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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Pioneer arguments aren't easily clarified. He isn't a conceptual thinker he's more experiencial. Although i suggested he look up the word oligarchy. You may not have noticed but usually my comments are a rebuttal to a statement Troy is making. I also corrected something you wrote about McCain that was inaccurate. I also don't correct. Mel because she is well informed. In the past i questioned K2 but feel no need to respond to any of his statements. I think Troy is more receptive or likely to change his mind. Than anyone else including myself.
  2. There's economic and political systems. I believe Switzerland is a democracy. Pioneer you may want to look up the definition of oligarchy.
  3. Aretha Franklin killed it when she sung natural woman Carol King wrote it I believe. She was in as were the Obamas. I have heard her struggle to hur notes but not in that performance. From 2015 McCain left his model wife after his release from a POW camp. Sge had an accident was two inches shorter. He cheated on her and eventually left her for an heiress 19 years his junior. His former wife had a child kd with him and two from a previous relationship.
  4. The McCain causing 100's sounds untrue. Any sources. I saw someone post that on Facebook yet i couldn't find any evidence of its Veracity. If it were true there eoukd at least have been a trial.
  5. When you say the ends justify the means. That's a point of difference. Its not always clear ehen you are using hyperbole or being ironic.
  6. Yes Trump is the symptom. He is playing his part. America is going to look at itself honestly. Trump is about self interest and is a brilliant marketer. He knows what his market wants. He has changed the tax code to favour the wealthy. And has appointed more conservative judges than any other president. He did that with the backing and support of congress.
  7. Another point of difference. I am not the one ranting and startting post about Google. Amd then enriching them. I have principles. @Troy
  8. https://www.forbes.com/sites/petergeorgescu/2018/08/22/americas-real-economy-it-isnt-booming/#6ff68f260b77 https://www.forbes.com/sites/petergeorgescu/2018/08/22/americas-real-economy-it-isnt-booming/#6ff68f260b77
  9. https://www.businessinsider.com/major-study-finds-that-the-us-is-an-oligarchy-2014-4?IR=T
  10. Okay i have twisted your words. But how many hit and runs have you done?
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-white-house-counsel-donald-mcgahn-will-leave-his-job-in-the-fall/2018/08/29/f56828be-ab98-11e8-a8d7-0f63ab8b1370_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.1b5825c24acc Good article. Trump values loyalty and is increasingly isolated. He fired a person who brought some stability ti the White House.
  12. By that logic his friends are your friends. Are yiu going to be another BlacKkKlansman? You also have to hate yourself since you profit off Google.
  13. You're being condescending however i knew that you wouldn't respond. Troy you are a monologist and i don't do dialogues that are monologues. You make a statement about Toni Morrison's wealth and provide no proof. And then sau you're content eith your answer. That's how you roll. You don't mind making unfounded statements nor do you attempt to find out any more information. You are being arrogantly ignorant. Impressive. @Troy
  14. Troy can you respond to the following : You make a statement and offer no evidence. Post an estimate any estimate then we can debate your statements. I reckoned that Terry made more from her movie royalties. Toni had critical acclaim, Terry has commercial acclaim. That's why I said Terry was worth more. Demonstrate your superior Internet skills. Or do you not have the time to support your claim. Troy first you say I read it then you said I didn't. Can you explain how you have the opposite position. Sometimes I read books that are difficult. However the reward has to justify the effort. Note certain how an almost 50% difference is the same. If you can numbers that show Tonight made more I will change my mind and concede the point. But you will have some reason not to check. And will spend more time arguing than it takes to check the validity or fallacy of your position. I look forward to you proving me wrong.
  15. Does that mean that everyone who wore an Malcolm X T-shirt are conscious. What about White people wearing Locks. Sometimes a hair stye is just stylish hair. Afros and long hair at one point were significant.
  16. Why oppressed people oppress people. Or Who wants to be a dick tater. Its a great expostion however it stikk comes down to judging what's right or wrong . That being said i am more comfortable with everyone deciding what works for them.
  17. That's the reason. Why dismiss the two sites as specious do you have more accurate numbers. Saying Toni Morrison is not a children's book and i could appreciate it if i made the effort(sounds like you are calling me a lazy reader). Even in your rebuttal you are making disparaging comments. Without any supporting evidence. Are you Trumping me.? Why ask me, when i tell you my reason, you say that isnt it.
  18. Ah Troy what you perceive and what i I perceive are different. I have made a few statements that you have not addressed. You will ignore questions and be adamant about having yours answered. What would you call that
  19. Troy you don't seem patient. And you conflate disagreement with misunderstanding. I am aware of power dynamics elitism and snobbery. Which I feel all inform or create various feelings of unearned entitlements.
  20. Toni Morrison has a book on race and beauty. Here's the interview. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/apr/25/toni-morrison-books-interview-god-help-the-child
  21. Troy The places you'll go oh is deep and it is Dr Seuss. Troy but it is a book for children. Tell people that Dr Seuss is your favourite author at your next expo. Then tell me your response. Troy you have a comprehension problem. Your statement is condescending to me not books. I also think some of your comments are chauvinistic. Perhaps I am being contrary but Beloved left me so underwhelmed I won't read her work. I recall her and Alice Walker dismissing Terry McMillan. Toni has the two highest literary prizes but Terry got the cash.
  22. Interesting that my response elicited a question from Troy. Mel and Cynique laughed and responded. Troy why ask a man what women want. A women needs three things food water and compliments. Chris Rock
  23. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/trump-news-google-search-results-twitter-rigged-us-president-a8510736.html Future presidents may have to take a psychological assessment.
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