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Everything posted by Delano

  1. The Meryl Streep speech reminds me of the Madonna Speech. Both woman are part of an two elite groups. Millionaires and Celebrities. Celebrities are our royalty. Celeberity worship is not new. I bet you can name more celebrities from one decade than politicians in any 100 year period. Babe Ruth justified making more money than the President of The U.S. by saying that he had a better year than the President. Can you name a movie where Meryl Streep had black co star. There was an article about when will the disenfranchised white male voter realise that Trump sold them out. What about the othe disenfranchised people. Donald Trump wants to be noticed and maybe even Loved and respected by the public. That's not likely to happen. Since he is not a likeable guy. In my mins eye I can see his son Barron asking him some brutally honest questions, that Trump won't have answers. And on that day Donald Trump will be a broken man. Trump is the most important President ever, and his rhetoric will spawn unlikely alliances.
  2. I am not sure how boycotting Trump make a difference.
  3. Happy New Year. Pioneer. Troy Cynique. Look forward to some interesting dialogue in the future
  4. give up feeling of superiority for equality not likely, without a huge amount of pain
  5. Don't be so sure people will turn on him. Belief seems to trump Truth.
  6. I said Trump would win. Feudlism will be back now that VirtualReality is here. Enjoy the ride. You will see large scale Global Geopolitico changes from now until November 2024.
  7. yeah it doesn't look orderly
  8. Trump is going to turn on all the people who backed him. . He will be the most important President in our lifetime. is divisiveness will force people together. He is signalling a major shift. I reckon the next President will be under 50 years old maybe even 40. Troy we are in agreement that Trump is the President America deserves. He is us.
  9. The question is which Donald Trump will be leading the country. I'd he takes a more conciliatory position then he may be lose his supporters. While his detractors may not believe In the new Donald Trump
  10. It was and still is easier being a Dad than the husband role. Children just want attention and some guidance. Thanks Cynique.
  11. Pioneer you know the answer to that question
  12. It's an interesting way to meet people.
  13. Even in sports weaker teams get the best draft choices for new players. So you need not exterminate the weak. If you substituted handicap for color the question is easier to answer. What the competent do to the incompetent speaks volumes.
  14. Living in the other hemisphere online or large phone bill or trips to the post office. Troy do you think we have talked more about idea in person.
  15. What annoys me is people that think they are smarter than me. That don't understand basic concepts, and use expert opinions yet not grasping opinion.
  16. Oddly our relatiionship has gone in the other direction. And has become virtual
  17. Donald Trump unlike Hillary is his own man. Which is partally why the Republicans don't like him.
  18. Do you see the Genius oF Cinco de Mayo, he has insulted Mexicans in what almost appears to be a compliment. Trump is a Marketing Genius. Don't forget he is really good at Promotion. Think about it can you tell me what business he owns, maybe, maybe not but you know the Apprentice and You're fired even if you never saw the show. He is a combination of George Bush Ronald Reagan and Ross Perot. He will win because people will vote for him because he is at their level. Clinton is too intelligent too savvy and seems like a power hungry guy, that has a string of dead bodies behind her. Bernie sounds like a dope smoking socialist, which sounds too much like a communist. Sorry about that Troy
  19. www.rollingstone.com/music/news/afrika-bambaataa-calls-sexual-abuse-claims-baseless-and-cowardly-20160412
  20. White Supremacy has to be dismantled by Whites. since they created and gave it agency. No amount òf achievement will counter act Of hire Supremacy because it is not rational. It's belief in a self perpetuating fiction.
  21. Cynique that's à tight piece of writing. The difference between the greedy power obsessed and your average person is opportunity. So what you are talking about is more power for the group, that you are a member, and by extension your crew. Which is generally the way. The rebels get corrupted.
  22. First we have to define the scope structure frame of the problem.
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