. (I already posted that black women are now the most educated in America) But even Jesus couldn't save those too lazy to educate themselves about their own talents and innate power. Hmm, was it the majority or minority that even crucified him for trying? But you seem to think cheerleading black women who provide sex to dead-from-the-neck-on-up men will raise up the black community. Ain't nobody got to time to for those whom won't help himself.
  20. @richardmurrayOk. I have those too. I think it's because I started my blog on this site after Troy did an upgrade.
  21. @Delano The way, @Pioneer1 broke it down - support for "good" black men has nothing to do with one-on-one relationships If he were speaking about intimate black on black relationships - I would have simply liked the post and kept on moving. He mentioned women were cheer leaders and for "money making women to forgo shoes and slide a "good" black man money for speaking out against racism... Let me go copy what he wrote.." "We need BLACK Sarah Palins who are in love with strong Black men and willing to get behind Black men who are actually protecting the community and their families. We need Black women who are CHEER LEADERS for masculine Black men instead of Black women who praise Tupac and the neighborhood criminals. Women are the cheerleaders. Whenever you want a group of men to accomplish something, just hire a group of women to cheer them on and tell them how sexy they are when they do it and you'll see men perform superhuman feats! But it can also work the opposite way. If you want to drag a community down to the level of a beast, just find a way to condition the women of that society to like it that way and the men will do their best competiting with eachother to keep it in that savage condition. I believe the Black community would be FAR more advanced if Black women collectively would take the love and respect that they heap on criminals, clowns, and homosexual Black men.....and concentrate it on Black men who are actually making a difference in our community * * * Simple......1. When you see Black men take bold stands against racism whether at school or at work or in the community....VERBALLY praise him IN PUBLIC.Especially infront of White people.Let the public know that you support these type of men and let other Black people know it too.That will encourage more Black men to take stands if only to get the praise for it.2. HAVE SEX with Black men who are taking stands against racism or injustice.Again, leave the altrusitic bullshit with the Whites who originated it.Most Black men like women.....sex.A lot of women don't like the idea of showing appreciation to a man who is fighitng police brutality or mentoring her child or even life-coaching younger men.....rewarding him with sex.They feel he should be doing these things out of the goodness of his own heart.But most of what men do they do for sex and money and if offering that "good brother" on your block a little sum'sum will keep him fighitng for the community....it's worth it.3. OFFER FINANCIAL SUPPORT to Black men who are positive and doing things in the community.If you're making tons of money and have some to spare, instead of putting it in shoes just hand the brother an evelope and say, "Thank you for what you're doing in the community".A lot of Black men who are active in fighting racism and injustice don't hold steady jobs because his attitude won't let him. Many strong masculine Black men are seen as threatening and kept out of the work force and are struggling financially.If you see this, help him out.But one of the biggest things is the PUBLIC show of support.Like I said before, women are the cheerleaders and much of what men do they do to get praise from and impress women.If they don't feel that fighting for the community or being strong or even supporting their women will get them praise, attention, or sex....they aren't gonna do it.
  22. Oh it's there... I just don't have a clue how to use it. I'll be back with a photo. But I do agree with you - it isn't necessary.
  23. Thank you @richardmurray - I'm writing right now too - maybe we can come up with something together. Hold off for now and finish your book. I'll send you a message to check with you on your schedule. I know what it's like to juggle so many projects.
  24. @Pioneer1 Yes, I believe EVERYONE is born with strengths and talents. Mine is being able to recognize those strengths and talents in others. We all have our reasons why we seek out the people we find in life. Maybe you seek out people who are lost to help them. Or maybe you seek out "average" people to exploit their vulnerabilities. We all operate on a wavelength that keeps us comfortable and allows us to achieve our internal and external goals. So If I am out of touch, it's a place I choose to be- because I will never seek mediocrity. It's my intention to look up to people. My comfort zone IS intellectual discomfort. I don't ever want to be the smartest one in the room (or in this case on the discussion board.) I seek out people who share wisdom. The definition of wisdom is "knowledge into action". Aside: Here, I learn so much from @Cynique Her words, wisdom and life story are proof positive that black women can rise above any barrier set for us in any era. I hang on every word that she writes because her eloquence in relating her experience is a treasure... You may not know this but it's not @Troy 's academic degrees that make him wise...(whether he exercises it daily -<snark>) - he has complete mind-body control ... Ask Troy about his days as a champion gymnast and swimmer. Whatever Troy puts his mind to he accomplishes... He could actually write the book on "how to operate your earth suit". @Del 's world (and multi-dimensional) view is enough for me to run to the board whenever I see his name pop up. I want to know what he is revealed because I'm sure it will trigger my Aether experience. I can then be reminded that the reality of this world isn't all there is to life. @richardmurray Doesn't comment much on the discussion boards but if you read his works and his profile comments you'll immediately see he exercises his creativity without wondering if it's appreciated. (by the way, yes it is. I marvel out your Je ne sais quoi - you remind me of a world traveler) @harry brown always seems to put into prose highlights of current events that antagonize the black community. I may not like it but I'm challenged by it. And even @Xeon and you Pioneer have the courage to speak the conviction of beliefs without trepidation on this board. Not sure of your waking life since you both hide under the cloak of anonymity here. Still speaking your beliefs is a virtue. But I digress. As you have indicated, since you look for people to prove your point you will find them As long as I look for people to prove my point I will meet them and I do. I don't look for people so I can say "people are average"... I look for people using all their strengths to achieve - so I can move forward with the confidence that anything is possible with this life. I no longer need to see it, though, it's a firmly entrenched belief. The beauty of my life is I've passed on my ability to seek greatness in self and others to my daughters and other young people I have had a chance to mentor. Therefore, I've created a new group of people who seek to find the best in others and in themselves. So, enjoy the world you create while continuing to seek cheer-leading black women and sexual support for black men who choose to wallow in mediocrity. I'll continue to be out of touch and inspire (from the latin word inspirare which means to breathe life into) all the young people I come in contact looking for the best out of life. By the way, my youngest daughter asked her 20-something-year-old-entrepreneurial-no-degree-having-job-creating--six-figure-earning-ready-to-franchise-car repair shops-nationally-friend, if he needed the support of black women (or any woman) to do his thing . He said that's not needed, only the support of the woman he's in a relationship with...and even that's not required. He did say what would make black men great is the support and mentoring of OTHER BLACK MEN. Out of the mouths of babes... Thank goodness he's the future.
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