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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Or social intelligence. My partner said take it to a repair shop. I said sit opposite with a majority of your weight 180 degrees away from tbe missing leg and position your leg as the proxy chair leg. Or prop up the chair. So i tend to think mathematically, poetically or esoterically or intuition.
  2. Some people tend to think more analytically, while some are creative thinkers by nature. Is creativity an important skill for solving problems? In this lesson, we'll learn the differences between creative and analytical thinking and discover ways to nurture creative thinking. Consider this question: How many different arrangements can there be of the letters in the word cat? How did you go about answering it? You probably either worked out the possibilities by hand (cat, cta, act, atc, tca, tac), or, if you've studied how to solve problems of combination and permutation in math class, you might have applied a mathematical formula called a factorial. Three factorial is equal to three, times two, times one, because any factorial is that number multiplied by all the numbers down to one (3! = 3 x 2 x 1). At any rate, this question has one correct answer: there are six possible arrangements of the three letters. People who are good at answering questions with a single correct answer are said to have high analytical intelligence. Now consider this scenario: you want to sit at a given table, but the only available chair at the table is broken; the chair only has three legs. What can you do with the broken chair to be able to sit at the table? How did you go about answering this question? How many possible solutions did you imagine? Unlike our first question, this second one has no single 'correct' answer. Maybe you'd find something to serve as the fourth leg, or otherwise repair the chair. Maybe you'd prop the chair against a leg of the table to help stabilize it in some way. Maybe you'd move the broken chair out of the way, and pull up something else to sit on. Coming up with multiple solutions to a single problem is known as divergent thinking. Divergent thinking has been linked to creativity, or the ability to come up with new and valuable ideas. Although some psychologists have argued that IQ tests focus too much on analytical intelligence and ignore creativity, people who score well on intelligence tests tend do well on tests that are specifically designed to assess creativity.
  3. Pioneer how are you making global statements about marriage? When by your own admission your relationship tend to be short term?
  4. Critical thinking is a term that we hear a lot, but many people don't really stop to think about what it means or how to use it. This lesson will tell you exactly what it means and make you realize that the average person largely ignores critical thinking. Critical Thinking Defined Critical thinking means making reasoned judgments that are logical and well-thought out. It is a way of thinking in which you don't simply accept all arguments and conclusions you are exposed to but rather have an attitude involving questioning such arguments and conclusions. It requires wanting to see what evidence is involved to support a particular argument or conclusion. People who use critical thinking are the ones who say things such as, 'How do you know that? Is this conclusion based on evidence or gut feelings?' and 'Are there alternative possibilities when given new pieces of information?' Additionally, critical thinking can be divided into the following three core skills: Curiosity is the desire to learn more information and seek evidence as well as being open to new ideas.Skepticism involves having a healthy questioning attitude about new information that you are exposed to and not blindly believing everything everyone tells you.Finally, humility is the ability to admit that your opinions and ideas are wrong when faced with new convincing evidence that states otherwise.Using Critical Thinking Skills
  5. Cynique that is on the money. Troy I find the role reversal interesting. This time I am talking about the practicality of my relationships. While you are talking generally and in theory.
  6. Troy and Mel I think the real problem is people generally aren't taught critical thinking.
  7. I don't believe in climate change because I did a statiscal analysis. But then , had to see what drives weather and the different ways of taking yempetature. That's an informed opinion. Adopting someone else's opinion without any critical thinking is not informed. Yet uninformed people will argue and ridicule me. Even after I make suggestions so they can see it is a fiction. Not one detractor made any effort to check any of said suggestions. So if don't argue or discuss it. Mel and Cynique are reporters. They have a position then check the validity of that statement. Even when i disagree I feel as though we cunderstand each other's point. If I disagree with you and Pioneer I don't gey that same sense. The difference though is you seem more open to changing your mind. Information to me is data that is rationally critiqued. Or compared snd contrasted. The only rational religious opinion is agnostic. A little thinking or a lot will reveal the verity of the aforementioned statement.
  8. Just because you put a down payment on love, doesn't mean I should mortgage my soul. - Del Strachen
  9. @Troy yeah stoke the fires. Books are one of the slowest ways to make money unless there's a movie deal.
  10. There's a difference betwen having an opinion and an informed opinion.
  11. I don't believe anyone has the right to make global judgements. Which is why I avoid jury duty. As a kid i was bullied by White kids. And until I had more positive experiences I was prejudiced. I remember Richard Pryor joking about the difference between Black and White people. And he said Italians were a bit different. I find judgemental people more likely to aligned with hatred and prejudice than open minded people. Thanks twin , thats why we're twins. Although Cynique saw it. And Pioneer derides it. This site is Troy's labour of love. Some of Troy's comments fall somewhere on the sexist scale. Although i dont think HE is a misogynist or hidden homosexual homophobe. I will mention a couple of instances that underly that knowing bit across the racial divide. Mel my big thing was I don't control you and you don't control me. A lot ofWomen not just Black Women can't manage that very well.
  12. Both Farrakan and Obama are constrained by their roles. Neither are free agents.
  13. I would say there are more difference within than between the races.
  14. Obama cried about kids getting shot. And he was callled weak
  15. @Troy i have friends from across the globe. I have gone out with African, Dominican, European, Australian, Austrian and Nordic. I think you can ask the question in reverse. Why are Black women less intersted in a nerdy, thinking, democratic guy who likes to dance. I think about this because when i was younger i didn't like brothers who dated non Black. I think the main reason is that I am too laid back. Plus I'm idiosyncractic. I'm pretty democratic with looks and weight.there's got to be a vibe. People used ti ask me what is my type. My response was a woman with that indescribable thing. I went out with a dark skin sister that was 5'5" and 95 pounds and a light skin sister that was almost double that weight. I guess for me i used to pick women the same way i picked friends. Interest. When i was younger I was into clubbing and the artsy fartsy crowd. If i was in Atlanta i probably woyld have dated more sisters.
  16. My mother asked me why i don't date more black women. A few years later it became how come you don't date American women. I am not certain you can say all Spanish women are fiery. Or that all White Women are passive. Tiger Woods ex wife is Nordic and she wasn't going for it.
  17. Troy what statement have a made about Farrakan that gives you this.
  18. No Pioneer you stated that Ballet is dancing for Whites. However I am retiring from dual monologues.
  19. So is Farakkan playing the Violin for White Folks or Black Folks. In your mind how can you not question Farrakan playing classical violin?!?
  20. @Troy you misread me. I am not saying he's a sellout because of the concerto. It just seems a bit inconsistent with his rhetoric. Pioneer was stating that black ballet performers wantes the approval pf whites. So i have been waiting to see what he has to say. Snoop lost his relevance whem he was raping inKaty Perry's candy land video. To me sellouts are profiting from Black misery and psychopathology. I found ot interesting how when rappers went to court they put on suits . A lot of rappers are sellouts. Because they are putting on an unconscious coon show for suburban white kids. Cats have twitter beef. Is that keeping it real.
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