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Everything posted by Delano

  1. my mistake we now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
  2. Trump's legal team has a new strategy , " Collusion is not a crime. " That came in July 31. And Manafort hado his first date in court.
  3. Yes but Troy is also successful. So sometimes it is not due to a gun.
  4. Elf hatred is an individual problem held by the group. Historically and currently true. @Chevdove et al the the above quote is within a quote . And as Troy and Cynique have stated it should be attributed to him. @Cynique @Troy
  5. Pioneer and K2 are not at each other because of racism but rather the effects of slavery. Troy how has dominating the world helped insecure white guys. This system doesn't even work for white people. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain were both successful. I am not make light of depression. Don Cornelius also committed suicide. Having no money or not enough creates problems having a lot doesn't fix self worth disconnection or dissatisfaction. Not certain if this will be understood.
  6. I see this as a bigger impediment. The most effective prisons are of the mind.
  7. Gödel also proved that if a system of axioms is coherent, this coherence cannot be proven using those same axioms. In other words a mathematical theory cannot be proven mathematically.
  8. OK what event would signal his time is getting short?
  9. There is enough Black on Black grime to render any panacea ineffective. Black on black self loathing and hatred of their collective blackness. Wealth didn't prevent the massacre of Black Wall Street it probably exacerbated the underlying envy. The flip side of domination is insecurity.
  10. Cynique I agree with everthing except the last line. Proactive awareness would be the opposite of a defense mechanism. This is the psychological definition Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that are unconsciously used to protect a person from anxiety arising from unacceptable thoughts or feelings.
  11. Emoluments, Daniels, Campaign Finance, Mueller, possible fraud, misappropriation of charitable donations, coercion, possible tax evasion, sexual assault and possibly treason. Sure you could be right none of this won't stick. So do you think July was a uneventful month for Trump, Trump said whatever I do as president is legal. Manafort and Cohen have trials.
  12. People can grow from abuse and heal themselves. However I don't see abuse as a positive thing for either the abused or the abuser.
  13. I think the word breeding shows the brutality. People were treated like animals. Both men and women were raped. I only found out recently male slaves were analy raped publicly.
  14. Have a read through the latest NEWS. Do you remember what happened to the other Teflon Don..?
  15. @Troy @Pioneer1 @Cynique July is shaping up nicely.
  16. Troy are you saying Blacks weren't bred in slavery? @Troy
  17. it can be used to rationalise abuse. Like the following : . If it wasn't for slavery Black music wouldn't be so soulful. Nor would they be some dominant in sports if they had more economic activity and weren't bred for work. That wasn't my point however Blacks were bred in Slavery.
  18. People can heal and grow from abuse. And become stronger or whole. Unless you fell that growth wouldn't happen without abuse. However I am not prepared to take that position. Since it can be used to rationalise abuse. If it wasn't for slavery Black music wouldn't be so soulful. Nor would they be some dominant in sports if they had more economic activity and weren't bred for work.
  19. Nancy Cunard was one of the wealthiest women in the world and she was giving it away like it was dollar day. Most people that I have met that are into Non vanilla sex either think more or have more money than the average person. Key parties and wife swapping was a thoroughly middle class suburban phenomenon. I once met a salesmen o a cross country who said he was in a small town and they were into wife swapping
  20. @Chevdove I would say this applies to everyone. There are various instances of people snapping like Michael Douglas in Falling Down. Who is shooting up the school. @Chevdove the truth is often offensive . I don't think being a victim is a strength either. I think of strength as a positive attribute. So I don't think abusers abused victims and bullies having traits aren't aspirational for me. Can you tell me or describe an abuse that you personally feel would be beneficial for you to undergo. I think all relationships are a negotiation. Which can be done either consciously unconsciously or not. In one of my first jobs out of University I told my boss that I was going to sign a report. I said I'll do the work but I won't sign it. She said fine. I told coworkers that story for years. A few said they didn't know they could say no. Our social system is sociopathic it is built on agression domination and theft. There are women that feel pressure to give a guy some of her takes her out for dinner. Then other women will go to dinner with a man they don't like for a free meal. There are women that will split the bill. And some that will pay either because they invited you or that's their thing. I used to hang out in New York night life. And I saw a few kept men and women both straight and homosexual. It appeared that the younger person was generally better looking more fit. That's a projection because it could be the younger person could have the money. I felt as though . you both got what the wanted or needed. I believe most decisions are subconscious or emotional. How many times has a friend told you their reasons and you think, naw that doesn't add up.
  21. People are invisible yet always accessible.
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